Acid Bath
« When the Kite String Pops »
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1 | The Blue
 | 2 | Tranquilized
 | 3 | Cheap Vodka
 | 4 | Finger Paintings of the Insane
 | 5 | Jezebel
 | 6 | Scream of the Butterfly
 | 7 | Dr. Seuss is Dead
 | 1 | Dope Fiend
 | 2 | Toubabo Koomi
 | 3 | God Machine
 | 4 | The Mortician's Flame
 | 5 | What Color is Death
 | 6 | The Bones of Baby Dolls
 | 7 | Cassie Eats Cockroaches
 | | Total playing time: 69:03 |
   Dax Riggs – Vocals
Mike Sanchez – Guitar
Sammy Duet – Guitar, Backing vocals
Audie Pitre – Bass guitar, Backing vocals
Jimmy Kyle – Drums |
Label: Rotten Records
August 8th, 1994
Produced by Spike Cassidy.
Co-produced by Greg Troyner and Acid Bath.
Digitally recorded and mixed at Side One, Metairie, LA by Spike Cassidy and Greg Troyner.
Digitaly mastered at Future Disc by Eddie Shyer and Spike Cassidy.
All music and lyrics by Acid Bath/Subversive Noise [BMI].
The cover art ("Pogo the Clown #15" / "Skull Clown #171") was painted by infamous serial killer-cannibal-pedophile-necrophile John Wayne Gacy while he was in prison. |
 | "The Blue"
Across your face
I see what you are
You wanna kill the sun
Blot out the stars
I know you, you're nothing
You're so small
You're fucking nothing
Nothing at all
The sun burns on
It reminds me of you
The slit wrists of the sky
Bleeding into the blue
We twist beneath foreve |
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 Первый альбом Acid Bath непозволительно пестр, но столь же непозволительно и крут. Группа под предводительством человека больной харизмы Дэкса Риггса не может остановиться на одном стиле, и в этом, безусловно, незрелость ее мышления. Действительно, 2-й и последний диск команды отличается и цельностью, и законченностью. Но «When the Kite String Pops» – это как тот случай, когда «молодо-зелено» равняется свежо и полно вдохновения. Бесконтрольное и неадекватное, воображение коллектива Кислотная Ванна определяется свободой. Свободой от морали, здорового вкуса и своеобразной эстетической анархией, выразителем которой является хаотическая вокальная картина с мазками гроула, особенно больного скрима и то бледно-испуганного, а то уверенного чистого вокала. Тот же спектр разнообразных манер обнаруживают и музыканты, умеющие делать спокойную красивую музыку так же хорошо, как и добротную экстремальную. Впрочем, помимо интересности идей, американцев отличает и высокая культура формы. Еще когда слушаешь “The Blue”, начинаешь удивляться, насколько мобильная и разносторонняя музыка у ребят. Из грязи и массивности обещающего быть неименным сладжа вырастает драйвовый и увлекательный рассказ. Acid Bath мастерски осуществляют переключения темпов и манер подачи в каждой металической композиции. Потом бравый стоунер-роковый задор “Tranqulized” оборачивается вязким думом… И дальше, не сомневайтесь, в том же духе. Трэшкоровый призыв к алкогольной анархии в “Cheap Vodka”, дэт-металическая история любви в “Jezebel”, фолк в “Scream of the Butterfly”. Вообще Риггс не только тот маньяк, что поместил на обложку рисунок Джона Вэйна Гэйси, который влюбляется в небо с окровавленным ножом в руке, отдыхает на бережку в абсолютно умиротворенным, вернее обдолбанном виде, дебоширит под влиянием самого народного русского напитка – примеры нигилистической деятельности великого комбинатора от сладжа можно продолжать… он еще и романтик в классическом понимании, о чем красноречиво свидетельствуют баллады под № 6 и 13 в трэклисте. Песня под счастливым номером “The Bones of Baby Dolls” в особенности претендует на шедевр альбома по своим качествам акустической и вокальной пронзительности и ауре средневековой вольности. Из экстремального большинства, безусловно, следует выделить психологический триллер “Finger Paintings of the Insane” с витиеватой композицией, ведущей к мучительно развязке в виде психопатического потока сознания. Достойны поминания также преимущественный драйвокач “What Color Is Death” и преимущественный тягучий бульдозерный грув “Dr. Seuss Is Dead”. Напоследок Acid Bath дарят слушателю приятные воспоминания о волнующей кровь классике, вплетая цитаты из «Синего бархата» Линча, «Заводного апельсина» Кубрика и «На берегу реки» Нила Хименеса. Ну а если отбросить постмодерновый разброс стилей, а обратиться к исполнительному мастерству, то оно действительно таковых является: каждый инструмент, начиная от звенящей акустики и заканчивая урчащим басом, абсолютно самодостаточен и полнозвучен. Итак, за маской клоуна может скрываться убийца, и группа Acid Bath амбивалентна не меньше, когда совмещает пышущую здоровьем форму с неоднозначным содержанием. |
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Замечательная и немного подзабытая группа. В творчестве коллектива обращает на себя внимание композиционное разнообразие: дэт-метал, стоунер, рок, блюз, гранж, сладж.
На дебютном альбоме ощущается некий перекос в сторону агрессивного металла с дэтовым вокалом. Причем все сделано действительно разнообразно и интересно: местами сыро и чересчур топорно, местами душевно и очень мелодично.
Надо отметить и очень неплохое качество игры: присутствуют и классные гитарные соло, и выдержанная в стиле прога ритм-секция, да и в целом композиции радуют разнообразием инструментальных ходов.
Уже первая песня, "The Blue", раскрывает основные особенности музыки Acid Bath: быстрая трэшевая игра сменяется тягучими риффами, так же как и голос переходит с гроула на отличное чистое пение, отдаленно напоминающее вокальную манеру Лэйна Стейли из Alice In Chains. Гранжевые ноты отчетливо прослеживаются в композициях "Tranquilized", "The Mortician's Flame". Песни "Jezebel", "Toubabo Koomi", "Finger Paintings of the Insane" – отличные примеры разностороннего и техничного трэша, причем последняя – с немалой долей мрачного прога. Ну и наконец, жемчужина альбома – акустическая "Scream of the Butterfly", имеющая простую, но очень яркую мелодию. Еще один акустический трек - "The Bones of Baby Dolls".
К плюсам альбома отнес бы еще запоминающуюся обложку, «кустарного» вида. Из минусов отметил бы гроул-манеру пения Дакса Риггса, которое иногда звучит довольно смешно. А вот чистое пение действительно отличное, на следующем альбоме его, к слову, побольше. |
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просмотров: 22104 |
Cause do you know what you've done
Ants in the afterbirth
We're slugs under the sun
I could not wake the dead man dreaming
Acid party, murder at the late show
Mutate me and breed yourselves a savior
I could not kill the dead man screaming
Eat my dead cock
Eat my dead cock
I have fallen deep in love with the sky
Fragments of a sunbeam glaring on a kitchen knife
Leaves will fall as everything must follow
Kill your idol, come on, jump into the void
Eat my cold shit
Everybody whispers where birds fall dead
I smell the yellow sickness churning inside your head
Wiping flecks of foam, twisting with rabies
Bloody, we run through these fields of dead daisies
How can I ever
Make you know what you've done
Ants in the afterbirth
We're slugs under the sun
I have fallen in love with the sky
Fragments of sunbeam glaring on a kitchen knife
Sedated and lazy
Cold skies full of blue
The sun burns forever
It reminds me of you
On your dead shore
The sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
I will make it through even without you
My sky will be blue
I live tranquilized
Slow motion, liquid universe
I'm feeling nowhere
It doesn't matter where we go because I already been there
On your dead shore
The sand is warm
She hides her tears and quickly lets it die
Their dying of rabies, eating their babies
In a fields of dead daisies
I live tranquilized
I live (yeah..)
I live (yeah..)
I live (yeah..)
I live
I live
I live
I live
I'm numb (yeah..) and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here but so far away
I see your mouth moving but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I'd give a fuck...anyway!
"Cheap Vodka"
I blew my last five on a cheap fifth of vodka
Gonna kill somethin'
There ain't nothing gonna stop us tonight
I know about confusion
Lets start a riot
Lets start a war
Everybody that you know is a whore
Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, I don't care
If there's gonna be blood, we'll be there
I know about confusion
Turn on all the lights
So I can watch it die
I'm gonna taste some blood
Before they close my eyes
Because I got the answer
One bullet
I know ..how you feel
Cut out my eyes...So I can't see
The cold thing that's swallowing me
We're meat and that's it
So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it
"Finger Paintings of the Insane"
Turning the knife buried in your stomach
I woke up alive black with stain
Glistening and new, the sunsets coming
Fingerpaintings of the insane
Come on and sterilize me
Kneel down and idolize me
Suck me
Fuck me
Resurrect me
Rut me
Cut me and infect me
Slice me
Dice me
I want to die screaming
The thoughts of dead babies
Wiped away with my semen
Bleed me
Feed me and inject me
Feel me
Kill me
Then dissect me
The pigs will squeal
Their blood will drain
Fingerpaintings of the insane
Slice the throats of authority
Look deep past the skin and you will see
I am the messiah
I am the messiah
Greasy smoke billows into the sky
Cockroach dreams, the human dust of pain
Twitching, screaming, hide your razor face
Fingerpaintings of the insane
Come on and sterilize me
Kneel down and idolize me
Suck me
Fuck me
Resurrect me
Rut me
Cut me and infect me
Slice me
Dice me
I want to die screaming
The thoughts of dead babies
Wiped away with my semen
Bleed me
Feed me and inject me
Feel me
Kill me
Then dissect me
Bloody mountian momma
Rockabilly machine
Kiddy porn baby with a mouth for disease
Gidd'y up honey
My rubber fuck doll
When your candle's snuffed out
I'll burn brighter then before
Pink poinsettias for emotion that died
A chilling wargasm that tastes like cyanide
Her pussy bleeds sunshine, rabid for flesh
As each raindrop plunges to its death
Rape the mother
Kill the father....
If I took this cigarette and put it out on you...
Would you love me?
Her throat is soft
Her lips are red
Her thighs are white
Her heart is dead
Red rope
Burns around her wrists
Her blood is cold..like a serpents kiss
Do you love your whore?
I like to hear you beg
She crouched down in the corner with her head between her legs
Broken glass and dirty needles
Soul erosion truth
Electric god
Our superman found dead in a telephone booth
Shards of teeth
Ice pick abortions
Orgasmic death so warm
Lets die screamin'
Black goat semen
I can't hear you whisper "conform"
Hearts will stop and brain cells pop
Apocalyptic high
She screams bloody murder as they chop off her fingers
So this is how it feels to die
But it's ok
Yeah everything's ok
She was screaming about conspiracy
Talkim' about taking sides
I was masturbating, just contimplating
The cold love of suicide
Hearts will stop and brain cells pop
Apocalyptic high
She was screaming bloody murder as they chop off her fingers...
So this is how it feels to die
"Scream of the Butterfly"
A creature made of sunshine
Her eyes were like the sky
Rabbit howls like something old
As we twitch to a lullaby
The scalpel shines in god's sunshine
The Streetlights whisper pain
Down here near the poison stream
Our god has gone insane
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
Like the scream of the butterfly
Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it's never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I'll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it's just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?
There's blood on the moon and the summer is cold
There's love in the room
But baby that's getting old
There's blood on my face sittin' on uhh dead shore
A highway,highway of emptiness and I'm getting bored
There's blood on the moon as we plan our escape
The goddess in bloom
Handcuffed and raped
There's blood in the bathtub baby
Murder the king
There's blood on the moon
There's blood on just about everything
Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it's never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I'll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it's just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?
Something cold is forced inside her
A tears spill down her cheek
Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer
Hymn's of a needle freak
With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don't care
Her dreams of liquid blue
I cut my self again and again to remind myself of you
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
Like the scream of the butterfly
I like the scream of the butterfly
I met an angel with a sawed-off shotgun
Wanted by the FBI
We dropped some acid
Killed our parents
Then we hit the road
I like the scream of the butterfly
"Dr. Seuss Is Dead"
Dr. Suess is dead
We await... life
Dr. Suess is dead
A cloud of flies obscure the sun
A stone is dropped
A dream undone
Ripples grow and ride the tide
The dead things crawls from deep inside
With it's dying
Sour breath
The burning smell of insect flesh
Hungry things in circles crowd
Around t.v.'s turned up too loud
We are the dead next door
Turned up to loud
Where the dirty needles shine and litter the floor
It's too fucking loud
Taste the light, inject the lord
It's too fucking loud
I cut my self again because I'm so fucking bored
It's too fucking loud
We are the dead next door
It's too fucking loud
Where the dirty needles shine and litter the floor
It's too fucking loud
Taste the light, inject the lord
It's too fucking loud
I cut my self again because I'm so fucking bored
Motherfuck yeah!
We await...life
Dr. Suess is dead
The dream is swirling
I'm alone
Where the streets are paved with bone
Buildings with a hundred eyes
Watch me through the swarming flie
Behind shade pulled down tight
Things are growing without light
Hungry things in circles crowd
Around t.v.'s turned up too loud
We are the dead next door
Turned up to loud
Where the dirty needles shine and litter the floor
It's too fucking loud
Taste the light, inject the lord
It's too fucking loud
I cut my self again because I'm so fucking bored
It's too fucking loud
We are the dead next door
It's too fucking loud
Where the dirty needles shine and litter the floor
It's too fucking loud
Taste the light, inject the lord
It's too fucking loud
I cut my self again because I'm so fucking bored
Motherfuck yeah!
The dream sea has been poisoned
Stoplight flashes me red
Innocence sufficated in it's sleep
Dr. Suess is dead
The dream sea has been poisoned
Stoplight flashes me red
Innocence sufficated in it's sleep
Dr. Suess is dead
He's fucking dead
"Dope Fiend"
Why do you love to lick my wounds?
Why do you love to feel my pain?
Why do you love to suck my life?
Why do you look so motherfucking dead? ..Dead? Dead?
Why do I feel so dead?
Why do I feel so high? High? High?
Kill me...I'm a dope fiend.
Do not touch me for I am unclean
Kill (your television/kill your time) Kill me
Kill (the cold embryo/kill my mind) Kill me
Screaming insects hail the Queen
Welcome the killer home
Hold me close to your dead heart
And let the rapist roam
Put your bloody hands on me
And whisper in my ear
Burning bodies keep us warm
And have for many years
Why do you love to lick my wounds?
Why do you love to feel my pain?
Why do you love to suck my life?
Why do you love to lick my wounds?
Yeah motherfucker, I'm high. And I'm thankful just to be alive..
Yeah motherfucker, I'm high. And I'm thankful just to be alive..
Yeah motherfucker, I'm high. And I'm thankful just to be alive..
Yeah motherfucker, I'm high. And I'm thankful just to be alive..
"Toubabo Koomi"
We wanna see some blood
We need a new whore
We don't give a fuck
We just want more
We want
We want blood
I'm gonna fuck the whole in Kennedy's head
Revolt deface resist
Push the button
Lgalize Freedom
Let's shoot the president,
Rape the queen
And feel the flowers breath again
Inside this dead machine
Got to teach you, Got to teach you
Swimming into nowhere
Thrill kill avenue,
Cuttin' her slowly
Liberty, she crawls to me
I slept the last mile on our way to endsville
Shove it inside her
Spectro-trippin on
I slept the last mile on our way to endsville
Spread your legs,
Don't look at me
Cut me, rape me, make me free
Breeders screaming dreaming bloodless
For the loveless
White sound, oceans of dreams
I won't be another number on the screen
Shhhhh... I wanna hear you scream
I won't be another number
White sound, jet black scream
Vomiting this cold mass of hate
I'm gonna push my love
Through her skull
Through her skull
Through her skull
Through her skull
Through her
I have heard abortion
Stories from the leather nun
Holding hands with dead girls
Hiding from the sun
I did a line
I did a line
I did a line
I did a line
The lines that define begin to gray and fade now
We shoot out the lights and swallow razor blades
I feel nothing for the meat that came before
Liberty, she crawled to me playing the whore
"God Machine"
The God machine is hungry
For individualism and ripe brains
The skull farmers do their rain dance
And pray the machine falls to sleep
She holds me close
And whispers wet
"there are cannibals among us."
Mad in love with dry dead boys
In the backs of
Abandoned cars
Smoking the bones of children
Plotting the murder of love
Strapped into the chair
The needle now descends
As they lick their cracking lips
Their twitching never ends
Blood beneath their finger nails,
Swallow all my pain
Dirty needles break the skin
Suck hard as I drain
Drain me
Drain me
Sunken eyes, a twisted spine
A whiter shade of pale
Rockabilly man come to pound the coffin nails
Inject my stomach full of
Cockroach eggs
Their machine is coming carried on a million legs
Waking in the sleep of reason
Winter is the forever season
Lick thy mother's bleeding lips
From this glass of hate we sip
Fuck the glass we pump the keg
Kill conception at the egg
Her chin is wet with someone's hate
Love, disfigure, amputate
Can you remember how it felt to be alive?
Your god machine is cold
And dead your eyes they cannot cry
Fuck your deities of dying love
We have shot them down from the skies above
Screaming convulsing
My eyes are bleeding
Be silent now and take your beating
I wonder how long you would live
With a bullet in your gut
I wonder how much shit you'd talk
If your throat was cut
I wonder what you'd sound like begging me
To let you breathe
I wonder how much pain it would take
To make you all believe
Believe, believe, believe, believe
In me
I'm your god machine
Fuck your god
"The Mortician's Flame"
Hunter of tears, relative pain
Half of this world is dark with the stain
The stain of unknowing
The dead flower buds,
On smiling lips is innocent blood
The corpse of your god can only rot and grow cold
Now promise me you'll kill me before I get old
I hear you on the telephone
Moaning my doom
A cold woman will kill me in a darkened room
Just enough, a heart attack
Seal up my black body bag
Take me home and hate me, love
Bite the hand of our lost love
Take your time and take your life
Amputate with this dull knife
Heaven's meat is on the stick
Stir my pain with an ice pick
Pick, pick, pick
Pick, pick, pick
Pick, pick, pick
The chain-saw smile of the mortician shines
I still got all my fingers but somewhere I lost my mind
I can smell abortion on you
I can see through
I take the gun out of my mouth and point it at you
"What Color Is Death?"
What color is death?
The shade of an ice pick sinking into flesh
I don't want you
I want your flesh
Close my eyes and dream of death
Slip away and take a breath
Rivers running dark and cool
How can nothingness be cruel?
What color is death?
The shade of an ice pick sinking into flesh
I don't want you
I want your flesh
Close my eyes and dream of death
Slip away and take a breath
Rivers running dark and cool
How can nothingness be cruel?
Trip with me and meet the sun
Orgasm of light
Suck the world inside yourself
Spitting forth the night
Douse their minds in gasoline
Drop the burning match
Angel alien love
I wait for them to
I listen to the trees
They hum and hold hands with the moon
Insects whisper sweet nothings
The solar system blooms
The skulls of babies grow within
The garden of the soul
Where the girls run barefoot and all life lives uncontrolled
Come on baby let's kick back and bleed with me awhile
Never mind the cold black truth
That stains the kitchen tile
Come on baby let's kick back and bleed with me awhile
Never mind the cold black truth
That stains the kitchen tile
"The Bones of Baby Dolls"
Flower girls play lover
Grave games in the courtyard
I heard her screaming like a radio
Flower girls play lover
Grave games in the courtyard
I heard her screaming like a radio
Mary lou left marks on you
She just screams at the walls
The kite string pops
I'm swallowed whole by the sky
We smoke the bones of baby dolls
Techno-liquid screaming meat
Heaven's cold beneath my feet
Cyber love the anti-man we make love... because we can
Virgins play where the bayou's blue
Barefoot (and bloody) eatin' mushroom stew
Work for pay and pay for freedom
Fuck 'em all, we don't need 'em
We smoke the bones of baby dolls
Everything's gone dry
Like bottle glass scraping cross the pavement
Everything's gone dry
Like bottle glass scraping cross the pavement
Everything's gone dry
Like bottle glass scraping cross the pavement
Everything's gone dry
Like bottle glass scraping cross the pavement
"Cassie Eats Cockroaches"
I feel the wetness of her tongue
That slides across my skin
The viruses crawl over me and feel for some way in
Cassie loves to swallow
This bleeding will not stop
I left cassie hollow
Cut you with my cock
Cassie likes it in her hand
Cassie's dead inside
I came to fuck the open wound
So hold it open wide
Cassie loves to swallow
This bleeding will not stop
I left cassie hollow
Cut you with my cock
Take me into the ocean
Lay me out on her shore
Wake me when the sun burns out
And we'll run forever more
We're all gonna die tomorrow
The freaks are screaming burn it down
She can't feel the weather
I can't touch the ground
Pale and twitching,
Twisting to the cold dance
Watching the room grow old
A funeral romance
Somewhere, someone's screaming that the world's gone
Smear me with your blood
And let these dead boys play their grave songs
Slide across the warm red floor
To meet me
Lock the bathroom door before they crawl
To eat me
Cut her throat
And whisper that we're going home
Twitching to the cold dance
They suck the meat from her bones