Gamma Ray
« Land of the Free »
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1 | Rebellion in Dreamland 08:44
 | 2 | Man on a Mission 05:49
 | 3 | Fairytale 00:50
 | 4 | All of the Damned 05:01
 | 5 | Rising of the Damned 00:43
 | 6 | Gods of Deliverance 05:01
 | 7 | Farewell 05:11
 | 8 | Salvation's Calling 04:36
 | 9 | Land of the Free 04:38
 | 10 | The Saviour 00:40
 | 11 | Abyss of the Void 06:04
 | 12 | Time to Break Free 04:40
 | 13 | Afterlife 04:46
 | | Total playing time 56:43 |
   Kai Hansen - guitars, vocals
Dirk Schlachter - guitars
Jan Rubach - bass
Thomas Nack - drums
Guest musicians:
Michael Kiske - vocals on track 12
Hansi Kursch - vocals on track 7
Sascha Paeth - keyboards |
Recorded at: R.A.S.H. Studio Gelsenkirchen (Drums), Hansen Studio Hamburg
Recorded, mixed & engineered by Bauerfeind, Hansen, Schlachter
Cover Artwork by Eike Gall |
 | Rebellion in dreamland
Voices are calling from somewhere below
Melting on the eastern shore
Rain is falling down on me
Been waiting for eternity
I'll be there
Freedom for us all
And I wonder why, why my heart still yearns?
And I wonder why, why the earth still turns?
And I |
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 Четвёртый альбом немецких классиков пауэр метала является вершиной в творчестве группы и непосредственно одним из самых лучших дисков в данном стиле. Это было началом нового этапа для коллектива. И это не пустые слова, потому как сам Кай Хансен взялся петь на диске, что стало, несомненно, поводом для множества споров, но также и неким толчком для банды, возводя её на более высокий и недосягаемый ранее уровень. Голос Хансена перетерпел некоторые изменения. Он стал более мелодичным, более чётким и ощутимо сильным, хотя по-прежнему весьма высоким и оригинальным. Кай уже не поёт так плохо как на первых альбомах Helloween, и это совсем не странно, потому что у него были достойные учителя в лице Михаэля Киске и Ральфа Шиперса. Итак, диск записан отлично и отличается своим звуком, характерным только для данной команды. Очень удачно исполнены и прописаны партии бэк вокала в припевах - осмысленные, гармоничные и красивые хоралы. На диске достаточно как драйвовых риффов, так мелодичных и виртуозных гитарных запилов, грустных партий акустической гитары и возвышенных клавиш. Тексты песен мрачного и мистического характера. Они повествуют о таинственной и загадочной стране снов, куда попадает душа после смерти и которую, она посещает во время сна, где разворачивается борьба за власть, соответственно со злом. Сам же музыкальный материал приобрел довольно-таки зрелый и крепкий вид, а весёлые и несерьезные номера и элементы отсутствуют напрочь. Диск открывает жемчужина пластинки, и, несомненно, самая потрясающая и сильная песня за всю историю существования группы – прогрессивная и сложная композиция «Rebellion In Dreamland», часто исполняемая на концертах. Ещё одной важной песней во всём творчестве Gamma Ray, я бы выделил напористый и таинственный боевик «All Of The Damned». Достаточно жёстко и агрессивно представляется скоростная вещь «Gods Of Deliverance», средне темповая тяжеловесная «Abyss Of The Void» и заглавная тема «Land Of The Free» с убойной ритм секцией, а также удивительно мистическая «Afterlife», посвящённая Инго Швихтенбергу – покойному ударнику Helloween и другу Хансена. Отдельно выделяются такие треки как «Time To Break Free», в особенности из-за своей про-Хелловинской направленности и погостившего в ней в качестве гостя Михаэля Киске (ex-Helloween). И чудесная баллада «Farewell» в конце и в припевах которой, звучит голос неподражаемого мастера тяжёлой помпезности Ханси Кюрша (Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards). В общем, отличнейший диск получился. Считаю, что каждый пауэр металист должен наизусть знать каждую вещь из этого шедевра. В целом, это замечательная работа и что называется классика тяжёлого рока. Мастхэв. |
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Именно с этого альбома я зауважал эту группу. А так же после тщательного прослушивания его и по достоинству оценил ранние Sigh No More и Heading For Tomorrow. Но назвать его лучшим действительно нельзя, всё таки Somewhere Out In Space его переплюнул и по мощи и по мелодичности. Но тем не менее здесь прекрасное начало с потрясаещей песни Rebellion In Dreamland и слегка угнетающее и печальное окончание песней Afterlife, посвящённой Инго Швихтенбергу. Слабая песня наверное одна Time To Break Free спетая Майклом Киске, ну а в остальном альбом отличный!! 10 баллов. |
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Один из лучших альбомов в power-speed метале. Абсолютно не к чему придраться. Когда я его слушаю, меня просто жутко прошибает ностальгия по старым добрым временам когда ГР еще не начали удаляться "куда-то в космос". Меня не очень радует что Кай вместе с ГР и Iron Savior начинает отходить немного от стиля. Этот альбом последний который "не космический" :) Начинается с диск с улетной Rebellion In Dreamland - моя любимая песня ГР, и одна из любимейших в музыке вообще. Все остальные песни все-таки не такие хитовые, но офигенно ровные. Особо хочу отметить заключительную Afterlife. По-первости она мне не очень покатила, но потом...просто убийственная вещь :) Она посвящена погибшему члену группы. Диск MUSTHAVE, и конечно же заслуживает десятки. Но Heading For Tomorrow меня радует еще больше :) |
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Для меня это - безусловно лучший альбом группы Кая Хансена Gamma Ray. Каждая (ну почти каждая) песня здесь цепляет, все оригинальны. Слабое место этой работы - вокал, который здесь недостаточно мощен, зато очень выразителен. По стилистике и саунду "Land Of The Free" ближе к легендарным "Keeper"'ам как ни один альбом в жанре пауэр. Лирика здесь очень качественна и художественна, на альбоме много интересных музыкальных ходов, надо также отметить, что все композиции здесь разные, ни одна не похожа на другую. Меньше всего меня трогает песня "Gods Of Deliverance", нет в ней изюминки... Все остальные просто замечательны, начиная от эпика "Rebellion In Dreamland", в котором темп и энергетика нарастают ближе к концу, энергичного боевика "Man On A Mission", проникновенной в припеве красивейшей балладе "Farewell", и продолжая грустной и одновременно торжественной "Afterlife", посвящённой ударнику Helloween Инго Швихтенбергу, покончившему с собой в 1995 на почве наследственной шизофрении и пристрастия к наркотикам. Но мой фаворит без сомнения это загадочная и мистическая среднетемповая вещь "All Of The Damned", по настроению она чем-то близка к doom'у, только ОЧЕНЬ быстро сыгранному (для дума-то ;) ). Я, в целом, равнодушен к творчеству Gamma Ray, но этот альбом заслуживает высшей оценки. Жаль, что потом, группа ударилась в само и не только плагиат и ничего подобного больше не создала. 10 баллов. С уважением... |
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просмотров: 49903 |
Still I wonder why but there is no turning back
For all eternity, for all the world to see
We're riding high across the wind
And when the storm begins to wash away all sins
We'll find a place where we'll begin
There's something wrong with the world today
Only the people that are fighting for
A better place in the world today
They don't believe that they gone too far, they're falling down
By moonlight there's a way - for rebellion
Here, the world has gone astray - revolution
Now the time has come to pray - hallelujah
Deep inside our minds we wait - for rebellion
Here in dreamland we will not obey the masters
And the earth still turns but I'm on my way
He is on the way as my heart still yearns
I'm on my way, now he is on the way and I cry for more
Yes, I'm on my way, he is on the way, gonna find the secret wall
I have seen the secret dreams of those who know eternity
And makes me feel like a shadow sneaking in
In my sleep I'm searching for a way to find
The open door leading me to where it all begins
There's something wrong with the world today
Only the people that are fighting for
A better place in the world today
They don't believe that they gone too far, they're falling down
By moonlight there's a way - for rebellion
Here the world has gone astray - revolution
Now the time has come to pray - hallelujah
Deep inside our minds we wait - for rebellion
Here in dreamland we will not obey the masters
Now I'm riding through the air, going to where no one dares
On the way I'll cross the line forevermore
For once in life I do not care, nothing matters, now I dare
On the ride I'll cross the line, forever to be free
Have no fear, rebellion is here
Have no fear, rebellion is here
Man on a mission
I'm a man on a mission and my deligence won't wait
There are supersonic killers in the sky
Everything you do will be analyzed
They control every step of your life
Well, mankind has gone to a high extreme
To the dark side on the way
All I see is a masquerade
And the termination waits
Oh, I've seen the faces of a million leaving here
Abandoned times and places of a world built out of fear
The quest is drawing near
The mystery of fear is just about to clear
What we need right now is a miracle on earth
Let out hearts cry out so our voices can be heard
Let us walk away together from the never ending rain
'Till the sun will shine for all of us again
So we travel on at the speed of light
And the gods will light our way
Gotta change our part in the masterplan
For another break in the race
And the trumpet sound will soon be heard
As the dead in mind awake
And the joyful saints will guide us
On the onward fight that we take
Oh, I've seen a million leaving right away from here
Abandoned times and places of a world built out of fear
The quest is drawing near
The mystery of fear is just about to clear
What we need right now is a miracle on earth
Let out hearts cry out so our voices can be heard
Let us walk away together from the never ending rain
'Till the sun will shine for all of us again
Take my hand and you will see the mirror of your destiny
So many came to read the signs to understand their meaning
Now I see it's you and me so try to understand
And we will walk the road of life together hand in hand
I do not dare, I do not dare but something's calling me
For those who dared could not break free
The one who will succeed
I wonder is it me?
Give us a chance to live, give us a chance to die
Give us a chance to be free without fire from the sky
Give us a chance to love, give us a chance to hate
Give us a chance before you kill us all
Before you kill us, kill us all
Before you kill us all
Before you kill us all
Before you kill us all
What we need right now is a miracle on earth
Let out hearts cry out so our voices can be heard
Let us walk away together from the never ending rain
'Till the sun will shine for all of us again
Now, my friend, it's time
For you to break the spell
Your heart was torn in two
And somebody revealed the wall
Now we stand together, our fight is to be free
We never will surrender, we ride across the fields
Now it's time to break the silence
And the truth shall be revealed
Take the question mark from your head
Let the fairytale be real
Let the fairytale be real
All of the damned
One time in life is all I need to satisfy my senses
Delusions of reality are tearing your defenses
I never tried to catch the rainbow
But in the end I have a dream
All of the damned will be wearing the crown
It's hard to believe as your world's going down
You won't understand why they served you so well
You won't understand why the hopeless are marching through hell
So all you see around you now is falling down defenseless
A free life is our only need for life is only rented
I see a face on my mirror on the wall
And I don't know what it can be
I see a face inside the rainbow
At the end of the dream the face in the rainbow is me
All of the damned will be wearing the crown
It's hard to believe as your world turns around
No, you won't understand why they served you so well
It's hard to believe while the hopeless are marching through hell
I never thought I catch the rainbow
But in the end it's all a dream
I see a face in my mirror
At the end of the dream the face in the mirror is me
'Cause all of the damned will be wearing the crown
It's hard to foresee as the world turns around
No, you won't understand why they served you so well
It's hard to believe while the hopeless are marching through hell
Rising of the damned
Instrumental track
Gods of deliverance
The sun goes down in the western sky
The shadows are gonna return
I wander alone through the back of my mind
The twilight of moon starts to burn
How can I see beyond existence?
I'm leaving into the unknown
I wander around as I hear someone scream
A voice that is never my own
Oh, how can you dare to dwell
All alone in the back of your head?
As we struggle for life in this emotional hell
We wait for for the gods to be there
Gods of deliverance - how can I set free?
Souls in the underworld calling out for me
They're in my head
Wherever you'll roam in your dreams
You'll have to remember your name
So many are trapped down in the abyss
They're waiting for you and they say
How can you dare to stand alone
On this side of the wall?
As we struggle for life in this emotional hell
We wait for salvation to call
Gods of deliverance - how can I set free?
Souls in the underworld calling out for me
They're in my head!
They're in my head!
In my head
Morning comes around again
Shadows are leaving the night
Now there's a sense for existence
I've seen it with my own two eyes
The vision is getting clearer
Now that I've seen the unknown
The voices are yearning to live again
The gods will guiding us home
And you still dare to dwell all alone
In the back of you head?
Still we struggle for life in this emotional hell
Salvation will one day be there
Don't you be misled by the illusions in your head
Then the gods of deliverance will say:
"No more illusions, we're leaving today"
Don't you be misled by the illusions in your head
Then the gods of deliverance will say:
"No more illusions, we're leaving today"
We're in your head!
They're in my head!
We're in your head!
In my head
Do you remember how we used to play like kids in the sun?
Nowadays there's no light to see
And we're feeling cold so the time has come
To say farewell, my friends, my fate is calling loud
Now I know, it can get tough
And I don't you know where I'll be tomorrow
Do you, do you wanna know it? I don't care about it
Somebody said that we could never ever die, oh, what a lie
You will see the light again
We'll all be free someday
I know 'cause united we stand
Goodbye, my friends, I'm leaving you today
My quest is hard but I must be on my way
Now, don't ask why
Goodbye, dear friends
Don't you try and stop me, all I know is I have to go
There'll be no sense in my life at all if I stay
You will never see it, you will never find it, oh yes, I will
Someone will take my place if I die
An old man said: "Some years ago they've tried it all before"
Some men of honour left and searched for that land, they did not return
Now it's up to you to play a better game
Remember when you're out there - don't look back at all"
Goodbye, my friends, I'm leaving you today
The quest is hard, I hope I'll find a way home one day
Goodbye, my friends, I'm leaving you today
The quest is hard, I know I find a way home one day
You will see the light of day, we'll all be free again
All that's left to say is farewell
Salvation's calling
Hello! My name is Mr. Know It All
My sweet home is deep down in your soul
Let me introduce you to the final call
Salvation is calling for you
Life is just a fairytale
Narrated by a lunatic for man
The hope is clouded by eternal haze
Tell me what you mean? Do you think about ambition?
Why don't you scream? Ooh, yeah
Don't you realize what you criticize?
Now remove yourself away from here
Salvation's calling
Salvation's calling
The walls are falling
Salvation's calling now
Hey, you! Think that you blown it all?
Your life, you can't enjoy it to the full
When all your dreams are fading to eternal black
You're lost in the twilight
Now what'd you mean? What do you think about ambition?
Go out and scream, ooh, yeah
Realize, not criticize
Remove yourself away from here
Salvation's calling
Salvation's calling
The walls are falling
Salvation's calling now
Follow you instinct, never follow your illusions
Just remember from all your troubles there's a way out
Turn around and see yourself beyond your own horizons
There's an outcry in the void, there is a way out from here
Goodbye, my friend, it's time to leave you on your own
Get going to find out your own way
Believe in what you're doing 'cause I'm in your head
You can't hesitate anymore
Don't think about existence
Just move your ass, be yourself
Now realize, not criticize
Now move yourself, take your chance
Salvation's calling
Salvation's calling
The walls are falling
Salvation's calling now
Land of the free
Somewhere in the desert
Of the void beyond the wall
We're the last survivors
We're the ones who'll never fall
Men inside the circle, leave the night
Darkness all around us
Not a single beam of light
All we have is our faith
Waiting for the fight
The time has come to break the outer wall
Grab your heart and I'll show you the way
Now hold you head up high
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come you will see
Our return to the land of the free
Men inside the circle
Tell me what you feel and see
Delusions of reality
The mirror of your dreams
Hold you ground and I'll show you the way
Now hold your head up high
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come you will see
Our return to the land of the free
And when the cracks appear upon the wall
We know the moments here to see it fall
And as the sunlight appears again in our sky
No wall, no more, no more will darken our life
High above at the edge of the world
We're searching for glory and peace
When the time has come, you will see
Our return to the land of the free
Our return to the land of the free
Our return to the land of the free
Our return to the land of the free
The saviour
Instrumental track
Abyss of the void
Now I must go, I'll wait for you to follow, no turning back
But there's a light, I've seen it all
Riding through, never fall
When all is done we must be one, I will return
The saviour is calling
He's riding through the night
The only, the holy
Returning from the light
We fall to the ground and we pray 'cause he's the one
No demons left in this world since he has won
Oh, hear what I say
All men come to see the king of the world
The time has come for everyone
The saviour stands for all of us
Now praise the one who'll destroy the evil abyss of the void
His armour still shining
Though it's torn from fights
The brave man, redeemer
He brought us back to life, oh yes, he did
Now fall to the ground and pray 'cause he will come
No demons left in this world since he has won
Now listen to what I say
All men come to see the land of the free
The time has come for everyone
The saviour stands for all of us
Now praise the one who'll destroy the evil abyss of the void
His armour still shining
Though it's torn from fights
The brave man
He battled on through the night
His eyes they were gleaming like fire
And he is prepared, he's the one
The young man, he raises his head up
To the land in the sun
Wherever my spirit may fly up
To this heavenly fight
I know that I will return
From a mission beyond our skies now
The saviour is calling
He's riding through the night
The only, the holy
Returning from the light
We fall to the ground and we pray 'cause he will come, he's the one
No demons left in this world since he has won
Oh, hear what I say
All men come to see the king of the world
The time has come for everyone
The saviour stands for all of us
Now praise the one who'll destroy the evil abyss of the void
The evil abyss of the void
The evil abyss of the void
Time to break free
Where will you be tomorrow? Really, I don't care
I have seen the future rising everywhere
Look into the mirror, tell me what you see
Piece by piece you'll vanish until you disappear
Now I'm doing what I say
No more fooling anyway
Beyond this hell there is a better life to lead
You're all undone, emotionless - it's not the way for me
Now I know there's a better way
Let my heart ride out for a brighter day
Now it's time to breathe in the open air
With a mind so free, anyway
It's time for a change
It's time to break free
Had enough of fooling, had enough of lies
Hypocrisy, intriguing right before my eyes
Had enough of hound dogs barking all the time
I agree with Elvis - you ain't no friend of mine
Apart from this there is a better life, I know
You're all undone, emotionless - it's time for me to go
Now I know there's a better way
Let my heart ride out for a brighter day
Now it's time to breathe in the open air
With a mind so free, anyway
It's time for a change
It's time to break free
Now I know there's a better way
Let my heart fly free towards a better day
Now it's time to breathe, it's the only way
Let my mind ride out, anyway
Now I know there's a better way
Let my heart ride out for a better day
Now it's time to breathe in the open air
With a mind so free, anyway
It's time for a change
It's time to break free
It's time to break free
It's time to be me
Do you believe in the afterworld or the afterlife?
Do you agree there's a place for us beyond our life?
Where the timeless call for life is lost and you will see
The forgotten dreams that you once had become reality
They will be set free another day
You cannot leave if you do not want to stay
In the afterlife
In the afterlife
Life's a dream that you will forget in the endless space
And the scars you got on planet Earth will be erased
You were blind until your eyes have stopped to see
And your powers unfold by the moment you hit eternity
You will be set free
But you'll never return- that's the price you have to pay
In the afterlife
In the afterlife
Now you're gone without a word - you didn't say goodbye
I miss you here, where are you now? An angel in the sky?
Your visit here has been so short, you left to be set free
But I believe we'll meet again and together we will stay
In the afterlife
In the afterlife
In the afterlife