« Absu »
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1 | Between the Absu of Eridu & Erech 04:08
 | 2 | Night Fire Canonization 03:19
 | 3 | Amy 04:54
 | 4 | Nunbarshegunu 03:06
 | 5 | 13 Globes 04:47
 | 6 | ...of the Dead Who Never Rest in Their Tombs Are the Attendance of Familiar Spirits 07:03 :
 | | a) Diversified Signs Inscribed
 | | b) Our Earth of Black
 | | c) Voor
 | 7 | Magic(k) Square Cipher 04:49
 | 8 | In the Name of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee 03:26
 | 9 | Girra's Temple 02:39
 | 10 | Those of the Void Will Re-Enter 04:56
 | 11 | Sceptre Command 05:00
 | 12 | Ye Uttuku Spells 04:42
 | 13 | Twix Yesterday, the Day & the Morrow 00:58
 | | Total playing time: 53:47 |
   Proscriptor McGovern - Vocals, Drums, Mellotron
Aethyris MacKay - Guitars, Bass, Synthesizers
Zawicizuz - Guitars, Synthesizers
Guest Musicians:
Blasphemer (Mayhem, Ava Inferi) - Guitar solos on "Night Fire Canonization" and "Girra's Temple"
Michael Harris (Darkology, Michael Harris) - Guitar solos on "In The Name Of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee" and "Those Of The Void Will Re-Enter"
David Harbour (King Diamond, David Harbour) - Synthesizer solo on "Our Earth of Black"
Mindwalker (The Firstborn) - Backing Vocals and ceremonial Tibetan horn on "13 Globes"
Nornagest (Enthroned) - Backing Vocals on "Amy" and "Night Fire Canonization"
Vorskaath (Zemial) - Backing Vocals, Brake Disc Gates, Greek Bell and Vibraslap on "Amy" and "Diversified Signs Inscribed"
Ashmedi (Melechesh) - Lyrics for "Nunbarshegunu," "Those of the Void Will Re-Enter," and "Ye Uttuku Spells"
Equitant - Programming on "Twix Yesterday, The Day & The Morrow" |
All music composed/written by Aethyris, Shaftiel, Vastator and Zawicizuz from 2002-2007.
Produced by Absu.
Executive Production: Candlelight Records
Pre-production by Zawicizuz.
Engineered by Absu.
Drum engineering by Gary Long and Sterling Winfield.
Mixed by J.T. Longoria.
Mastered and edited by Proscriptor.
Drum engineering by Gary Long and Sterling Winfield.
Mixed by J.T. Longoria.
Cover illustration and artwork by Kris Verwimp.
LP cover illustration by Michael Riddick.
Logo theory and illustration by Equitant.
Inlay arrangements by Adrian Wear.
Photography by Gina E. Greenwood and Mavro Asteri.
Photograph manipulation by Marcelo HVC. |
 | 1. Between The Absu Of Eridu & Erech
An empty void will always enlarge itself
It stretches from the nether waters inside
As the chaos lives again: vapors condense
Ushum-Gal allots the beasts to the chantry
The waters twist and turn
The malign sprite dances
The natural  |
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 Американцы Absu между двумя последними альбомами взяли слишком уж большую паузу. Когда четыре года назад вышел сборник редкого материала, думалось, что он, как это обычно случается, и станет посмертным памятником коллективу. Зная о многочисленных сайд-проектах стучащее-кричащего лидера Проскриптора, можно было уверенно стирать пыль со старых компактов, а о новых и не мечтать (на крайний случай сгодились бы и диски Bal-Sagoth – чем не достойная замена?).
А незаметно вышедший пятый номерной альбом, тем временем, оказался самым лучшим в дискографии команды. Назвавшись «мифологическим оккультным металом» в начале 90-х, в полной мере Absu стали соответствовать этому ярлыку лишь спустя почти двадцать лет (никто уже не разберет, сколько времени существуют привычные для нас Absu, и что такое содержалось на самых ранних демо-записях).
Проскриптор разогнал оригинальный состав еще после выхода «Tara» в 2002-ом, а нынешнему исполнилось примерно два неполных года. В помощь были вызваны многочисленные гости, в том числе из именитых Mayhem, Zemial и Melechesh. Перемены не заставили себя ждать: «Absu» звучит претенциозно, пафосно, и атмосферой напоминает классическое творчество Bal-Sagoth более чем они сами современные. «Новые» Absu попросту удивляют: слишком уж несвойственными для команды кажутся взрослая мелодика, свежие звуковые эффекты, нетривиальная техника игры на гитаре и «героическая», завораживающая, а иногда задумчивая атмосфера. Американцы позволили себе длинные инструментальные отрезки, многозначительные завораживающие паузы в быстрых композициях, а шестой трэк – это и вовсе что-то умопомрачительное. Впору называться даже «оккультным», а «прогрессивным» металом…
Однако прямолинейный блэк/трэш никуда не делся, его по-прежнему много. Но на этот раз обычно оказывающаяся в почете верность корням не вызывает уважения, а скорее раздражает. Ведь если бы не однообразие музыкальной части, положенной под вокал Проскриптора, эта работа заслуживала бы самых высоких оценок…
Их она, думаю, и должна по справедливости получить от тех, кто любит сказочно-атмосферный блэк-метал больше, чем я. |
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Вообще, фраза "американский блэк-метал" звучит обычно, как приговор. От заокеанских групп как-то по умолчанию ничего хорошего в этой области не ждешь. А уж с атмосферным и мелодичным блэком встретиться было почти невозможно. Тем более удивительным показалось мне, когда очень яркий материал записали Absu, то ли вновь полноценная группа, то ли вотчина диктатора-Проскриптора, те, чье имя у меня однозначно ассоциировалось с понятием "отстой". Обложка даже способна испугать: это точно блэк, не пауэр? Блэк, говорите? На Bal-Sagoth похоже? Ну что ж, тогда можно и оценить. Впрочем, сей сплав, учитывая влияния трэша и действительно оккультной этники, похож еще и на творчество Melechesh и Aura Noir, недаром сам Ашмеди засветился тут в качестве автора лирики, да еще едва уловимый аромат Abigor присутствует. Надо сказать, что альбом не перегружен событиями, Absu не ударились в пучину концептуального творчества, решив не разрезать свой диск многозначительными инструменталами-отступлениями (коротенькая заключительная "Twix Yesterday, the Day & the Morrow" не в счет), и даже обойдясь без навороченного помпезного интро, что в данном стиле уже само по себе является подвигом. Материал весьма мелодичен, разнообразен, в меру запутан, для того, чтобы процесс вникания в него не был таким уж легким. То, что понимаешь сразу, как правило, быстро надоедает. Так вот, для любителей искать в музыке скрытые нюансы и неочевидные гармоничные линии, здесь припасен подарок: опоясанная пестрыми лентами интересных самих по себе песен "13 Globes" и "Magic(k) Square Cipher", композиция "...of the Dead Who Never Rest in Their Tombs Are the Attendance of Familiar Spirits" (ну и название!). Есть тут подарок и для просто любителей поломать язык: слово "Auebothiabathabaithobeuee" в названии восьмого трека (интересно, кто это?). Плюс интересная лирика, напоминающая о золотых деньках группы Nocturnus. Короче, сплошные подарки под цветастой обложкой. Как сказал бы по этому поводу Ленин: "Слушать, слушать, и еще раз слушать"! |
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просмотров: 16720 |
The bottom of the sea
How deep the engulfment sleeps?
And the chasm, how deep?
How deep the engrossment haunts?
And the gulch, how deep?
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Eridu:
It will call the temples
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Erech:
It will call the mountains
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Eridu:
It will call the temples
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Erech:
It will call the mountains
An empty void will always enlarge itself
It stretches from the nether waters inside
As the chaos lives again: vapors condense
Ushum-Gal allots the beasts to the chantry
2. Night Fire Canonization
Remember the drift of the night's fire?
Where the flames run around with desire
Blazes spread to the fore charring the foe
Granting the competence and burning all
The headmaster of magicians is
The serpent -king and the slayer
The possessor of the torches speaks
To the night with desire
The night's fire dances to a song of fall and wonder
The sultry weapon that calls you here now
The majesty is the power
Which corrupts the offspring (the paltry)
That shall never transpire
And always be denied
That shall never transpire
And always be denied (be declined)
The sun is sable
The moon is weeping
The planets are failing
As the earth starts to shake
The flames look secure
Within all the chaos
The fire sounds safe
Like a voice from the sky
The keys to hereafter
The flaxen-crimson embers
The symbols and the signals of
Destruction and withering
A night's fire is
The portrait of what was
Of what is
Of what is to come
So we shall singe them and
We shall burn them and
We will destroy them to
Remember the pith of the night's fire
The night's fire torches hatred to stone
As the sun turns cold
The stars fall fast and
The earth turns black
3. Amy
Many became the victim of the hunt
and attack
Inside the Order was a ruse for the fall
A greater key was used to open the portals
Afterwards, mages were allocated
He practiced his knacks and skills of trickery
Most malicious, he became revolting
Spirits were locked inside the mirrored vestibule
The Circle was ambushed by cornered, lined frontiers
Grabbing a staff, he waited for the practical
Dressed in the robe, he adjured the Circle
(Faultless seal, a greater key, ascendancy)
"O' Amy, you're the foremost of sphere and space"
"O' Amy, you're the foremost of fortune and splendour"
He saw and aloof principle as one being
Most sharp-eyed, he watched day transfigure
to the night (from the fire, combustion)
The mages self-sustained the beckon (summoning)
Studying bleak matter tied to obscured strings
A morph-genetic field of imps disturbed then
And the lesson was a ruse for the fall (combustion, ascendancy)
4. Nunbarshegunu
The old woman of Nippur
Instructs Ninlil to walk the banks of Idnunbirdu
She thrusts he magic (k)
To harvest the mind of the great
mountain-lord Enlil
The bright-eyed king will fall to your anguish
His soul lures the hexagonal room
He who decrees fates - his spirit is caught
His soul lured to the hexagonal room
A silk veil strewn over you
Your face is the cosmos
You hide it in shame
The lord of fates enthralled
He's bound to Ninlil
The lord of fates enthralled
He's bound to Ninlil
Your daughter, your weapon
You want to be the cosmos!
No shame, no limits
Mother of Ninlil acts
Lord of the fates deluded
To Kurnugi, Enlil is cast
Sin is conceived in the monarchy of death
The dynasty persists: the lunar god comes
to life!
A silk veil strewn over you
Your face is the cosmos
You hide it in shame
5. 13 Globes
Within upheaval
I am filed between them
A dark cloud: evident
Apparent: parasite-hoards
Contained by ancient tongues
Aghast in aspect
On momentous days
I teach validities
Of the sea and the secrets
The crux: "The Primeval Source"
In the planes of the shining lodes
Za-ab: return to the source
Flanked by the sixth and seventh
The spheres which make the signs
Vual and Scor
I'm Zagan of 13 Globes
Flanked by the sixth and seventh
The spheres which make the signs
Vual and Scor
I'm Zagan of 13 Globes
You shall ascend: Durson
Aid me minder: Durson
33 legions bow before me now
Flanked by the sixth and seventh
The spheres which make the signs
Vual and Scor
I'm Zagan of 13 Globes
Flanked by the sixth and seventh
The spheres which make the signs
Vual and Scor
I'm Zagan of 13 Globes
You shall ascend: Durson
Aid me minder: Durson
33 legions bow before me now
6. ...Of The Dead Who Never Rest In Their Tombs Are The Attendance Of Familiar Spirits
[A. Diversified Signs Inscribed / B. Our Earth of Black / C.]
Voor Our Earth of black blemishes with a curse
Conclaves of spirits evoke and call forth
One grand night follows by a lone cold night
As the seven grottos head to the bowels of Earth
The dead shall know there is never peace to make the first sign of Voor
Flouting through the gates of astral planes to the second sign of Kish
Dwelling in the outlines of wraiths to the third sign of Koth
The dead shall nosh upon passageways of ye Elder Ones
Diversified signs inscribe a reminder for the shade of spirits
It protects those who would evoke ye powers by night
Serpentine lamias and ravage-clawed harpies
Liquefy and eat into the gifts of decay
Every dream of man and woman coils by the worm
As the ghouls race to the world of the living
The dead shall know there is never peace to make the first sign of Voor
Flouting through the gates of astral planes to the second sign of Kish
Dwelling in the outlines of wraiths to the third sign of Koth
The dead shall nosh upon passageways of ye Elder Ones
Diversified signs inscribe a reminder for the shade of spirits
It protects those who would evoke ye powers by night
Serpentine lamias and ravage-clawed harpies
Liquefy and eat into the gifts of decay
Every dream of man and woman coils by the worm
As the ghouls race to the world of the living
7. Magic(k) Square Cipher
The balance emergence
The strict ardour
Loshu is expecting
The first of the six
The essence of Saturn
Yesod and Moon
There is not a square to close the system
Five breaks silence
The stabilization
The lamp courier
Three Wands and Three Adepts
Six equates strife
Tripareth and Yî King
Scorpio: Son of Sun
Gratify master keys to two gates of initiation
24th Hexagram
4th line formed: Sacrament
Binah drawn, harmonized to six times: 24th
All planets are arranged
Tripareth reaffirmed
Six concentric in the cube
Lunar path?
The hits of the Swords inside the magic(k)
Represents the cosmos and energy
The temper of the inquisitor
Represents the Phallus and the prince-priest
The six of Swords is the symbol of the Sun
Showing the full establishment
Their points touch the hedge of the cipher
The six of Swords is the symbol of the Sun
Showing the full establishment
Their points touch the hedge of the cipher
Their points touch the hedge of the cipher
8. In the Name Of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee
In the name
I give the powers to the spell
In the name
True visions of time are forthcoming
In the name
I confer brawn to incantations
In the name
Gray vapors begin to clamber high
The great scimitar of Barzai
Alabaster statuette of Yebsu
The representation of Koth
Cobalt flames light the blaze of Laurel
In the day
Mars and Saturn make collision
In the day
Place the ewer upon the fire
In the day
All the secrets are deaf in silence
In the day
I am the Lord of every Spectre
In the light
Grant equal parts of rune and weapon
In the light
Place the green glass onto the seal
In the light
Four winds cry the words of control
In the light
Seven nights will unchain the soul
In the name
I give uproar to the Great Abyss
In the name
I give the powers to the spell
In the name
Of the unction inside the sigil
In the name
Vaporous smoke shall arise
9. Girra's Temple
This is for you
Temple in the earth
A beacon of fire
A shrine for Eridu
The moon's bright trace
A pathway to your vault
Your spell is close
Its light holds a face
The Sun still sleeps
While the ancient ones return
Here stands the mighty chantry
Inlaid with black-blue lapis
You're seized by the Ushum-Gal
Enclosed in Girra's Temple
Sirrush is flying over
Storming over Neti's gates
Ea awaits your arrival
The seeds have been planted
A long, long time ago
Early, utopian visions
You can only fantasize
One abyss: one temple
One mind: one design
In course of the setting Sun
You can only realize
Sirrush! Ea!
Narr Marratu!
Narr Marratu!
Ea! Kingu!
Here stands the mighty chantry
Inlaid with black-blue lapis
You're seized by the Ushum-Gal
Enclosed in Girra's Temple
Sirrush is flying over
Storming over Neti's gates
Ea awaits your arrival
10. Those Of The Void Will Re-Enter
Thousand after thousand
The years of tradition linger
For the wisdom of magic(k)
The supra catalyst swells
Servants of the arcane order
The hypnotized beings
Can you commemorate?
The burden of ignorance
Clad in robes imprinted with spells
Regress time - degenerate
Founders of mankind,
Come lay your claim
Revert - Annunaki
Those of the void will re-enter
Clad in robes imprinted with spells
Regress time - degenerate
Founders of mankind...
Regress time - Regress time
Those of the void have re-entered!
11. Sceptre Command
Namtar, you're the Hyle of plague-ness
A watchman: bound and bound
My staff is the answer (for elucidation)
We shall not climb to the origin of elements
We must examine the base of Gudua
In order to harvest a benthos existence
I call upon the backing of Gugalanna
I paint the bow at the gold crown
Three arrows spear the heart of the staff
The placement of Mars must be equal
Enrapture within Sceptre Command!
The Cylinder seal projects the spell of triangular silhouettes of Irra
Hear me, Namtar
Descending by the stages
Circules of this great dwelling
O' breathing, flowing orb - you're in place
O' formless, lifeless mock - your gray place
The Cylinder seal projects the spell of
triangular silhouettes of Irra
Hear me, Namtar
Descending by the stages
Circules of this great dwelling
O' breathing, flowing orb - you're in place
O' formless, lifeless mock - your gray place
I paint the bow at the gold crown
Three arrows spear the heart of the staff
The placement of Mars must be equal
Enrapture within Sceptre Command!
The Cylinder seal projects the spell of triangular silhouettes of Irra
Hear me, Namtar
Descending by the stages
Circules of this great dwelling
O' breathing, flowing orb - you're in place
O' formless, lifeless mock - your gray place
Thank you, O' Great Ones
Now, Kuta's repressed
My solar cantrip...
My fourteen afreets...
Anon, Gudua's placed
Three embraced each other
Namtar, Nergal and Mars
The truncheon gripped the light
Command - the bolts were shot
12. Ye Uttuku Spells
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
At nightfall, burgundy eyes arise
Beginning of the cosmic dances
Surrealistic, the serpent's command
Ugallu, obey the magus' rule
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
A frenzied rupture opens the stone
Out pours the beam and the shaft of light
Point it straight to the mountain's zenith
Ye Utukku awake, Utukku
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
Unrestrained, the light razes the night
Savage, causer of the mystical
Bring the Ginyaatlie of lava
Achieve theory from the mythical
Nisir - Tedloonetaa of salvation
Nisir - Mountain of elevation
Kukhwa - Burn over the dome
Ye Utukku awake, ye Absu rage
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
13. Twix Yesterday, The Day & The Morrow