 Первый концертный альбом в истории могильщиков. Сделан очень качественно, звук реально плотен, хотя тяжелее сыграть, чем это было на альбоме «Excalibur» здесь они не смогли, тогда это уже не был бы хэви металл, Крис Больтендаль отлично справился, правда мне показалось, что в студии его голос звучит лучше. На концертнике собраны самые лучшие песни из альбомов «Tunes Of War», «Knights Of The Cross» и «Excalibur», к сожалению, песен из одноимённого диска «The Grave Digger» не оказалось не одной, а из старых релизов только боевики «The Ripper» и «Heavy Metal Breakdown». Жалко, что альбом состоит только из одного диска, так как исполнить все лучшие вещи на протяжении 20-летней карьеры группа не смогла, и взят был только материал из позднего периода творчества начиная с 93 года. Советую пластинку металлерам не знакомым с этой великой группой, а её фэнам диск тоже будет не лишним в коллекции. |
Fate is on our side forever win the scottish throne
United,united, we stand
United-united, forever and ever
Into battle
Kill and fight
Forge a kingdom
Scotland unite
Malcom King
You won the right
Take the throne
Scotland united
It's the year 1018
march for your country
to the battle of Carham
We will spell history
3. The Dark Of The Sun
Get your steel brothers
We must fight
Hakon tries to steal
Scotish right
Norwegian soldiers on our land
Steal our Islands
We must defend
Their number's too great we can't win
God in heaven
Send a sign
Kneel and pray - the sun turns black
God with us - we must attack
In the dark of the sun
[4 times]
Alex king you did
win the day
You bet Hakon and
Proud Norway
We swept them off the battlefield
In their blood they lie
Death is dealed
Their king died on foreign land
United we were strong
we did stand
In the dark of the sun
The enemy's defeated run
In the dark of the sun
The battle has been won
4. The Reaper
Welcome to the Evil's nightmare
See the demons dancing round
waiting for the reaper's rising
Looking out for Satan's crowd
The grave is open, a digger's smile
please welcome the dead
Look Behind You; He Stands Behind You
The Reaper Shall Return
Look Reside You; Walks beside You
The Reaper has Returned
Tonight the Reaper's party is open
Get entrance, get the trance
Forget about the words of warning
Forget about the smell of death
The raft of death now leaves the landing
Waters wipe out space and time
Black man gives a skinless smile
Cold greetings reach your mind
5. The Round Table (Forever)
[The story of Round Table. It was crafted of the finest wood in Britain. Around this Round Table Arthur gathered the most valiant and noble knights in all the land. The ideals of the Round Table were: Honesty, bravery, daring, magnanimity, being of service to the other Knights of the Round Table, and loyalty. The names of some of the Knights of the Round Table were: Sir Kay, Sir Balin and Sir Balan, Sir Parcival, Sir Gaiwan, Sir Tristan, Sir Irec and, of course, Sir Lancelot. An important aim of the Knights of the Round Table was to find the Holy Grail]
Table of the finest wood
Mankind has ever seen
Without head and without foot
A sign of eternity
All knights are equal here
And so is even the King
Our swords point to its center
Giving us the power to win
Together we stand
Steel in our hands
Fighting forever
Forever we stand
Forever we fight
Side by side
Forever we stand
Forever we fight
Give us the wisdom - Almighty Lord
To make out wrong from right
Give us the will to choose the Right
And the readiness to sacrifice
We become free in serving each other
We're Camelots pounding heart
Round table of true brothers
Until death do us part
6. Excalibur
[The story of how young Arthur pulled the sword out of the stone, and of his ascent to the throne. Arthur was a great and good King, and a noble and generous man. Equally worthy of praise and full of mystery is the story of his sword, Excalibur, which could cut through Metal]
Unknown heir
Orphaned page
A King to be
Come his Age
For God's sake
Sword in Stone
Release will
Bring the Throne
For the Chosen One
The Almighty will point out
The only royal blood in the crowd
Sword of the kings
Take me on your wings
Back where I belong
Bound to fail
Noble Heart
Bound to gain
Challenge your faith!
Sword in Stone
Release it
Ascend the Throne and
Take the crown
The Almighty now throws the dice
Arthur the man without a vice
Precious Sword
Arthur's hand
He deserves
To rule the land
Lead Britannia
Excalibur lights up the sky
Hard times have been passing by
7. Circle Of Witches
The foul smell of evil hangs over the moores
Where in a lonely hut witches dwell.
Repelling creatures ageless feared and fitted
With powers from the depths of hell.
Once a noble man a baron brother of the king himself
Visited the witches on a daark dark night.
He asked assist to gain the throne
He sold his soul to win a fight.
The days getting short and nights getting colder
winter has come, the sun is too weak
The forcees of night are now growing stronger
Searching for souuls for men blind with greed
Three witchees stand in a circle of evil
Tongues speaking words old and unknown
Call for a demon to serve in their daark spell
Fulfill what they owe to get what men own
I'll be king, I want the power, I will change my fate
Magic's on my side foreveer, so the witches say
Time is right to gane the throne, I'll take my brother down
I'll be king to rule the land, yes I'll take the crown
I've lost my soul
I've lost control
To the circle of witches
My life is black
There's no way back
From the circle of witches
circle of witches
circle of witches
circle of witches - never again
Lie in wait, prepared to fight, soon the king must come
Allied with the darkest powers, murder will be done
Loyal soldiers, stand for battle, bliinded are their eyes
Witchcraft takes away their sight, as we take their lives
I look at myself, a mirror of darkness
My mind it is drowned, a dark flood of hate
I owe too much to the powerrs of evil
I know I'm damned, sealed is my fate
For the gloom og gold and glory, I have sold my soul
Blackened aree the sunny days, the dark side takes control
Hell awaits as nightmares haunt me, demons in my head
Satan waits with patient joy, he'll greet me when I'm dead.
8. The Ballad Of Mary (Queen Of Scots)
My fingers touch the solid stones
Strong and cold, they keep me from home
Imprisoned like a wingless dove
Far away from the land I love
Lonely days count lonley years
I have cried a thousand tears
All that I tried to gain
Is lost the effort was invane
At Carberry hill I lost my crown
My husband fled my luck went down
In England's hands I fell
18 years a living hell
The Scotish crown belongs to me
Yet I'm bound I can not flee
With iron claws England holds tight
All is lost no chance to fight
Silence - Silence Everywhere
Cold walls are my reward
Lonelyness engulves my soul
I've been true i gave my heart
Stained tears i cried
I long to be free again
To walk in peace again
Scotland cries her queen is lost
Agony's her friend again
9. Lionheart
[1] Fiery red curls cover his shoulder
He's the ruler, no one is bolder
His steel - blue eyes won't show no fear
Reflecting the suffering of war so clear
A knight, a leader, wearing England's crown
Richard the Lionheart wants to put the Moslems down
He sets the sail, heading Outremer
Defending the name he bears
A man like a Lion
With a generous heart
For his sake thousands die
Lionheart - England's Pride
Almighty king
Freedom you'll
Spread your wings
King pf the kings
[2] King Philipp at his side and many knights
Overcome the Islam, souls painted white
He executes all prisoners, without regret
Corpses cover the ground as the sun sets
[3] Akkon has fallen into Richard's hands
Still war on his mind, moving to France
In one fatal moment came the end of his quest
Breathing his last with an arrow in his chest
10. Morgane Le Fay
[The story of King Arthur's half-sister. She was a sorceress, and was privy to the secrets of Black Magic. It was because of her that Arthur found out about the relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere. She set Mordred against Arthur and played a key role in Arthur's life]
My ruby eyes can see
All secrets and stories never told
With shadows I dance
Sombre castle, Soul aglow
I have the power
I have the might
Morgane le Fay
When I felt my father death
The Dragon put my mother in disgrace
Down by the fireplace
Sowed seed of my evil ways
Don't mess with me
Do not cross my way
Or you may play a part
In my malicious game
I am the devil in disguise
I bring thr evil to your life
Listen, listen - listen what I say
My name is - Morgane le Fay
I spoil all happiness
I reveal unvarnished truth
Call me the Black Nun
I am invincible, I never lose
11. Knight Of The Cross
[1] It is the end, of the eleventh century
The Christians rule
Europian countries
The Pope is the head of church
Representing God on earth
His words are the law
His mind is set on war
In the name of God they kill
In the name of God they rape
Blood leads to glory - for God's sake
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Fight to defend Jerusalem
From the unholy devils
[2] Pope and priests cry out for holy war
God and Jesus they think to be fighting for
The Islam conquered Byzanz
Slaughter Christians everywhere
Knights of the Cross invade the East
Whrer the Islam dwells
[3] Knights in the name of
God, stab women and men
Burning, raping, eating human flesh
Satanic bloodlust in their eyes
The first crusade is won
The knights realize too late
Their ankles are covered with Christian blood
12. Rebellion (The Clans Are Marching)
Rumours know that rebellion will break out
Bonnie Prince Charles is in the highlands to claim his
crown no doubt
He raised his Standart at Glenfinnen calling to our pride
The Jacobites are gathering I'll be at their side
Armed and ready stand
My rights I must defend
Steel is in my hand
The clan's are marching `gainst the law
Bagpipers play the tunes of war
Death or glory i will find
Rebellion on my mind
The town of Edinburgh fell soon in our hands
Defeated the English at the Battle of Prestopans
13. Heavy Metal Breakdown
Metal invasion that's all what we need
Metal dominion that's all what we want
We come to give you rules and principles
What you have to do
We come to shake your hands and legs
As fast as we can do
Heavy Metal Breakdown
Women and children want to hear the noise
Women and children want to feel the beat
Bang your heads as fast as you can
Until you're breaking down
The night is long, the show is right
Bang until you die
Heavey Metal Breakdown
Shake your legs and bang your heads
Heavey Metal Breakdown