Gentle Giant
« Acquiring the Taste »
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1 | Pantagruel's Nativity (6:50)
 | 2 | Edge Of Twilight (3:47)
 | 3 | The House, The Street, The Room (6:01)
 | 4 | Acquiring The Taste (1:36)
 | 5 | Wreck (4:36)
 | 6 | The Moon Is Down (4:45)
 | 7 | Black Cat (3:51)
 | 8 | Plain Truth (7:36) |
   Gary Green - 6 string guitar, 12 string guitar, 12 string wah-wah guitar, donkey's jawbone, cat calls, voice
Kerry Minnear - electric piano, organ, mellotron, vibraphone, Moog, piano, celeste, clavichord, harpsichord, tympani, maracas, lead vocals
Derek Shulman - alto sax, clavichord, cowbell, lead vocals
Phil Shulman - alto & tenor sax, clarinet, trumpet, piano, claves, maracas, lead vocals
Ray Shulman - bass, violin, viola, electric violin, Spanish guitar, tambourine, 12 string guitar, organ bass pedals, skulls, vocals
Martin Smith - drums, tambourine, gongs, side drum
Assisted by Paul Cosh (trumpet, organ) and Tony Visconti (recorder, bass drum, triangle).
(Dan's note: other members of the band played recorder too, though this is not listed on the album cover.) |
Martin Rushent, Big A and Garybaldi at Advision Studios
Bill Price at A.I.R. Studios
Chris Thomas - Moog Programmer
Paul Cosh - Ace Trumpeter and Good Viber
Park - Amplifiers that don't give up
Produced by Tony Visconti
(Arranged by Gentle Giant)
All pieces written by: Shulman, Shulman, Shulman and Minnear
All selections published by Dick James Music, Inc. (BMI) |
 | Pantagruel's Nativity
Lead vocals: Kerry
How can I laugh or cry
When my mind is sorely torn?
Badabec had to die
Fair Pantagruel is born
Shall I weep, yes, for why?
Then laugh and show my scorn
Born with a strength untold
Foreseen to have great age
Set in Gargantuan mould,
Joyful laugh |
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 Второй альбом Gentle Gaint является километровым шагом к созданию той музыки, которая будет ассоциироваться именно с GG. Теперь музыку группы сложно спутать с какой-либо другой. И даже дело не в том, что GG часто используют несколько вокальных партий в своих арт роковых композициях, создавая ощущение маленького хора. Основа музыки GG – темы классической музыки с использованием именно классических струнных и духовых инструментов. На этом альбоме это проявилось в полной мере и некоторые композиции можно вполне спутать с оркестровыми увертюрами, например "Egle of Twilling".
Конкретно об этом альбоме могу сказать, что он получился хотя и уникальным с точки зрения стиля, но недостаточно «отшлифованным», потому что музыка слушается, как репетиция музыкантов, которые собрались просто немного пообщаться. При этом такую музыку лучше слушать вечером в одиночестве, когда ничто другое не отвлекает, иначе можно потерять множество красивейших моментов – то великолепные электроорганные проигрыши, то красивые гитарные партии, то просто гениальные перкуссионные моменты с использованием трещоток, маракас и других шумовых инстументов. Да и в целом музыка на альбоме таинственна и тиха, поэтому располагает к спокойному отдыху или творчеству где-нибудь в старинном английском замке. Только лишь завершающая композиция "Pain Truth" является более энергичной и имеет явно джазовые корни. Есть на альбоме и своеобразный «хит» "Wreck" с очень запоминающимися вокальными партиями.
В итоге поставлю альбому тоже 7, как и дебютнику, теперь из-за «кашеобразности» материала, из-за чего в нем довольно сложно разобраться. Однако мастерство музыкантов бесподобно! |
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просмотров: 14899 |
Princely wisdom, habits bold;
Power, glory, lauded sage
Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning
In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him
Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning
In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him.
Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning
In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him
How can I laugh or cry
When my mind is sorely torn?
Badabec had to die;
Fair Pantagruel is born
Shall I weep, yes, for why?
Then laugh and show my scorn.
Edge Of Twilight
Lead vocals: Kerry
The moon is down
Casting its shadow over the night-haunted town
Mystical figures under the silence of light
The trembling air
Drifts slowly unseen over the houses there
And echoes changing into the voices of night
On the edge of twilight whispering
Whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper,
On the edge of twilight whispering
Whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper
Elusive time
In limbo active in never ending mime
The edge of twilight into the darkness of day
The House, The Street, The Room
Lead vocals: Derek
The room and street are known only to me and a few
I won't tell nobody
A place to meet where no-one can tell you what to do
I won't tell nobody
Awake in sleep
My time is spent in chains and confusion in my head
I don't tell nobody
I keep my pains and swallow the harsh tears that I shed
I don't tell nobody
In reverie
I find escape in the street, in the house, in the room
I become somebody
I cast my die and leave all my troubles in the room
I become somebody
Awake in sleep
Acquiring The Taste
Lead vocals: Derek (verses), Kerry (middle section)
The ship's rising up from the sea to the sky heyeheh Hold on
Just one sorry scream and a desperate cry heyeheh Hold on
Their lives pass before them before they die heyeheh --
The sea yawns around like a boiling hell heyeheh hold on
And souls disappear with the toll of that bell heyeheh hold on
The arms of the sea they are dragging them down heyeheh hold on
And sorrows and sins they are lost as they drown heyeheh --
How strange when you think that the sea was their way;
And a meaningless death is the price they pay
For their living was made from the deep
To their people in comfort and keep
Keep all their people and places there
Never to be seen again, never to be loved and their last embrace --
And the kiss has a salt bitter taste
Now all that remains is the deep cruel sea heyeheh hold on
And wreckage of things that used to be heyeheh hold on
No stone marks the place of that watery grave heyeheh hold on
Together they die both the weak and the brave heyeheh hold on
The arms of the sea.... etc.
The Moon Is Down
Lead vocals: Derek, Phil
And the horse riding up through the red skies
The moon is down
With a gold coloured bird through the cloud flies
The moon is down
Look East to the Sun, Oh where do they run
Look East to the Sun, Oh where do they run
They live in my dreams,
in my dreams, in my dreams
And the Moon and the Earth they were mating
The moon is down
And the Angels of hell they were waiting
The moon is down
Oh bride of the winds, Reward for their sins
Oh bride of the winds, Reward for their sins
They live in my dreams,
in my dreams, in my dreams
There's a chaos of visions and voices
Sad is the laugh of the clown
now the old moon is down.
Black Cat
Lead vocals: Phil
There's a cat prowling through the streets at night
And she's black and her eyes are burning yellow
fierce and bright
The lights are darkened;
Senses sharpened;
Wide awake
As she acts out her past of Jungle days
When the night was her friend in many other
different ways
It gave protection
Of detection
By her prey
With a sway and swing she walks away
And the look in her eye it never seems
to say
The way she's feeling
No revealing,
Black Cat Ways
Plain Truth
Lead vocals: ensemble (verses), Derek (chorus)
Gary: "Tell Frank to order me...uh...two Wimpeys and a portion of chips, will ya? With onions, and tomato sauce on the chips, please."
Why do you question
When there's no answer told?
Plain truth is nothing
You can't buy it when it's sold
Save all your money
And they won't reason why
Why all the worry?
They'll spend it when you die
Don't look for something
Plain truth is nothing,
nothing but the plain truth
You stand and wonder
Just let it warm your skin
Take all the living
Live life and let it win
Plain truth means nothing
Cry, laugh and cry again
You question answers
Born, live and die, Amen
Don't look for something
Plain truth is nothing,
nothing but the plain truth
[Repeat first and second verse and chorus]