« Skylark - Divine Gates III »
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1 | Intro 00:35
 | 2 | The Scream 06:24
 | 3 | Soul of the Warrior 05:48
 | 4 | Dying Inside 04:00
 | 5 | Hurricane 01:35
 | 6 | Believe in Love 05:46
 | 7 | All Is Wrong 06:17
 | 8 | Time 03:46
 | 9 | The Heaven Church (new version) 04:17
 | 10 | A Story Not to Tell 05:26
 | 11 | Mt. Fuji (electric version) 04:08
 | 12 | Mt. Fuji (acoustic version) 05:02
 | | Total playing time: 53:04 |
   Kiara - Lead Vocals
Fabrizio "Pota" Romani - Guitars
Roberto "Brodo" Potenti - Bass
Eddy Antonini - Keyboards, Piano, Harpsichord |
May 23rd, 2007 |
 | 1. Intro
[Captain of the Warriors:] But it wasn't a hero, It was just like Belzebu.
[Princess of the Snow:] He didn't fight for freedom,
[Captain of the Warriors:] He didn't fight for Mankind.
[Princess of the Snow:] He only looked for glory,
[Captain of the Warriors:] For lust, for Supremacy |
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 Пел, помнится, в далёких 80-х Юрий Шевчук такие язвительные строчки:
«Они играют жёсткий рок, а мы свои большие уши
развесив в розовом бреду
у всей планеты на виду терзаем «Верасами» души».
Знал бы уважаемый Юрий Батькович, какого «жёсткого рока» доведётся мне наслушаться на днях, может, и не был бы столь категоричен в оценках. Наша «малиновка» всяким итальянским «жаворонкам» утрёт клювы по полной — и драйву в ней поболее, и мелодика оригинальней. Слушая же новый опус симфо-павер-ВИА “Skylark”, всерьёз начинаешь верить в то, что итальянский пауэр произошёл от Аль Бано и Рамины, которые собственно тоже Пауэр и есть. На новом альбоме женским вокалом начинает настораживать уже первая вещь, хотя она, как и полагается «открывашке», более-менее выделяется по части мелодизма. Следующий трек со смешным названием «Душа воина» просто вопиюще попсов и приторен. Всё дальнейшее прослушивание также напоминает чаепитие с пятью ложками сахара на стакан. Своей сладкоголосой подруге периодически помогает не менее мажорно настроенный юноша, что изрядно усиливает угнетение центральной нервной системы. Захватывающие клавишные пассажи, ранее выделявшие группу среди себе подобных, почти полностью сосредоточены в инструменталке “Hurricane”, на остальном материале роль синтезатора наукой пока не изучена. Другие инструменты тоже в основном, как мне показалось, для отчётности, нежели для серьёзных аранжировочных достижений. Конечно, авторов можно понять — жёны-стервы, детей мал мала, самим кушать хочется, а все деньги из Италии увёз украинский футболист Шевченко. Приходится сочинять подобное, авось где-нибудь в Японии съедят и добавки попросят. А вот и песенка про гору Фудзи — налетай, пробуй, честной японский народ! Да ещё и в двух вариантах — акустика для лирично настроенных гейш и бодрячок для истинных самураев. Но, видимо, что японцу хорошо, то русскому — слишком хорошо. Увы, не могу я оценить старания этих борцов с Бельзебубом, их воины плюшевые, а мечами с обложки только бабочек от капусты отгонять в жаркий июньский полдень. Или «рубить капусту» в Стране Восходящего Солнца. |
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Альбом, конечно, не без недостатков, например, к ним можно отнести голос вокалистки, не претендующий на оперность, а также на какие-то вокальные высоты, но, тем не менее, достаточно неплохой и весьма органично вписывающийся в музыку данного коллектива (хотя сравнивать девушку и предыдущего певца в части вокальных данных не берусь). Симфонические аранжировки не дотягивают, мягко говоря, до уровня Rhapsody, гитарных чудес тоже не слышно, но тем не менее, это звучит. Может быть, несколько слащаво и слишком позитивно, но все-таки звучит. К тому же, это же пауэр-метал, поэтому некоторая сопливость тоже должна иметь место, хотя в данном случае это не идет на пользу альбому и делает его в каком-то смысле фоновым. Из песен могу отметить оба варианта "Mt. Fuji", "Soul of the Warrior" и балладу "Believe in Love". В результате получился весьма приятный альбом, хоть и идущий строго под соответствующее настроение и несколько более фоновый нежели ранние работы. |
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просмотров: 7649 |
[Princess of the Snow:] And just for himself.
2. The Scream
[Princess of the Snow and Captain of the Warriors together:]
Fantasy, is just a word to fall in love.
Agony is what today affects our soul.
[Princess of the Snow:]
There's no White Warrior on our side, there are no chances to survive
We have just opened the Last Gate.
Not a Knight but just an evil disciple.
Not so White but Black as much as Belzebu.
[The Warriors:]
Run because it's coming Belzebu
[Princess of the Snow:]
He made a pact for vanity, searching the glory just for him,
this what is hidden in the Gate. So...
I scream for more, to change this day,
but now my time has come and gone,
and we can't win the game.
I scream for more, to stop this fall,
but now the evil seats so close and we can't free our soul,
so I scream alone.
We have fought in a battle with nothing to win,
and White Warrior, our Symbol, was only a dream.
Now the path that we are walking might lead to nowhere,
Only time can tell.
[Princess of the Snow and Captain of the Warriors together:]
Fantasy, is just a word to fall in love.
Agony is what today affects our soul.
[Princess of the Snow:]
Now we will sing so loud this song, but we don't know what we look for,
Making a step beyond the Gate. So...
3. Soul Of The Warrior
[Princess of the Snow:]
In a sweet world
I fight just for finding your hand
In your sweet mind
I don't know what's left to understand
Take me away now
I know we can still find a way
Take my pain now
I know I will never forget
[Spirit of the White Warrior and Princess of the Snow:]
Into this night I will fight for the answers
Invisible knight of fire
Riding the symbol, a magic adventure
With pleasure, sweet pain and my heart
[Princess of the Snow:] Take my hand tonight
Spirit of the White Warrior: My warrior
[Princess of the Snow:] Show me when you cry
Spirit of the White Warrior: With my sorrow
[Princess of the Snow:] Eternal fight is the only solution we don't find the meaning of love
[Princess of the Snow:]
In this sweet world
My warrior you're fighting tonight
In your sweet mind
I know now the way to go there
Take me away now
Please save me from sorrow and pain
Take my pain now
I know I will never regret
Come to me, save my soul
Take my soul tonight
4. Dying Inside
[Princess of the Snow:]
Runaway because the time has come
and I just want to scream inside my deepest terror
Runaway because the plot has done and all is left to do is Dying Inside.
I don't know what is the way to take what is the God to pray
What is the dream to follow
I just know that fantasy has turned that innocence has gone
To another World.
Runaway, because the world has changed
Because there's nothing here to risk your life and honor.
Use your brain, try to protect your soul, try to forget the sword, just Die Inside
When the World's falling down, when the Dark takes this town
You can scream or cry.
When your Shade grabs the light, there is no compromise
You can say goodbye.
There is nothing to lose or to gain, there is nothing to save here tonight
When you're Dying Inside
[Captain of the Warriors:]
Runaway because the time has come
and I just want to scream inside my deepest terror
[Princess of the Snow and the Warriors together:]
Runaway because the plot has done and all is left to do is Dying Inside.
5. Believe In Love
[Princess of the Snow:]
It's not a crime to lock the door, it's not a crime to fall in love,
It's not a crime to step behind, it's not a crime, it's not a crime.
It's not a crime to play a game, it's not a crime to light a flame,
it's not a choice to break the line, it's not a Hell it's not a crime.
But I, I can't share the tears in your Eyes. And I, I can't see the Sun cause I'm blind.
It's not a crime to have some fun, It's not a crime to leave the gun,
It's not a crime to change your mind, it's not a crime it's not a crime.
Help me, Leave me, Touch me, Kill me softly in this darkest night.
Cause I, I can't move myself in this Town,
Cause I, I am I looking for something around, if there's nothing real to find,
If there is no Dawn in my sight, But the Heaven maybe is mine.
Cause I, yes I don't believe in Love, on a drop that starts its fall,
On a tear to lift me higher, when our walking seems on fire, I carry on.
It's not a crime to fight alone, to hold a dream that won't go on,
and if you can't control your mood, it's not so bad, it's not so good.
Hold me, Find me, Lead me, Guide me, strongly all along this Path.
Help me, Feel me, Love me, Heal me, Touch me just to wake me up.
Cause I, I can't leave my heart in this Town.
But I, I can't search for the way to get out, if there's nothing real to find,
If there is no goal in my mind, lost in the Shade of the blind.
Cause I, yes I don't believe in Love, on a drop that starts its fall,
On a tear to lift me higher, when our walking seems on fire, I carry on.
I, yes I don't believe in Love, I wont' answer to this call,
I locked up my worst obsession, in a box with my sensations, to carry on.
I don't know why the Stars don't want to fall,
I don't know why the Sun don't wanna shine.
All I want is one more reason like a warning,
God, Just give me one more try. God, please give me one more try.
6. All Is Wrong
[The Guardian of the third Gate:]
I thought it was different, I thought it was mine.
[Princess of the Snow:]
I thought it was Fire, I think I was blind.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:]
The Sky that surrounds us is turning to Gray.
[Princess of the Snow:]
We've wasted our time, there is no mistake.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Sometimes Wrong
[Princess of the Snow:] Deep inside my evil thoughts
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Something wrong
[Princess of the Snow:] All around the Holy Cross
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Yes so Wrong
[Princess of the Snow:] Yes, so wrong and my soul can't bear too long
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] All is Wrong.
[Princess of the Snow:] This is the Gate of nowhere, it's not a way to follow.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] It's not a door to erase our pain.
[Princess of the Snow:] This is the end of feelings, these are the evil ceilings.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] And we won't travel back this path.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Take away, my wounded Soul
[Princess of the Snow:] cause behind the curtain falls.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Once again…hope!
[Princess of the Snow:] Hope!
[Princess of the Snow:] That Something grabs our life, something still inside, stronger than our Love.
[The Guardian of the third Gate:] Something for the Pain, everlasting blame, try to stop our fall,
[Together:] But All is Wrong.
7. Time
[Princess of the Snow and the Oracle:]
Walking through the place where I belong
Listening to the heartbeat of my soul
Screaming like a bat out in the light
There a senseless fight around my life
It's time to go, looking for a better world
It's time to go, is the night to sing the song
It's time to go, far way from what I've done
It's time to go, it's time to pray, it's time to go
[Princess of the Snow and the Oracle:]
Choosing better cards and better lies
Running to another sweeter sound
Glancing at the Sky above your head
Catching the last chances that I met
8. The Heaven Church
[Princess of the Snow:]
The last night falls on my mind, I see Devil steps are behind
I'm feeling sure, in the arms of the church.
I want to escape from your gaze, I want to light our blaze
To warm my heart and to burn my old fears, …strong.
But now the Star is rising, we trust in more and more.
My Lord will light our fire, until we carry on.
There is a magic spirit that open up the gale:
This is the reason why I'll find my way.
The cross will sign the end of our darkness
Black spirits come inside the Heaven Church.
My sword can snatch the heart of the Black Angel
A hope can start we praise the Heaven Church.
The last night falls on my mind, the Devil's arms are behind:
I really want to protect our world.
Under the sweet Princess gaze, only a hope can remain…
All my desires will get our way, now.
So now the star is rising, I will follow his breeze
My Lord will light our fire to cure our black disease.
There is a simple prayer that we will cry along,
So now my voice is writing one more song.
The cross will sign the way to Paradise
My spirit goes to cure the Jesus soul.
There is no way to throw away our pleasure
We breathe, we love... into the Heaven Church.
9. A Story Not To Tell
[Princess of the Snow:]
Emptiness inside myself, fear comes from the heart.
Freezing winds are blowing from the North.
Hatred all around us now, pain is everywhere,
A decade of hopes is swept away.
Take my hand close your eyes and take my hand.
Try to smile if you can, don't give up on this end,
Jump forward, explore your fantasy, nothing more for me.
Fight until the end of time, was the bravest choice,
But we've lost our Faith, our energy.
Now the only thing to do is to fly away,
and forget the Mission we can't take.
Scan my soul, clear your mind scan your soul,
Look inside what is wrong, wicked sign now has done,
We have played a story not to tell,
This is our Farewell.
Try to forget the whole battle, this is the time when we lock the Gates.
I'll hide their Keys or destroy them, no one will make this mistake again.