 Кто-то относится к этому серьёзно, кто-то нет. Для кого-то это большая проблема или даже препятствие, а для кого-то пустяк. Я, скорее, отношу себя ко вторым, потому что идеология участников группы Aeon не мешает мне признать, что они делают хорошую, качественную музыку. Я был поражён ещё предыдущей их работой, а этот альбом меня просто-напросто вырубил. Итак, "Rise to Dominate" - это развитие идей, заложенных на "Bleeding the False". Их музыка вышла на новый уровень, появилось большее количество разноплановых вещей, некоторые прямо поражают своей гениальностью. Я также бесконечно восхищаюсь той злобой, с которой Aeon преподносят нам свою идеологию. Либо это очень смелый (и что самое главное, грамотный) маскарад, либо они действительно внимают владыке преисподней, и хотят донести до нас его слово. Но я бы не хотел углубляться в эту составляющую группы. Больше хочется рассказать о музыкальной стороне альбома. Собственно, это техничный, скандинавский дэт-метал, но с большим влиянием американской школы. Очень много мелодики, но не "сопливой", а брутальной и мрачной. Песни наделены высокой индивидуальностью - нет ни одного намёка на похожесть или однообразность материала. Тут есть и прямолинейное рубилово, есть и эпические, мелодичные медляки, которые надолго врезаются в память. А есть настолько "ломанные" композиции, что создаётся какой-то эффект беспорядочности и хаоса, хотя довольно изобретательного и нестандартного. Предыдущий альбом не мог похвастаться таким разнообразием. Отдельного упоминания стоит закрывающая альбом "No One Escapes Us". Совсем не в стиле Aeon, но зато какая эпичность! Я с удовольствием прослушал этот альбом несколько раз, вдоль и поперёк, и ни разу не хотелось пропустить какой-либо трек. Всё очень мощно сделано, грамотно подано, нет ни одного проходного момента. "Helel Ben-Shachar" - просто безумнейшая вещь! Одна из лучших на альбоме. Ещё очень мощно звучат злобные "Living Sin", "Hate Them" и "Godless". Очень понравились также медляк "You Pray to Nothing" и заводной боевик "Caressed by the Holy Men"...
К сожалению, как показало время, творческий запал Aeon пошёл на спад. Вышедший в 2010-ом "Patch of Fire" явно слабее своих предшественников. Но с кем не случаются неудачи? Лично я надеюсь, что этими двумя работами их гениальность не ограничится, и в будущем их новый альбом хорошенько встряхнёт всю метал-сцену. |
Cast out of they skies a threat in god’s eyes
Defy he defied the word of god
To no fucking Adam shall he kneel
Lucifer angel demon
I hail you Helel Ben-Shachar
The son of morning I hail
The angel the rebelled against god
He kneels to no man he kneels to no god
Helel Ben-Shachar
Lucifer angel of light
Born in desert wind fire a fire without smoke
Lucifer angel demon
Blackest of the black sent out to attack
Defy he defied the word of god
To no fucking Adam shall he kneel
Lucifer angel demon
I hail you Helel Ben-Shachar
02. Spreading Their Disease
There are only seven millions of them
But already they are irritating this world
They need to be stopped before they grow strong
A world without knockers and one problem is gone
Door to door they walk and walk
Spreading their disease
They use their mouths as a weapon they shoot us with lies
They wont take no for an answer convert us they must
They will never leave if we invite them in
We must stand up for ourselves when the will say
We are the future no world without us
Live by our books and live among us
Reject what they preach their word is a hoax
The earth will never be the paradise they seek
Thousand years won’t come and they will never live on
I know what I am supposed to do
I don’t need them to guide me through
I have my own god
So fuck you Jehovah go away
Door to door they walk and walk
Spreading their disease
They look down on me because I disagree
I hate them for that I am their enemy
Death is what I wish for them
And their cult just a distant memory
They are no future so live as you want
Tell them to shut up or smash their face in
Reject what they preach their word is a hoax
I despise them they make me sick
I want them dead
Die they will die they must die
Die they will die they must die
03. Living Sin
Don’t push that cross in my face and say saved
I don’t seek forgiveness don’t step in my way
I spit at the holy I revel in sin
I laugh at his children I repent nothing
No one can stop me to live as I want
Me breathing is a sin in your book
I need the pleasure the pleasure in sin
I can’t deny that I revel in sin
Deep inside
They envy me
They know they are
Slave’s to God
Deep inside they envy me
But to God they are sworn
For that reason they must stop me
I bow for none
I repent nothing I live in sin I don’t care what people think
I live my life they way I want I am a living sin
Don’t push that cross in my face and say saved
I don’t seek forgiveness don’t step in my way
I spit at the holy I revel in sin
I laugh at his children I repent nothing
04. Hate Them
They think they are the superior ones
They think they are above our heads
They read the bible and they kiss the cross
They do a lot of things that makes no sense
They read the bible just to hide from truth
They read the bible so they can sleep at night
They read the bible and dream of paradise
They read the bible and worship Jesus Christ
Stay away from all the Christian shit
Holy men prowls in every corner
Don’t be fooled by their disgusting tricks
If they try send them to the coroner
I teach my brothers not to fall in traps
I teach my brothers not to believe their words
I teach my brothers to despise them all
I teach my brothers to hate them all
Worldwide they preach to ambush the weak
Holy legions lie in wait
Hate them
Crush them all with Jesus they bleed
A paradise it would be
Hate them
The strong ones stand tall
The weak ones will fall
They think they are the superior ones
They think they are above our heads
They read the bible and they kiss the cross
They do a lot of things that makes no sense
They read the bible just to hide from truth
They read the bible so they can sleep at night
They read the bible and dream of paradise
They read the bible and worship Jesus Christ
Hate them
05. You Pray To Nothing
Pray the only thing the priest will say
Pray and the world will be a better place
If you got a problem then come to church
In here you can pray them away
Let’s sing a song about Jesus Christ
And then you will be saved
Pray for your sins
Pray with the priest
Pray to the cross
You pray to nothing
A few hours in the church
And you think that you have been saved
The priest just thinks of you as
All your sins won’t disappear
Just because he says they are gone
No they will always be
Pray for your sins
Pray with the priest
Pray to the cross
You pray to nothing
Pray the only thing the priest will say
Pray and the world will be a better place
If you got a problem then come to church
In here you can pray them away
Let’s sing a song about Jesus Christ
And then you will be saved
Pray for your sins
Pray with the priest
Pray to the cross
You pray to nothing
06. Caressed By The Holy Man
Children hear the bell sound
Gather inside the bible house
1879 the holy man invites you in
He welcomes children from everywhere
To his pleasure place
The doors are close and now its time to learn the bible
But first thing first he got one rule
What happens here must never leave this room
It’s not for the world outside to know
He gives you looks but you are way too young to know
All the naughty in his mind
Blessed by the holy man
Caressed by the holy man
Twenty children in the same place
What a sight for the holy man
The class is over you can dismiss
Except for you please stay a while
He got a thing for the girl Rose
And he wants her in his knee
Little girl you can never tell
This is just for you and me
He gets erected when he touches her skin
He wants to stick it deep within
Blessed by the holy man
Caressed by the holy man
Children hear the bell sound
Gather inside the bible house
Blessed by, Fucked by
C...... T… R…..
1879 the holy man invites you in
He welcomes children from everywhere
To his pleasure place
The doors are close and now its time to learn the bible
But first thing first he got one rule
What happens here must never leave this room
It’s not for the world outside to know
He gives you looks but you are way too young to know
All the naughty in his mind
Blessed by the holy man
Caressed by the holy man
07. House Of Greed
So big and beautiful
But thru my eyes a pile of filth
Why should I
Pay for nothing I use
I did not ask for it to be built
Never will I put money in the
Collector’s plate
As I see it we don’t need this
House of greed
I refuse to pay for nothing I use
But still it steals from what I earn
It steals from you maybe you don’t know it yet
Like a thief it takes to survive
Never will I put money in the
Collector’s plate
As I see it we don’t need this
House of greed
With time more people with know
With fire they will defend themselves
Burn the church down
Burn it down
Fire devours the church like nothing
Stay away from me or fire I will bring
Feel free to hate me but this is what I think
Nothing that you say will ever change me
Burn the church down
Burn it down
So big and beautiful
But thru my eyes a pile of filth
Why should I
Pay for nothing I use
I did not ask for it to be built
Never will I put money in the
Collector’s plate
As I see it we don’t need this
House of greed
08. Godless
You speak of armageddon and hell
Those who follows you, they will all be blessed
But the answers you seek is opaque
How can you still believe in such a lie
Holy bible was written by man
Not by divine or superior hand
Once you see this you might see that you´re fooled
It´s all about control of mankind
I am godless i salute my desires and i
Take responsibilities for all my actions
Won´t need a fake god to hide my fear of the unknown
Don´t try to look down on me because i can see through you
Soon you will see
Theres no god you will see you´re fooled
Just as the ones you fooled too
There is no such thing as christ
He was crowned hanged to a cross
And he bleed as he was pierced in
His side on the cross of calvary
You’re telling lies and you’re fooling the week ones
And you´re feeding on their loss and their death is your profit
As they´re starving to death
You are preaching, spreading lies how to live
You will suffer no god shall save you
I will show you no mercy for this
If you´ll pray then you will see who is right
Jehova is nothing but hoax
I am godless i salute my desires and i
Take responsibilities for all my actions
Won´t need a fake god to hide my fear of the unknown
Don´t try to look down on me because i can see through you
09. When The War Comes
You say that I am nothing
With force you say that you will crush me
I await our battle
When that day comes I will be looking
For you to kill
When the war comes crowned king I will be
When the war comes I will slaughter the enemy
When the war comes on the field you can’t hide
When the war comes you will die
You will bleed as I dominate
I will drain you from all your blood
If your words were just to scare me
Then you are wrong they made me smell blood
I will rip you apart
When the war comes crowned king I will be
When the war comes I will slaughter the enemy
When the war comes on the field you can’t hide
When the war comes you will die
Eye to eye we stand a close combat we will have
You cannot win your defence I walk right through
My attack did hurt you bad fighting for a final gasp
Dead on the ground and I am marching on
You say that I am nothing
With force you say that you will crush me
I await our battle
When that day comes I will be looking
For you to kill
When the war comes crowned king I will be
When the war comes I will slaughter the enemy
When the war comes on the field you can’t hide
When the war comes you will die
10. There Will Be No Heaven For Me
So we meet again
Face to face
And still you try to turn me
To Jehovah ways
You are brave to confront me again
With your ten Jehovah men
Still you bleed hard from our first meeting
Are you here for another beating
There will be no
There will be no heaven for me
And your talk about paradise on earth
So here you stand again with your men
Screaming at my face
That my life means nothing
This is my final warning
Disrespect and you will bleed
I know you know I will take revenge
You will be hurt and bleed again
I have no respect for your kind
Disturbing my peace with your shit
Try and sell your religion to me
Was one of your biggest mistakes
There will be no
There will be no heaven for me
And your talk about paradise on earth
I believe in Satan and he believes in me
Together we are as one to him I offering
Anything, everything and I know I will have my revenge on you doorknocker
You will not escape
You will never escape
If you come here again
I will bash your head against the wall
Crush your head
So we meet again
Face to face
And still you try to turn me
To Jehovah ways
You are brave to confront me again
With your ten Jehovah men
Still you bleed hard from our first meeting
Are you here for another beating
I have no respect for your kind
Disturbing my peace with your shit
Try and sell your religion to me
Was one of your biggest mistakes
There will be no
There will be no heaven for me
And your talk about paradise on earth
11. Luke 4:5-7
You are the past half empty you stand soon all alone
The old ones dies kids are not forced to go
Empty church teardown the walls
Satan rise to dominate
The time is now
Lambs of God
For you it’s not the way it used to be
The lack of respect grows as you can see
You will always feed your searching kind
But your parish has gone from big to small
You took them early you forced them to believe
No other choice you gave them
But now it’s different don’t kneed your Jesus
And Satan knows it
You are the past half empty you stand soon all alone
The old ones dies kids are not forced to go
Empty church teardown the walls
Satan rise to dominate
The time is now
Lambs of God
For you it’s not the way it used to be
The lack of respect grows as you can see
You will always feed your searching kind
But your parish has gone from big to small
Die the holy church will die empty and no one to fool
Die you fucking holy priest soon no church to hide behind
Die you fucking cross kissers kiss that cross goodbye
Die you fucking Christ lovers dead and will not rise
Rise we all know that he will rise to dominate
Rise to dominate lead control rule
Dominate rise to dominate Satan god of gods
12. No One Escapes Us
Down here we are many you can not see us
But we are here we watch your every move
When we think its time we will bring you down
No one escapes us
No one escapes us
The cross on your wall
Won’t protect your soul
The bible by your bed
Will burn when you are dead
The time has come
To bring you down
Hell awaits
Come walk with us
We will bring you down
Here we are many you can not see us
But we are here we watch your every move
When we think its time we will bring you down
No one escapes us
No one escapes us