« Solar Soul »
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1 | Solar Soul (3.44)
 | 2 | Promissed Land (3.58)
 | 3 | Slavocracy (3.31)
 | 4 | Western Ground (4.06)
 | 5 | On the Rise (3.51)
 | 6 | Alliance (3.41)
 | 7 | Suspended Time (3.44)
 | 8 | Valkyries' New Ride (3.54)
 | 9 | Ave (4.15)
 | 10 | Quasar Waves (3.37)
 | 11 | Architect (3.51)
 | 12 | Olympus (4.39) |
   Vorph: guitars&vocals
Xy: keyboards, drums and programming
Mas: Bass
Makro: guitar |
Produced by Waldemar Sorychta and Xy.
Recorded in summer/fall 2006 at The Cube,
Albertine and Roystone Studios.
Engineered by D-Teck and Stephane Loup.
Mixed by Stefan Glaumann at Toytown Studios,
Pro Tools assistant: Tor Ingvarsson.
Mastered by Henrik Jonsson at Masters of Audio,
Front cover and additional graphics by Patrick
Portraits by Edi Maurer.
Band picture by Petri de Pita taken at "Fondation
Pierre Giannadda", Switzerland.
Layouts by Carsten Drescher. |
 | 1. Solar Soul
Go if you want to know
what's behind those hills
Run if you want to catch
what's waiting there for you
Walk through another door
...on another floor
Learn how to get across
if you want to come through
Look for the missing link
between your dreams
and reality
find it, it |
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 Пятилетнее молчание корифеев блэк-метал сцены в промежутке между "Eternal" (1999) и "Reign of Light" (2004) настораживало не в шутку: наверняка, у вас были мысли, что после "RoL" Samael затихнет еще на полдесятилетия. Однако новый материал уже записан, и мы можем его пощупать, понюхать и даже лизнуть: а каков он на вкус?
А на вкус он, товарищи, удивителен.
Почему? Знаменитые экспериментаторы вернулись не только с двенадцатью новыми треками, но и с сюрпризом. Речь пойдет именно о сюрпризе.
"Solar Soul" практически лишен привычного блэкового (и даже по-самаэлевски блэкового) звучания. С первого трека и до конца альбом разит меланхолией и печалью, какой-то нечеловеческой пустотой; лучшие на альбоме песни ("Alliance" и "Architect") переполнены элементами готики и какого-то самоубийственного отчаяния. Благодаря этому лишь открывашка "Solar Soul" выделяется среди прочих мелодией, сыгранной в "старой" традиции Samael.
Но так ли важна смена жанра? Не важнее ли, что "Solar Soul" - это лучший материал в дискографии Samael и один из трех лучших дисков, которые я купил за всю жизнь? Да, "Olympus", "Quasar Waves" и "Ave" несколько уступают по интересности большинству других песен, но даже они не пройдут для вас незамеченными.
Помимо качества записи (в этот раз Samael выступают под лейблом Nuclear Blast, а эти парни всегда держат марку), альбом поражает мудростью и разнообразием. Философские "Solar Soul" и "Promissed Land", жутковатая "Slavocracy", великолепная "Western Ground" с элементами восточной музыки, жесткая "On The Rise", в которой отчаяние чередуется с оптимистическими вставками-предприпевьями; безнадега в лице "Alliance" ("5+" за фишку с размазыванием слова "Alliance" в припеве), за ней - своеобразное звуковое отражение песни "Slavocracy" под захватывающим названием "Suspended Time". "Valkyries New Ride" разит эпикой, "Quasar Waves" весьма интересна как умрачненная и утяжеленная версия "High Above" с предыдущего альбома. "Ave" более спокойна, чем остальные песни, что превращают ее в ту необходимую грань, на которой слушатель может расслабиться и немного перевести дух. В предпоследний трек, "Architect", невозможно не влюбиться, но комментировать его я не имею смелости. Его надо услышать и понять. "Architect" идеален, он просто не может звучать иначе, и за него одного я готов поставить альбому не меньше девяти баллов. "Olympus" не показался мне откровением, но у него стопроцентно найдутся свои почитатели.
При этом здесь нет бессмысленных песен - "Solar Soul" в этом плане напоминает хорошую книгу. Нестыдные тексты и проблематика, подкрепленные интересной музыкой. Грамотная работа, за которую было бы преступлением не поставить высокий балл. И не просто высокий - высший. |
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На этот раз порадовали ребята. Сильно порадовали. Присутствуют, наверное, все присущие классике Samael'я черты (классического со времени "Passage", 1996). И красиво обыгранные гитарные риффы, и электроники в меру... Но внимание хочется обратить на другое. Тексты. Вот они-то сильно отличаются от предыдущих альбомов. Я не о "Era One" и не о "L.I.N.M." Что - то есть такое, чего никогда не было. Приведу в пример "Promissed Land". Если не слушать песню, а читать текст (http://darklyrics.com/lyrics/samael/solarsoul.html#2 , перевод вот http://mwarloc.blogspot.com/2007/08/samael-solar-soul.html), то может показаться, что идея депрессивна. Если слушать музыку, но не слушать текст, то это в некотором смысле даже веселая музыка. По крайней мере, мажорных созвучий предостаточно. Но когда это переплетается... Мне до сих пор не очень понятно, как можно весело петь о недостижимости рая, да еще ссылаясь на проблемы личного восприятия. И это при полном отсутствии сатанизма и прочих антихристианских идей. Просто прелесть. Состояние напоминает
параноидальную легкую лихорадку. Нервный смех там, где смеяться не о чем. Короче, ребята превзошли себя. |
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Новый альбом данной команды подтвердил их мощное реноме. Я не слушал альбомы, предшествующие "Passage" (1996), но и черт с ними. Samael хороши. Очень хороши. По крайней мере, в музыкальном плане большинство тяжелых команд, плавающих в мэйнстриме, в подметки не годятся швейцарцам. "Solar Soul" получился мощным. Он был записан с Сорихтой значительно лучше предыдущих опусов, немного напоминает "Reign Of Light" (2004) и имеет заимствования, на мой взгляд, из "Passage", и очень "слушабельный", как "Eternal" (1999). Очень здорово! |
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просмотров: 43795 |
Push aside yesterday
push aside tomorrow
the only time is now
what we got is today
One nation-generation
Connecting people in a collective mind
Emergence - Renaissance
The world is in your hands don’t let it slip away
Ask and you're gonna get
wait and you'll see
lives more than we think
and way more than they say
yes we do believe
there's no ending to
what we've started once
it will go on and on
Team up with the best
trust in providence
...it will favour
your undertakings
Push aside yesterday
push aside tomorrow
the only time is now
what we got is today
One nation-generation
Connecting people in a collective mind
Emergence - Renaissance
the world is in your hands don’t let it slip away
2. Promised Land
Opening the circle avoiding the loop
linking patterns in a single group
expending our lives further than this world
widening our views, focusing our thoughts
Weightlessness of an unlocked mind
gliding above the world of thoughts
bypassing second-hand visions
aiming at the core of existence
ascertaining horizons
summarizing abstractions
constructing new foundations
with freshly found explanations
The quest is never-ending
but you keep on growing
paradise is at hand
you're born in, you're born with
but still searching for it
in your head is the promised land
Reaching greatness mirrored inside what's left unpeeled
extending knowledge to frontiers of understanding
converting doubt and hate into love and faith
ascending from within, accessing our realm
The quest is never-ending
but you keep on growing
paradise is at hand
you're born in, you're born with
but still searching for it
in your head is the promised land
Converting doubt and hate into love and faith
The quest is never-ending
but you keep on growing
paradise is at hand
you're born in, you're born with
but still searching for it
in your head is the promised land
3. Slavocracy
While so many will have to pay,
for just one man to stand his way,
we're something no one denies.
Primacy of one over others.
Is there nothing else 'cept consciousness?
We never want to make him real.
Haven't we all inside of us?
What makes a man what they won?
I wish that I could take you by the hand.
Lead you through blurry views
and give you access to your own self.
Between a seizure and nothing,
there are plenty of ways to be.
Life is full of differences
and so should be society.
Hope is a fuel we get for free.
Life, it demands security.
So why are those two always used
as if they were power tools?
I wish that I could take you by the hand.
Lead you through blurry views
and give you access to your own self.
Sleeping with eyes wide open,
while someone else is getting in charge.
To lead the way
in his own way.
I wish that I could take you by the hand.
Lead you through blurry views
and give you access to your own self.
I wish that I could take you by the hand.
Lead you through blurry views
and give you access to your own self.
4. Western Ground
September's sun welcomes you home
you've followed the road leading to new Rome
sky is open wide like father's arms
ship's sinking in your mother's tears
Dreaming of fortune as many before
having it all planned in the back of your mind
ready for some change, taking the challenge
of making today the steps of tomorrow
Ever rising hope's catching all the souls
taking them away on a trip far from home
in a big city, in a foreign land
learning life again
walking on the western ground
Souvenirs have their own language
distances aren't what they seem
When you're on your own you're never alone
phantoms of the past are still haunting the place
luck and success are paving the way
engaged in that path there's no turning back
Ever rising hope's catching all the souls
taking them away on a trip far from home
in a big city, in a foreign land
learning life again
walking on the western ground
5. On The Rise
On the rise, galvanized
on the way to the top every day that we drop
is a seed that we plant for the life that we want
it'll grow on our backs to keep us on the track
for if we wanna shine, we will need discipline
we're eager to learn and ready for our turn
Above the sky at the top of the world
close than we ever thought we could be
higher and higher heart filled with desire
perfect self-control with a sword as a soul
On the rise! With spirit of conquest
on the rise! On our way to be the best
On the rise, energized
breathing in gradually and rising to the source
breathing out steadily and capturing the force
Unified, electrified
ruling over nature of mankind
by having constancy and real peace of mind
Above the sky at the top of the world
closer than we ever thought we could be
beyond our most daring dreams
further than we ever thought we could go
Higher and higher heart filled with desire
perfect self-control with a sword as a soul
faster and faster, will sharp as a sabre
cutting through anything that's standing in our way
On the rise! With spirit of conquest
on the rise! On our way to be the best
Wider and wider filled up with power
On the rise! With spirit of conquest
on the rise! on our way to be the best
On the rise! With spirit of conquest
on the rise! On our way to be the best
6. Alliance
Not embedded in stone but engraved in our hearts
not written in a book but alive in our souls
behind the veil of life, beyond the look of eyes
fragmented in light but united in us
Alliance, alliance
Been around the world searching for something new
but much of what we've learned we already knew
in every country, in every city
the responsibility of our hegemony
Alliance - A contract of brotherhood
Alliance - An ark of flesh and blood
Wherever you go, wherever you stand
we'll never be apart, you'll never be alone
always by your side 'till the sun will be gone
Been around the world searching for something new
but much of what we've learned we already knew
in every spring, in every morning
you'll find the seed of upcoming glories
Wherever you go, wherever you stand
we'll never be apart, you'll never be alone
always by your side 'till the sun will be gone
Alliance - A contract of brotherhood
Alliance - An ark of flesh and blood
7. Suspended Time
A moment in time independent from the rest
a platform disconnected from formal ground
a life inside the life inconsequential but real
a parallel universe optional to this one
Wondering who can tell the truth
too far to one side takes you to the other side
I can tell you 'bout my own truth
too far one way takes you the other way
And I slip inside
a world in stand-by while life goes on
stop is a start in suspended time
whatever has been left behind
keep on feeding the suspended time
A possibility explored but not developed
a visited fantasy excluded from history
a personal snapshot or a private play
an alternative nest of living memory
Wondering who can tell the truth
too far to one side takes you to the other side
I can tell you 'bout my own truth
too far one way takes you the other way
And I slip inside
a world in stand-by while life goes on
stop is a start in suspended time
whatever has been left behind
keep on feeding the suspended time
A hyphen between you and I
between here and there
between in and out
between up and down
A world in stand-by while life goes on
stop is a start in suspended time
whatever has been left behind
keep on feeding the suspended time
8. Valkyries' New Ride
Silent screams sucking space out of a desert place
armies of wingless angels come crashing down
god's firework may entertain one side of his race
but surely those who die are, too, sons of his own
Bravery turns to slavery
war is the queen of inversion
lion's heart to hyena's horde
eagle's pride to vulture's prey
A blast lifts you in the air
enter the Valkyrie's new ride
thunder and lightning across your sky
now join the Valkyrie's new ride...ride!
It takes more than a shout for a tyrant to get down
face on the ground, dragged through the mud
he's still haunting the heart of Babylon
Bravery turns to slavery
war is the queen of inversion
lion's heart to hyena's horde
eagle's pride to vulture's prey
A blast lifts you in the air
enter the Valkyrie's new ride
thunder and lightning across your sky
now join the Valkyrie's new ride...ride!...fly high!
Action not reflection
questioning ain't obeying
questioning ain't obeying
a blast lifts you in the air
enter the Valkyrie's new ride
thunder and lightning across your sky
now join the Valkyrie's new ride...ride!...fly high!...ad infinitum!
9. Ave!
Paramount to every new start,
past is the fuel we'll burn to go on
fire in the head and peace in the heart
cores of our souls are ready to take on
Ave! Gloria! With you all around the world
Ave! Fortuna! The gold is calling for gold
On...yeah! On an ever rising goal...
reinforcing our plan multiplying the links
self-improvement, sempiternal growth
money's magnet diamonds and platinum
paving our roads and cementing the chinks
Tantamount to the art of climbing,
life is a trek that takes us higher
Panoramic view of understanding
Coalescence of spirit and matter
Ave! Gloria! With you all around the world
Ave! Fortuna! The gold is calling for gold
Isn't more a bit less on a different scale
add a step to the top and the top you've known
will come the bottom of a brand new stair
now marching on...yeah!
On...yeah! on an ever rising goal...
reinforcing our plan multiplying the links
self-improvement, sempiternal growth
money's magnet diamonds and platinum
paving our roads and cementing the chinks
10. Quasar Waves
Traveling at the speed of light
shining bright out of the darkest night
a chain of events meshed in a present
surfing on the waves
echoing the past
what traveled for ages
will be read at last
I guess something in me knew more than I could understand
maybe all that I waited for was waiting for me
Everything that I wish
is a wish from above
pulling the strings
controlling the path
the vibrations
and variations
Magic is the moment where you are what you wanted to be
surrounded by all those and all that you were dreaming of
Hey! hey! hey!
Now one with the force
that is governing life
Hey! hey! hey!
In love with the world
and full of energy (x2)
Everything that I wish
is a wish from above
Hey! hey! hey!
Now one with the force
that is governing life
Hey! hey! hey!
In love with the world
and full of energy [x2]
11. Architect
[Bonus Track]
Designing the plan that will be read and explained before anyone undertakes anything
Knowing how to work with volumes and lightning, with force and resistance
Re-arranging the foundation, transforming the construction
Outside the frame another frame
As waves modulate till the end
A sound, a light
Visions building their own means
Meanwhile they construct their own road
A will, a way
Calculating the distances, estimating the length
Predicting difficulties and providing facilities yeah
To capture a concept in a few strokes
To outline the project with a few words
Materialization of thought, pursuit of ideas
Understanding of space, unity of the whole
Designing the plan that will be read and explained before anyone undertakes anything
Outside the frame another frame
As waves modulate till the end
A sound, a light
Visions building their own means
Meanwhile they construct their own road
A will, a way
Knowing how to work with volumes and lightning, with force and resistance
Outside the frame another frame
As waves modulate till the end
A sound, a light
Visions building their own means
Meanwhile they construct their own road
A will, a way
12. Olympus
Starting at the right place, the right time
Growing strong, growing high
Piercing through the roof and standing a new ground
Growing strong, growing high
Crowned and enthroned making history
Rising above honour and victory
Pushing the top way higher
The horizon gets wider
Living a whole life every single day
Walking on golden way
Starting at the right place,the right time
Growing strong,growing high
Crowned and enthroned making history
Rising above honour and victory
Pushing the top way higher
The horizon gets wider
Living a whole life every single day
Walking on golden way
Pushing the top way higher
Pushing the top way higher
Pushing the top way higher
Pushing the top way higher