« Twisted into Form »
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1 | Parting of the Ways
 | 2 | Infinite
 | 3 | Out Of Body (Out Of Mind)
 | 4 | Step By Step
 | 5 | Twisted Into Form
 | 6 | R.I.P.
 | 7 | Spiral Depression
 | 8 | Tossed Away
 | 9 | One Foot in Hell |
   Craig Locicero - lead and 6 acoustic guitars
Russ Anderson - vocals
Paul Bostaph - drums
Tim Calvert - lead, 6 & 12 string acoustic guitars
Matt Camacho - bass |
 | 2. Infinite
Quest for truth never ceases
As wisdom brutally teaches
Pacing back and forth again, and again
Just searching for an end
Panic wave chaos showers
Sickening stench of man gone sour
Laughing at us in our face, we're disgraced
and then we're all erased
Persevere - Holding out - |
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 Forbidden – группа для любителей трэша потехничней, помедленней и покачовее. «Twisted into Form», впрочем, не является откровением техно-трэша, время которого только-только закончилось, хотя здесь можно не напрягаясь услышать больше гитарных вариаций на давно знакомые темы, чем у многих других современников. Творческие устремления команды обрисовываются в акустическом интро в начале альбома – ребята сразу отмечают направления, в которых будут расходиться гитары в своих узорах. Не обманут: мелодические штрихи-комментарии к основной ритм-линии не заставят себя долго ждать, да и ударник, ни кто иной как Пол Бостаф, постарается обеспечить драйвовую, но неглупую огневую поддержку с учетом всех заявленных смен темпа. Тяга к прогрессивности отложила свой отпечаток не только на запоминаемости песен, которая, действительно, далеко не 100%-ая, но и на соло-партиях, которые идут не от сердца, но от головы. Тем не менее, на выходе получили некий компромисс между вниманием к структуре запилов и их реальной экспрессией. Понимаю, почему должен выгодно смотреться на фоне техники кричаще-поющий вокалист Russ Anderson, малый не без задатков актера… Лучше всего слушается стандартный трэшевый вокал, похуже хардкоровые выкрики (“Step by Step”), чистое пение очень на любителя и лично мне пришлось по душе в совсем редких случаях (“Twisted into Form”). Из композиций наиболее удовлетворяют вещи, начиная с заглавной, атмосферной и плотно-техничной в одном флаконе, и по очевидно пост-трэшевую “Tossed Away”. Пик приходится на эпик “R.I.P.”, после которого и следующего за ним инструментала вроде и диск должен закончиться… Честно говоря, жаль Forbidden, у которых все ОЧЕВИДНОЕ есть и чего-то ПОТАЕННОГО не хватает, и потому пусть даже и не наводненная мертвой техникой работа существенно не добирает по впечатлениям (Диск предоставлен компанией Mazzar Records). |
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Странно читать такие отзывы о столь достойном альбоме. Впрочем, это дело рецензентов. А я выскажусь в другой манере. Итак, эта работа, на мой взгляд, является одним из наглядных примеров апогея развития классического трэша в конце 80-х - начале 90-х. Всё же техно-трэша, и тем более прог-трэша, тут нет: песни довольно прямолинейны, и музыка сама по себе не столь технична, сколь мелодична. Bay Area Thrash, как-никак. Видно, что ребята из одной тусовки с Vio-Lence, Heathen, Death Angel - тот же дух, так сказать. Но то, что они имеют свой почерк, это безусловно. Пусть риффы не шибко оригинальны, пусть ритм-секцию мы «уже где-то когда-то» слышали, не играет роли. Зато есть своя непередаваемая атмосфера, редко где можно найти такое на трэш-альбоме.
И, конечно, сами музыканты просто бесподобны - отличный высокий вокал Андерсона, двойная гитарная атака Craig Locicero и Tim Calvert, буквально сносящая крышу своей нетривиальной мелодикой, и маэстро Пол Бостаф, естественно. Весь альбом стоит воспринимать не как набор отдельных композиций, а как один большой монолит, ибо настроение в каждой песне одно и то же, мрачно-агрессивное. Тем не менее, песни «Infinite», «Step by Step», «Tossed Away» и заглавная «Twisted into Form» выделяются среди остальных. Подводя итог, хочу опять сказать, что альбом не техно-трэшевый, а, следовательно, воспринимать его надо «по-другому». Забудьте про Toxik и Watchtower, это из другой оперы. Насладитесь Forbidden так, как будто бы вы хотели насладиться старым альбомом Exodus'a, но при этом хотите получить небольшое расслабление от прослушивания. И тогда «Twisted into Form» будет для вас в самый раз. Великолепная работа, без преувеличений. И, в конце концов, работа, уже ставшая классикой жанра. А классику не иначе как на высокую оценку оценивать не получается :) |
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Американский трэш во всей красе, с легким налётом прогрессива. Forbidden так и остались во втором эшелоне трэш-команд вместе с Exodus, Flotsam and Jetsam и прочими, время от времени играя роль кузницы кадров для старших товарищей (барабанщик Пол Бостаф, как известно, покинул группу, чтобы украсить своей высокоточной, но холодноватой игрой альбомы Slayer 90-х годов). А так “Twisted Into Form” довольно приятно слушается: не затянут, снабжён толковым вокалом, скоростными риффами, трогательными переборчиками, пространными бриджами, синкопами... Но в процессе прослушивания в голову приходит сравнение с многими другими бандами того времени, например с Intruder. Возможно, то, чего действительно не хватало этой талантливой банде – это действительно своего лица...
Как уже сказано, слушать такую техничную банду весьма приятно, партии Калверта и Локисеро, вопли Андерсона и хиругическое молотилово перебежчика Бостафа достойны всяческих похвал, только в голове после прослушивания практически ничего не застревает (кроме, может быть, “R.I.P.”). Единственный, но существенный недостаток. |
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просмотров: 18559 |
Giving in - Giving up - Let it end!
Why is it infinite?
The evil that revolves around our universe
The always changing, never changing
Why is it infinite?
The evil that revolves around our universe
The always changing, never changing
Nothing changes!
Pressure point, burning rage
No turning back, no release from this cage
One man calls the other one a liar
There's fire escalating higher -
Endless wars, lost causes
Only letting up for brief pauses
Time repeats this circle of madness
Repetition of constant sadness
Persevere - Holding out - Make it end!
Giving in - Giving up - Let it end!
Why is it infinite?
The evil that revolves around our universe
The always changing, never changing
Why is it infinite?
The evil -
The always changing, never changing
Nothing changes?
[1st Lead: Craig]
[2nd Lead: Tim]
Analyze - Cut to shreds
Overweight yet underfed
Food for thought, no answer to our questions
Save your breath - Waste no words
Undescript, it's so absurd
Wisdom sits beyond our meager minds
Infinite - !
3. Out Of Body (Out Of Mind)
Tripping in dimension, never dared to see this far
Projected through my mind's eye
Brilliant light, blinding sight, burning
Nullified and stone cold, something wants to rape my soul
Running from the vile
Evil force, fight it off, must resist!
Soaring through the sky, there's a demon in my mind
Blasting of my soul, I lay sleeping, body cold
Limbo for all time unless I can find my way
Out of - Out of body, out of mind
Out of - Out of body, in my mind
Wicked is the power hunting me, the spirits prey
Tenacious and persistent, won't give in, can't give up, never
Facing off to lay claim
Time could soon run out for me
Warring with the demon
Vicious cries, sinful eyes, crave what's mine
Soaring through the sky, there's a demon in my mind
Blasting of my soul, I lay sleeping, body cold
Limbo for all time unless I can find my way
Out of - Out of body, out of mind
Out of - Out of body, in my mind
Drift from my world to the other
Demon screaming out for me
Lost my earthly foothold, failed to win back my soul
Everything is gone now
Won't get back, can't get back, never!
Floating off to nowhere, cursed to drift on endlessly -
There's no life, there's no death
Just hell!
Soaring through the sky, there's a demon in my mind
Blasting of my soul, I lay sleeping, body cold
Limbo for all time unless I can find my way
Out of - Out of body, out of mind
Out of - Out of body, in my mind
Out of mind
In my mind
Out of body
Thrust from my world to the other
Lost and gone forever in my hell
My hell!
4. Step By Step
Step by step it's happening, it's slowly eating you
Numbing your mind to the pain
You broke the rule, the payment's cruel
Selfish road, you paved the way
Hiding in your fantasy, it's easier to lie
The choice you made could kill
You're just one lonely victim
A wasted life!
Don't you feel as if your walls fall in?
The way you live could put you underground
Step by step, by step
Surviving hanging by a thread
Step by step, by step
It's time to turn the table
Step by step, by step
Society's not done with you
Step by step, by step
It just gets worse until you - pull through!
Screaming out, you cry for love, they only toss you out
Rejected, lost in a daze
It's all so cold, do as you're told
Hit your knees now start to pray
Dream about a time before, securely locked away
Within your heart is the key
If you don't open up then...
You'll lose your life!
Don't you feel as if your walls fall in?
The way you live could put you underground
Step by step, by step
Surviving hanging by a thread
Step by step, by step
It's time to turn the table
Step by step, by step
Society's not done with you
Step by step, by step
It just gets worse until you - pull through!
[Lead: Tim]
Deep inside you're selfish, and infected with desire
Filled your head with dreams that died
Just couldn't get no higher
Look at what you've become - Synthetic, morphite cyst
Your luck's run out, the thread has snapped
A cold depressing end -
[Lead: Craig]
Don't you feel as if your walls fall in
The way you live could put you underground
Step by step, by step
Surviving, hanging by a thread
Step by step, by step
It's time to turn the table
Step by step, by step
Society's not done with you
Step by step, by step
It just don't stop
Step by step, by step
Don't try to run before you walk
Step by step, by step
Do it for yourself kid!
Step by step, by step
It's just the way you have to learn
Step by step, by step
Step by step, by step, by step
Step by step, by step, by step
Step by step, by step, by step
Step by step, by step, by step!
5. Twisted Into Form
Ideals pounded, what's wrong is right
Churches founded, with heaven in sight
Do unto them as they tell you to!
How can the children believe this is true?
Burn our thoughts, they can change our minds
Hear pathetic lies
Put to end, all the empty cries
Now it's time for eye for I
Faith decided out of the womb
Slapped into life, and then slapped in your tomb
When will it end?
When will the lying stop?
Burn our thoughts, they can change our minds
Hear pathetic lies
Put to end all the empty cries
Now it's Eye for I
Hate! Churning your face, consumed by fear
Unreal illusion of a perfect world
Twist into form, the true abyss
Crushed in the palm of fate's hands!
[1st Lead: Tim]
[2nd Lead: Craig]
Eyes stare with empty, but evil glances
Children with nothing in mind but to breathe
Twist it to form -
Twisting to form -
Twisted to form -
Twist me to form then they -
Burn my thoughts, then they change my mind
Tell pathetic lies
Put to end all my empty cries
Now it's eye for I
Hate! Churning your face, consumed by fear
Unreal illusion of a perfect world
Twist into form, the true abyss
Crushed in the palm of fate's hands!
Hate! Churning your face, consumed by fear
Unreal illusion of a perfect world
Twist into form, the true abyss
Crushed in the palm of fate's hands!
6. R.I.P.
We've always been told to stand up tall
"Guard the nation"
This killing force that we have made, what for?
I am sickened by this attitude that plagues
The Mother Earth
It always seems that we're all fighting
We don't know what it's worth
Close the door as they beg for more
Children cry as they're left to die
See the tears running down their faces
See compassion is at end
Mother Earth is crying
Rest in peace... Peace!
Who can you believe? It's never what it seems
Feel the anger
They're tightening the vice, now who pays the price?
We will!
I am saddened by this selfishness and, "Who cares"
Put down your arms and stop this fighting
Save our Mother Earth
Close your eyes, say your last goodbyes
Self-destruct, we've run out of luck
See the lights turn to darkness
Realize there is no hope
The human race is dying
Rest in peace... Peace!
[1st Lead: Craig]
[2nd Lead: Tim]
Desperate - Is what we've all become
Helpless - There's nowhere left to run
Crushing - The spirit of mankind
Forbidding - What's yet to come!
We've always been told to stand up tall
"Guard the nation"
This killing force that we have made, what for?
I am sickened by this attitude that plagues
The Mother Earth
It always seems that we're all fighting
We don't know what it's worth
Who will drop the curtain
Who will end Earth's history
No more "Happy ever after"
Rest in peace... Peace
Rest in peace -
[Lead: Tim]
7. Spiral Depression
8. Tossed Away
[Theme: Craig]
Looking into saddened eyes that morn, I'm unashamed
Witness to the crying of the poor, I can't relate
Afraid to see what lies behind the lies, I'm ignorant
Don't tell me, I won't know, just leave me be
Every time a page is turned
Every time a channel's switched, I look away
Washing off my dirty hands
If I don't want to understand, why should I?
Pain and hurting of diseased
Taking life by ill dispose
Shunned and tossed away, tossed away!
Glutiny, I'm hungry then I'll eat, I'm a selfish pig
Thinking I'm thirsty, I'll have a drink, it pours away
So tired, so I'll lie down awhile, the lazy life, ha!
Don't bother me, I'm dreaming, just le me sleep
Every time a page is turned
Every time a channel's switched, I look away
Washing off my dirty hands
If I don't want to understand, why should I?
Pain and hurting of diseased
Taking life by ill dispose
Shunned and tossed away, tossed away!
[Theme: Craig]
[Lead: Tim]
Disgusting! Revolting! They sicken me!
Send them somewhere out of sight, away from us
Separate their children from our young, they're dangerous
Don't say I didn't warn you, just wait and see!
Every time a page is turned
Every time a channel's switched, I look away
Washing off my dirty hands
If I don't want to understand, why should I?
Pain and hurting of diseased
Taking life by ill dispose
Shunned and tossed away, tossed away -
[Theme: Craig]
Pain and hurting of diseased
Taking life by ill dispose
Shunned and tossed away, tossed away!
9. One Foot In Hell
Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all
On words they fall
Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week
One foot in Hell
Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!
One foot in Hell
Wretches! This pitiful man
Preaching and teaching with cross in hand
On words he falls
Into...! His final mistake
This fool was fooled, it was all give and take
One foot in Hell
Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Turning the pages of writing, it falls into place
A puzzle of words
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Attempting to fear the Commandments they hear
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!
[1st Lead: Craig]
[2nd Lead: Tim]
[3rd Lead: Craig]
[4th Lead: Tim]
"I look to the Heavens and call the Lord's name.
Praying on my knees, with much faith, and little doubt
I have a yearning for the answers to my calling in life
Am I wasting away on spirits of myth?
Am I questioning the Lord's prayer?
Is this unholy temptation or, my final realization?
Please, God, if you're there for me, give the wisdom for faith
Help me Lord!
God help me" - !
Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all
On words they fall
Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week
One foot in Hell
Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes
Show me the way - Point to the light
Is there a Heaven after I die?
What is a truth - Where does it lie
Give me the answer
Bare my soul - Naked and cold
End confusion, shed my last tear
Take me Lord - Open your Gates
End my deep sorrow
One foot in Hell
Who's answering the bell?
10. As Good As Dead (Live)
[Bonus Track]
11. Chalice Of Blood (Live)
[Bonus Track]