Yngwie Malmsteen
« Magnum Opus »
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1 | Vengeance
 | 2 | No Love Lost
 | 3 | Tomorrow's Gone
 | 4 | The Only One
 | 5 | I'd Die Without You
 | 6 | Overture 1622
 | 7 | Voodoo
 | 8 | Cross The Line
 | 9 | Time Will Tell
 | 10 | Fire In The Sky
 | 11 | Amberdawn
 | 12 | Cantabile |
   Yngwie Malmsteen: all electric and acoustic guitars, sitar, backing vocals
Michael Vescera: vocals
Mats Olausson: keyboards, backing vocals
Barry Sparks: bass
Shane Gaalaas: drums |
track by Malmsteen & Vescera
track by Malmsteen |
 | 1. Vengeance
Take what you want, the you'll get what you need
Isn't that all that we're teaching
Slowly but surely we're planting the seed
Hey listen, there's no use in preaching
All these years you've turned away
Nothing left to say
You haven't a clue
It's inside |
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 Вышедший в 1995 году восьмой по счету LP замечательного гитариста-виртуоза Ингви Мальмстина является, на мой взгляд, последним его абсолютным шедевром. Вообще, лично я обожаю все творчество Мальмстина до 1995 года. Дальнейший период у гитарного маэстро, как мне кажется, отчего-то не задался (после выпуска альбома кавер-версий “Inspiration” в 1996 году Ингви стал стремительно терять свои позиции), и последующие работы выходили какими-то блеклыми. Касательно данной пластинки – она идеальна во всех отношениях. Ингви умело сочетает быстрые песни с более спокойными вещами. По стилю я бы назвал данную работу neoclassic power metal с элементами hard rock’а. Как я уже сказал, на альбоме присутствует несколько отличных скоростных боевиков, прекрасные баллады и несколько инструменталок. К боевикам относятся “открывашка” “Vengeance” и, как это ни странно, “закрывашка” “Fire in the Sky”. Две баллады “Tomorrow's Gone” и “I'd Die without You” также вышли на славу (отмечу чувственное пение вокалиста). Очень интересными получились мини-эпики (как я их называю) “Time Will Tell” и “Voodoo”. Инструментальные композиции тоже зацепили (особенно “Amberdawn”). Остальные же песни проходными никак не назовешь – хорошие и не напрягающие вещи, нисколько не портят картины при прослушивании, а только добавляют разнообразия в альбом. Качество записи получилось на высшем уровне.
И как итог – прекрасное творение замечательного музыканта, больше альбомов такого уровня у Мальмстина выходить не будет. Высший балл. |
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Четвёртый сольный альбом Ингви. У этого шведа есть одна удивительная черта – снижать обороты после отличных альбомов. После гениального дебютника своей основной группы «Rising Force» (1984) он выпустил очень слабый и скучный хард-н-хэви альбомчик «Marching Out», после не менее шедеврального «Odyssey» (1988) он вообще распустил группу и занялся сольным творчеством. И вот, собственно, герой нашей беседы – «Magnum Opus». Его предшественник, «The Seventh Sign», по моему мнению, одна из самых лучших работ маэстро. Но, как я уже говорил, Мальмстин любит после очень сильной работы выпустить среднего уровня продукт. Именно таким вот средним продуктом и является «Magnum Opus», ибо наряду с заметно ослабевшим звучанием (в котором еле слышны бас-бочки и бас-гитара), здесь обитают довольно много не слишком хороших песен. Но положение выручают несколько песен – три красивейших вещи «Tomorrow’s Gone», «I’d Die Without Die» и «Amberdawn», а также - два убийственных боевика, «Vengeance» и «Fire in the Sky». Остальные вещи можно даже и не слушать, потому как там одна лишь скука и однообразие. В общем, для знакомства с творчеством маэстро альбом вполне сгодится, а вот для тех, кто любит такие альбомы, как «Rising Force», «Odyssey» и «Fire аnd Ice», этот диск может стать своего рода разочарованием. Но всё равно, каждый любитель хэви и пауэра должен его услышать, просто в целях саморазвития. А уж понравится или не понравится, решать не мне, ведь, как известно, на вкус и цвет товарищей нет… |
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просмотров: 23075 |
All of the sinners, they're playing their game
Only the good people listen
Over and over it's always the same
Committing the crime, and yet no one's to blame
All these years you've turned away
Nothing left to say
You haven't a clue
It's inside of you
Is there a reason we're losing the fight
Stuck in this hell that we're living
Over and over it's always the same
Passing the sentence, yet no one's to blame
All these years you've turned away
Nothing left to say
You haven't a clue
It's inside of you
2. No Love Lost
Enough is enough
I'm nobody's fool
I won't take no more
Oh now I'm out the door
I won't live by anyone's rules
I feel it's safe to say I'm on my own
It's just another lesson learned
No love lost
Life's like gettin' blood from a stone
We all live by cards that were dealt
I don't want no promises, don't want no lies
Go sell them to sombody else
I think it's safe to say, I'm on my own
It's just another lesson learned
No love lost
(We've had enough, can't take no more)
3. Tomorrow's Gone
In a dark and deserted land
Lives a race of forgotten man
With a will never seen before
Do we dare to unlock the door
In his world there's so much to fear
And all the pain that he's made to bare
One desire, that's his will to live
Not destroy, but to give
He's been lost for so many years
By his choice, he has disappeared
From a world that is closing in
As the end of this race begins
All he wants is to be left free
No other land does he want to see
In his heart he knows it won't be long
He won't give up, he must stay strong
As he tries to hide, from the madness
There's no hope in hell, for tomorrow won't live on
What is gone, may never have been
Another world, now he's fallen in
All his dreams, how they've disappeared
Now he lives, all he feared
He only wanted to be left free
This other land that he's forced to see
In his mind, his will always be
A place that he'll never leave
As he tries to hide, from the madness
There's no hope in hell, it's gone
Tomorrow won't live on ...
4. The Only One
Oh, it feels like, it was yesterday
When you came into my life
And took my heart away
Now I find, myself looking back
And I'm realizing how
You turned me inside out
And left with no doubt
Oh you're the only one
The love I feel
And you're the only one
It seems unreal
Now I see what it's all about
No more chasin' my own tail
There's nothing left to fear
As long as you are here
Oh you're the only one
The love I feel
And you're the only one
It seems unreal
Oh you're the only one I know
The love I feel
And you're the only one
It seems unreal
I can't explain the way I feel
I've waited so long
For someone like you
5. I'd Die Without You
I'd sacrifice, whatever's left of me
Been livin' lies then you set me free
You've given more than I ever had
I give to you all over again
We've grown so strong
Over and over again
Though things have gone wrong
My love
There is no higher love than we have
You know I'd die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
I'd surely die without you
I've never tried, tried this hard
I've never cried, never gone so far
Even the Gods, can't set us apart
It's engraved deep in our hearts
We've grown so strong
Over and over again
Though things have gone wrong
My love
There is no higher love than we have
You know I'd die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
I'd surely die without you
6. Overture 1622
7. Voodoo
The moon is bright in the voodoo night
Dead eyes are burning with fire
There's no more light in the voodoo night
What's wrong and what's right,
Let's end this fight
Something has started to grow
Something that died long ago
You know too much and you touch
Forbidden knowledge
Tryin' to hide in the voodoo night
Your cup of poison it feels so right
The moon is bright in the voodoo night
Dead eyes are burning with fire
Something has started to grow
Something that died long ago
You knew too much and you touch
Forbidden knowledge
8. Cross The Line
I'm not the one
Who's runnin' round and bein' snakey
I'm not the one who's got it down
Time after time
I try not actin' crazy
With you, that's not an easy thing to do
So I'm pleadin'
Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, don't tell me it's time
Day after day
You talk to me in circles
I don't believe your little smile
I'm not the one
The one who's thinkin' crazy
I won't be walkin' down no aisle
So I'm pleadin'
Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, maybe it's time
9. Time Will Tell
I've never killed another man
I've never lived the master plan
I can only pray that we'll survive
With every sin and whitened line,
I see the future slipping by
The time is nearing, what have we done
Is there a reason? Someone explain?
And in the end will we pay?
Time will Tell
I will
The hands of time we can't turn back
Have we all slipped through the cracks
Lord have mercy, forgive us all
Is there a reason? Someone explain?
And in the end will we pay?
Time will Tell
I will
There's no use looking back
Everything's turning black
Time's running out for us all
10. Fire In The Sky
If you play with fire you'll get burned
It's such a shame
Even when you try you'll never learn
To tame the flames
Like the demon's eye
Watching over me
You have got no wings but you have always tried to fly
Your soul is burning up like a fire in the sky
Some say I've been had, and that's too bad
I know they're wrong
Some say I've gone mad, and that's too sad
I'm much too strong
Like the demon's eye
Watching over me
You have got no wings but you have always tried to fly
Your soul is burning up like a fire in the sky
You're not living what you're preaching and you're not a priest
You're not living, you are leeching, living like a beast
I feel fine although you give me hell
I don't mind
I'm your golden mine you know so well
Let me shine
Like the demon's eye
Watching over me
You have got no wings but you have always tried to fly
Your soul is burning up like a fire in the sky
You're not living what your preaching and you're not a priest
You're not living, you are leeching, living like a beast
11. Amberdawn
12. Cantabile
[Instrumental, Vivaldi]