The Dillinger Escape Plan
« Irony Is a Dead Scene »
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1 | Hollywood Squares 4:06
 | 2 | Pig Latin 3:31
 | 3 | When Good Dogs Do Bad Things 5:59
 | 4 | Come to Daddy (Aphex Twin cover) 4:21 |
   Mike Patton - vocals, percussion
Ben Weinman - guitars, keyboards
Brian Benoit - guitars
Adam Doll - keyboards, sampling
Chris Pennie - drums, percussion, keyboards |
 | 1. Hollywood Squares
Game over, you win.
Game over, I win.
The Sleigh bells are a-ringing, the children they are singing
The memories are fleeting, a little game of {Paper, Scissors, Rock}
The wedding Bells are ringing, the shotgun is a-singing
Now (?) your fingers steady, a little game  |
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 После выхода своего первого полноформатника «Calculating Infinity» и отставки вокалиста The Dillinger Escape Plan решили серьезно ударить по своим хардкоровым основам и взяться за разработку экспериментальных областей. Естественно, для таких, уже к тому времени прославленных, музыкантов нашлись соответствующие по харизме кадры, вернее кадр – человек-оркестр, фонтан экстравагантных идей и музыкальных шуток и пр. и пр. Майк Паттон. Сотрудничество безумных маткорщиков и Паттона вылилось в то, что хаос ломаных ритмов и сумасшедшие вопли в свою очередь перетекают в какую-то ритуальную музыку, то взывающую к медитации, то авангардно несерьезную. Паттон, естественно, дал развернуться своей самобытной вокальной манере: душераздирающий крик уже не так приоритетен – есть и вкрадчивое проговаривание текста, и сладкие песнопения, и мультяшные пассажи. В общих чертах, главная "фишка" этого EP – все еще сумасшедший, но как будто лучше структурированный и гораздо более металлически звучащий хардкор поминутно переходит во что-то авангардно сосредоточенное. По материалу: “Hollywood Squares” – самая экспансивная композиция, “Pig Latin” – самая эксцентричная, “When Good Dogs Do Bad Things” – наименее удавшаяся, как мне показалось, а “Come to Daddy” – самая смелая, высокоэкспериментальная обработка техно-хита Aphex-а Twin-а. Вывод: неожиданным и амбициозным коллаборациям быть! |
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просмотров: 10972 |
A lion tamer yelling, your first piano lesson
A 4--leaf contraceptive, we play a game of {Paper, Scissors, Rock}
A sweaty palm reading, a lucky shot of whiskey
Now come and rub my belly, a little game of {Paper, Scissors, Rock}
O's and X's
Hollywood Squares
X's and O's
Bloody Tic-Tac-Toe
Not in your song
I'm not your singer
Not in your poem
I'm not your stanza
I'm not a color in your rainbow
But now which team
Are you rooting for?
We're Hollywood Squares
We're going nowhere
I'm an' 'X'
You're an 'O'
And this is the end...
The End.
2. Pig Latin
Do you remember where you were on that day?
A day of life sentences and x-rays
My name was on that birthday cake
Your mother, your father, your brother, and the thing under the covers
Your lover, the others, the leeches, and the serpents and the suckers
Your mother, your father, the babies and the nurses and the doctors
Your lover, the others, the waiting room, the gurney and the druggers
Your mother, your father, the comas and the way the spirits hover
Your lover, the others, I thought I wasn't smart enough to suffer
Speaking pig latin
Kiss me goodnight
Dreaming white satin
Kiss me goodnight
Freedom---tying your legs down
Freedom---fucking your brains out
Freedom---blowing the candles out
Freedom---waving to the crowd
And I hate long goodbyes anyway...
3. When Good Dogs Do Bad Things
I'm the best you'll ever have
You're the best I'll never have
Here kitty kitty kitty
listen through the walls
the sound of quick footsteps sneaking down the hall
the pages turning
the leaky roof
the toilet flushing
numbers on the license plate
I'm nothing more than
The best you'll never have
A speck on your bedroom wall
A blood red waterfall
Your dead things are locked up inside
Blow smoke rings straight back in time
Roses floating out with the tide
Dance and sing under gunfire
Open wings slowly take flight...
Around these parts a fly can live---
A fly can live a thousand years
but a man cannot die soon enough, true enough
A smiling drunk nursing a glass of milk
A girl with a face like prison bread
Over the kitchen noise I hear them howl at me
A scabby ketchup bottle and a two-dollar bill
I guess its time to pay the bill, but you know I never will
I'm hungry still...
Mercy killing on the way
Never thought I'd hear you say
Falling to your knees and pray now...
In this crowded place I could swing a cat
And not even hit a soul...
It's just the lonely vacuum of human black holes
And I'm as dry as these thirsty trees
with big city thoughts in the dirty breeze...
promising to set me free
"waiter, check please..."
4. Come To Daddy
I want your soul. I will eat your soul. Come to Daddy.