« Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! A Death Metal Symphony in Deep C »
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1 | Misty Deariness 07:42
 | 2 | A Sign 08:33
 | 3 | Deeper Into The Mud 04:58
 | 4 | The Struggle For Life And Death Of "Knowledge" 03:34
 | 5 | Completely Alone 12:08
 | 6 | Move 04:46
 | 7 | Time, Irrelevant 07:57
 | 8 | The Top 06:05
 | 9 | How Low Can U Go? 02:42
 | | Total playing time: 60:00 |
   Kärtsy Hatakka - Vocals & Bass (as John Doe / Computerbrain)
Tomi Koivusaari - Vocals (as Computerbrain)
Eeva-Kaarina Vilke - Vocals (as The Angel)
Jariot Lehtinen - Guitar
Roope Latvala - Guitar
Sami Yli-Sirniö - Guitar
Kimmo Kajasto - Keyboards
Janne Parviainen – Drums
Orchestra: Avanti! symphony orchestra conducted by Riku Niemi |
Spin Records / EMI
Performed a few times live in august 1995 with Avanti! Symphony Orchestra in the Helsinki Opera House, conducted by Riku Niemi, as a part of the annual Helsinki Festival.
Produced by Mikko "Tamtam" Karmila, Waltari and Riku Niemi |
 | 1. Prologue
The planet of death and damnation. The dumping ground of people with weak
souls, who cause war and starvation. The year 1995. John Doe, one of the
inhabitants, is living in a state of distress, knowing that he is dependent on
the computerbrain who is guiding the state with no desti |
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 Своё увлечение хард музыкой я начал именно с этой пластинки... Как же мне повезло!
Waltari - самые безбашенные панки-альтернативщики в мире. Да ещё и финны. В общем смесь получается брутальная. "Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! Death Metal Symphony In Deep C" есть великолепно выполненная пародия на всю death/black/doom культуру, что так сильно распространена сейчас. Стёб во всём, в музыке, в тестах, в самой задумке(посмотрите хотя бы на название ;) И мне иногда бывает жалко бывалых дэзеров которые пытаются разобраться и воспринимать серьёзно сие творение финнов. Нельзя так!( С Вальтари вообще так нельзя) Потрясающие аражировки, великолепная игра как сифо-оркестра, так и вокалистов и самих Вальтари. Вечный драйв, металл версии всего, начиная оперой, продолжая рок-н-роллом и закачивая рэпом, это всё то что делает этот альбом настоящим шедевром.
В 1997 Вальтари сумели ответить всем тем ЭмТиВишникам, что сейчас называют Горрилаз, Guano Apes, Linkin Park альтернативой. Вот настоящая альтернатива! Вот что есть смесь как таланта, так и гениальных идей.
Вывод: послушать хотя бы раз надо всем(лучше эксперимента в мире метала я не знаю), хотя большая часть масс и любителей mainstream'а может и не заценить. Лучший альбом Вальтари.
p.s. А в 1998 году Вальтари продолжили свои эксперименты и был создан Евангеликум: смесь оперы и балета, с Тарьей из Найтвиша в "главной роли". Увы послушать это творения нельзя, так как шоу шли только в Финке, а в цифре опера не выпускалась(балет ведь;)
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Финский эксперимент. На мой взгляд лучший эксперимент из всех что я слышал. Так же как и Рэйджи нашли в Вене дирижера фаната рок музыки, так же удачно отыскали классического музыканта и эти ребята. Это ЛУЧШАЯ работа с симфоническим оркестром до сегодняшнего дня и я сомневаюсь что скоро их кто-то превзойдет. По музыке планоировалмя симфо-дэт, но получилась каша, т.к. все композиции в разном стиле. Если и не для покупки, то как минимум для прослушивания настоятельно рекомендую. |
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Какое же я сокровищще пропустил!! Вот это угар! Манифест пост-модернизма, симфония, скрученная в обрывок газеты, это лучше последнего Oxiplegatz, и возможно, лучший из совсем отвязных альбомов. Дэт здесь ЕСТЬ. Есть и элементы Brutal Truth / Naked City. Arcturus выдавали академичное безумие, здесь же нарезка почти бесконтрольна, как и инновативность. Витальное произведение для всех. |
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Отпадная симфония. После того как я въехал в Космическое Авеню (и то не сразу - осторожно, дабы не потерять своего дэтового лица), рискнул и офанарел - НИ-ХРЕНА-СЕБЕ симфония. Я понял что этим ребятам можно разрешать творить все и даже их Radium Round я послушал с удовольствием. А че БЛАКАМ до сих пор слабо такой беспредел (вот именно - нет границ настоящему искусству шизофреников) учинить? А то я бы послухал-послухал. Уважаю за профессионализм и гениальные идеи. |
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Безусловно, замысель оригинален, откуда и такой замечательный результат. Наверное, лучший сльбом Waltari. В нём нет ничего лишнего, хотя порой запилы симфоний режут уши, но потом всё это копенсируется угарным саундом. Записано на высоком уровне, голоса и саунд смикшированы чётко, они не затминали друг друга, как это было в "Tocha!". Что насторожило - так это громковатое название... Смешано хоть и красиво, но дэт-симфонией это назвать сложно, а если почитать текста, так это с трудом тянет на софт-метал-оперу. Ничего дэтовского, хоть убейте, я не раслышу, разве что злобные выкрики "Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die!"... Но какой же это дэт ? Вот поставили бы они на весь этот симфо-угар лириксы, наподобие 91-ого Obituary, было бы гораздо лучше. И постоянно добивает бонус-трэк, ну какой ам дэт ? Понимаю, что на то он и бонус - в основно стиль не вписался, но ведь диск записан сплошняком, разве стоило портить такую прелесть (местами даже попсовую) таким убогим трэком ?.. Для меломанов и Waltariйцев рекомендую, а дэтовских фанатов я предупрежу: ничего дэтовского вы там не услышите. |
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просмотров: 17208 |
people equal progress, they say, but the ordinary John Doe has never been
taught how to survive alone! And he doesn't dare to think! However, the
computer-brain has a special feature to act gentle and to sympathize with
human mind, after all - humans have feelings. In the midst of all this there
is also an angel, a shining creature, the light of life who can see inside a
man. It is the angels mission to encourage and cheer up the normal mortal. She
sees the pain of John Doe.
This symphony tells about the struggle between these three spirits:
2. Part 1: Misty Dreariness
Misty dreariness prevails. Gloominess is sucking up John Doe's strenght. He is
strolling around his limited territory, dreaming about something that might
let him out of this dead end street... But life is in rut. Agony is tearing
him to pieces...
3. Part 2: A Sign
The brave new computerbrain is giving out orders...
[Machine: ]
Death to brains, death to sorrow
Turn the lights off and wait for tomorrow
Brains of metal wait to arise
Calling dusty corpses to show up
[John Doe: ]
Don't wanna wait a minute
I need some space to escape
Livin' in a dark hole
Blind on a dead end street
The angel appears to the scene and feels sympathy for John Doe and wants to
help (?!) him.
[The Angel: ]
Oh, there's a sign
Just follow it, don't be afraid
It shows the way life's really like
Avoid the everlasting pain!
[Machine: ]
Alright, a very good trick! Just sit and relax with Mary Chain (haha)
The Angel doesn't like the computerbrain who wants to connect everyone to
itself. Everybody should have a dream that can be accomplished. She tears John
from his shell willing to give him a hint of "another day". John doesn't
hesitate a moment: they rush away! The computerbrain is left behind wondering
what really happened...
[Machine: ]
(Hey!) Where did you go! I thought I could reach you.
But my metal computer mind can't locate you anymore!
(I can't let you go)
John Doe is taken over by a strange emotion. The computerbrain notices it and
proceeds to hunt him down... It doesn't want to let it's beloved slave out of
sight. And besides, it is possessive as well as curious... The plot thickens.
[John Doe: ]
Look, what fun
Brightness, stability
And look, I will flee
There's free space in my eyes...
[Machine: ]
The breast of unknown
The breathing space
No civilized lies
The breast of the world
Fortune, fabulous, challenge the bridge, white innocence calls
The breast of the world, come to me!
[The Angel: ]
Oh, there's a sign
Just follow it, don't be afraid
It shows the way life's really like
Avoid the everlasting pain!
[John Doe: ]
Come to me, the breast of the world, come to me, ...
4. Part 3: Deeper Into The Mud
Deeper into the mud... led by the angel. John Doe is looking around, delighted
and - frankly begins to go insane. The computerbrain can't find such a
"feeling" in it's data banks and becomes alarmed...
[Machine: ]
Outside the breathing space
Like a bunch of metal pushed into my veins
[John Doe: ]
Hasta la vista, oh la-la negras putas, muchos cojones!
It's so beautiful here...
[Machine: ]
Vegetation, out of my files
Weird like death, like rusty metal
[The Angel: ]
How do you feel? Laa-la-laa... you're out of line!
[Machine: ]
Death! Death!
(Hey!) Now it's a crime to walk down here
This is not our property, somebody's charging us
[The Angel: ]
No, no, no! It's not true!
Here we are all free, free from your sins!
[Machine: ]
Sure it's all safe?
Reminds me of an overload
Surrounded by chaos
I'm just a hunter's prey
[The Angel: ]
Benedictus esto inter peccatores, dominus tecum!
John Doe manages to escape from the circuit of the computerbrain, the body
impregnated with despair is slowly getting rid of its chronic depression. The
Angel is watching from aside with a contented smile. The computerbrain is
starting to feel a reduction of electric charge in itself.
[Machine: ]
I can't find my memory
I'm short of breath, I only feel
Files are messed up, hi-tech gone
Wanna get back, this is not fun!
I escape, I am scared
I'll be lost anyway
Comfortable? It's too hot
I'm afraid of what is not
Why do you smile, don't like it
Feel too much, I feel sorrow
I should stay pale behind my monitor. LET ME GO!
The computerbrain runs away trying to escape... John Doe is somewhere else...
Revelling deep in pleasure.
[Machine: ]
American dream
You made yourself spoiled
I've been livin' in a dream for too long
They forced me to pay, but now, here, today...
[Choir: ]
[Machine: ]
Is this way right or wrong?
Should I go... right or left?
It's too hot, faith no more
I feel wet, I will die!
5. Part 4: The Struggle For Life And Death Of "Knowledge"
The desperate struggle for life and death of "knowledge" begins.
[Machine: ]
Why? Ooh...
Why? Why? I'll....
I'll die!
...I will die!
The Angel doesn't seem to feel sorry at all.
[The Angel: ]
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
[Machine: ]
...lation, edit! Why, windows closed!
Quit, up to me!
File B!
[Choir: ]
Die! Die! Die! Die!
[Machine: ]
Uuh! Aah! Ooh!
Uuh! Aah! Ooh! lii, function closed
[The Angel: ]
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
[Machine: ]
Aah! Uuh! Aah! Uuh!
Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Hey, rise, rise, rise, close, quit...function? Die! Die!
Uuh! Aah! Uuh! Aah!
[John Doe: ]
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
The computer ceases to function.
6. Part 5: Compelety Alone
Suddenly. John Doe notices that he's been left completely alone, everybody has
disappeared! Only a mood of satisfied fulfillment is left. John Doe decides to
hit the road! He is strolling around in the "New World" and is totally out of
his mind... The mysteriously. He is feeling a little bit guilty(?), like as if
he'd let down... a friend...(?)
7. Part 6: Move
...meets the good old angel...
[John Doe: ]
I decided to go on though it hurt me so
You lost your memory and I lost my soul
Was it good, was it bad, was it just the same
Through the past darkly, and we lost the game
I never realized how things really went
And where this angel is, and what she meant
She said we were in the land of metals
And we made the wrong decision and we found only death
[The Angel: ]
World - you see - is in your eyes
You see the truth and you see the lies
How come is the world so bad?
It's up to you what you want to add
[John Doe: ]
But you see, this poor friend, how is he now?
He's in the world of confusion - deep in the mud
How can you tell it's own fault what he did?
You made a yell of death and then he was hid
How can you tell it was right what you did?
You took us away from our normal trip
It makes no sense to come here to die
Is there sense at all, should I still try?
[The Angel: ]
World - you see - is in your eyes
He will be well, he can feel his files
In this place on one can die
It's up to you, if you want to lie
[John Doe: ]
(Everyday you want to survive)
We are poor, lost soldiers and we don't know how
We can pass this test we are in, now
We are living in the land of poverty
We don't even know if "I" am for "me"
You threw us there into this symphony
Or the two kinda metals, when I choose I'll see
If it's wrong I'll be dead, if it's right I'll be free
That's how I'm gonna pay for my destiny
[The Angel: ]
Don't be scared, you see with you eyes
You see the truth and you see the lies
Go and take your friend with you
It's up to you if you want to move
[Jone Doe: ]
Move, move
[The Angel: ]
8. Part 7: Time, Irrevelant
...And so our man returns to "save" the computermonster and notices that the
metalbrain is still alive...!? In quite bad condition, but anyway. The angel
[Machine: ]
Time, irrelevant. I can't die and it's my own fault
Inspiration of a living organism
I lost my files but I'm still well, existing
Though surrounded only by bacteria an viruses
[The Angel: ]
How do you feel? Laa - la - laa, you were out of line!
[Machine: ]
[The Angel: ]
Don't be afraid, you'll have your memory back, if you wanted to
[Machine: ]
Deep in the mud, totally locked
I started to reorganize myself
I ordered the files into a new dimension
Though I felt as slow as hell
[The Angel: ]
Outside the cruel metal that keeps you fed, things don't look the same
[Machine: ]
So I was cheated, cruelly treated
[The Angel: ]
It's not really like you feel, do you judge me when it's real?
[Machine: ]
Aah! Ooh!
[The Angel: ]
Can't you understand if I told you and told you to turn your head
You would laugh only loud
Machines don't believe me!
Machines don't believe me!
Machines don't believe me!
Machines don't believe me!
Leave me! Leave, leave, leave, leave!
The computerbrain is reactivated, but this time, "harmony" between these
different forces can be found!
[Machine: ]
[John Doe: ]
....you believe...
[John + Machine: ]
[Everybody: ]
[Machine: ]
[John Doe: ]
....you believe...
[John + Machine: ]
[Everybody: ]
[John Doe: ]
Thinking (desperate for a...)
Thinking (and then you turn to the machine)
Thin(g)king (on a way to the endless...)
...Sinking (...into lunacy)
[Machine: ]
Yeah! Yeah!
[John Doe: ]
Die! Die!
[Machine: ]
Yeah! Yeah!
[John Doe: ]
Die! Die! Die! Die!...
9. Part 8: The Top
"All's well that ends well": everybody simply decides to vanish into thin air
and disappear into the pages of internet!
[Band: ]
Let's go to the top! To the top! Top!
Let's go to the top! To the top! Top! Top!
[John Doe: ]
I wanna make you see, make you see, make you see,
make you see, make you see, what you never ever saw
I wanna make you roar, make you roar, make you roar,
make you roar, make you roar, like you never did before
Everywhere you go, where you go, where you go,
where you go, where you go, there's a piece of paradise
Revolution mind, human mind, here I am; so hypnotize
[The Angel: ]
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
[John Doe: ]
I wanna make you see, make you see, make you see,
make you see, make you see, like you never did before
You're living in a dream, in a dream, in a dream,
in a dream, in a dream, and you did forget the truth
[Machine: ]
Defecating ecstasy
Measuring your pulse
Intellectual hypocrites
Guarded by the Laws
[The Angel: ]
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
[Machine + Band: ]
To the top! To the top! Top! To the top! To the top! Top!
To the top! Top!
[The Angel: ]
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
Life is waiting, waiting for you!
[Everybody: ]
Go to eternity!
Go to eternity!
Go to eternity!
(We) Go to eternity! (Yeah!)
Go to eternity!
Go to eternity!
(Let's ) Go to eternity!
(We) Go to eternity!
[Machine: ]
[Everybody: ]
[Machine: ]
[Everybody: ]
10. How Long Can U Go?
I'm making my money and I'm making my money allnight
And when I cheat you badly it only makes me feel I'm right
And if I don't trust you it's just the same
I can always let you down and you'll forget my name
(Yeah!) I'm ready, are you ready? I'm always ready...
Ready for the rock'n roll
I show my penis on stage if I'll just get wellpaid
(ya know) it always sells though it's of the lowest grade
Yes, I feel so nice and I feel so fine
And behind the stage I see my manager's smile
'Coz I'm ready, I'm ready, always ready, ready for rock'n roll
I dance like hell 'coz I know my boss is there
I smile at him and people think I have something to share
But if he can't trust me it's only peanuts for him
He can always let me down and I can start as a pimp
And I'm ready, still ready, always ready, ready for rock'n roll