« Kill or Be Killed »
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1 | Intro
 | 2 | World On Fire
 | 3 | Never Forgive Never Forget
 | 4 | Kill Or Be Killed
 | 5 | Heads Kicked In
 | 6 | Beaten Senseless
 | 7 | Make My Stand
 | 8 | Open Your Eyes
 | 9 | Penalty
 | 10 | Dead To Me
 | 11 | Hallowed Ground |
   Carmine Vincent - Lead guitars
Billy Graziadei - Vocals, guitars and piano
Danny Schuler - Drums and percussion
Evan Seinfeld - Vocals and bass |
 | 2. World On Fire
Take a good hard look at yourself as the world that you live in you now destroy
Don't cry, just ask yourself why you never cared until you started to die
World on fire
Give me one good reason to respect the laws that you obey
Step back and watch it burn as the life you live  |
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 Стандартный кусок хардкора от Biohazard. Что, однако, застаёт врасплох и поражает: мрачность, тяжесть и грязное звучание материала. Такое впечатление складывается, что сразу после терактов в башнях МТЦ возмущённые до глубин своей души парни побежали в студию записывать песни о ненависти к врагу. Или на альбом пошёл не финальный микс, а какой-нибудь демо-тэйп. Но это конкретный хардкор, это конкретный Biohazard: забой и медленные части, кричалки на два голоса, песссимизм, злость. На этот раз без вылетов на металлические территории, без речитативов, без длинных соляков, без фанка и прочих прибабахов – всё лаконично. Лишь экстра-мрачный “Untitled Hidden Track” зашкаливает за шестиминутную отметку.
Пролетарская интернационалистская душа на поверку оказалась американской до упора. Что, конечно, можно понять: посмотришь с бруклинских улиц на рушащиеся небоскрёбы... Всё ясно: парни из Biohazard вышли на тропу настоящей, а не абстрактной войны. За хардкоровые корни и мрак – толстый плюс, за “странный” звук – толстый минус. |
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Самый тяжёлый и убойный альбом Biohazard. Как говорится, "From Brooklyn, New York - in your face!". Группа заметно ускорила темп композиций. Если на всех предыдущих альбомах Biohazard ваяли "попрыгучий" среднетемповый материал с преобладающей читкой, то здесь мы слышим мощнейший ответ Hatebreed, к тому же, уделывающий этих самых Hatebreed на голову. Голоса обоих вокалистов зазвучали ещё агрессивнее, чем на предыдущем альбоме (особенно это касается гитариста/вокалиста Billy Graziadei - здесь по настоящему применим термин "брутальный вокал"). Странный звук? Да, но это нисколько не портит общую картину. Альбом слушается на одном дыхании. Ярость, изрыгаемая группой на этом альбоме, местами достигает уровня нетленки "The Great Southern Trendkill" от Pantera. О песнях: наиболее интересные треки - "Never Forgive, Never Forget", "Kill or Be Killed" (2 самых-самых на альбоме) , "World on Fire" (с необычной, по крайней мере для Biohazard, партией ударных в припеве), "Heads Kicked In" (медленное качающее начало, резко переходящее в скоростное хардкоровое рубилово) и завершающая "Hallowed Ground". Все остальные песни также на уровне, за исключением, разве что "Dead to Me", которую явно впихнули до кучи - если бы её не было, альбом в целом ничего бы не потерял.
Итог: 9 баллов за отличный альбом, который понравится как любителям всего творчества Biohazard в целом, так и тем, кто "тащится" от Hatebreed, Pro-Pain и даже Pantera. |
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Я как-то пропустил выход альбома в прошлом году и только сейчас его прослушал. И честно говоря остался в недоумении. Неужели это Байохэзард? Легенды хардкора, оказавшие наибольшее влияние в становлении рэп-метала? Откуда-же тогда эти закосы под Slipknot и Hatebreed? Не к лицу группе с таким именем и такой историей копировать своих-же последователей. В результате имеем 36 минут забойного, но совершенно блеклого кроссовера, который безусловно прошёл бы на ура выпусти его Hatebreed или какой-нибудь Sworn Enemy. Но Biohazard... Короче разочарован я. |
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просмотров: 14203 |
Manipulate the ignorant hordes into hating each other and fighing your wars
With no respect for the people who died and no assistance for the families that cry
World on fire
You expect me to believe that you shoot and kill in the name of peace?
You fuel the hateful twisted minds of the wretched, cruel, diseased
Give me one good reason to respect the lies that you obey, step back and
watch it burn as the life you live just slips away
Don't let it slip away
Fill our minds with conspiracy they create the hate that we believe
Pollute our lives with your lies and trechery, show our children who is their enemy
While you sit in your oil fields and count all the money that you fucking steel
3. Never Forgive, Never Forget
I welcomed you with open arms
To share my pride and glory
You said you searched for a better life
At least that was your story
You caught me off guard with your deception
And now I'm just seeing red
I rid this world of your fucking infection
Never forgive, never forget
Never forgive, never forget
Eye for an eye, life or death
Never forgive, never forget
Kill or be killed with no regret
I am justice and I am the law
Excectioner, judge and jury
You preyed on human tragic flaw
But now you face my fury
A favor to the world, I erase your life
Covered in blood I dance to your death
For crimes against humanity, I'll finish the fight
Never forgive, never forget
Now it's killing time, vengeance is mine
You're the lowest form of fucking life
I dare even call you human
My heart breeds hatred, terror and spite
My revenge will be your ruin
May your family die a thousand deaths
No remorse, no idol threats
Clock strikes twelve, I take my respect
Never forgive, never forget
4. Kill Or Be Killed
The taste of blood erases all the guilt
Tear down the walls and all that was built
As history repeats we kill without thought
Do onto others is what we're taught
I can't go on I'm losing my faith
Lost all hope in the human race
Walking tall, kill or be killed
Stronger than ever we will rebuild
Scavenging for something more
Something wordth me dying for
All is fair in love and war
We will avenge and even the score
Kill, Kill or be killed
Revenge evens the score
Death for a cause
Live for nothing more
We gotta stand up and fight, let's ignite
We gotta put our shit behind us, it's time to unite
Like dynamite we'll explode andd take back what is ours
And never let them win again, die you fucking cowards
5. Heads Kicked In
The cold winds of war, numb the nations soul
They taste the bitter fear as a grim future appears
Criminal leaders building hate
Under siege the world segregates
The day has come, the end is at hand
The earth a corpse, a barren waste land
Cower in fear, humanity prays
Blood upon, our final days
No god can grant any salvation
There's no escaping incineration
Bound and tortured, heads kicked in
Children slaughtered, heads kicked in
Nations ruptured, heads kicked in
Lives aborted, heads kicked in
In this world terror reigns supreme
The earth a carcass with its bones picked clean
Inpending doom, too little too late
Clenched inside the fist of fate
With savage bloodlust, we feed on the kill
Self destruction, our only true skill
Will our children ever get a clean slate
Barbaric society, united in hate
The charred remains of war machines
The lifeless twisted bodies
Blind eyes that peer from their heads
The crowded carraiges of the dead
6. Beaten Senseless
Beaten senseless in everyway
Life dissappears, get's blown away
New world chaos in disarray
A second to die and forever to pray
The time has come to push to fight, to die, to live
This time I take the fall
Don't sort them out just kill them all
Just never push my back against the wall
Beaten senseless, violent relentless
No hope defenseless, beaten senseless
Now you pushed me over the edge
Can't take it no more, I'm seeing red
Beaten senseless over the head
Never gonna stop until your all fucking dead
Vengeance is my only thought
Rage, abuse, the wars I've fought
Self preservation is self taught
Turn your back and you'll be caught
Crushing pain intensity a violent beating senselessly so cruel, agony
Broken spirit, broken home, a broken man who can not cope with pain, misery
7. Make My Stand
You want to break me down every fuckin day of your miserable life,
You try to take away everything, everything from me
Beaten down by society, torn apart by humanity
There's no way out of this misery
I'll fight forever fearlessly
You can take away the weapon from my hand
But you can never change who I am
Make my stand
Control the money, control the people
The kind of the wasteland rules
The power to conquer a dying nation lies in the hands of a fool
To give your life in the name of a cause only feeds the fire fuel
As god screams, he moans in regret
Is vengence so fucking cruel
I have seen the way you've wrecked my fellow man
So I gotta fight to save myself
Make my stand
The time has come to destroy anyone
That tries to stop me, my fight has just begun
Motherfucker you could never ever step to me
I too will die for what I believe
Come out of the shadows and show your fucking face
You half a man
Step up and face me toe to toe
Knowledge and power blow for blow
You're a liar, a coward, a thief and a fool
Now I make my stand
8. Open your Eyes
Open your eyes motherfucker
In this world of bullshit and lies
Jealously and hatred run rampant
Simple minded fould, cower in fear
To the slaughter the weak are branded
Eyes closed tight and ears held shut
To what is going on right around you
A dull pain deep in your guy
With fists or words I pound you
I hate your apathy
I'm gonna make you see
For all humanity as you are on your knees
You say how can it be,
You thought you held the key
But you never cared about me
Your death will set me free
There's a riot inside my mind
The agony fuels my fire of hate
Fed up with your conservative views
Your concerns just seem too little too late
Apathy, you live for yourself
In the guilded cage of your insolent mind
I cut off your head in the name of what's right
And free the ideas of human kind
9. Penalty
What's inside my state of mind, can you deal with reality?
Who pays the price for hating, who decides our final fate?
Can you reall trust the government, can you really believe the truth?
Will you die for what you believe or will you suffer like a fool?
Sacrifice, penalty
You gave your life
And paid the price of hate
Is there anyone you can count on when it's time to do things right?
Or are these people just fucking maggots sucking you for all your life?
Who looks out for our best interests, who cares about their fellow man?
Or are we all just fucking animals fucking each other anytime we can?
Who's gonna beg for mercy
When the time to fight back comes
Get down on bended knee and pray
For our salvation
10. Dead To Me
You hate me and I hate you back
But there's a difference between you and me
Ignorance and fear pervade your small mind
You forfeit your right to live in peace
I want you to know that I will never rest
For a signle moment of your miserable life
Surgically I cut you from my world
You are my cancer and I am the knife
I cut you off, forever and a day
Never again will I look your way
You beg for mercy on your knees
No remorse, you're dead to me
You're dead to me, you're fucking dead to me
I gave you light to live in my world
But one last time you pushed too far
You selfish motherfucker, now the damage is done
You can never turn back from all out war
You can lock me down, but I hold the key
Cuz there's nothing in this world that can ever break me
Heart and mind strong, I forever stay free
My last words to you, you're dead to me
I watch you stumble
I hear you fall in the dark
Try as you may, you just can't see you're too blind
Trapped in the mirror of your dark soul
You fall again, this time from grace...
You land alone
11. Hallowed Ground
I'm living on hallowed ground
Right before my eyes the darkened skies hide muffeled cries
Right before my eyes the hidden lies disguised as new york died
Right before my eyes propaganda flies
You can run but you can't hide
Right before my eyes politicians lied to save their hide
Right before my eyes ny cried way, everybody died
Refuse to deny, here come the lies
I'm living on hallowed ground
Right before my eyes, ignore the cries
Millions wonder why right before my eyes
Justify the cries of those crucified
Instead you lie, you ignore their cries
Fullfill the prophecy and kill the enemy
Agree or disagree, where lies our destiny?
Enemy, an effigy
History for all to see
Infany, irony
Misery loves loyalty
Never forgive, never forget