« Variations on a Theme »
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1 | On the Mountain at Dawn
 | 2 | Kapila's Theme
 | 3 | Annapurna
 | | Total playing time: 45:04 |
   Al Cisneros
Chris Hakius |
Holy Mountain (2005)
Released: 15 Feb 2005
Length: 44:57 |
 | 1. On The Mountain At Dawn
Vibrates the field and now the wave plate sun descending.
Flight toward the new day to through black sun rise tomorrow.
Refracts the wave plate school and now high priestess sending.
Into the field and climb the waveform to the theme.
Vibrates the field and now th |
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 Первый выпуск «Медитативного вестника» авторства дуэта Om содержит 45 минут гипнотического стоунера, пресловутые «Вариации на тему». На какую – об этом позже. Монотонные куплеты, ленивое, но достаточно динамичное ворочание бас-гитарных шестеренок и качовый драмминг с непременным фоном тарелок и не без обязательных пробежек – вот такой, казалось бы, скудный набор подарит вам необычное наслаждение. Немелодичное ворчание дисторшированного баса, поддерживаемое методичным боем крэша или райда и стуком бочки, неизбежно создают впечатление наличия неких рамок, в том числе географических границ медитации. Трэки не хочется называть песнями, ибо зачарованное проговаривание мантр – не самоцель, не средство создания смысла, а средство гипноза. Причем именно инструментальные пустоты между вокальными партиями являются центром притяжения внимания и позволяют связать воедино пространные строфы и продвинуться далее в выстраивании общей визуальной картины альбома. Текста на 22 минуты ни много и ни мало. Поэтическая заторможенность и довольно длинные периоды несколько обескураживают, хотя строфы нередко повторяются, что несколько дисциплинирует разгулявшееся воображение. Перед глазами встают: пылающий солнечный диск, птицы, горизонт… В сочетании с ленивой, словно изможденной солнцем музыкой это дает эффект расслабленности и естественно отстраненности от мира, его ритма. Средствами баса и ударных создается особая протовселенная, особое правремя. Om успешно вытесняет ритм окружающей слушателя жизни и устанавливает свой, в основном неспешный и ускоряющийся когда заблагорассудится музыкантам, как их подстегнет развитие темы. Ощущается, что достигнута конечная цель путешествия – свобода. Другие трэки покороче, не столь масштабны по эффекту, скорее домашни и представляют некую дополнительную рефлексию над основной темой. Но, думается, и так понятно, что и за счет одного первого трэка этот диск является программной работой и не только в стиле, но и пошире. |
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просмотров: 11617 |
Flight toward the new day to through black sun rise tomorrow.
On the elliptic flight the high priestess is sending.
Into the field dissolves the waveform to the theme.
Look out to onto red bled sun the hierophant is seeding.
Accretes the ground nerve skein and sections cross in grace.
Refracts the wave plate field and now high priestess sending.
Into the field and climb the waveform to the theme.
Ascends the swan toward sun in breath drawn life deliverance.
Latitudinal ground elliptic motion sets unveil.
Approach the grid substrate the sunglows beam to freedom.
Winds grieve the codex shines and walks toward the grey.
Striates into the sky on outward spires reaching.
Under orbic vermilion sun migration on the wings.
Summit upholds the canopied skies of a new day.
Into the field and climbs the waveform to the theme.
Anchorite beacon to sentient ground.
Platform witnessed to diffuse tomorrow - screen.
Anchorite beacon to sentient ground.
The platform witnessed to diffuse tomorrow - screen.
Alternates grid on the outer of a newborn theme.
Choric to the worship - walk toward the horizon.
Alternates grid on the outer of a newborn theme.
And pass into the orbitarm - out from source to freedom.
Arise to sky and set free - release toward horizon.
Arise to sky and set free - release toward horizon.
To sun glides the albatross - set onto the skein of freedom.
To sun glides the albatross - set onto the skein of freedom.
Alternates grid on the outer of a newborn theme.
A choric to the windship - out from the source to freedom.
Alternates grid on the outer of a newborn theme.
And pass into the orbitarm - out from source to freedom.
Ascends the swan toward sun in breath drawn life deliverance.
Latitudinal ground elliptic motion sets unveil.
Approach the grid substrate the sunglows beam to freedom.
Winds grieve the codex shines and walks toward the grey.
Striates into the sky on outward spires reaching.
Under orbic vermilion sun migration on the wings.
Summit upholds the canopied skies of a new day.
The the field and climbs the waveform to the theme.
2. Kapila's Theme
Sight to freedom rises descender.
Ground to screen of the seer, the sight, and the seen.
Up to obviate the sentinel and ground prevails.
Fuse to seed at the flight into absalom.
Orbits arm across to light the new day.
Harbingers eclipse a pendant of time unseen.
Solidate unto the field of a flow remember.
Glows serene to attenuate the space and time.
Crows the severeic rite to freedom.
Shored the origin forms to a ground accede.
Axiom core of the light shrine flight to shining.
Glows serene to attenuate the space and time.
Lock to field screen - row the ocean onto sentient ground.
New rites of a Vedic sun to attenuate the blue horizon.
Prevails flight resplendent - sails the shrine effulgent windship.
Stillness breathes apex supreme - reflects the new tomorrow.
Lock to field screen - row the ocean onto sentient ground.
New rites of a Vedic sun to attend the blue horizon.
Prevails flight resplendent - sails the shrine effulgent windship.
Stillness breathes apex supreme - groundates toward the mountain.
Walk onto freedom shrine deliverance.
Accede to ground under blue stoned moon.
Lock to field screen - row the ocean onto sentient ground.
New rites of a Vedic sun to attend the blue horizon.
Prevails flight resplendent - sails the shrine effulgent windship.
Stillness breathes apex supreme - I walk toward the mountain.
Crowns the sovereic rite to freedom.
Shored the origin forms to a ground accede.
Axiom core of the light shrine flight to shining.
Glows serene to attenuate the space and time.
Orbits arm across to light the new day.
Harbigners eclipse a pendant of time unseen.
Solidate unto the field of a flow remember.
Glows serene to attenuate the space and time.
3. Annapurna
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme the coalesced eye into surrender.
Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme teh coalesced eye into surrender.
Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme the coalesced eye into surrender.
Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme the coalesced eye into surrender.
Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme onto salute sun's rays and now form surrenders.
Centripetal core of the soul's sojourn watch the field brates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the indrawn universal.
The flight to freedom gradient raise the called ascendant.
And reach supreme onto salute sun's rays and now form surrenders.
Centripetal core of the soul's sojourn watch the field brates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the indrawn universal.
Lazarus advance the flight to freedom.
And reach supreme onto salute sun's rays and now form surrenders.
Centripetal core of the soul's sojourn watch the field brates to absolution.
I climb toward the sun to breathe the indrawn universal.
Lazarus advance the flight to freedom.
Lazarus advance the flight to freedom.