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Есть огромная неправедливость в том, что этот альбом забыт или всего лишь признается не более, как одной из ступенек к последующему творчеству Gods Tower. Это, видимо, была одна из первых попыток скомбинировать фолк и дум-метал (читай –пэган, вышедший за два года до дебютника Nokturnal Mortum - т.к. оригинальное издание в качестве демо-ленты вышло еще в 1993 году). Но преобладает на «The Eerie» все-таки сырой дум в стиле первых альбомов Cathedral и без всякой приставки «дэт-». Типичного гроулинга здесь нет, однако вокал низкий и хриплый. Главная отличительная черта – чрезвычайная затянутость песен, невероятная даже для жанра, при том, что музыка все-таки не опускается до черепашьих скоростей funeral-команд. И, наконец (это почти единственная общая деталь с их следующим диском), – вся атмосфера (в данном случае жутковатых языческих похорон) передана без использования флейт, балалаечек и других дудок. Кстати, нечто подобное сейчас делают Янтарные слезы, но в гораздо более техничном и чистом ключе. Правда, если пермская команда должна быть интересна широкому кругу, то думовый «пресс» с дебютника белоруссов, к сожалению, оценят и полюбят, наверное, только ценители жанра. |
Among the Battlefield
The Lonely raven cries
So far away from friendly home
Out of the land of Thousand Bogs
And they preare to fade
Into the Reign of Silence
The cold touch of skies
To all those who die
The winds from beyond
Are bringing the Night
Almighty Peroun take us to your realm
Soon Silence will rule
In this Pagan Reign
The Wisemen in white
Said Blessed is who's died
Preparing the death
They are making the Rites
Semargl will meet
Them at Golden Gates
Now there is no hate
Just equal in death
The Radiant God is fading away
The Gloomy Semargl is coming to change
They silently talk to the Homeland
Good Bye. This time is to die
Their life now flows away
And souls now leave their hearts
And nevermore again
They'll be back to the land of Sun
The last rays of the Sun
The last drink of the air
And they prepare to die
To go to Silent Reign
2. When Life Ends
When life ends
Take me away into your land
Where I shall get life again
I'll be living after death
When life ends
Show me the way into your land
And I'll come to see the place
Of my sepulchral inhabitance
Now I wait
When my soul will separate
From the body to the Gates
Of your Empyrial Reign
When life ends
I submiss you with all my heart
My life ends and now I start
To confess you God of dark
Now I see the face of God of dead
And I hear his voice
Now he tells me of forthcomin' death
And my time has come
Soul prepares to leave my cell
Soon I'll see the world
Of Eternal Life
I will see the Gods
There I'll taste the wine of aeon
There I'll see the lakes
Of the liquid fire
My flesh will burn in flames
And my soul will separate
Now I see the face of God of dead
When my life will end
Welcome to my burial...
All my life I was pain
Now you'll take my soul away
Now I'm dying but I smile
Yes I know this time is mine
All my friends has come to see as I die
Now my fathers are Judges of my life
Now my soul's preparing to fly far away
And I shall never return to home again
Into the forest my flesh now will be taken
At the holy holocaust to soul's awakening
Now I shall burn in the cleansing fire
My life ends and I'll get higher
I'm inviting you welcome to my burial
Now the shapes of my ancestors are real
Now I'm making the last flight over
My life ends but my way is not over
When life ends
Welcome to my burial
Now I see in infra red
Man can't realize the land
Where I live now when I'm dead
3. Inis Afalon
4. Till Death Do Us Apart
In the depths of memory
I watch the picture of my born
The dancing shapes in the flames
The Knife will grow to a sword
The Gloomy Sage gave a sword to me
He said it's time to start
The fate of sword is to defend me
Till death do us apart
I remember life was going on
I was growing strong
Now the days of my youth has past
The Knife became a sword
When I was only seventeen
My sword tasted the blood...
My sword is salvation
Life is in my hands
Flesh and steel's connection
In fight I'll be saved
I am blessed to be right
In my reality
My God is Semargl
Sword will defend me
Enemies to be dead
Just like in my dreams
I will get the power
Of immortality
Fortunes of war
Soon they will be mine
I'll become a King
Before I die
My sword is my symbol
My sword is my fate
Everything I do
I do for my gain
My swrd is my symbol
It's sign in my heart
I'll never be conquered
Till death do us apart
In the depths of memory
I watch the picture of my life
All my friends are dead
Good Bye my brothers in arms
Now I stay in battlefield
Now I'm fighting alone
All my enemies are around me
Prepare to cut my throat
The grip of steel is squeezing slow
Death by traitor looms
I begin to lose my force
To realize I'm doomed
The cold blade in back is what I feared
And I feel it now
The fate of sword is to defend me
But now death do us apart
Me to ashes Sword to dust
Me to ashes
Sword to dust.
5. The Eerie
Sky turned red
Tears in my eyes
I see the gates of Heaven
Take me up to see my Life
I need to hear my lament
Lowering clouds
The Gods I hail
I drink my wine at last time
My last breathe
I'm ready to come
To the kingdom of the EERIE...