Amon Amarth
« The Avenger »
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1 | Bleed For Ancient Gods
 | 2 | The Last With Pagan Blood
 | 3 | North Sea Storm
 | 4 | Avenger
 | 5 | God, His Son And Holy Whore
 | 6 | Metalwrath
 | 7 | Legend Of A Banished Man
 | 8 | Thor Arise |
   Johan Hegg Vocals, Lyrics
Fredrik Andersson Drums
Ted Lundström Bass
Olavi Mikkonen Guitars
Johan Söderberg Guitars |
 | 1. Bleed For Ancient Gods
Making way through blades and spears
We attack at dawn
The glory scene is near
From northern gods we're spawned
Defender's fighting sprit crack
Torching house of single god
We цeave land burnt black
And bodies floating in blood
War to us is holy
We sacrifice |
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 На протяжении всего диска ребята нарезают типичный дэт. Правда в довольно хорошем исполнеии и с намеком на мелодику. Вполне хорошая работа. |
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Отличия от предыдущего альбома невелики. Все тоже сочное, плотное и мощное звучание гитар, грозный гроул вокалиста (хотя иногда он начинает походить на скрим в некоторых моментах), всепоглощающая атмосфера непрекращающихся боев, бурь и прочих неприятностей, в которых участвует орава отважных викингов. Все это с эпическим размахом, не иначе. Музыка по-прежнему однообразна, даже еще более однообразна, чем раньше, потому что мелодики стало меньше, а именно благодаря ей песни можно идентифицировать. С уменьшением количества интересных и запоминающихся мелодий, группа не привнесла в музыку ничего нового. Тем не менее, альбом все равно оставляет хорошее впечатление. Сыграно хорошо, на мой взгляд, не придерешься. Да интересные моменты тоже имеются. Больше всего порадовали «Bleed for Ancient Gods» со своим бодрым вступлением, «North Sea Storm» с интересными мелодиями, сильная и мощная «Metalwrath» и относительно разнообразная «Legend of a Banished Man». |
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А не привесить ли мне к этому делу ярлык?.... Шведятина, в общем. Чертовски драйвовое рубилово, в гитарном плане довольно неплохое, но голос тупой и однообразный, да и в самой музыке особых фишек нету (...эх, где ты, тонкий, филигранный и техничный Dark Tranquillity... :]). Не сильно интеллектуальная музыка, в общем, хотя и заводящая.
Скажем так, больше годится для цели репой потрясти, чем для серьёзного и вдумчивого прослушивания. Объективно на 7/10 потянет, хотя я не в восторге :] |
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С тем, что особо интересных моментов на альбоме нет, я согласен, но не правильно называть это мелодик детом! Это же викинг, правда, немного утяжеленный детовыми примесями. А для викингов важнее создать достойную атмосферу, а не напичкать музыку "интеллектуальными" рифами и соляками! И стоит отметить, это им удалось. Мелодии невыразительные, но это полностью компенсируется длинной альбома – всего полчаса с небольшим, так что надоесть однообразие мелодий не успевает. В общем, часто слушать это не получится, но изредка послушать очень даже приятно. Можно было бы поставить и 8, если бы они были пооригинальней, а так только... |
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просмотров: 28978 |
War to us is holy
We bleed for ancient Gods
Blasting forth with rage in our war eyes
We burn with hate
Cut our way through hordes of weak christian flesh
Cast them into death
War to us is holy
We sacrifice our blood
War to us is holy
We bleed for ancient Gods
Burn away the false and untrue ones
We make them kneel
To the only true and powerful Gods
And then we kill
2. The Last With Pagan Blood
We storm ahead with swords'n shields
For victory we ride
We fight the world on these battlefields
To re-erect the pagan pride
We draw the blood of those in our way
It's 'victory or die
With pounding, raging fury we slay
Now christian hounds will pay
Charge ahead, no retreat
No merca, noone shall live
To us there is no defeat
No remorse to give
A wind of power blows from the north
The enemy shivers to the core
We slay with strength, pushing forth
Silence before the storm
The gates of Valhall open up
The ground beneath us shakes
As Oden leads the Gods to war
The Rainbow Bridge cracks
Nothing can stop this final attack
We carve up all in our path
Now there is no turning back
Final battle is here at last
A feast awaits us when we get back
Awaiting all that fought in wrath
By the long fires we sit in glory
Ande beer cools our soar throats
We are few but strong in will
The last with pagan blood
We fought the world with burning steel
Now we sit in Hall of Gods
Pride and glory in our hearts
Pride and glory in our hearts
3. North Sea Storm
Above my heads mighty men battle
Flashing blades rip through the air
Cracking shields with rumbling thunder
Rolling over the waves
Blood pours like rain onto the sea
As it wind-whipped foams
Warlords in shining helmets
Send men screaming to their death
Clouds of black cover the sea
Day turns into night
Infinite darkness beckons me
No more sun, no more light
Ships tied stern to stern
A battle on the north sea waves
Hearts of braves brightly burn
Berserks swing their metal-blades
Battle hammers hit with force
Crushing helmet coveres heads
Dying men tumble over board
Foaming waves colored red
Memories invade my mind
As my harness brings me down
My bodie's getting cold and numb
As the ocean pulls me down
Above my head my brave friends battle
Their flashing blades rip through the air
Sending men screaming to join me
As I die in these cold north sea waves
4. Avenger
My pale face face glows in the light of fire
My hollow eyes see but cannot see
I stare deep into the glowing inferno
The loss I feel is breaking me
I heard their screams
Through flaming walls
Walls, I could not tear down
I could not help them
Helplessly I watched my life go up in flames
I pull the sword from the glowing fire
And hammer-beat in on the anvil
Forging it with rage and hate
I will seal my enemy's fate
I ingrave the blade with magic runes
And summon Gods by sacrifice in blood
Pure blue hate shines within this sword
his magic sword will cut only once
No sword has ever been like this one
The Avenger is its name
Now my sworn enemy
Vengeance will belong to me
A year has gone by
Now my sworn enemy
It's your turn to die
It's your turn to die!
The sword cuts through his throat
His head tumbles to the ground
The headless body lays gently down
Down to sleep in a pool of blood
The Avenger has lost its shine
The magic is now drained
Dull and useless it rests in my hand
Its purpose is soon fulfilled
Now hate is gone but emptiness remains
So I turn the blade around
And run it through my stomach veins
And I fall to the ground
5. God, His Son And Holy Whore
Serpent tongue speaks to me
Of a man from southern land
How ancient Gods are enemies
But I don't understand
Hippocritic voice of love talks of peace and christ
Blasphemer of Gods above
One thousand years of lies
They hold their swords to out throats
And force-feed us with faith
'Bout god, his son and holy whore
But now we retaliate
Prophets of a false believe talk with tongue of ice
Threaten us with hell beneath
Now we retaliate
Turn the blade around, put the oppressors down
Free yourselves from the chains
Of lies that hold you down
Arise to be free again
We'll fight till we have won
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and christ
Power is their only goal
Now they all shall die
Turn the blade around, put the oppressors down
Mess with us and you will feel
A pain so true yet so unreal
Yeah, use your hate, uncreate
Christian state will mee its fate
God, his son and holy whore
Now you will meet your fate
6. Metalwrath
Wrath, hate, pain and death
The code we live by
It's in our souls
Metal is the way
We fight the world
With glowing metal
Now the falses will pay
Our fight has just begun
We're sent from hall of gold
Messengers of death
We're coming after you
You can't escape us
We'll take away your breath
See us ride for vengeance
Friends of the suncross
We are born of steel
See us ride down
The Amon Amarth
The last sight you'll ever see
So as you stand there
Under grayclouded skies
Abandoned by your god
You know you're gonna die
You feel a sorrow
Surrounding you
As of the nine worlds
Screaming pain you feel
Your soul vaporizes
As your hearts burst
We charge without fear
Your time has come
Your Fimbul winter's arrived
A chilling wind of ice
Whirls through your heart
Pierces your bones and spine
We are all
Gazing to the skies
We'll make the false hammer fall
And we'll make Thor arise
Our quest is done
Your creation burns
Now we return to Oden's hall
Our dragon's fly
Across the waves
As twilight begins to fall
In victory we ride
We enter the mighty doors
Of the spear-god's hall
As Ygg salutes us
We raise our beers
And drink in honor of our cause
We are all
Greeted by the Gods
We made the false hammer fall
And Thor arose in blood
7. Legend Of A Banished Man
Run for your lives, death has arrived
Try save your soul, run from the sound of rowing oars
Out of the mist
Breaks a dragon ship
Even more feared
Than the nail-ship "Naglfar"
A bear-coated man stands in the bow
Cold-eyed he gazes towards the shoer
The dragon's head is grim and red
All covered with blood, a gift to the mighty Gods
Warshields are raised, the Gods are praised
The people stare paralyzed with fear
The legend tells of a man that fell
From grace of his baptised king
As a banished man he fled his land
But solemnly sworn to return with holy war
But no one knows how the legend goes
'Cause no ones survived
That's gazed into his eyes
'Cause no one's returned that's met his fire
They say wolf-skinned men follow him
Berserks whose eyes burn with flames of ice
Some say mighty Thor
Guides their blades in war
They say they cannot be killed
Nor can their blood be spilled
So run for your lives
Death has arrived
The legend has come
To take the lives of the deceitful ones
Run for your lives
The death ship's arrived
There's no way you'll live
To tell of meeting his fire
8. Thor Arise