Guns N' Roses
« Use Your Illusion I »
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1 | Right Next Door To Hell
 | 2 | Dust N'Bones
 | 3 | Live And Let Die
 | 4 | Don't Cry
 | 5 | Perfect Crime
 | 6 | You Ain't The First
 | 7 | Bad Obsession
 | 8 | Back Off Bitch
 | 9 | Double Talkin' Jive
 | 10 | November Rain
 | 11 | The Garden
 | 12 | Garden Of Eden
 | 13 | Don't Damn Me
 | 14 | Bad Apples
 | 15 | Dead Horse
 | 16 | Coma |
   W. Axl Rose (vocals, synthesizer, percussion);
Slash (acoustic & electric guitars);
Izzy Stradlin (guitar, background vocals, percussion);
Duff "Rose" McKagan (bass, background vocals);
Steven Adler (drums). |
 | 1. Right Next Door To Hell
I'll take a nicotine, caffeine, sugar fix
Jesus don't ya git tired of turnin' tricks
But when your innocence dies
You'll find the blues
Seems all our heroes were born to lose
Just walkin' through time
You believe this heat
Another empty house another dead end str |
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 Вот были же времена, когда выходили легендарные альбомы, ставшие классикой жанра на века вечные! И одним из таких творений с большой буквы является "Use Your Illusion" (І и ІІ) одной из самых раздолбайских и хулиганских групп за всю историю рока Guns N’ Roses.
Выпустив сенсационный "Appetite For Destruction" в 1987 году группа в одно время едва не исчезла из поля зрения, отметившись лишь мини-альбомом G N’R "Lies" в 1988 году. И вот в 1991 банда разродилась сразу аж двумя альбомами-близнецами! Да еще какими! Таких масштабов рок музыка пожалуй еще не знала. Это просто шок! Отойдя от несколько приглэмованой стилистики первого альбома и сменив Стивена Адлера на не менее заслуженного ударных дел мастера Мэта Сорума, G N’R выдали нам потрясающий коктейль, ингредиентами которого являются блюз, хард-рок и умеренные порции heavy metal с примесью панка. В итоге получился взрывоопасный продукт, своей бешеной энергетикой забивающий многие металлические группы. На альбоме царит атмосфера бесшабашного разгильдяйства. Такое впечатление, что группа записывала весь материал во время студийного джема, набрав пива и на счёт «раз, два, три – поехали». Песни сыграны очень непринужденно. Ребята, по-моему, сами ловили кайф от процесса записи. При всем при этом звук – само совершенство! Каждый инструмент звучит идеально, создавая вместе многослойную картину со множеством оттенков. Тем не менее, главной особенностью альбома является то, что при всей своей профессиональности звук не является стерильным и вылизанным. Скорее наоборот. Мы слышим грязноватое и лохматое «живое» звучание гитар, глубокие барабаны, работающие в потрясающей связке с очень темпераментным басом, рождая уникальную ритм-секцию. Создается впечатление, что басист и барабанщик чувствуют друг друга на телепатическом уровне. Слэш превзошел самого себя! Его режущие соло звучат настолько эмоционально и прочувствованно, что словно живут собственной жизнью. И тут дело далеко не в технике, а в том настроении, с которым их исполнили. Эксл со своим пилорамным вокалом как всегда на высоте и стал звучать еще более эмоционально и разнообразно, на пределе возможностей! Нововведением в музыке G N’R стал рояль, который не стал лишним, а наоборот придал музыке новое измерение и добавил группе нового постоянного члена (во всех смыслах) Диззи Рида.
Поражает разнообразие представленного на альбоме материала. И, несмотря на то, что порой материал звучит как дикий коктейль, лишних песен на альбоме вы не найдете. Здесь есть и забойнейшие боевики "Right Next Door To Hell", "Perfect Crime", "Garden Of Eden", которые запросто разламывают черепную коробку. Есть среднетемповые "Dust N’ Bones", "Bad Obsession", "The Garden" (на которой принял гостевое участие в качестве вокалиста сам Элис Купер!). Ну и конечно, ставшие не только прижизненной классикой Guns N’ Roses, но одними из самых знаковых песен за всю историю рок-музыки "Don’t Cry" и "November Rain", на которые были сняты очень яркие и глубоко эмоциональные шедевральные клипы. Буквально половина песен "Use Your Illusion" относится к разряду greatest hits. Лирика стала более продуманной и глубокой, и часто отражает внутренний мир самого Эксла. Например в "Don’t Damn Me" мы услышим о ставшей легендарной эмоциональной неуравновешенности Роуза, "November Rain" содержит в себе пожалуй даже философскую мысль о том, что всё проходит, а в "Dead Horse" мы слышим извечный вопрос о том, что нам делать в этой жизни и какова цель нашего здесь пребывания.
Короче говоря, G N’R родили в 1991 году двуглавого монстра (который, к сожалению, впоследствии сожрал своих творцов), которого до сих пор никто не смог превзойти. Это не просто музыка – это образ жизни. И если вы являетесь поклонником именно рок-музыки, а не узколобым блэкером, дэзером или, там, просто (пауэр)металлистом, то вы ОБЯЗАНЫ иметь этот альбом в своей коллекции, иначе вы ни черта не смыслите в тяжелом роке! Неоспоримая классика, для оценки которой и 10 баллов мало!!! |
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Вы не знаете, что такое тяжелый рок? Не представляете, как можно совместить блюз и рок-н-ролл с энергией хэви-метал? Не представляете, насколько отвязным и хитовым может быть настоящий рок-н-ролл? Прослушивание альбома группы Guns 'N' Roses даст ответ на все эти вопросы, а заодно зарядит Вас изрядной порцией позитивной энергии. Итак, войдя в элиту мирового хард-рока с прекрасным альбомом «Appetite for Destruction», Guns 'N' Roses получили массу дивидендов, выражавшихся не только в материальных благах, но и в возможности записывать такую музыку, которая им нравится. В результате получился альбом «Use Your Illusion», состоящий, как известно, из двух частей. Рассмотрим первую. Итак, музыка Guns 'N' Roses- это совершенно особое явление на рок-небосклоне. Наверное, не было и не будет в мире группы, в которой бы так органично сочетались вокальные и гитарные партии, где бы гитара дополняла вокал, а вокал гитару. Соло Слэша, жесткий драйвовый ритм, это отдельная песня. Они вдыхают жизнь в любую композицию Guns 'N' Roses, будь то отвязная «Back Off Bitch» или разноплановая «The Garden». Slash не шлифует гриф, уподобляясь отличному механику, за пять минут разбирающему и собирающему двигатель с закрытыми глазами. В его соло, тяготеющих то к блюзу, то к хэви-метал, вложена душа. Словами это не передать. А вокал Эксла? Истеричный, почти маниакальный, как и шизофрения, которой он страдает, в «Garden of Eden», ироничный в «Dead Horse» или же совершенно спокойный, почти отрешенный от действительности в не нуждающихся в дополнительном представлении главных хитах альбома: «Don't Cry» и «November Rain». А как превращает ту же «November Rain» из красивейшей баллады в мощнейший боевик соло того же Слэша. Нет, этот альбом дорогого стоит. Здесь совсем по-другому звучит ненавязчивая песенка Пола МакКартни «Live and Let Die». Какая замечательная оркестровка! Какая замечательная работа клавишника! Кажется, что первой части «Use Your Illusion» уготована роль своего рода вступления перед второй частью. Песни здесь более тяжелые, например «Perfect Crime» или «Right Next Door to Hell» с почти хэви-металическим саундом. Акустическая, с использованием губной гармоники «You Ain't the First» - дань уважения классическому блюзу, как и следующая за ней «Bad Obsesion». Guns 'N' Roses на «Use Your Illusion» отошли от глэмовой эстетики, они просто переросли этот стиль и вышли на качественно новый уровень в музыке. В их песнях вся музыкальная палитра от блюза и обычного рока до высокотехничного хард-н-хэви. |
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Вот она, первая жемчужина "иллюзий"! 76 минут замечательной музыки и лирики с вокалом Акселя, Иззи, Даффа, Элиса Купера (The Garden), с супер ковером Пола Маккартни Live and Let Die. Don't Cry,November Rain,Coma,Double Talkin' Jive да, собственно все номера настоятельно рекомендую всем любителям хард-рока. По сравнению с "Appetite.." изменился стиль и музыки, и текстов, но, к счастью, в лучшую сторону - комплекс первого супер-альбома Акселя и Ко обошел стороной. Еще раз всем, кто не слушал и всем, кто относился не с должным вниманием - советую! Rock On! |
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Как и на предыдущем альбоме "Крутые Стволы" не отошли от скомпановки песен, тут есть все: быстрые задорные песенки, прекрасные баллады (отличающиеся просто потрясающей мелодичностью), серьезные вещи, отличающиеся жесткими гитарными риффами и мощными барабанными партиями, как всегда, везде в наличии визитка группы-заоблочные по красоте соляки Слэша.
P.S. Шедевр, не подвластный времени.
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просмотров: 56860 |
Gonna rest my bones an sit for a spell
This side of heaven this close to hell
Right next door to hell
Why don't you write a letter to me yeah
I said I'm right next door to hell
An so many eyes are on me
Right next door to hell
I got nowhere else to be
Right next door to hell
Feels like the walls are closing in on me
My mama never really said much to me
She was much too young and scared ta be
Hell "Freud" might say that's what I need
But all I really ever get is greed
An most my friends they feel the same
Hell we don't even have ourselves to blame
But times are hard and thrills are cheaper
As your arms get shorter
your pockets get deeper
Right next door to hell
Why don't you write a letter to me yeah
I said I'm right next door to hell
An so many eyes are on me
Right next door to hell
I never thought this is where I'd be
But I'm right next door to hell
Thinkin' time'll stand still for me
Fuck you
Not bad kids just stupid ones
Yeah thought we'd own the world
An gettin' used was havin' fun
I said we're not sad kids just lucid ones eah
Flowin' through life not collectin' anyone
So much out there
Still so much to see
Time's too much to handle
Time's too much for me
It drives me up the walls
Drives me out of my mind
Can you tell me what this means...huh?
2. Dust N' Bones
He lost his mind today
He left it out back on the highway
On "65"
She loved him yesterday
Yesterday's over
I said okay
That's all right
Time moves on
That's the way
We live an hope to see the next day
That's all right
Sometimes these things they are so easy
Sometimes these things they are so cold
Sometimes these things just seem to
rip you right in two
Oh no man don't let 'em get ta you
She loved him yesterday
He laid her sister
She said O.K.
An that's all right
Buried her things today
Way back out deep
Behind the driveway
And that's all right
Sometimes these women are so easy
Sometimes these women are so cold
Sometimes these women seem to
rip you right in two
Only if you let 'em get to you
Ya get out on your own
And you/take all that you own
And you/forget about your home
And then you're/just fuckin' gone
There's no logic here today
Do as you got to, go your own way
I said that's right
Time's short your life's your own
And in the end
We are just
Dust n' bones
3. Live And Let Die
оригинал: Wings
When you were young
and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
You know you did
You know you did
You know you did
But if this ever changin' world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
What does it matter to ya
When ya got a job to do ya got to do it well
You got to give the other fella hell
You used to say live and let live
You know you did
You know you did
You know you did
But if this ever changin' world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
4. Don't Cry
Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been here before
Somethin's changin' inside you
And don't you know
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
Give me a whisper
And give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinking of you
And the times we had... baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
And don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry
5. Perfect Crime
Kickin' back in the shadows
Got no need for the light
Who's sorry now old timer
Look at how you've spent your life
Scroungin' for change
to put some money in your pocket
My how scratch does burn
Laughin' at the suckers as you pissed it away
But I got the time and I got the muscle
I got the need to lay it all on the line
I ain't afraid of your smoke screen hustle
It's a perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
I said it's perfect
Keep the demons down
and drag the skeletons out
I got a blind man followin' me in chains
I said he's fun to watch
when the world has stopped
An I think he's got somethin' to say
"You wanna fuck with me, don't fuck with me
'Cause I'm what you'll be so don't fuck with me
If you had better sense
You'd just step aside from the bad side of me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side o' me
Stay away from the bad side o' me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side"
T minus 1:09 and counting
Ostracized but that's all right
I was thinkin' about somethin' myself
Call on everybody who's got last rites
Said it's better if you locked 'em away
Runnin' through the visions
at the speed of light
Won't ya let me be
Motherfucker just let me be
Goddamn it better let me be
Don't ya know ya better let me...
Perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
Don't cha know
It's a perfect crime
6. You Ain't The First
I tried so hard just to get through to you
But your head's so far
from the realness of truth
Was it just a come on in the dark
Wasn't meant to last long
I think you've worn your welcome honey
I'll just see you along as I sing you this song
Time can pass slowly, things always change
Your day's been numbered
and I've read your last page
You was just a temporary lover
honey you ain't the first
Lots of others came before you woman
said but you been the worst
Sa' you been the worst
Say goodbye to you girl
So long, farewell
I can't hear you cryin'
Your jivin's been hell
So look for me walkin'
Down your street at night
I'll be in with another
Deep down inside
Deep down inside
7. Bad Obsession
I can't stop thinkin'
Thinking 'bout sinkin'
Sinkin' down into my bed
I call my mother
She's just a cunt now
She said I'm sick in the head
She said you ain't special
So who you foolin'
Don't try ta give me a line
But I can't stop thinkin' 'bout seein' ya
one more time
(Oh no)
But I already left you
and you're better off left behind
It's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
It's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
Too bad you're fucked up
I used to be wasted
Always tried to take it
Take it down into my vein
I call the doctor
He's just another
He said I'm sick in the brain
He said you ain't special
So who you foolin'
Don't try ta give me a line
But I can't stop thinking 'bout doin' it
one more time
(Oh no)
But I already left you
and you're better off left behind
(Oh yeah)
Aw it's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
It's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
So bad...
It's a
It's a
Heads up
It's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
Now it's a bad obsession
It's always messin'
It's always messin' my mind
But I can't stop thinking 'bout doin' it
one more time
(Oh no)
See I already left you
and you're better off left behind
(Oh no oh no)
It's a bad obsession
and you're always messin' my mind
See I already left you
and you're better off left behind
Uh huh...no
Maybe you'll do better next time
8. Back Off Bitch
Oh baby, pretty baby
Oh honey, you let me down honey
I ain't playin' childhood games no more
I said it's time for me to even the score
So stake your claim, your claim to fame
But baby call another name
When you feel the fire, and taste the flame
Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better, back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Makin' love
Cheap heartbreaker, broken backed,
Nasty ballbreaker, stay out of my bed,
outta my head
If it's lovin' you, I'm better off dead
Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better, back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Emotions ripped, gone on a binge
Life lipped I said you're off the hinge
Tellin' lies of such fame and glory
I don't even wanna hear your story
Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better, back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
It's such a pity that you're such a bitch
Back off, back off bitch
It's time to burn-burn the witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Hey wha'd'ya think he's tryin' to say there,
I think it's something each person's
s'posed to take in their own special way
Fucking bitch
9. Double Talkin' Jive
Found a head and an arm in da garbage can
Don't know why I'm here
Livin' on the run for oh so long
I gotta go collect
Double talkin' jive
Get the money motherfucker
'Cause I got, no more patience
Double talkin'
-I got (lies)-
No more patience man
Back in town an'a all new friends
They sayin' how ya been?
Fucked up and out of place
That's how I felt back then
Double talkin' jive
Get the money motherfucker
'Cause I got no more patience
Double talkin'
-I got (lies)-
No more patience man
You dig what I'm sayin'?!
10. November Rain
When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
in the cold November rain
Do you need some time.. on your own
Do you need some time.. all alone
Everybody needs some time.. on their own
Don't you know you need some time.. all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you
Sometimes I need some time.. on my own
Sometimes I need some time.. all alone
Everybody needs some time.. on their own
Don't you know you need some time.. all alone
And when your fears subside
and shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
when there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
we still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
even cold November rain
Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one
11. The Garden
You know you're all alone
Your friends they aren't at home
Everybody's gone to the garden
As you look into the trees
You can look but you don't see
The flowers seem to tease you at the garden
Everybody's there, but you don't seem to care
What's it with you man, and this garden
Turned into my worst phobia,
a crazy man's utopia
If you're lost no one can show ya,
but it sure was glad to know ya
Only poor boys take a chance,
on this garden's song and dance
Feel her flowers as they wrap around,
but only smart boys do without
You can find it all inside
No need to wrestle with your pride
No you ain't losing your mind
You're just in the garden
They can lead you to yourself
Or you can throw it on the shelf
But you know you can look inside
For the garden
I wasn't really scared
Lost my virginity there,
to a gypsy with blond hair
But now no one seems to care
Like a mouse inside a maze,
wandering round 4 daze
With a smile upon my face,
I never wanna leave this place
Only poor boys take a chance,
on this garden's song and dance
Feel her flowers as they wrap around,
but only smart boys do without
Turned into my worst phobia,
it's a crazy man's utopia
If you're lost no one can show ya,
but it sure was glad to know ya
Bye bye
So long, bye bye
It's glad to know ya
Bye bye
Bye bye
Aw... so long
12. Garden Of Eden
It's a critical solution
And the east coast got the blues
It's a mass of confusion
Like the lies they sell to you
You got a glass jawed toothache
Of a mental disease
An they be runnin' round back
See 'em line up on their knees
'Cause the kiss ass sycophants
Throwin' penance at your feet
When they got nowhere to go
Watch 'em come in off the streets
While they're bangin' out front
Inside they're slammin' to the crunch
Go on an throw me to the lions
And the whole damn screamin' bunch
'Cause the pissed-off rip-offs
'R' everywhere you turn
Tell me how a generation's
ever s'posed to learn
This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop
It's rock n' roll
I read it on a wall
It went straight to my head
It said "Dance to the tension
Of a world on edge"
We got racial violence
and who'll cast the first stone
And sex is used anyway it can be
Sometimes when I look out
It's so hard to see the day
It's a feelin' you can have it
It's not mine to take away
Lost in the Garden of Eden
Said we're lost in the Garden of Eden
And there's no one's gonna believe this
But we're lost in the Garden of Eden
This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop
It's rock n' roll
Suck on that
Looking through this point of view
There's no way I'm gonna fit in
Don't ya tell me what my eyes see
Don't ya tell me who to believe in
I ain't superstitious
But I know when something's wrong
I've been draggin' my heels
with a bitch called hope
Let the undercurrent drag me along
Lost in the Garden of Eden
Said we're lost in the Garden of Eden
And there's no one's gonna believe this
But we're lost in the Garden of Eden
Most organized religions make
a mockery of humanity
Our goverments are dangerous
and out of control
The Garden of Eden is just another graveyard
Said if they had someone to buy it
Said I'm sure they'd sell my soul
This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop
It's rock n' roll
Lost in the Garden of Eden
(An we ain't talkin' about no
poison apple or some missin' rib ya hear)
Said we're lost in the Garden of Eden
Said there's no one's gonna believe this
Said we're lost in the Garden of Eden
This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop
It's rock n' roll
13. Don't Damn Me
Don't damn me
When I speak a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
When I'm holding it inside
'Cause I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
I put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me
Be it a song or a casual conversation
To hold my tongue speaks
of quiet reservations
Your words once heard
they can place you in a faction
My words may disturb
But at least there's a reaction
Sometimes I wanna kill
Sometimes I wanna die
Sometimes I wanna destroy
Sometimes I wanna cry
Sometimes I could get even
Sometimes I could give up
Sometimes I could give
Sometimes I never give a fuck
It's only for a while
I hope you understand
I never wanted this to happen
Didn't want to be a man
So I hid inside my world
I took what I could find
I cried when I was lonely
I fell down when I was blind
But don't damn me when I speak
a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
when I'm holding it inside
'Cause I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
I put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me
How can I ever satisfy you
An how can I ever make you see
That deep inside we're all somebody
An it don't matter who you wanna be
But now I gotta smile I hope you comprehend
For this man can say it happened
'Cause this child has been condemned
So I stepped into your world
I kicked you in the mind
An I'm the only witness
to the nature of my crime
But look at what we've done
to the innocent and young
Whoa listen to who's talking
'cause we're not the only ones
The trash collected by the eyes
and dumped into the brain
Said it tears into our conscious thoughts
you tell me who's to blame
I know you don't wanna hear me crying
An I know you don't wanna hear me deny
That your satisfaction lies in your illusions
But your delusions are yours an not mine
We take for granted we know the whole story
We judge a book by its cover
and read what we want
Between selected lines
Don't hail me
An don't idolize the ink
Or I've failed in my attentions
can you find the missing link
Your only validation is in living your own life
Vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time
So I send this song to the offended
I said what I meant and I've never pretended
As so many others do intending just to please
If I damned your point of view
could you turn the other cheek
Don't damn me when I speak a piece a mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
when I'm holding it inside
I've been where I have been
An I've seen what I have seen
Put the pen to the paper
'Cause it's all a part of me
Don't damn me
I said don't damn me
I said don't hail me
Don't damn me
14. Bad Apples
Diamonds and fast cars
Money to burn
I got my head in the clouds
I got these thoughts to churn
Got my feet in the sand
I got a house on the hill
I got a headache like a mother
Twice the price of my thrills
An it's a cold day it's a continental drift
I said this traffic is hell
Can you give me a lift
An I'll try to paint a story
Got your pictures to hell
Yeah you got to make a living
With what you bring yourself to sell
I got some genuine
Bad apples
Free sample
For your piece o' mind
Only $9.95
I got my camera back from customs
Got my law fees up to date
Hell they musta seen me comin'
Ain't this life so fuckin' great
When the shit hit the fan
It was all I could stand
Yeah, well I'm a frequent flyer
My body's breathing while it can
But what I don't understand is that
My world ain't gettin' no brighter
If I could touch the sky
Well I would float on by
While everybody's talkin'
Hell I'm just another guy
If it were up to me
I'd say just leave me be
Why let one bad apple
Spoil the whole damn bunch
Gold and caviar
Now why'nt you pour my apathy
I'd have all my bases covered
If I could teach my hands to see
But now we're down in the deep end
Where they'd love to watch you drown
I said your laundry could use washing
We'll hang it up all over town
I said Hollywood's like a dryer
An we're down on Sunset Strip
An you'll be suckin' down the clorox
'Til your life's all nice and crisp
When the shit hit the fan
It was all I could stand
Yeah, well I'm a frequent flyer
My body's breathin' while it can
But what I don't understand is that
My world ain't gettin' no brighter
If I could touch the sky
Well I would float on by
While everybody's talkin'
Hell I'm just another guy
If it were up to me
I'd say just leave me be
Why let one bad apple
Spoil the whole damn bunch
When the shit hit the fan
It was all I could stand
Yeah, well I'm a frequent flyer
My body's breathin' while it can
But what I don't understand is that
My world ain't gettin' no brighter
If I could touch the sky
Well I would float on by
While everybody's talkin'
Hell I'm just another guy
If it were up to me
I'd say just leave me be
Why let one bad apple
Spoil the whole damn bunch
Why let that one bad apple
Spoil the whole damn bunch
15. Dead Horse
Sick of this life
Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one with
whom these feelings I share
Nobody understands, quite why we're here
We're searchin' for answers
That never appear
But maybe if I looked real hard I'd
I'd see you're tryin' too
To understand this life,
that we're all going through
(Then when she said she was gonna like
wreck my car... I didn't know what to do)
Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
I guess some things never change
Never change
I met an old cowboy
I saw the look in his eyes
Somethin' tells me he's been here before
'Cause experience makes you wise
I was only a small child
When the thought first came to me
That I'm a son of a gun and the gun of a son
That brought back the devil in me
But sometimes I feel like
I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
I guess some things never change
Never change
I ain't quite what you'd call an old soul
Still wet behind the ears
I been around this track a couple o' times
But now the dust is startin' to clear
Oh yeah!!!
Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
Ooh yeah I'd be smilin'
No way I'd be smilin'
Ooh smilin'
Sick of this life
Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one
With whom these feelings I share
16. Coma
Hey you caught me in a coma
And I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this... world again
Kinda like it in a coma
'Cause no one's ever gonna
Oh, make me come back to this... world again
Now I feel as if I'm floating away
I can't feel all the pressure
and I like it this way
But my body's callin'
My body's callin'
Won't ya come back to this... world again
Suspended deep in a sea of black
I've got the light at the end
I've got the bones on the mast
Well, I've gone sailin', I've gone sailin'
I could leave so easily
While friends are calling back to me
I said they're
They're leaving it all up to me
When all I needed was clarity
An someone to tell me
what the fuck is going on
Goddamn it!
Slippin' farther an farther away
It's a miricle how long we can stay
In a world our minds created
In a world that's full of shit
Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Please understand me
I'm climbin' through the wreckage
of all my twisted dreams
But this cheap investigation just can't
stifle all my screams
And I'm waitin' at the crossroads
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
Where are you?
No one's gonna bother me anymore
No one's gonna mess with my head no more
I can't understand what all the fightin's for
But it's so nice here down off the shore
I wish you could see this
'cause there's nothing to see
It's peaceful here and it's fine with me
Not like the world where I used to live
I never really wanted to live
Zap him again
Zap the son of a bitch again
Ya live your life like it's a coma
So won't you tell me why we'd wanna
With all the reasons you give it's
It's kinda hard to believe
But who am I to tell you that I've seen
Any reason why you should stay
Maybe we'd be better off without you anyway
You got a one way ticket
On your last chance ride
Gotta one way ticket
To your suicide
Gotta one way ticket
An there's no way out alive
An all this crass communication
That has left you in the cold
Isn't much for consolation
When you feel so weak and old
But if home is where the heart is
Then there's stories to be told
No you don't need a doctor
No one else can heal your soul
Got your mind in submission
Got your life on the line
But nobody pulled the trigger
They just stepped aside
They be down by the water
While you watch 'em waving goodbye
They be callin' in the morning
They be hangin' on the phone
They be waiting for an answer
But you know nobody's home
And when the bell's stopped ringing
It was nobody's fault but your own
There were always ample warnings
There were always subtle signs
And you would have seen it comin'
But we gave you too much time
And when you said that no one's listening
Why'd your best friend drop a dime
Sometimes we get so tired of waiting
For a way to spend our time
An "It's so easy" to be social
"It's so easy" to be cool
Yeah it's easy to be hungry
When you ain't got shit to lose
And I wish that I could help you
With what you hope to find
But I'm still out here waiting
Watching reruns of my life
When you reach the point of breaking
Know it's gonna take some time
To heal the broken memories
That another man would need
Just to survive