« Resurrection »
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1 | Resurrection
 | 2 | Crimson Snow
 | 3 | Adultery
 | 4 | My Dead Dreams
 | 5 | Death In Black
 | 6 | Collector Of Tears
 | 7 | Waiting For Lunacy To Find Me
 | 8 | Princess Of The Dawn |
Recorded at Studio Fasaden, Hagfors, Sweden in October/November 1998. |
 | 1. Resurrection
I ran too far
fought too hard and lived too fast
broke me down, tore me up
So I buried myself
deep down in the blackest hole
there I slept, There I wept
all these tears I shed
slowly healed my bleeding soul
(it) takes a fall to rise again
Inside of me
I'm ready to grow y |
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 СУПЕР альбом! Настолько клевый, что просто нет слов. Это дум-дэт с гроул- и чистым вокалом. Песни чередуются на альбоме через одну - сначала думовая композоция - потом более дэтовая. Мелодика просто потрясает! В отличии от предыдущего Shadow`s Dance, это просто сказка. Отдельно хочется отметить оформление диска - оно тоже на высоте. Настоятельно рекоммендую всем без исключения. |
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Это невероятный альбом, из тех, что обладают собственной магией, зачаровывают и уносят в полуночные миры. С первых нот - это дум, но уже вторая композиция взрывается бешеной скоростью и дэтовым звучанием. В дальнейшем они чередуются, быстрая и медленная, объединяя внутри себя тяжеленные, монолитные риффы, кристальные акустические переборы, яростный ритм и возвышенный, нежный клавишный фон. Голос звучит в трех измерениях: хрипловатый и отрешенный, шепчущий, рычащий. Первые наполнены такой скрытой скорбью и чувственностю, что проникают прямиком в сердце, четкий и ясный гроулинг очень хорош. Звучание в целом выделяется потрясающей чистотой, каждый инструмент играет в своем пространстве. Красота - вот основное ощущение от происходящего. Гитары звучат пронзительно и величественно, соло - песнь ночного ветра среди скал, какими представляется мощная ритм-секция, клавиши - то россыпь сверкающих капель, то негромкие симфоничные переливы. Атмосферу можно сравнить с тиаматовским "Wildhoney", которому "Resurrection" ничуть не уступает, а дэтовая составляющая придает ему весомости.
Этот альбом - смертоносные льдинки лунного света, направленные прямо в сердце. Это всего лишь очередные пафосные слова... да просто других нет, когда музыка вызывает искренние чувства, а "Resurrection" именно такой альбом! |
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В этом альбоме присутствуют только две композиции - четная и нечетная, что означает если номер композиции четный - песня быстрая, дэтовая в классическом шведском стиле, а если нечетный - дум а-ля TIAMAT "Wildhoney". Мелодика присутствует на всех без исключения композициях, правда слушать электронные ударные немного скучно. Кавер ACCEPT "Princess of the Down" слушается необычно, хоть и уступает оригиналу (нет Хоффмановских соляков). Диск рекомендуется для покупки всем без исключения - деньги вы потратите не зря! |
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просмотров: 20490 |
start the fire in this heart of ice
The time is right for me again so lift your eyes up to the sky
You'll see me dancing on the winds again
No more tears for me
Sweet flame come for me
bring life to empty eyes
Tears from heaven fall
the fallen angels dance before my eyes
as I reach out from this womb
God save this world
I will walk upon it again
I will breathe, I will live
The time is right for me again so lift your eyes up to the sky
You'll see me dancing on the winds again
No more tears for me
Sweet life come unto me
I will be once again
2. Crimson Snow
The scream remain from last night
when he skilfuled took her life
It's not heroic
When he slices them with a knife
but his desire dies
He is killing for pleasure
To decrease his desire
How many bodies can we count now
You have made the crimson snow
Another victim
Was found couldn't be recognized
he must have felt joy
Hear my warning
Don't walk under the dark sky
cause he roams when it falls
He is killing for pleasure
To decrease his desire
How many bodies can we count now
You have made the crimson snow
It must have burnt like a fire
to get caught and facing a trial
He must pay for his crimes
sentenced to death for all those lives
He will be on our TV screens
they are going to fry his brain
In the electric chair
We see his eyes turning red
when he slowly joins the dead
He was killing for pleasure
to decrase his desire
Now his body is melted
entertainment we created
3. Adultery
to the red light world
come to me child
and show me what you've got
no need to cry
as you pay
the price for my greed
my lust, my hunger
They came with promises of gold
but there where things untold
your flesh was bought and sold
and now you dance with the devil at night
the red lights burning bright
crawling at his feet, you're a piece of meat
being sold by your master
this is a one way journey to hell
you'd better serve your master well
in disgrace you kneel your wounds won't heal
the vultures feed on your flesh
Taste my fire
this is not love
sweet gutterchild
this is power
the beast within
gets his prey
sweet flame you've burned
and now you're gone
They came with promises of gold
to late the truths unfold
your flesh was bought and sold
and now you dance with the devil at night
the red lights burning bright
crawling at his feet, you're a piece of meat
being sold by your master
this is a one way journey to hell
you'd better serve your master well
in disgrace you kneel your wounds won't heal
the vultures feed on your flesh
4. My Dead Dreams
Deep inside of me
in a grave
lies the dreams that I
Cherished the most
I killed them all for you
all for love
that was my sacrifice
the price I paid
Standing naked in the pouring rain
no guiding light, no will to fight
mourning my dead dreams
I know that I have to
live the lie
the winner takes it all
the loser dies
deep inside of me
in a grave
lies the dreams that I
cherished the most
Standing naked in the pouring rain
no guiding light, no will to fight
mourning my dead dreams
5. Death In Black
I am the harvester of life
Making your life black
I have called your name
There's no turning back
I am, the death, ruling, with your time
I can, but I won't give,
you the time you need
You fear me more than ever
You know your time is up
I take away your sorrow
I rule your mortality
I am, the death, ruling, with your time
I can, but I won't give,
you the time you need
6. Collector Of Tears
Now I should cry
it was years ago
Inside of me
so much I can't control
I am hiding from life
I isolate my self
I keep it all inside
I never speak the words
that tells how I feel
I walk around in silence
and hide from things so real
I do not longer care
I am filled with fear
I hold back my tears
7. Waiting For Lunacy To Find Me
I always knew
there would come a day when darkness would fall
like a heavy blanket over me
it was always there
lay beside me when I slept
always lurking deep within my mind
seeds of lunacy
being nursed by feelings of guilt
with their bloom comes insanity
my fate is cruel
but there's a light in the pitching black
now my journey's at an end it seems
..at an end at last
see the sign
it's the begining of the end
madness comes
pull me inside
blow me away
Here it comes
rising up from the depths within
swallow the fear that rapes my mind
distant memories call
I hear the echoes of the life I lived
for a moment then they fade away
...then they fade away
see the sign
it's the begining of the end
I'll die tonight
goodbye my friends see you in hell