« The Missing Link »
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1 | Firestorm 04:57
 | 2 | Nevermore 04:27
 | 3 | Refuge 03:39
 | 4 | The Pit And The Pendulum 04:17
 | 5 | From The Underworld 03:09
 | 6 | Certain Days 05:45
 | 7 | Who Dares 04:27
 | 8 | Wake Me When I'm Dead 05:20
 | 9 | Lost In The Ice 09:48
 | 10 | Her Diary's Black Pages 03:35
 | 11 | The Missing Link 04:23
 | 12 | Raw Caress 05:24
 | | Total playing time 59:11 |
   Peavy Wagner - vocals, bass
Manni Schmidt - guitars
Chris Efthimiadis - drums |
Produced by Armin Sabol |
 | 1. Firestorm
[Music by: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt, Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
This place, home for all generations, never's been to small
when all life worked hand in hand
the centuries passed one by one
without changing the circumstances
that we needed to be there
Like a firestorm
when all hom |
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 Cтранно, что здесь имеется только одна рецензия на этот, без преувеличения, великий альбом. А ведь этот диск заслуживает намного большего. Посудите сами: великолепные песни (все - стопроцентные хиты) + великолепное исполнение + отличный звук + доступные, но интересные тексты песен = абсолютная классика. Стиль можно охарактеризовать как музицирование на грани пауэра, трэша и хэви. Лучшие песни перечислять нет никакого смысла, ибо все они - жемчужины мирового хэви. Я лишь могу назвать три своих любимых: это "Firestorm", "Refuge" и "Nevermore". Кто ещё не заимел себе этот альбом, должен исправить этот досадный пробел в своей коллекции - этот хэви-бриллиант принадлежит к числу тех, подобных которым вы сейчас уже не услышите... |
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На данном диске можем убедиться в способности группы развиваться и привносить в музыку разнообразие и новое звучание. На самом-то деле, именно с этим показателем (развитие музыкального направления) у группы наблюдались проблемы в 87-90 гг. С выходом данного альбома Пиви научился адаптироваться к окружающей среде. После такого удачного “Trapped” было действительно тяжело сработать на "ура!" и не ударить в грязь лицом. Но ребята справились на все сто. Их фишка заключается в существенном утяжелении и уплотнении звука путем изменения гитарного настроя и некоторым усложнением музыкальных партий. Касательно стиля я полностью согласен с black stone wielder’ом - тэшеподобный Heavy-Power. В музыкальном ракурсе особенно выделю новаторские хэви-трэш ритмы и лидирующий бас. Кроме того, в хорошем смысле этого слова усугубилась лирика – она стала еще более глубокой (в некоторых вещах, например «Raw Caress») и не менее яростной («The Missing Link», «Nevermore»). Касательно вещей также соглашусь с wielder’ом. Убойно-мелодическая «Refuge» имеет самые запоминаемые риффы и отличный припев. Драйвовые и качевые среднетемпы «Nevermore» и «The Pit And The Pendulum» вставляют по самое не хочу. Лирические перлы «Certain Days» и особенно заключительный эпик «Raw Caress» заставляют задуматься о чем-то грустном – по вокальной мелодике чем-то напоминает группу ДДТ. Ну, и, конечно же, заводные боевики – «Firestorm» и «Who Dares» увеличивают количество хитов до максимума. Итог таков. Группа пошла по единственно верному пути – удачный синтез классического предшественника и нового веяния power’a девяностых (а-ля Grave Digger, Udo etc.) плюс ни с кем не спутываемая лирика создает именно тот RAGE, который мы любим. Абсолютный мастхэв. |
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Седьмой альбом Rage. С этого диска у группы начался период шедевров. Немцы вышли на новый уровень. Если все предыдущие альбомы были выполнены в жанре хэви-спид, то здесь, скорее, мы имеем пауэр-трэш. Как по содержанию, так и по саунду. Звук здесь неимоверно злобный, агрессивный, металлический. Песни стали тяжелее, но в то же время они стали более запоминающимися. Все песни после пары прослушиваний можно напевать на память. К сожалению, это последний диск, записанный в составе Вагнер-Шмидт-Эфтимиадис. После записи этого альбома уйдёт Манни Шмидт, и ему на смену придут два гитариста, чуть не послужившие причиной распада группы. Но об этом надо писать в другой рецензии... Теперь о песнях. Мне больше всего понравились открывающий боевичище “Firestorm” (главная тема этой песни звучала в теле-анонсе бокса на Первом канале), забойный номер “From The Underworld”, восхитительный девятиминутный эпик “Lost In The Ice” с использованием оркестровых аранжировок, злобный трек “Her Diary’s Black Pages” и заглавный номер “The Missing Link” с хорошим припевом. Из текстов запомнился “Lost In The Ice” из-за инопланетной тематики.
Вывод: данный релиз стал вершиной творчества группы на тот момент. Группа выпустила идеальный альбом. Но даже “The Missing Link” меркнет по сравнению с тем, что Rage выпустит через два года...
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Слушая по порядку альбомы RAGE с 1985 (тогда они называлась Avenger) по 1992 год, можно заметить как группа эволюционирует от альбома к альбому, но The Missing Link, если не вершина этого развития, то уже нечто очень к этому близкое. Разбирать этот альбом по композициям нету смысла, так как все они являются практически стопроцентными хитами, насыщенными мощной энергетикой и неповторимой рейджевской мелодикой.
Все же позволю себе выделить две композиции: The Pit And The Pendulum, как одну из лучших вещей на альбоме и Lost In The Ice за наличие в ней красивых симфонических вставок, первая из которых появляется в композиции несколько неожиданно, но тем не менее довольно органично в нее вписывается.
Окончательный вывод: альбом является выдающимся явлением в мировом хэви, рекомендуется к прослушиванию всем почитателям данного направления, твердая десятка. |
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просмотров: 41113 |
to feed the firestorm
Like a firestorm
that burns the ground you're standing on
we'll feed the firestorm
And then - slowly but surely -
explorers and inventors stepped into
the system they didn't understand
that's when the trouble began
and when the time marched on
they had learned how to destroy
Like a firestorm...
The end of the story is: nothing's impossible
and that's what we're afraid of
apocalyptic signs, our homestead stands in flames
guess we missed the lesson modesty
Like a firestorm...
2. Nevermore
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
Her mother told her everyday: "Never lose control
Whatever then may come your way, a good girl takes it all."
And all the years she held her peace and followed every rule
but then depression dried her heart
and now she's screaming out
Nevermore - never we'll forget
Nevermore - one day you'll regret
He used to be a follower
and did what he was told
whatever they squeezed out of him
a good man bears it all.
But one day he was in their way
did not fit in their plan
they tried to kick him from the boat
and now he's screaming out
Nevermore - never we'll forget
Nevermore - one day you'll regret
Never we'll forget, no!
Nevermore - never evermore...
3. Refuge
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
This is mine, here's where my home is
I don't want to let you break into my world
All my life I've been looking for something
that's my own, I'm so glad I found it now
Don't you step on this ground
I don't want to lose an inch of my freedom
I'll lose my soul if you steal my refuge
Leave my cloud and stay away
this is my refuge
play your dirty tricks, my friend
but leave my refuge
I grow stronger and you feel smaller
guess that's your reason for taking up my time
with every secret that you make public
your influence on my life grows, ain't this true?
Don't step on this ground
I don't want to lose an inch of my freedom
I'll lose my soul if you steal my refuge
Leave my cloud and stay away
this is my refuge
play your dirty tricks, my friend
but leave my refuge
Leave my refuge
4. The Pit and the Pendulum
[Music by: P. Wagner, C. Efthimiadis, Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
In the darkness left alone
Walls surround that hellish hole
deadly deep and no way out
from above I hear a swinging
metal blade clinging
In the pit and the pendulum
the pit and the pendulum
comin' near and nearer
In the inquisition's claw
sentence of death is their law
though unholy and sadistic
it's a question of their honour,
of gods to die for
With the pit and the pendulum
the pit and the pendulum
swingin' above my throat
The pit and the pendulum
could it be the soldiers ‘re coming?
The pit and the pendulum
do they open up my prison?
5. From the Underworld
[Music by: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt, Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
Hey don't walk on by
you, don't stomp on my face
Once I was like you
I didn't care for nothing else
had no sense for more than money and fame
power and greed and the so called honour
Now I am gone and my body lies cold
not much is left, so I pray
From the underworld, oh, listen now!
From the underworld, oh, listen now!
Listen now!
Time - I never had
rushed through a restless day
You seem to be blind, too,
when luck comes your way
You had no patience with people who cared
until you lost them and when you grow old
you'll be a lonely rich man without hope
there's more to be than we see
From the underworld, oh, listen now!
From the underworld, oh, listen now!
Listen now!
6. Certain Days
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
When I remember what happened that lead me right here
what made me lonely and forced me to disappear.
There were periods in my life that came from my darkest depths, beyond the edge
like a delirium I couldn't help, I drifted aside, it wasn't right
Time, time had slipped away
life was a distant haze
this was on certain days
I, I had lost my way
got lost without a trace
this was on certain days, I went mad...
I can recall the days when things were fine
Everyone was happy enjoying their time
but the first time it came over me I had lost my friends, I did harm to them
the judges told me I was insane, I tried to kill, I tried to kill!
Time, time had slipped away
life - a distant haze
this was on certain days
I, I had lost my way
got lost without a trace
this was on certain days, I went mad...
7. Who Dares?
[Music by: P. Wagner, C. Efthimiadis, Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
Why do you look for answers in the extremes? Forget the radical
‘cause the truth is mostly somewhere in between
Nevermind the simple minded as long their heart beats in the right place,
but for heaven's sake if they forgot their aims (and to tell their kids)
Now they are trapped and they don't even care
still they don't understand what it means
dimborn they never have learned anything
they are trapped in a world reigned in fear
Who dares to stop these fools?
We need revolution - someone has to change the crusted rites
but we need heads that can think before they act
‘cause it has to happen in a way that changes the conditions for the better
There's no time for old mistakes
Now they are trapped...
Who dares to stop these fools?
Brutality is trendy, discussing's for old farts
Today the cracked voice of youth screams out the fatal fascists call
All the mindless, unwanted, frustrated think that there's a way to bring sense in their life
They confuse the Free with lemmings...
Now they are trapped...
Who dares to stop these fools?
8. Wake Me When I'm Dead
[Music and Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
Will you wake me?
Wake me when I'm dead
I think it's time now, I gotta go
but don't you shed a tear when I'm gone.
Before it's over,
I hope that I don't suffer too much, when it's over
I don't want to miss this place
I hate to leave, I just can't face
realities of death, I will deny
realities of death, I will deny
Will you wake me?
Wake me when I'm dead
And when I grow cold you cotta put a spell on me,
before I grow cold
Just one injection and maybe I can stay on your side
if the shot works
I don't want to miss your face
the warmth of summer
springtime's grace
realities of death, I will deny
realities of death, I will deny
Will you wake me?
Wake me when I'm dead
9. Lost in the Ice
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
An antarctic land, deadly unknown
where we explored a mountain range
and on the highest ridge we found remains of buildings
like no man's eye had ever seen
A city forgotten on top of the world
and entry we found in a stonewall
and walked a stairway built aeons ago
to streets and houses covered under ice and snow
Walls that had mosaics with pictures and reliefs
faces that no eyes'd ever seen, l like half flesh and half of steel
they had headphones stuck to their skulls
no muscles, just wires, a technical pulse
The creatures look weird, scary and strange
the art on the walls, it told us their tale
They came from a planet lightyears away from here
to bring knowledge, truth and culture to this undeveloped place
the fathers out of space
Before life crept out of water mother earth was occupied
but the climate changed the borders, now they are lost in the ice
Now they are lost in the ice, lost in the ice
They build up life from desert and stones
Our planet grew up helped by elder ones
Then the ice came and they had to move away
to the middle earth and then the stories on the pictures ended
when they had left the land
Before life crept out of water mother earth was occupied
but the climate changed the borders, now they are lost in the ice
Now they are lost in the ice, lost in the ice
All their buildings, streets and stonewalls sleep in this forgotten place
but what happened to the creatures when they were lost in the ice
Now they are lost in the ice, lost in the ice
What a strange and awful vision for us all
it made us shiver to the bone
what if now some of these creatures still survived
in the caves under the Pole?
Before life crept out of water...
And then we walked beneath the city, hours and hours
when suddenly we heard a strange and distant sound
all I remember is my flight from this dark place
a flight from the alien creature's face, my ancestor from space
Lost in the ice
Whoever was these old remains, his blood is flowing in my veins
is flowing in my veins
10. Her Diary's Black Pages
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
In her diary's black pages
the stories end in dark sadness
and what she never dared to say
is in her diary's black pages
She's a magician, she's got second sight
sends her mind wandering into the night,
into the future - stories untold
tragedies and accidents - she always knows
In her diary's black pages
the stories end in dark sadness
and what she never dared to say
is in her diary's black pages
Brother kills brother, family fights
Fire burns babies while the mother sleeps tight.
Whatever she's dreaming, it's gonna be real
She couldn't help it when she writes hat she's seen.
11. The Missing Link
[Music by: P. Wagner, C. Efthimiadis, M. Schmidt, Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
Is it right or is it wrong
what Darwin said ‘bout evolution?
But why the advance in the apeman's brain
amongst the multitude of creatures in life's veins?
Now they found a fossil and they can't explain where it belongs
whoever was this stone remains -
his blood is flowing in my veins
The missing link
the thing that made us think
where we are from
and where our mind belongs
the missing link
from ages when the birth of man began
Now so what if it's as
the prophets said in olden days
an unknown father from the stars
brought words and wisdom to us all
Now the stones have given free a bridge to our unknown past
whoever was this stone remains -
his blood is flowing in my veins
The missing link
the thing that made us think
came far from space
was from an elder race
the missing link
from ages when the birth of man began
Is it right or is it wrong
what Darwin said bout evolution?
Now the stones have given free a bridge to our unknown past
whoever was this stone remains-
his blood is flowing in my veins
The missing link
the thing that made us think
came far from space
was from an elder race
the missing link
the thing that made us think
where we are from
and where our mind belongs
the missing link's remains should make us think!
The missing link
12. Raw Caress
[Music/Lyrics by: P. Wagner]
This time the wind has blown me forwards
from the sick and stinking harvest. I've laid her much too long.
I feel like an old and restless sailor
with visions long forgotten, a free will much to strong.
Raw caress
Right then, when darkness fell around me
and my fruits no longer ripened, and end was coming near.
Returned from a safe self-chosen prison
to a storm that ripped my heart out and took it far from here.
Pain and misery left its marks on me
start again from here
Cold reality needs to be set free
chances now at hand
Life's a raw caress, it's a raw caress, it's a raw caress to me.
And now, as I gather up my back bone
to rebuild it even stronger,
the clouds break up again.
It seems, even if fortune is tragic,
that a sad tale finds an ending that's reconciled again.
Pain and misery...
Reach out - the old eternal timewaves are flowing on and on.
Look up - the dawn is soon awaking, there's land in sight again
Raw caress
13. Another Kind Of Madness
[Bonus track]
Again they buried an old miner
The poisoned stocks of stone in sight
The wind was sick from dust
They all knew that it would settle overnight
And they all went to work into the mines the next day
Like they'd done more than forty years now
They had destroyed their land for the atomic curse
'Cause they hoped it would help them somehow
Those who worked for a better life
Don't know to survive
It is another
Another kind of madness
Uranium wast is everywhere now
Radioactive gas escapes
Contaminated land and water denied responsibility
When they're leaving you nothing than a big load of death
And you know that a cancer's your end
What the industry's after
They don't ask where it's from
Don't you think that it's a crying shame?
Those who worked for a better life
Don't know how to survive
It is another
Another kind of madness