« O3 - A Trilogy part II »
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1 | The Monster [Instrumental] (8:28)
 | 2 | Nowhere To Hide (5:06)
 | 3 | Captured (4:16)
 | 4 | Greed, The Evil Seed (7:27)
 | 5 | School Of Pain (7:23)
 | 6 | The Calling (6:40)
 | 7 | The Real Life (3:28)
 | 8 | The Cop (4:49)
 | 9 | A New Hope (6:53) |
   Charlie Dominici - vocals
Brian Maillard - guitars
Yan Maillard - drums
Riccardo Atzeni - bass
Americo Rigoldi - keyboards |
 | 2. Nowhere To Hide
For years I’ve worked this city
Where the streets are cold and gray
I’ve let some clean ones walk
I’ve put some dirty ones away
But nothing could prepare me for
The case I caught today
And if I have my way
There will be nowhere to hide
There will be nowhere to hide
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 Сольный проект бывшего вокалиста Dream Theater Чарли Доминичи сам по себе привлекает внимание прог-металистов. После его дебютного альбома первой части его трилогии (где Доминичи сам играет на гитаре и поет весь альбом), Чарли подписал контракт с известным лейблом Inside Out, и привлек не очень известных, но крайне профессиональных музыкантов. В результате получился неплохой альбом, повествующий о конце света, о терроризме и далее в таком духе. Стоить отметить, что сама музыка сделана очень грамотно, порой хочется открыть рот от виртуозной игры музыкантов, но волей-неволей сравниваешь эту музыку с Dream Theater (особенно такие песни, как «The Calling» - типичная пародия на «Театр»). Одним словом, если вы любитель прогрессивного метала, то этот диск не должен оставить вас равнодушным. |
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Чарли Доминичи и товарищи из итальянской группы Solid Vision записали продолжение акустического альбома Чарли. Надо сказать, не совсем удачно. Многие поклонники DT говорили, что Ла Бри не место в группе, лучше б Чарли остался в команде. И вот перед нами лежит то, что в принципе можно назвать DT + Dominici, часть 2. Прогрессив-метал - такой жанр, в котором, если ты не привносишь своё, то не становишься первым. Несмотря на то, что группа взята под крыло меккой для прогрессив-метал-групп, результат получился более чем скромный. Естественно, уровень записи на высоте, инструменталисты играют очень уверенно, а Чарли голосит что есть силы, но что-то мешает этому всему стать хорошей пластинкой. А мешает следующее: во-первых, абсолютно не подходящее для голоса Доминичи музыкальное сопровождение; во-вторых, откровенное и скучное безыдейное музыкальное пространство. Правда, пара моментов проскользнуло в первом трэке, но на этом всё заканчивается. Скудный мелодизм убивает всё желание слушать диск.
Отсюда следует: альбом слушать только упёртым поклонникам прогрессива, либо если вы всё уже переслушали и нужно как-то развлечься. |
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просмотров: 7734 |
On his capture I’ll be Bent
There will be no where to hide
I had him in the house before
Handcuffed to my desk
If I’d only kept my temper
It would have been a good arrest
The arraignment was a circus
All eyes were fixed on me
The bruises I had given him on his face
Only served to set him free
That judge was out of line
I know he had it in for me
My little indiscretions
And my tainted history
So now this guy will walk
But I am going to make him see
That if it’s up to me
If I have my way
There will be nowhere to hide
There will be nowhere to hide
Once I’ve picked up on the scent
On his capture I’ll be Bent
There will be nowhere to hide
3. Captured
Corrupt politicians, purveyors of law
Give us daily bread, but not a crumb more
Premiers, Presidents and leaders of men
Fleece us like sheep again and again
All we can do is suffer the grief
And shake our heads in disbelief
A penny here, a dollar there
We’re nickel’d and dime’d into despair
If we should ever come on days
When all would start to change their ways
There’d still be some who would only see
A brand new opportunity
I’d go along and wag my tail
But still they’d throw me in their jail
I watch the news and wonder why
They never seem to catch that guy
He knows the game as well as I
And that is why he won’t be
Now religious leaders speak out
Offensive words cast shadows of doubt
Those who listened but still haven’t heard
Live by the sword but they’ll die by the word
I sit in my room of closed windows and doors
And ponder my fate as I stare at the floors
If I never let anyone get close to me
Then maybe I can still remain free
Not powdered wigs nor robes of silk
Can ever govern me
Lest I’d be captured
4. Greed The Evil Seed
When left to your devices
Allowed to plant your seeds
The only fruits you harvest
Are ones that serve your needs
Now there’s new crusade
And what fuels this great unrest
Is Greed
I really don’t know how
You can’t see that now there’s no
Need… for greed…
Ditch the fancy car
Hitch your wagon to my star and
You’ll be freed
We tried to live in harmony
To co-exist in peace
Religion and economy
Strange bedfellows are these
Ambitions, plans and purposes
Disguised as basic need
They are not virtues after all
They are the evil seed…of
I really don’t know how
You can’t see that now there’s no
Need… for greed…
Ditch the fancy car
Hitch your wagon to my star and
You’ll be freed
According to one’s power
According to his need
Everyone would prosper but for greed
The power and the riches
All bought with genocide
Can’t buy a place to hide from your
Greed! Greed!
I really don’t know how
You can’t see that now there’s no
Need… for greed…
Ditch those fancy cars
Hitch your wagons to my star
And you’ll be freed
The evil seed was planted
So many years ago
It’s not too late to save ourselves
We will reap what we sow
The ones who say there is no hope
Who plan this great demise
Might see a different picture
If we learn to compromise
I stand now at the crossroads
A world of lives at stake
So many souls depend on
This choice that I must make
Should I be a good soldier
And do this deadly deed
Or can I try to alter
The nature of the seed
5. School Of Pain
Is this what they call freedom
Justice and liberty
To take me unconvicted
And wrongly punish me
To strip me of my clothing
And throw me in this hole
A school of pain, imprisoned
With nothing but my soul
My brothers tried to free me
Their efforts cost their lives
They leave behind a legacy
And several mourning wives
Am I to blame am I insane
What education can be gained
In this school of pain
These men you say were with me
We’re strangers one and all
Our time together in captivity
Unites us to one call
So once again the cure
Is worse than the disease
You wont know my intentions
Till after my release
Are they insane, are they to blame
For the education I have gained
In this school of pain
That witch with the dog
And the cigarette hasn’t caught me yet
They threw that holy book
In the toilet bowl, wretched souls
So once again the cure
Is worse than the disease
You wont know my intentions
Till after my release
I’ve learned the game
At the school of pain
At the school of pain
At the school, the school of pain
I’ve learned the game
At the school, the school of pain
6. The Calling
Not every man is lucky enough
To know what he was born to be
I think I understand now
It was no accident
The purpose of this action
Is a world-changing event
The ultimate solution
To the hopeless state were in
Can only be destruction
Of the incarnates of sin
The histories have proven
No real progress was made
Ten thousand years of struggle
And no man’s soul was saved
I will accept the calling
I shall embrace my fate
To bring the Armageddon
To both the small and great
The passages in bibles
And Nostradamus states
That only through destruction
Can we pass through heaven’s gates
With one great euthanasia
This virus known as man
Will disappear forever
And purify the land
I will accept the calling
I shall embrace my fate
I will accept my calling
7. The Real Life
The sun breaks through a tear in the clouds
A ray of hope in the darkness
The light cannot stay
To the black it gives way
The next is the real life, anyway
This world is but a stop on the journey
The path must be narrow and true
If I lose my way
I only can pray
The next is the real life, anyway
Everything will fade away when colors change to black
Everything will go that day and nothing will come back
Nothing will come back
The loss of this world will be trivial
Compared to what waits on that day
My kingdom come
My will be done
The next is the real life, anyway
The next is the real life, anyway
8. The Cop
He came into my cell today
And offered me a deal
He said he’d check my angle out
To see if I’m for real
He promised me protection
For myself and family
If I co-operate with him
He said I might go free
I told him my great story
He listened quietly
I opened up completely
He started believing me
It seems they had some knowledge of
These men who plan this fury
But never enough evidence
To convince a judge and jury
Together we might stop them
And save the world this time
To bring leaders together
And curb this heinous crime
A task as great as this one
The whole world must agree
The threat of annihilation
Would force them all to see
This most unlikely hero
Who reeks of drink and sweat
Can he be a messiah
The worlds best hope as yet
A task as great as this one
The whole world must agree
The threat of annihilation
Would force them all to see
Should I make this alliance
And throw my fate to chance
A toss of the coin, the luck of the draw
I’ll throw my fate to chance
9. A New Hope
A long shot heard ‘round the world
Got everyone’s attention
On every front page and every TV
A call for the redemption
Never could a handful of good
Defeat the fist of evil
The powerful few whose weapons are new
Still fight a war medieval
Ask yourself is this the life you want for your own children
Acknowledge this and brick by brick a new world we’ll be building
With arms laid down
Would come a new hope
With tolerance
Would come a new hope
With faith and trust
Would come a new hope
So try we must
To find a new hope
The winds of change can only blow
With willingness and faith
If seven wonders exist in the world
This truly would be the eighth
Leaders from every country will be meeting today
To decide how to handle this global terror threat
Hush my baby, don’t cry my baby, your mommy’s here