« Trapped! »
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1 | Shame On You 04:52
 | 2 | Solitary Man 03:36
 | 3 | Enough Is Enough 06:42
 | 4 | Medicine 03:43
 | 5 | Questions 03:55
 | 6 | Take Me To The Water 06:01
 | 7 | Power And Greed 04:25
 | 8 | The Body Talks 04:34
 | 9 | Not Forever 03:36
 | 10 | Beyond The Wall Of Sleep 04:04
 | 11 | Baby, I'm Your Nightmare 05:22
 | 12 | Fast As A Shark (Accept Cover) 03:03
 | 13 | Difference 04:57
 | | Total playing time 58:50 |
   Peavy Wagner - vocals, bass
Manni Schmidt - guitars
Chris Efthimiadis - drums |
Produced by Armin Sabol |
 | 1. Shame on You
[Music: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt/Lyrics: P. Wagner]
Leader of the state
Now, as there's the time for changes
The growing fear and hate,
It will cost you your head, dictator
Grown from the heart
Bursting out to break the silence
A will to be free
People have remembered the |
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 Первый альбом легендарных немцев, который действительно в полной мере повлиял на общество и заставил уделить внимание к группе, которое она действительно заслуживает. Именно этот альбом считаю вершиной творчества группы (во всяком случае, в 90-х годах). Здесь нам предоставлена стопроцентная классика heavy на грани с power металом. В двух словах, это быстрый, не настолько жесткий звук, который можно отнести скорее к 80-м годам. Вот именно за этот неповторимый оригинальный саунд я и люблю этот альбом. То, что группа выпустила позже также красиво, но звук уже современный и неоригинальный, в отличие от данного релиза. Кроме того, все вещи настолько хитовые и мелодичны, что просто нет слов, чтоб их выразить. Тоже касается и текстов песен – очень выразительные, серьезные, а местами даже поучительные и философские строки проскакивают в стихах Вагнера. Вот именно за такие альбомы люблю Rage. Люблю за веселую, но в то же время серьезную «Enough Is Enough», за яростную и мощную «Baby, I'm Your Nightmare», и за сногсшибательные боевики типа «Solitary Man» и «Medicine». А главное – за величественную лирику, отличающуюся каким-то особым смыслом и соответственно за атмосферу и настроение, которое возникает после прослушивания альбома. Он несет в себе некий толчок в жизнь. Так и хочется сказать всем: ASK FOR MORE guys!!Непременно советую всем любителям классики металла. |
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Шестой альбом Rage. После выхода прошлого альбома (“Reflections Of A Shadow” 1990) команда очень много гастролировала. В перерывах между концертами группа записала сингл (“Extended Power”), но вот времени на запись нового альбома у ребят катастрофически не было. Но вот концерты закончились, и в апреле 92-го выходит их новый альбом. Он записывался уже в Америке, в Morrisound Studios (Iced Earth, Cannibal Corpse) под руководством Тома Морриса. Диск представляет собой очень мелодичный, безумно интересный хэви. “Trapped” переполняет какая-то лёгкость, воздушность – диск слушается на одном дыхании. Видно, что музыканты хорошо постарались над данным релизом. Пиви больше не визжит, Манни выдаёт потрясающие риффы и соло, в барабанных партиях Криса уже не так много помарок. Звук прилизан до мелочей, всё прекрасно слышно, но мощи следующего альбома здесь ещё нет. Из песен хочу выделить открывающую “Shame On You” за оригинальность, развесёлую и бодрящую композицию “Enough Is Enough” (этакий гимн), забойную “Power And Greed” и отличный кавер на Accept “Fast As A Shark” (оригинала я не слышал, но думаю, что сыграно не хуже Аксепта).
Вывод: один из лучших альбомов Rage. Классика хэви. На этом альбоме заканчивается период раннего творчества и начинается период шедевров...
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просмотров: 41191 |
Oh, you know it's up to you
So many years - it's much too long that you have fooled
A whole nation
Slink away and set us fee
We live our lives as it's meant to be
You know inside that it's true, so shame on you
You and your pack
You shouldn't have been so selfish
Lost from the start
Injustice your best companion
No, you cannot save your skin
'Cause every day a new life will begin
And you won't be in
Slink away and set us free
We live our lives as it's meant to be
You know we're right and it's true, so shame on you
Slink away...
2. Solitary Man
[Music: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt/Lyrics: P. Wagner]
Since a while I thought 'bout leaving here
I can see no way to get it clear
Under you I feel misunderstood
In this respectable neighbourhood
Hey, don't look for me no more
'Cause I won't be coming home
I'm just a solitary man
I'm gonna leave you now alone
Well, I'm a solitary man
I feel so strange here, do you know?
I have heard they're tellin' tales 'bout me
Find me weird and most unusually
Can't you see that I'm just doing my way?
Live it out what you all just pretend
I don't need no company
If I did I'd look for better
I'm just a solitary man
I'm gonna leave you now alone
Well, I'm a solitary man
It may seem strange to you, I know
I don't need this bullshit anymore
I'm stepping out, I'm gonna close the door
Will I ever reach the point of it
When I wear a suit that does not fit?
I'm just a solitary man...
3. Enough is Enough
[Music: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt/Lyrics: P. Wagner]
We send satellites to space
And we own the biggest missiles
We give millions of support for technology
But still we can't even live in peace with our neighbour
Most of us are insane of neuroses
Enough is enough - you can control
Enough is enough - those who don't know
Faster - this world is heading straight into a big disaster
Tell me, when will it reach its end?
Bigger - when moneymakers stamp our souls with technology
Believe me, this got to reach an end
All this misery in our minds will break free, you will see...
Social psychology - seek the key for our salvation
This science needs more support, it could help that
The understanding of the single person can grow,
But who pays
'Cause if we stay weak we are much better to use
Enough is enough - head over heart
Enough is enough - right from the start
Faster - this world is heading straight into a big disaster
Tell me, when will it reach its end?
Bigger - when moneymakers stamp our souls with technology
Believe me, this got to reach an end
All this misery in our minds will break free, you will see...
Science is only as good or as bad
As the people who use it
And if we want to have a tomorrow
We should take ten percent of the money from our armies
And develop the minds of our nations
Enough is enough - you can control
Enough is enough - those who don't know
Faster - this world is heading straight into a big disaster
Tell me, when will it reach its end?
Bigger - when moneymakers stamp our souls with technology
Believe me, this got to reach an end
Faster - a victory 'bout fear, this is the greatest glory
Believe me, the first step has been made
Bigger - the real progress - another quality in our way of life
From quantity to quality
Away from misery in our minds, make them free, it's got to be...
4. Medicine
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
I feel sick, I'm so nervous I can't sleep,
Life is getting more busy each day
And my doctor is giving me more pills
Some get me up, some calm me down, yeah
Modern chemistry, big into business
Is the keeper of our neuroses
And we don't listen to our body
By the time it gets the overdose
Oh, there's such a simple healing
Cause we've got a power inside that make us real tough
The right medicine for us is going back to our roots
We better look for sanity inside
The right medicine for you and me is really free
It's coming with the wind for those who ask for more
There's and Indian chief who discovered
What his ancestors already knew
And he's shown us the path of the power
In his vision there's a reborn truth
Oh, there's such a simple healing
'Cause we've got a power inside that can make us real tough
The right medicine for us is going back to our roots
We better look for sanity inside
The right medicine for you and me is really free
It's coming with the wind for those who ask for more
Don't wait for help, you won't get what you need
Wake up your spirits and let them run free
Courage to kick all your sorrows away
The universe in you, it's your energy
Oh, there's such a simple healing...
5. Questions
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
And did they teach you love?
Yes, they did but poor and hidden.
And did they teach you death?
Yes, they did but just a part of it.
What does that mean, a part of it?
It means that they taught us how to kill
They taught it and they practised it
They never told us how to die
Death's place in life and how to face it,
See how sad they end their lives...
And if I ask these questions
What would you say if the answer's given the same time?
And if you know these questions
Why can't you see that it's more than just a state of mind?
And did they teach to hate?
Yes, they taught it and they stirred it
On the so-called enemy
Not on the own misery.
What did they do with their own lives?
They only did what you'd expect
After the lessons they had had,
They've never seen the other way
The might freedom in their minds
They will never reach their size.
And if I ask these questions
What would you say if the answer's given the same time?
And if you know these questions
Why can't you see that it's more than just a state of mind?
In a way we're data banks
Informations collectors
And all worse that we contend
Is a false program inside
We just need to get it right
Check it out what you have learned.
And you will learn to love
You will even learn to die
And you will learn 'bout hate
In a way that is meant.
And you will ask these questions...
6. Take Me to the Water
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
My blinded eyes are staring at the burning sky
There's not a cloud to throw a shadow in my way
My dried out body's got no shelter from the sun
What's coming over me, to hell, what's coming over me?
I'm stumbling through these fields of naked stones and sand
Here's nothing growing, every life has found and end
And not a drop of water that could wet my lips
What's coming over me, to hell, what's coming over me?
I'm burning for liquid
More than words can say
I can't stay in this wasteland
I'm starving, I need your hand
Take me to the water, bring me to a shore
Take me to the water, I can't take much more
I can't explain it what has happened to my land
What once were meadows now is deadly desert sand
And all my people died, our fountains, they ran dry
What did come over us, to hell, what did come over us?
We were a race of billions, trying to rule the earth
But on this planet we have done our job the worst
It seems that our evolution made no sense
What did come over us, to hell, what did come over us?
Disasters, they warned us
We did not see the signs
I can't stay in this wasteland
I'm starving, I need your hand
Take me to the water, bring me to a shore
Take me to the water, I can't take much more
We were send to a holy land, were meant to understand
Pride got us completely wrong to believe we're endless strong
Take on life and I'll take two, sort 'em out and kill anew
Hell is here, it's sad but true
When one thinks he's more than you
The blinded eyes are staring at the burning sky
The last man on this planet, left alone to die
The only hope is left to find what he was told
To find the river where the water of mercy flows
Take me to the water...
7. Power and Greed
[Music: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt/Lyrics: P. Wagner]
Terror, confrontation
With the army, splittered nation
Smash the mirror, there's no way back
To the reign of egoism and brutality
Now it's time to decide on what side you are on
It's too late for a false compromise
Overnight they came in the same old way
The same old combination
To the power comes the greed
Power and greed
People shook their fear off
Did not take this provocation
With their bodies against the tanks and
In the end the idea of democracy and freedom has won
Criticise what you think that is wrong
Now it's time to decide on what side you are on
It's too late for a false compromise
Overnight they came in the same old way
The same old combination,
To the power comes the greed
Power and greed
In these days when statues of old men
Crash down to the ground, the old order has gone
Nothing's like it was and chaos everywhere
From this ruins will grow a new chance for the world
Overnight they came...
8. The Body Talks
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
Oh, never, you can't hear me
Once in a while surely will come a day
When tiny symptoms grow to might pain
I built you up, you bring me down
What can I do just to make you see
That an early warning's meant to avoid the worst?
I am your friend, you live through me
I am your body, you only go me
Why don't you treat me like it's meant to be?
Oh, never, you can't hear me
Oh, though all the time you're near me
Once in a while surely will come a day
When tiny symptoms will grow to mighty pain
Oh, never, you can't hear me
Oh, though all the time you're near me
Soon in a time, then you will not refuse
You got to listen when the body talks!
Do what you like, but what it is
Please do not use me like if I was machine, I am not
I need respect and I'm worth it
If you would care for me just in a way that you care for your car
Oh, never, you can't hear me...
Give me something to keep me strong,
I don't want poison or drugs
Keep me working, then give me rest or I'll die
Oh, never, you can't hear me...
9. Not Forever
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
He is alone though he's one of the crowd
Days made of dust and nights filled with doubts
Somewhere's a light he can't see and he knows
Not forever, no eternity
Not forever, one day he'll be free
He's got the time to think and he found
It's all the same with the people around
They need someone to bear all their sins
Not forever, no eternity
Not forever, and the world will see
Locked in a cell, that is his life
Only one thing in mind
Making a change
Not willing to wait 'til it's time to die
One thing before his eyes
Making a change
What will the world look like without him?
Who'll do the dirty jobs if not him?
What are the leaders without someone to lead?
Not forever, no eternity
Not forever, one day he'll be free
Not forever
10. Beyond the Wall of Sleep
I have a strange dream
I cannot explain
And when I'll lay down
It will come back again
In a mysterious landscape
Far beyond my belief
In a shape that I can't face
I have found the real me
I have the one desire, it sets my soul afire
There's something waiting in the deep
Beyond the wall of sleep
And this something had hurt me
It will pay for my pain
When my destiny's fulfilled
I won't come back again
I have done the one desire, it sets my soul afire
There's something waiting the deep
Give me just one more night and I can make it right
There's one appointment I must keep
Beyond the wall of sleep...
11. Baby, I'm Your Nightmare
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
When it is night and there is darkness in your room
You hear a sound with sharpened ears
Then it is me 'cause I return from time to time
And I have heard your silent tears
You lock your bedroom door and close the window
Indeed you know that there is no way to hide
I get in from the door on the backside
Baby, I'm your nightmare
But I know that you will like the creeps
'Cause nothing thrills like scary deeds
I know that you will like the creeps
You know you'll like the creeps
We learned to know each other many years ago
And in those days I was your man
We never could have been a couple, you and me
But still I do the best I can
To make your sheets alive and fill the space up
That all the others still were leaving behind
To make that sweat is running down your spine
Baby, I'm your nightmare...
We make your sheets alive and fill the space up
That all the others still were leaving behind
To make that sweat is running down your spine
Baby, I'm your nightmare...
You know you can't get over me
'Cause I can set desire free
When moonlight's shining through the trees
I'm coming from your fantasies
You need that dirty mad dog, me
You cannot live without, you see
And when it's dreamtime I'll return
To feed the flame in you, it burns for me,
'Cause I'm your nightmare
Baby I'm your nightmare
12. Fast as a Shark
[Music & Lyrics: Hoffmann, Kaufmann, Dirkschneider, Baltes;]
[Published by Oktave/Schacht]
13. Difference
[Music & Lyrics: P. Wagner]
Hey, are you someone who can't help his pain?
Do you feel sad, feel like all was in vain?
Are you controlled by a depressive mind?
Are you the slave of your thoughts, all the time?
Come, let me show you
How they control you
See the difference!
You'll notice the difference
You'll soon make a difference
It's time to learn that it's all in your hand
You're not a victim, you must understand
Better erase what's not worth to be thought
Throw all this ballast you've kept overboard
Come, let me show you
How it controls you
Tell the difference!
You'll notice the difference
You'll soon make a difference
14. Innocent Guilty
[Bonus track]
Innocent guilty, she did not reply when he called
He didn't know she was innocent guilty
But it'd come to that
Twenty times that day
He tried to call her on the phone
But he did not succeed
And noone answered the door but then he heard her dog
So she must have been at home and he called her name
But it was in vain
Innocent guilty, she did not reply when he called
He didn't knew she was innocent guilty
But it'd come to that
He found the back door open
So he stole into the house
Where he found the body of her father
In the kitchen, blood was all around
On the table a letter that she wrote
Please forgive me
I have killed this man
'Cause he raped me
I can't stand the pain, the shame, my love, this last goodbye...
And he ran up the stairs to her room where she had opened her veins...
Innocent guilty, she did not reply when he called
He didn't knew she was innocent guilty
But as it seemed she was dead