Sonata Arctica
« Reckoning Night »
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1 | Misplaced 04:42
 | 2 | Blinded No More 05:33
 | 3 | Ain't Your Fairytale 05:26
 | 4 | Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night… 03:21
 | 5 | Don't Say a Word 05:49
 | 6 | The Boy Who Wanted to be a Real Puppet 04:44
 | 7 | My Selene 05:28
 | 8 | Wildfire 04:36
 | 9 | White Pearl, Black Oceans… 08:47
 | 10 | Shamandalie 04:04
 | 11 | Jam [unlisted track] 02:01
 | | Total playing time 01:02:27 |
   Tony Kakko - vocals
Jani Liimatainen - guitars
Henrik Klingenberg - keyboards
Marko Paasikoski - bass
Tommy Portimo - drums |
The MAN on "Don't Say a Word", "White Pearl, Black Ocean" and "Wildfire" by Nik Van Eckmann
All music and lyrics by T. Kakko except for "My Selene" music and lyrics by Jani Liimatainen
All music arrangements by Sonata Arctica
All vocal arrangements by T. Kakko
Recorded at Tico Tico Studio, by Ahti Kortelainen during March, April and June 2004
Mixed at Finnvox Studios by Mikko Karmila
Mastered at Finnvox Studios by Mika Jussila, June 2004
Produced by Sonata Arctica
Artwork by Janne "ToxicAngel" Pitkänen
Art "Misdirection" by T. Kakko
Band photography by Toni "Varokaa, se on Canon!" Härkönen |
 | 1. Misplaced
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
Sometimes I feel so out of time and place,
trapped in a maze
As if I was lost in someone else's life...
The values I should keep in high regard don't mean a thing to me
Do you ever feel a need to go back in time?
A dream of mine...
To trave |
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 Соната Арктика - 3 альбома за 4 года. Вроде неплохая продуктивность, которая наталкивает на мысль о том, что Какко и Лииматайнен имеют достаточную фантазию, уйму материала и неплохой уровень самоотдачи общему делу, как группы так и фэнов, однако в этом всем может быть и негатив, ибо на мой взгляд невозможно за такой короткий промежуток практически нереально улучшить или хотя бы изменить что-то в звучании...
Что может предложить Reckoning Night с точки зрения кардинальных изменений? Безусловно пришел новый клавишник(Хенрик Клингенберг) и это всегда накладывает отпечаток на звучание. Однако чтобы что-то оценить нужно это что-то сначала послушать. Итак: начало вроде бы ничего - быстрая Misplaced, среднетемповая Blinded No More, а потом снова быстрая Ain't Your Fairy Tale. Но что-то уже не так, хотя следующая потом инструменталка Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night все же немного успокаивает. Но это конечно ненадолго. Дальше идет практически однообразие, за исключением вставок голоса а-ля второе "Я"в некоторые песни. Без сомнения с точки зрения стиля ничего не изменилось - спид-пауэр однозначно, но все же ощущается, что альбому не хватает песен типа The Cage - которые запоминались бы сразу. Общий стиль текстов наталкивает на мысль, что Какко задумался о смысле жизни.
Вобщем Reckoning Night на мой взгляд если не шаг назад, то уж точно шаг в сторону от прогресса, который наблюдался в группе в Silence и Winterheart's Guild. Ну что ж... У каждой группы бывали удачи и неудачи. И я весьма надеюсь, что для следующего релиза парни отберут действительно самый лучший и сбалансированный материал из всего, что у них есть. А пока - твердая семерка. Хорошо но не до конца. |
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Старался-старался талантливый Тони Какко на протяжении многих лет выпускать шедевры, да, по-видимому, сознательно захотелось хлебнуть лиха — в результате мы видим абсолютно безликую пустую работу, слегка разбавленную чудесной композицией «My Selene». Я никак не могла понять, как в такой занудный альбом могло затесаться это романтическое чудо, но ответ оказался простым — ее написал вовсе не Тони. Более или менее слушабельны также «Ain't Your Fairytale», красивая, но слабенькая «Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night» и мелодичная «Shamandalie», но этого мало. Как можно было после трех шедевральных альбомов, включавших бессмертные вещи вроде «Letter to Dana», «Wolf & Raven», «San Sebastian» и «Victoria's Secret», выпустить эту пустышку, я не представляю.
Кратенько об альбоме «Reckoning Night»: жесткий звук, несколько злобный вокал, незапоминающиеся сухие мелодии, практически неживая, но профессионально сыгранная музыка. Это недостойная вещь для такой перспективной яркой группы, как Sonata Arctica.
Вердикт: посредственно и безрадостно, но за волшебную «Селину» (спасибо хоть на этом) я ставлю целых 4 балла. Совет от души: если Вы еще не слышали “Сонату”, начинайте с любого из первых трех альбомов (к слову, безупречных), а этот оставьте напоследок — так, для ознакомления, не более. |
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Я считаю этот альбом взрывом в творчестве Sonata Arctica. Сами подумайте: группа, игравшая классический финский павер, за один год кардинально изменилась и стала оригинальной. Много ли таких групп ?
За этот год в голове музыкантов возникло множество отличных идей, воплощенных на альбоме. Например они стали больше использовать бэк-вокал и многоголосье. Это придало большую динамичность композициям. Сам материал замедлился, но стал заметно тяжелее. Вокальные партии стали немного проще и эмоциональнее.
Техническое исполнение альбома как всегда "на отлично". Заметно появление постоянного, и очень профессионального, клавишника. Henrik Klingenberg - главная находка этого альбома.
В итоге мы получаем целостный и гармоничный альбом. Из песен выделяются: "Wildfire" и "Don't Say A Word" - напором и мощью, достигнутыми благодаря нововведениям; "My Selene" - красотой и мелодичностью, и как композиция, характерная для старой Сонаты.
И хотя идеи, созданные "Reckoning Night", получили худшее развитие, это - самый интересный альбом на современной сцене финского павера. |
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Дебют «Ecliptica» - был ярок и неожиданен. «Silence» - и сейчас для меня один из лучших пауэр-релизов в этом десятилетии. «Winterheat's Guild» - был прогнозируемым альбомом-передышкой, потому никаких разочарований.
Но если вы молоды, то следует идти вперед, а не доить свой же успех и выпускать альбом из клонов Sen Sebastian.
У группы было все: студия, подписанные контракты с фирмами представляющими оборудование, Кармилла и Юсилла снова вылизали саунд, опыт - вырос на кучу левел-апов... но... Они забыли пригласить в студию Вдохновение. А отсюда - четвертый альбом стал подобен большущему и дорогому шкафу - который громко падает.
К третьему трэку я уже зевал. Желание переслушать альбом в третий раз за 5 лет - так и не возникло. «Unia», хоть слава богу, стал альбомом поиском.
P.S. В те годы масса метал-коллективов меня разочаровала: Stratovarius, Helloween, Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Nightwish. На некоторое время я и вовсе исключил хэви/пауэр из сферы своих интересов. |
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Хоть убейте меня, но не пойму никак, чем же не угодил это альбом предыдущим рецензентам. Что в нем такого «бесцветного», «посредственного», что бы заставило снять с “Сонаты” корону первенства в пауэр-метале? Поэтому давайте на время отбросим в сторону эмоции, и займемся рассмотрением этого альбома, сначала с чисто технической стороны.
Во-первых, это весьма хороший по звучанию и записи финский пауэр, в котором действительно, как сказал кто-то из предыдущих господ, есть некая самобытность.
Во-вторых, звук. Он утяжелился, стал более мощным по сравнению с «Silence» и теперь напоминает второй альбом земляков, группы Altaria, в которой играет теперь бывший участник “Сонаты” Яни Лииматайнен.
А теперь эмоции. Пластинка вышла очень красивая, на ней стало меньше нудных проигрышей, которыми изобиловали прошлые творения команды и лично меня вгоняли в сонное состояние. Мелодии полны драйва, скорости и музыкальной энергии. Да, безусловно, здесь имеются выбивающиеся из общего настроения альбома композиции «Blined no More», «Shanandalie», но их не более двух-трех, а за такие мелкие оплошности группе, предыдущие три альбома которой просто шедевры, оценки ниже 8 баллов не ставят. |
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Я так и знал что они сдуются, нельзя же выпускать одни шедевры и хорошие диски. Вот и теперь – абсолютно не хитовый, отстойный, безликий и пустой альбом. Напоминает плохую копию «Winter Hearts Guild», до былого величия как до луны. Понравилась только сингловая песня «Don’t Say A Word», и тоже, в общем то с натяжкой, в прочем красиво оформлена обложка и замечательное качество заниси – в этом они всегда были мастера. Похоже, одной пауэр металл звездой станет меньше… |
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просмотров: 27392 |
In the end all I can do is to learn I live in a dreamland
This time was not made for me,
I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore
How much suffocated anxiety can be held within?
I was found guilty to a crime against myself
No need to hear the words again,
I live and I'd die for my dreamland
This time was not made for me,
I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore
I'll never have a chance,
I can't understand
I'm a misplaced man
How could this backward land
Learn to understand my dance?
What it's like, when
Every single smile hurts...
I have never felt like home here
Always missing something
People aren't connecting
Am I a misplaced soul?
I live in a perfect Hell,
I try finding my wishing well
When I drop my last tear,
I have accepted this life
A true saint, that I am not,
You have never seen me
'Cause I have always been there,
Standing by your side
I'll never have a chance,
I can't understand
I'm a misplaced man
How could this backward land
Learn to understand my dance?
What it's like, when
Every single moment pains me...
Never felt like home here
I am missing something
My soul's in a wrong shell?
2. Blinded No More
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
Your pretty face seduced me,
Blinded me from how you used me
I walked the long way home,
only to get hurt by you again
The longest glance, oh,
What illusions did I have of you?
A lone reflection splitting in two
You found all seven ways to keep me near,
Near within your reach
You sure knew how to harness love,
But never made me more than want you
I'm not sorry, you will never get more out of me
'Cause I am blinded no more
You sucked out my will to live
You gave me the crown, and killed...
High road would have none to regret
Never left, I took the low road instead
Love is a little death between two little lives,
Nothing more
Now I have myself to live for...
You sucked out my will to live
You gave me the crown, and killed...
High road would have none to regret
Never left, I took the low road instead
Oh, my life out of my hands
I always gave eternal love another chance...
Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again
Consuming love, my only reason...
Nothing is service free,
Such things cannot be healed,
That will do fine for me,
So come here, come, come, come...
And suck out my will to live
You gave me the crown, and killed...
High road would have none to regret
Never left, I took the low road instead
Oh...In the same nightmare again...
Oh...Dark tunnel of love will never end
Oh...Taken for granted again
Oh...Too weak to say it is over, all over
Oh, my life out of my hands
I always gave eternal love another chance...
Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again
Consuming love, my only reason...
We always seem to end up here and break a lance
Ready to give eternal love another chance...
You say the words, I wanna hear... all over again
Lust is my all consuming reason...
Now, take me again...
3. Ain't Your Fairytale
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
The ones who seek justice,
Will pray for it all their lives...
They can and they will skin us all one day...
Oh can you hear them cries? (Can you hear them cries?)
As far as the man can run from us we're following the trail of blood
So hunt my young ones
I have always known the storm would come...
Listen now, my young ones
This not a story I tell
Of midnight, moon and sun...
Are you ready to walk the forbidden road
Learn again what we tried to forget
The dark can now take over you
We have a common past, an ancient bond
The people once broke
We would only take what we need,
They would harvest our weak,
But they hunted us all,
We ended the last of them, thus far, ten lifetimes ago
In hopes of healing the sore,
But the war still went on
Preying for the moon,
Hiding for the day
These might be our last times
I ain't gonna see you taken away...
Heading for the dawn
Of our way of life
You're welcome to give it your best try...
Look me in the eyes, oh, wolver
This ain't your fairy tale...
It took us many years to teach them
How to cry wolf
We made the people serve the purpose
Those ignorant fools... my young ones!
Teach the ones below you something you've learned
And learn from the ones above you
Fear is your deepest wisdom
For these last days...
Preying for the moon,
Hiding for the day
These might be our last times
I ain't gonna see you taken away...
Heading for the dawn
Of our way of life
You're welcome to give it your best try...
Look me in the eyes, oh, wolver
This ain't your fairy tale...
The ones who seek justice,
Will pray for it all their lives...
They can and they will skin us all one day...
Oh can you hear them cries? (Can you hear them cries?)
As far as the man can run from us we're following the trail of blood
So hunt my young ones,
The pack they have always feared is back
On your last day, remember, we never die
Death does not exist for us
They don't fear the wolf, but the wild within
No glory to the way this must end
This is a story I told
Unfolding before you
Preying for the moon,
Hiding for the day
These might be our last times
I ain't gonna see you taken away...
Heading for the dawn
Of our way of life
You're welcome to give it your best try...
Look me in the eyes, oh, wolver
This ain't your fairy tale...
The ones who seek justice,
Will pray for it all their lives...
They can and they will skin us all one day...
Oh can you hear them cries? (Can you hear them cries?)
As far as the man can run from us we're following the trail of blood
So hunt my young ones,
The pack they have always feared is back
4. Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night
[Music by Tony Kakko]
5. Don't Say A Word
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
I am your poison candygram,
the love that's ment to fade away
Vade retro, alter ego, move aside, I'm choking on this life
I think I tolerate your hate, as long as you're afraid
All I wanted was to be with you and suffer every day...
Under the moon I hold a wake for a promise torn
Mortally wounded, feelings sheltered me
Once again my shadow will enter your life
Time to walk with me the last mile...
I read a book about a man, a love, a woman, how they died
How I was waved aside, listen how the headless doves cry
I truly see a madman in the mirror when I'm weak
I spent a year in love before I realized it's me
Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you're lying
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Could I let you wait out the night?
Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word
It won't be long now, love, like mist I slowly fill the room
I place a black candle on your chest,
The path of night is manifest
I never wanted us to end up in this catatonic phase
It wasn't me who ran away, you made me stray...
Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you lie
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Settling the score, we pass the twilight...
Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word
Strawberry blonde, your stranglehold
on my heart is bound to end
I suppose, life sometimes,
it doesn't go the way it was meant
Though you never were a believer,
I assure you: I won't die before you
You read the book now,
The part "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"
Short is the flight of this little starling
Love sounds familiar, but the emotion escapes me
I will carpe the diem while it's still here,
And see how the fear of death becomes her
We had it all so sweet
Made for me, you, indeed...
Big secret, small the lie
Don't cry for me, oh, argentite
No word you say tonight
Can make this be alright
I'll help you follow through
Remember this?: Pacta sunt servanda
... The wounds are too deep,
I need to keep the scars
To prove there was a time
When I loved something more than life
Unlike the last time here,
I now have the means and a will sincere
Your knight is nowhere near
Unfortunate for you, this makes me your God...
Closing your eyes, don't ever say you love me, whore
You never meant a word, I know you lied
When there is life, there is despair, indulge me now
And stay alive this night... I promise you the end before the first light arrives...
Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say...
Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... Don't Say A Word!
6. The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Real Puppet
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
So many years ago, many more than I'd
Even care to bear in my mind
From the darkest of all places I found you
All the limbs in their right places
And a heart made of real gold
Sell me your little doll, oh sir, I ask you kind
Every night I returned to watch them
The master and the puppet in the show
He said: "Oh, no, I cannot sell him...
Priceless he is, masterpiece of mine"
Please, sell me your puppet, sir
Name your price, oh please,
Whatever you may ask,
Tenfold the price I pay
"Did I not make it clear?
This debate is over
I will never part from this puppet, my son..."
With hungry eyes I followed them all night
The blind master and the puppet he had made
"No, sir, to sell is not my will!"
The doll is mine, even if I have to kill...
So it shall be... if this is what it takes
"Greed is truly blinder than me..."
"Heart of gold is what you wish for?"
"So, this little boy... wants to be... a puppet, for real..."
So I have the golden heart
Now only needing the voice of the master
Never feel hunger, never grow older
My dream was to be a star in a real puppet show
It's so hard to remember my life
The times before the show
Can I ever cut off the strings?
"Take a bow, now dance and sing..." (Sing!)
Would you turn to a child again?
"No, never, I am your Guide"
You can see a small grin on the face
Of the master, when the puppet's in his place
Be careful what you wish for
Wishes might come alive
The twines are pulling me every day and night...
The show, the glitter and all the fame
I'd give away for a life
Some things can end with a word, they say
This only ends with a sharp knife (Knife!)
7. My Selene
[Music and lyrics by Jani Liimatainen]
Nocturnal poetry:
Dressed in the whitest silver you'd smile at me
Every night I wait for my sweet Selene
But still...
Solitude's upon my skin
A Life that's bound by the chains of reality
Would you let me be your Endymion?
I would
Bathe in your moonlight and slumber in peace
Enchanted by your kiss in forever sleep
But until we unite
I live for that night
Wait for time
Two souls entwine
In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
Shadows they will fade
But I'm always in the shade
Without you...
Serene and silent sky
Rays of moon are dancing with the tide
A perfect sight, a world devine
And I...
The loneliest child alive
Always waiting, searching for my rhyme
I'm still alone in the dead of night
Silent I lie with a smile on my face
Appearance deceives and the silence betrays
As I wait for the time
My dream comes alive
Always out of sight
But never out of mind
And under waning moon
Still I long for you
Alone against the light
Solitude am I
In the end I'm enslaved by my dream
In the end there's no soul who'd bleed for me
Hidden from daylight I'm sealed in my cave
Trapped in a dream that is slowly turning to nightmare,
Where I'm all alone
Venial is life when you're but a dream,
The book is still open the pages as empty as me
I cling to a hope that's beginning to fade
Trying to break the desolation I hate
But until we unite
I live for that night
Wait for time
Two souls entwine
In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
We will never meet
Only Misery and me
This is my final call
My evenfall
Drowning into time
I become the night
By the light of new day
I'll fade away
Reality cuts deep
Would you bleed with me
My Selene?
8. Wildfire
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
Oh why are we so sad?
Are we feeling hurt by their evil eyes and all those empty words?
We are thirsty for payback?
What would we like to do with the town?
Wouldn't we like to make it dance (Ha ha ha ha) with the animal?
Would we? Would we?
Tell us, what we would like to do.
Burn it. Burn it all...
Burn honey, burn, let the fire eat away
I never liked the look of this town
Burn it down now
I'll run, they all know what I've done
I fetch my gear and take my leave from this mountain
I never had a chance to prove I wasn't guilty,
I always seemed to get blamed for
Every little crime, I didn't even have a name for...
Still running, still defeated in my mind
I never even tried to defend my own pride
The father ain't always like the son
They claim we've purloined, I'm not the one...
The story always goes, when the anger within
Builds up for too long...
Takes us over...
And we all are forced to obey, hey...
It was a match made in Hell,
Now the whole mountain burns
And every man gets what no man deserves
Our beloved kin never learned to fit in
Now I pay for my name, live my life in sin
How much less can I ask from you people?
This town stays in disarray
'Til the rules are the same for us all, hey...
I've ran on this mountain, with no guilt of my own
The trees and the rocks, every cave, every hole
I dropped them a line, "Beware, this mountain will
blow in your face. My last saving grace..."
Bells toll all over town, burn, burn until it's all gone
Game over, what was a bad joke is now a reality show...
Oh, we all are forced to obey... oh, we ALL are forced to obey...
I climbed up the mountain,
And dug a grave for each day of pain,
It's in the past, this moment's so frail...
I am what you made me
With years of abuse, so burn!!!! (Burn, burn, burn)
It was a match made in Hell,
Now the whole mountain burns
And every man gets what no man deserves
Our beloved kin never learned to fit in
Now I pay for my name, live my life in sin
How much less can I ask from you people?
This town stays in disarray
'Til the rules are the same for us all
Our beloved kin never learned to fit in
Now I pay for my name, live my life in sin
How much less can I ask from you people?
I hereby declare a martial law
And you all, we all are forced to obey... hey!
9. White Pearl, Black Oceans
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
I was born and raised by the sea, shy yet proud,
Learned to stay away from the crowd
In my home, my lighthouse...
101 steps, round and dound
New Years Eve, one night in the town
Can change one life into eternity...
All I could see, her eyes,
We got caught in the moment, all of the night
Taken beyond all lines,
In silence leaving 'em all behind
She had found the sails, for the following night
The town, for her, was getting way too small
She promised to be mine
Forever, ...for that one night...
Moments, passion, small defeats
Concealed emotions, found in me
"You gave life to a brand new me..."
Crossing the wintry fields,
The first hour of morning light
Warmed by the flame inside,
The lasting memory of the ending night
I never had a chance to stop what hit me...
What broke my bones and mauled me...
After hours of deep, unwilling sleep... in a cold shelter
Fell back in the dark, and the hours of the day passed...
A nightmare awakes me, blinking light!
There's no guide, blind ships in the night
Oh blood red moon, eat away the night
Darkness covers my lonely soul,
No one to feed the dying light...
Good morn', oh dreadful day,
I prayed the moon had lit the sea instead of me...
For the sails of night,
"Please tell me everything's alright..."
My voice in the room broke the silence,
Everybody killed me with their eyes...
What I was to hear made the people cry,
Impossible for me to keep the tears inside
"All on the board White Pearl I have died,
Coastal reef have tolled their lives
And you are the light of the night..."
One thing, I remember, before I fell on the ground...
Although I never saw the face,
A name was inked in his arm...
Love can be like poetry of demons, or maybe
God loves complex irony?
The family name stated I had seen before...
Written on her front door...
"Silence in the courthouse!"
A presence in the room, we both could feel
The father of her unborn child and me
All on the board White Pearl I have died,
Coastal reef have tolled their lives
While I was the guide light...
Back in my tower, run, run, run
Light is out, I hope to see
Black oceans beneath rise and swallow me
One step will take me back inside, another sees my end
No one can love a man who guarded the light,
(Guarded the light, one faithful night)
Flaming eyes I must confront before I am stated free
Defining innocence is hell, after all that has past...
Building new walls inside my eternal night...
Although they took my heart and dried me up
Sometimes I still bleed...
Show me the way (show me the way)
The light will show me a way on the grisly reefs
Too many dead ends I see
No soul can save me
The respect I lost, the measure of a man...
10 000 steps down, round and round
One night at the town and I'm hell bound
Black oceans beneath come and swallow me
All on the board White Pearl had died,
Coastal reef come claim my life
Black oceans beneath come and swallow me
My little tower, seal my fate
Help me pay back, end their hate
Black oceans beneath come and swallow me
One direction, down, down, down
Pitch black night for my old town
Black oceans beneath shall now swallow me
I hereby commit my life to the deep,
to be turned into corruption
looking for the resurrection of the body,
when the Sea shall give up her dead
and the life of the world to come, through our Lord,
10. Shamandalie
[Music and lyrics by Tony Kakko]
In good old times, remember my friend
Moon was so bright and so close to us, sometimes
We were still blind and deaf, what a bliss?
Painting the world of our own, for our own eyes, now?
"Can we ever have what we had then?
Friendship unbreakable
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
If I had you beside me"
One cloudy day we both lost the game?
We drifted so far and away
Nothing is quite as cruel as a child
Sometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes?
"And we'll never have what we had then
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
If I had you beside me now"
I was unable to cope with what you said
Sometimes we need to be cruel to be kind
Child that I was, could not see the reason
Feelings I had were but sham and a lie?
I have never forgotten your smile
Your eyes, oh, Shamandalie
Time went by, many memories died
I'm writing this down to ease my pain
You saw us always clearer than me
How we were never meant to be
Love denied meant the friendship would die
Now I have seen the light
These memories make me cry
"Can I ever have what I had then?
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
And see the world with my wide open eyes
Friendship got broken
There's no other for me
Like the one of my childhood days
Can you forgive me?
The love got better off me,
On that day back in old times"
11. Wrecking The Sphere
[Japanese Bonus]
I see the landscape before me
So beautiful it makes me smile
Those whispering sounds in silence
Reaching for me, trying to warn me...once again.
Wake up to sense the violence
Right and wrong, clear and strong
Whispering sounds in the darkness
'The time will come to undo what you have done...'
'What if the seas can't save you
From the fires of this world...
You left no trees to keep you
on the surface, when the day comes...'
'The push that you gave derailed me
...on my knees, broken seals
Your vagary led to the silence...'
...I can't hear you.
'Please cast the die
Paint the horizon with the right shade of red
When the oceans rise
Mother cleans the slate and the cradle becomes
your grave...'
'What if the seas can't save you
From the fires of this world...
You left no trees to keep you
on the surface, the oceans rise...'
Under the sky...
we create our future
Towards the end we tend to forget
Is world such a bad place
Why are we wrecking the sphere...
Four seasons turn into two,
Two less seats in the ancient guild
The bond is now obsolete...
You gave us the roots and the wings,
the more you gave, the more we parted from you.
This day seems so infinite
We never learned to be afraid...
Pray no, you should not pray now
Must believe in yourself
All the choices you make
Will define you in the end
Truly, we're a lost cause
A tiny rhymless word
In the poem of time
What if the seas can't save you
From the fires of this world...
You left no trees to help you
back to surface, when the oceans rise...