« Sufferion - Hamartia of Prudence »
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1 | The Letter 01:58
 | 2 | Flame Still Burns 05:09
 | 3 | Antracone’s Dream 02:06
 | 4 | Lost is My Name 04:17
 | 5 | The Wraith at the Shore 01:31
 | 6 | Heart Unyielding 03:49
 | 7 | The Conspiracy 03:50
 | 8 | Shame Forever Mine 07:02
 | 9 | Scoria Arrives 02:39
 | 10 | Dark Whispers 08:50
 | 11 | The Murderer 00:55
 | 12 | Wither in Silence 04:27
 | 13 | The Hideaway 01:00
 | 14 | The Fall 06:23
 | 15 | At the Cabin 02:59
 | 16 | Beyond 11:05
 | | Total playing time 01:08:00 |
   Matti Aikio - vocals, bass
Toni Lahtinen - guitars, vocals
Juha Lehtioksa - guitars
Sami Boman - keyboards
Jani Laaksonen - violin
Janne Ojala - drums
Guest musicians:
W.Lilith - female vocals
Tuomas Holopainen - keyboards
Maija Turunen - female vocals
Tapio Wilska - narration on "Flame Still Burns" |
 | 1. The Letter
2nd of August 1797. His Majesty ship "Providence". Boston.
Dear Prudence!
My words can't describe how heavy my burden has been during these few months. The rough
sea has delayed our journey back for several days the storm is settling now. And the crew is
hastingly buying and l |
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 Приятный во всех отношениях альбом. Финны порадовали своим опусом, несмотря на то, что ничего нового не сделали. "Sufferion - Hamartia Of Prudence" - альбом-повествование. Треки чередуются: сначала идет некое интро, после чего вступает музыкальная часть. Очень понравился вокал во всех ипостасях - от мужского и женского чистоголосого пения до мужского гроула/скрима и женского крика/скрима (в одной композиции). Запись и сведение отличны, с разделением по инструментам и малейшим деталям. Владение инструментами тоже прекрасное, учитывая, что кроме обычных для стиля гитар, баса и ударных присутствуют приятные уху скрипка и клавишные. Мелодии, в принципе, ничего нового не несут, но в смеси создают хорошую картину. Стилистика альбома легко различима: ровный Gothic/Doom, реже - Doom/Death и Sympho Black. В некоторых композициях симфонизм превалирует. Сравнивая с предыдущими работами этого коллектива, замечу, что был сделан большой шаг в сторону усложнения материала и увеличения качества конечного продукта. Настоятельно рекомендуется любителям музыки в рамках стилей Doom и Gothic. |
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Новое творение этих финнов действительно порадовало! с самой первой композии (если это можно так назвать 8)) они приглашают нас побывать в шкуре морячка, который скучает... да что скучает, просто не может жить без своей возлюбленной (очень мило 8)) банально? но это действительно затягивает!Отличный вокал,скрипка, атмосферные примочки и великолепный мелодизм порадует любителей стиля. Возможно, кто-то скажет что еще одна хорошая команда опопсела, но упрощение композиций пошло им только на пользу(по сравнению с Altum)! звук становится все тяжелее и тяжелее по мере развития действия, а оно как и хорошая книга держит вас в неведении чем же все кончится до конца. |
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Альбом получился хоть и ничем особо не выдающийся, но весьма качественный и атмосферный. А это, ИМХО, главное. Композиции быстро запоминаются, и вместе создают ощущение целостности (не из-за общей шекспировсой интонации, а благодаря хорошо продуманному баллансу). Sufferion слушать приятно - мягкая, мелодичная музыка, с редкими тяжелыми вставками. Жалко надоедает довольно быстро. Посему ставлю восьмерку. |
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"Sufferion - Hamartia Of Prudence" ("Страдания - ошибка благоразумия") - замечательный, очень мелодичный альбомчик, причем, по-моему, мелодичность у них в избытке. Просто-напросто такое слушать каждый день определенно тяжело, потому что данное творение быстро приедается. Вообще это прямо опера, пьеса какая-то в стиле gothic\doom. Здесь есть акты и действия, есть трогательная история, конечно же, про любовь большую и светлую, но до боли сопливая получилась вся эта сказочка. Она с третьего действия раскрывает всю свою внутреннюю сущность. Это история о бравом моряке, который был сильно влюблен в свою девушку, вследствие чего к нему явился демон, и у бедного парнишки просто-напросто довольно сильно сорвало крышу, и пошел он всех кромсать, насиловать и убивать. А потом, когда очнулся, не поверил, что он накрошил столько трупов и ко всему этому в придачу убил свою возлюбленную. А демон был рад и счастлив, который подвигнул бравого морячка на серию кровавых убийств. Всё, вот вам весь сюжет. Понравилось? Мне что-то не сказать, что сильно. В музыкальном плане дела обстоят получше. Записано и сведено всё грамотно и чисто, что уже радует, потому что слышны все инструменты, которые в совокупности своего звучания и гармоничной лирики переносят нас в 1787 год на корабль Его Величества «Провидение», где и происходят события, дающие начало сюжета. Вот так! Действительно, хороший качественный релиз с красивым и чистым вокалом. Однако как альбом он не имеет большой ценности, поэтому он рекомендуется в первую очередь для любителей оперы и мясных трагедий. |
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Silentium... Как много в этом звуке... Именно название привлекло меня для прослушивания их работы под названием "Sufferion — Hamartia Of Prudence". Сам альбом уже довольно старый — 2004 года, но ТАКОГО Gothic-Doom-метала я никогда не слышал! Действительно, эти мрачные финны проделали потрясающую работу — следуя традициям грандов gothic-метала: TOT, Draconian, Lacrimosa и другим, группа смогла добиться своего неповторимого звучания. Путем сочетания классической метал-тройки — гитары, баса и ударных с симфоническиими инструментами — синтезатором и виолончелью, а также разноплановых вокалов — сопрано, тенора, гроула и скрима, ребята создали великолепную работу, насквозь пропитанную средневековой атмосферой!
Сам альбом концептуальный — идет повествование о классической фэнтезийной истории: парень ищет свою любовь, украденную монстром. Вся история представлена в виде 16-ти треков, 8 из которых — песни, 8 — лирические отступления, в которых раскрываются перипетии сюжета. Настроение на пластинке довольно мрачное, лишь иногда разбавляемое позитивными вставками. Шесть песен на альбоме представлены в виде классического gothic-doom-метала, осложненного симфоническими вставками, из которых хочется особо выделить "Flame Still Burns", открывающую альбом, и "Shame Forever Mine", находящуюся в середине альбома, но по настроению очень похожую на первую — очень мрачно и БЕЗУМНО красиво! Из других заметных вещей — две песни, идущие друг за другом - "Lost Is My Name" и "Heart Unyielding" — очень красивые готические баллады, а также трек "Wither In Silence", на котором звучит женский скриминг на фоне хэви-метал-вставки. Остальные композиции послабее, но при полном прослушивании остается длительное неизгладимое впечатление!
Очевидно, что перед нами шедевр в готической музыке, и за прошедшее время он не потерял своей привлекательности. Так что если кто-то в свое время пропустил данный опус, настоятельно рекомендую ознакомиться! |
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просмотров: 12894 |
letter with the captain of the "Capricorn". The last will of my brother, William, has been a saddening
task. To try and sell his estate and belongings. his life's toil has grieved me as the
memories of him come vividly haunting me I miss home. The ways of the new world are not for me, and
most of all I miss you, I could not believe such hick as I had when i first met you. My endless
dream is that you could be mine to love, I can only wish, though I think hopelessly, that I could
make you even partly as happy as I am with you - if only your father would find it in his heart to
understand our hearts desires over the fact that I am not of noble heir. I wish this voyage of
grief would be over, I wish I was with you even I'm not at home in the joyous eves, dances and
masquerades of the court. Hopefully you haven't locked your smile behind the door of your room,
even when I'm gone. I do hope I am worthy enough to make you smile whence I return, my flame still
burns for you.
Yours beloving: Antracon.
2. Flame Still Burns
And all the dreams I've ever felt
Failing to reach or comprehend
The essence of you
...And all the times I've feared for you
I've shut the door and passed right through
The flame burns for you
The emptiness in me
Was filled with you within
All the hope you sowed in us
I've crushed and turned to dust
My Flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
With every breath I breathe
With every sight I see
Yet whence I am falling down
You've put your arms around
My flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
Beneath the hollow skies
Your gentle, sunken smile
Slow sway of your white breast
Slumbering breath upon my chest
I've shattered, ripped and torn
But still you came for more
All the pain I've put you through
My flame still burns for you
My flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
3. Antracone's Dream
[Antracon:] Prudence?...Blood! By god...Prudence!
[Scoria:] Well, well...I can see your true nature is to be...somewhat hateful
[Antracon:] Who are you, wraith... What have you done to her?
[Scoria:] Don't worry, she's very much alive ashore...
[Antracon:] This must be a nightmare, god, wake me from this lie
[Scoria:] Such a terrible guilt from something you will do most willingly. Yes, this nothing but a
dream. Dream of what will become...This will all be true. This is the path to escape the pain and weakness
[Antracon:] No never
[Scoria:] Oh, don't be frightened. Together we shall accomplish much more powerful deeds than this. We
can wipe away all that is old and begin another creation. This will be your call to greatness.
A meaning you have been desiring, my little chosen one
[Antracon:] This will never be...never...I love her. None can ensnare me to such bloodshed
[Scoria:] Where pride lost is to be seeked, there love is to be soaked in blood
[Antracon:] Prudence, no... Prudence
[Scoria:] I'll be watching you, chosen one
[Hickson:] Sire...wake up...there is something on the deck...we need you there
[Antracon:] Prudence?
[Hickson:] At home I think, sire c'mon sire, there has been thievery on board
4. Lost Is My Name
I am the shameless lust in you
I am the vanity of man
I am forever strength in you
I am the one to lift the hand
I am the jealous tongue, the poison dart
I am the lost one, anger in your heart
I am the hunger, plague and strife
The virtue stained
I am the bitter tear you hide
And pride regained
I am the armour, flame and torch
I am selfpity blinding you
I am the spear, blade and the shield
I am the warlust of the fool
I am the vicious lies and frauds
I have been watching every move
Lost is my name, yet known by all
I shall relieve your pain
"Lost is my name, yet called by all"
I shall release your rage
I am the jealous tongue, the poison dart
I am the lost one, anger in your heart
I shall betray and bend all rules
You're mine and arrogant
I'm in the hate of disapproved
And fall of man. The fall...!
The fall of man!
5. The Wraith At The Shore
[Prudence:] my heart is unyielding I am his but alone yet so full of longing awaits whilst he is gone
[Scoria:] hark, such a lovely thing. I can grant you eternal beauty
[Prudence:] who's there? Who?
[Scoria:] join me
[Prudence:] where are you!?! Are you an angel of god? Show thyself!
[Scoria:] I can give you infinite wisdom and power you can not imagine
[Prudence:] what are you? None godly creatures speaks thus!
[Scoria:] I can grant your every dream
[Prudence:] my dreams will follow my betrothed Antracon
[Scoria:] Antracon!...is weak, mere mortal and this ocean parts you from him
I can grant you...eternity
[Prudence:] one dawn with my beloved Antracon is more precious than infinity without him. My soul is his
[Scoria:] more is the pity for such a waste
[Prudence:] your words are wasted on me, wraith. My heart is full and unyielding!
[Scoria:] I shall claim your soul
6. Heart Unyielding
My heart is unyielding
My dreams are fulfilled
Yet so full of longing
Without him it's stilled
Untouched by all evil
My truelove and I
My hope and my sole will
His sight so divine
My heart is stern faithful
No tempt or a lie
Never bitter nor hateful
O'er waves chanted sigh
Shamelessly yearn for him
For his heart I know
In the winds my lust burning
In the winds my heart woe
I am your fear of weakness
I'm your guilt and the fault
I grant you all eternal
I grant you all desires
My heart is sheer forthright
Nor guilt neither fault
No shadows of hellwraith
No sin to be found
I am your fear of weakness
I'm your guilt and the fault
I grant you all eternal
I grant you all desires
My heart is unyielding
I am his but alone
Yet so full of longing
Awaits whilst he's gone
My love stands eternal
His touch I desire
Wraiths of all infernal
Our love will defy
7. The Conspiracy
[C.Tenheim:] Enjoining the evening?
[Scoria:] Count Tenheim. I Presume?
[C.Tenheim:] At your service my lord...?
[Scoria:] You may call me Scoria. I've been watching you dance with young baroness Prudence, such
a...lovely creature
[C.Tenheim:] Yes, unfortunately her loveliness is owned by someone rude enough not to even appear
with her. Even in such pleasant masquerades as tonight.
[Scoria:] Well some do not simply have the proper out bringing to attend this kind of pleasures
[C.Tenheim:] Apparently so, lord Scoria. it may be the spanish way to raise sails and let the beauty
wither ashore.
[Scoria:] Look at her amongst all this joy, mourning and sighing. Wouldn't you like to set those sad
longing eyes aflame again? To have her and afterwards kiss that swanlike neck goodnight?
[C.Tenheim:] I...I Beg your pardon, my lord
[Scoria:] Do not insult me with petty morality, dear count. I know exactly how desperately you thirst
after her. With how much anguish you envy that halfbreed Antracon for owning her loyalty.
[C.Tenheim:] If only I could open her eyes from that blindness.
[Scoria:] I think we have a way to remedy that.
[C.Tenheim:] Dear sir. are you suggesting that I would do the dirty deed of yours... of god only
knows what intentions?
[Scoria:] My intentions. Are merely of setting her free of that endless longing. I'm not asking you
to do anything, but to follow your own desires. Few words from a loyal servant of your's will do.
[C.Tenheim:] Few words. From my servant?
[Scoria:] Just a word placed in the ear of Antracon's crew. He's ship, "Providence", is due to
Southampton within few weeks. When it arrives we can perhaps put one of your servants on the
payroll all we need is few words, like count Tenheim has...
[Lawes:]...Slept with young baroness Prudence.
[Hickson:] Aye! You watch your mouth gadgie. I can't believe it out off her
[Lawes:] That's the bleeding bloody honest truth. By god. Mind you. She is the bleeding fiance of the
owner of this ship and all. Didn't stop the mockers or banging her sheets with sir tenheim now did
it? No no...
[Hickson:] Bloody hell...young sir Antracon ain't gonna be at all happy when he'll hear about it...
[Antracon:]...I just can not believe it
[Hickson:] Well that's what I heard. And the gadgie works for the count and all. Well, we better be
off to London sir. If we are going to be there in decent time.
[Antracon:] No...Hickson wait...I am going to stay here at the inn for a while. Would you arrange a
room for me?
[Hickson:] You're sure sir? Ah mean. Right, you never kin with this stuff. Never kin with the ladies,
tell you that for nothing sir.
[Antracon:] No...she deserved something better... It's all my doing. Being away and low breed. All my
8. Shame Forever Mine
Pain my friend
In solitude
This coldness suits me right
All the pain
I've struck through you
Is the shame forever mine
I felt you in my shiver
I hear you in my dreams
My body numb and linger
Stunned as dark reveals
It breathes the sweat of night air
It lurks behind my brows
I'm sorry that you were here
To witness all my faults
Pain my friend...
Longing for touch
Longing for arms
Around my hips
Lips for my lips
I'm worn and cast aside
Her thighs lay open wide
Yearning for one
Yearning for all
In lust I beg
Tongue on my neck
I'm worn and cast aside
Her thighs lay open wide
Pain my friend...
Invitia amente est
Perpetua pudeo mei
Carita Suus Renovare
Furore et dolore suus
To hurt and bleed this I deserve
May every tear strike every nerve
I dwell in depths, where I belong
Just let me sink with flames below
...with flames below!
Let my life, hour by hour,
Like fallen leaf by earth devour
With hollow end my hollow life
Without her bear my solemn strife
Longing for touch...
My emptiness
Yearning for one
I hide in you
Yearning for all
The tears I cry
In lust I beg
The shame I hide
Tongue on my neck
Rain my friend
You were right
This emptiness suits me fine
Every torn out
Tear she cried
Are for shame forever mine
Shame my friend
I hide in you
This loneliness stills the night
Every moment
Without you
Is the shame forever - mine!
9. Scoria Arrives
[Scoria:] Well, sir Antracon. She left you like a rotten ship? Eternity...is a long time to bare guilt.
[Antracon:] How did you get in here? This room is mine!
[Scoria:] Yours? If you would have defended what is yours. She would still be with you. Don't you
hate how she made you feel like nothing?
[Antracon:] Who are you?
[Scoria:] We were discussing you. Why are you taking the blame for her betrayal?
[Antracon:] If anyone. I'm the one who has betrayed. I've always felt like I'm not enough for her.
Still, I don't believe she did...
[Scoria:] Oh yes you do. Yes you do, i can feel it. She thinks you are too low for such noble family.
Ah, selfpity...doesn't it strangle you sometimes? Such a waste for a man who's grandeur and power
might rise above all this.
[Antracon:] Grandeur? My father was a soldier and my mother a low breed spaniard. I shouldn't have
been worthy enough to wipe miss Prudence's boots. Let alone ask of her hand...
[Scoria:] Why doubt thyself? You could be strong enough to lead armies, to rule kingdoms. I could
show you your true worth. I could sooth that pain of yours.
[Antracon:] I want to forget this doubt...this fear. I never want to feel this pain again.
What...what are you
[Scoria:] I am the roar of your pride and self-respect, telling you. That it's not your fault. Don't
let them mock. You. I can offer you strength that rises you high above any doubt, agony and
self-pity. I am the strength inside telling you that those whores out there are better of dead for
making a mockery out of you and your kind. Every damned one of them. Just let me release what's
inside you...hiding
10. Dark Whispers
I will be there when you mock thyself
In the nighttime, when the shadows dance
I will be there when you burn thyself
She betrayed you, coldness tears your soul
Out of the darkness
Ye've locketh me in
I have been aneath
I'll feed your fear
Whose is this voice, and why this strayness,
This bitter rage I can't control?
She'll grind ye down
She'll throw ye out
I'll be all hate that hides in ye
And all the things banished
I shall promise you vast victories
She will be crawling back on hands and knees
I shall cease your grief and heavy moan
I shall stick the blade through every whore
We have no choice, drowned She shall be
All th' wounds she stroke in thee
Tenfolded striken back in her
Tenfolded every whore shall burn
In dreadful deeds we shall unite
As one we shall not cease the fight
I shall set ye on th' throne of night,
Bring forth revenge that you desire
"I grind my teeth, I grind my teeth
I bite and pull ye deep beneath
Oh, let the children come to me...!"
...And I shall set, yer desires free
For dark is our hate
So let there be rage!
...And I shall show ye th' sterling strength
Of thousand pariahs
Let there be revenge!
I will be there when you mock thyself...
My sight, has it frailed,
has darkness prevailed?
Is someone still here with me?
Here in me?
These hands are they mine?
Is this smile or a grin?
What is this hate in me?
My love, where is she?
Scortum! Scortum!
Scornful whores!
Blade or a loin they are yearning for more!
11. The Murderer
[Cinnamon:] Want to have some fun sire?
[Carla:] I'm as fun as it gets
[Antracon:] You
[Carla:] Sire?
[Antracon:] Yes you. Both of you, come here
[Cinnamon:] Is there anything we may do for you sire?
[Antracon:] Sure my sweet ones...there's something you can do for me.
[Carla:] Well... we can surely help such a gent as you...what do you want
[Antracon:] I want you to wither...
[Antracon/Scoria:] Every whore shall bleed...
12. Whiter In Silence
Wither in silence my precious flower
Draining your pith and I devour
Would I crush you in my arms and make you bleed?
I'll hiss my tongue and feast on your ear
Summon the words that you need to hear
Your tears will stain my blade, but I won't feel
Twisting my hands around your limbs and
passing myself through unknown lands
You're stripped for me to play your every chord
Wither in silence my precious flower
Wither in silence my lustful flower
wither and scream until it's over
I shall crush you in my arms and we shall bleed
Nothing to fear I'll slide into you
Just draw me near, I'll see right through you
The taste of female heat upon your neck
I'm growing stench with bitter breathing
I'm nothing like you have been dreaming
I shall know and still let down your every need
Wither in silence my precious flower
Biting -Tearing - your skin
Twisting - Tasting - your sweat
Stroking - melting - deep within you
Fading - Screaming - death grin
blade in - thrusting - blade out
So wither in silence my lustful flower
wither and scream before it's over
As I've crushed you in my arms, together we ...bleed
13. The Hideaway
[Hickson:] Over here, miss. Here he is. He wasn't in he's room at the inn last monday, right, and I
went looking for him. I found him here in a poor fettle. I thought I'd better fetch you, miss
[Prudence:] My god it's him...Antracon...my love
[Antracon:] Their eyes so hollow so hollow
[Prudence:] What's happened to you? Why are you all covered in blood?
[Antracon:] Every whore shall burn...every whore shall burn
[Prudence:] Hickson, help him up to the street and into my carriage. We've...
[Hickson:] Here we go sir Prudence...got to get him out of town. We'll take him to my father's
hunting lodge.
14. The Fall
No single kiss, nor touch, nor vow
Dare not say, yet you know how
So fair and tender came to be
Such sickening sight for me to see
My dark wishes and hate unleashed
Dissolution leads me astray
Utter yet sweet can't be released
My path painted with scarlet stain
The chains of failure that I had borne
All the guilt ere has it torn
Out now this torment I've closed the wall
In life and death my word stands tall
The pain your lust has thrown to me
I shall return the suffering
I'll tear your throat and let you bleed
With steel I'll fill your every need
Come take my hand
I'll give you all my pain
I'll tempt you fain
Under my shining blade
Hilt in my hands
Woos me like blushing maid
Beauty of whores
By bodkin sharked and stained
From self-pity awoken, thus
Rewrote our names in crimson dusk
Grandeur and strength untouchable
In hate our oath unbreakable
I've reached too far, in darkness dwelled
Could I be saved, saved from myself?
Did I miss the point of no return?
Is this the light, or strength I yearned?
Set your fate in my hands and we will prevail
You'll rise to the throne of lands, for you they shall hail
Come take my hand...
15. At The Cabin
[Hickson:] You both all right?
[Prudence:] Yes Hickson. Thank you. You may leave us now. My carriage will take you back to town
[Hickson:] I'd better get going then. Good night sir. Good night miss.
[Prudence:] Now then, feeling any better hmh?
[Antracon/Scoria:] We are there when you dance with the shadows. We are there when you mock the
mirror. We are there when you spread your legs...
[Prudence:] What...my god what has happened to you
[Antracon/Scoria:] I shall claim your soul. Every whore shall burn... Every whore shall burn every...
[Prudence:] Any better now that you've bathed clean from that filthy sour stench? What happened to
you? Nobody knew where you vanished after "Providence" anchored in Southampton. I was worried sick.
[Antracon:] Where am I? Prudence?
[Prudence:] Come here and hold me
[Antracon:] Prudence, I've seen a terrible dream. An endless nightmare...murderings and...I
can't...was it a dream
[Prudence:] Were together now everything will be well again, I heard such terrible rumours of you.
Especially from count Tenheim.
[Antracon:] Count Tenheim? The noble count himself?
[Prudence:] What's wrong my love?
[Antracon/Scoria:] Every whore shall burn!
[Prudence:] No, Antracon. No...
[Antracon/Scoria:] Their eyes so hollow so hollow.
16. Beyond
Her innocence lay
Shred with a lie
Sweet lips decay
Forever mine
Grandeur of hilt
Do not bear guilt
Eyes wide to see
Your madness in me
In the lanterns pale and sulphur air
My senses frail, no longer mine.
Solace of rage, blinding embrace
My sweet heart to bleed apart
Foil too painful, shent and wreakful
To hear or bow to any god's law
Their eyes so hollow so hollow
Their words so shallow so shallow
Her innocence ravished, by whom is this done?
Such cowardly curse, second to none
My demons ensnared me with torture and strife
And now it all ends here by god or a knife
I'm beyond horizon, on the ocean of flame
I'm numb and paralysed never feeling the pain
No one can hurt me now, I've left all behind
Beyond of all hope and fear, this void so divine
[Antracon:] Prudence?...What? Blood! By god...Prudence!
[Scoria:] Well, well...I can see your true nature has finally reached you
[Antracon:] You! You devilish fiend... you're behind this all. It's all nightmare again. I'm on my
ship and Prudence is faithfully waiting ashore..god, wake me from this lie.
[Scoria:] Such a terrible noise from what you have done most willingly. This is the truth, here and
now...the only thing that's not is that you imagined the worst to be true.
[Antracon:] No... Prudence.
[Scoria:] Take her hand, it's yours now. after all, she remained ever faithful to you
[Antracon:] No...you...you did this... this is all your doing you demon!
[Scoria:] I merely opened your eyes. She's all yours now, like all those whores we have killed.
[Antracon:] My Prudence is dead. all is lost.
[Scoria:] Lost? Come Antracon, this is just the beginning. This is humanity at its strongest. To rule
the life or death of others, to feel no pain, no pity. No mercy or compassion. All the great deeds
of human are inspired by their lust. Lust for power. Fame, fortune. The only thing binding man
down, suffocating him is guilt, shame and pity.
[Antracon:] This is madness, madness. By god...it shall all end here.
[Scoria:] Antracon, no...you fool! What a terrible waste. Another greatness tossed away. Oh you
mortal fools. Short is their time here. And they are so eager to cut it even shorter. Well, my chosen
one, sweet dreams. I'll bit you farewell little ones. I'll claim you at the end.
Their eyes so hollow...hollow.