« Inferno »
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1 | Terminal Show 03:47
 | 2 | Killers 04:16
 | 3 | In The Name Of Tragedy 03:05
 | 4 | Suicide 05:09
 | 5 | Life's A Bitch 04:15
 | 6 | Down On Me 04:14
 | 7 | In The Black 04:33
 | 8 | Fight 03:44
 | 9 | The Year of the Wolf 04:19
 | 10 | Keys To The Kingdom 04:48
 | 11 | Smiling Like A Killer 02:46
 | 12 | Whorehouse Blues 03:52
 | | Total playing time: 48:48 |
   Lemmy Kilmister - vocals, bass
Philip Campbell - guitars
Mikkey Dee - drums
Guest musicians:
Steve Vai - lead guitars on tracks 1, 6 |
 | Terminal Show
The golden eyed creature sits back on his throne
Gazing at us in despair
Six hundred guests, humanity's best
Are wondering why they are there
All roads lead here, all roads are burned
Have we digested the things we have learned?
Have we a chance when the dead rise and da |
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 Как сообщает нам одна популярная реклама: “Приятно сознавать, что некоторые вещи никогда не меняются”. Довольно тяжело не согласиться с этим доводом, особенно поклонникам ветеранов британской сцены тяжелого рока, великих и ужасных Motorhead. Вот уже больше тридцати лет вечный, как снег в Гималаях, Лемми Килмистер со своей командой выпускает на суд слушателей пластинки, в которых весьма и весьма сложно искать хоть какие-то отличия. Но, с другой стороны, а зачем их вообще искать? Гораздо лучше просто послушать очередной (вот уже семнадцатый по счету) студийный альбом музыкантов, и получить ни с чем не сравнимое удовольствие, которое могут доставить только они - Лемми, Фил и Микки Ди - не подверженные влиянию лет и меняющимся законам шоу бизнеса. Как по графику, ровно через два года после выхода весьма неплохой работы “Hammered”, прилавки музыкальных магазинов ждало настоящее “Извержение” - такое название к новой работе Motorhead подходит как нельзя лучше. Вдоволь полюбовавшись на просто великолепную работу Джо Петаньо по очередному преображению “Головы”, которая на этот раз получилась особенно инфернальной, а также отметив в титрах буклета такое редкое явление для “Моторов”, как приглашенный гость (которым явился не кто нибудь, а сам бог гитары – Стив Вай!), диск можно смело вставлять в проигрыватель и готовиться… Готовиться к локальному концу света. Именно такие ощущения возникают после того, как все двенадцать новых бронебойных снарядов, произведенных в привилегированной британской кузнице, попадут точно в цель. Первым залпом станет великолепный открывающий монстр “Terminal Show” - неимоверный напор, оглушающий тандем гитары Филти и баса Лемми, словно забивающие стальные сваи прямо тебе в уши громоподобные барабаны Микки Ди - абсолютно все на своем месте! Плюс, конечно же, неподражаемый вокал маэстро Килмистера, в очередной раз представляющий интереснейшую и бьющую не в бровь, а в глаз лирику о нашем мерзком человеческом обществе. Следующие снаряды, один за одним, будут превращать ваш дом в руины, будь то совершенно сумасшедшая композиция “In The Name Of Tragedy”, просто танкообразный в своем величии, медленный и тяжелый номер “Suicide”, веселая, циничная и заставляющая чуть ли пуститься в пляс “Life’s A Bitch”, или неожиданно хитовая, но от этого вовсе не потерявшая ни грамма угара, романтическая вещь “In The Black”. И вот когда стены уже будут представлять из себя кучку строительной крошки, “Моторы” вовсе не остановятся, а порадуют нас кровавой эпопеей “In The Year Of The Wolf”, медленным, мелодичным и очень резким анти политическим гимном “Keys To The Kingdom”, и, наконец, в качестве полного финиша - “Whorehouse Blues”, настоящий акустический блюз с губной гармошкой! Текст этой вещи стоит читать крепко сидя на стуле! Так что же в итоге? Не совсем понятно, зачем нужно было приглашать маэстро Вая, поскольку два его несчастных соло совершенно не выделяются на фоне общей, всеразрушительной, канвы альбома. Но в любом случае, “Inferno” - это лучший альбом Motorhead за последние одиннадцать лет, альбом, который в полной мере доказывает стопроцентную профпригодность и актуальность этих, казалось бы, ветеранских дядечек. Не верите? Диск к вашим услугам! Я предупреждал… |
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Снова перерыв в два года, снова на 100 процентов стандартное название, снова все те же Лемми, Фил Кэмпбелл и Микки Ди… Впрочем, ждать от Motorhead резких перемен – занятие, не имеющее никакого смысла, ведь эту группу любят именно за постоянство и верность традициям. Последние альбомов шесть Лемми и компании отличаются лишь тем, насколько этим музыкантам удалось сочинить классные песни в поставленных себе рамках. Оценка альбома по такому критерию – исключительно дело вкуса, так что если для меня последней по-настоящему цепляющей работой Motorhead была “Snake Bite Love” (1998), это не значит, что следующие два альбома вышли неудачными или некачественными. “Inferno” – вновь 100-процентный Motorhead, но, лично на мой вкус, он гораздо интереснее двух предшественников. И дело даже не в гостевом участии Стива Вая и не в том, что в нескольких песнях (“Life’s A Bitch”, например) снова появились столь любимые мной элементы настоящего рок-н-ролла, а в том, что группа сочинила просто неприличное количество цеплюящих песен, которые, похоже, заставят пуститься в пляс даже паралитика. Шикарный рифф в “Killers”, необычная ритмика в “Down On Me”, ураганная энергетика в “In The Name Of Tragedy” и “Fight” и акустическая “Whorehouse Blues” (это действительно блюз!) – одним словом, еще один отличный альбом группы, которая победила старость. (Диск предоставлен компанией “Soyuz Music”) |
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Здорово!!! Исправив ошибку предыдущей работы, "моторы" выдали угарнейший альбом с настолько плотным и "мясистым" звуком, что просто сбивает с ног. Начинаясь с доброй пары боевиков "Terminal Show" (вступление которого по ритмике очень мне напомнило "Sacrifice") и "Killers", альбом демонстрирует настоящий композиторский талант Лемми и компании (просто гениальный рок-н-ролл "Life's a Bitch", злобненький боевик "Smiling Like a Killer" и теплый акустический блюз "Whorehouse Blues"). Честно говоря, несмотря на все мое уважение к одной из величайших групп мировой рок-сцены, более лучшей работы от них я (уже) не ожидаю. Но все же надеюсь. |
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Ветераны металлической сцены не перестают удивлять общественность. На сей раз выдали шедевр англичане Motorhead, записав один из лучших альбомов за всю свою историю. Звучание группы заметно утяжелилось по сравнению с последними альбомами и, в то же время, стало более традиционным для группы. Больше всего порадовала открывающая альбом песня Terminal Show – сносит крышу: Лемми и компания никогда так не играли! Настоящий трэш! Кроме неё следует выделить вторую песню Killers и завершающую альбом блюзовую композицию Whorehore Blues, сыгранную на акустических гитарах, что очень нетипично для группы. Эти три песни добавили разнообразия, которого иногда так не хватает Motorhead. Остальные песни сыграны в традиционном стиле группы и порадуют поклонников раннего творчества англичан. Итог: мы получили великолепный альбом, по праву заслуживающий высший балл.
P. S. Если ветераны всегда будут так играть, металл будет жить вечно…
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Я так понял, что на последний альбом Моторхэда рецензии написали только реальные поклонники, я же не отношусь к их числу, но уважаю хорошую музыку, которой со времён «Bastards» - больше не доводилось встречать. Альбом никакой, ни развития в мелодических идеях, ни новшеств в звуке здесь нет, хотя всё же запоминающиеся ходы присутствуют, что хорошо подтверждают такие угарные песни как «Killers» и «Smiling Like A Killer». Каждый раз, когда выходит новый Мотор, я жду продолжения диска «Bastards», но, скорее всего так никогда и не дождусь его. А вообще самой интересной композицией можно назвать «In The Name Of Tragedy» – вроде бы простенькая песенка, но создаёт невероятно качественную атмосферу хаоса, если вы хотите ощутить, как под ногами уходит земля или рушиться мир, то эта вещь наиболее точно передаст все указанные чувства. Во имя Трагедии!!! Приятно видеть, что такие динозавры как Моторхэд, Дио или Удо ещё могут порадовать своих фэнов, ведь жизнь не так длинна, а они уже довольно давно и долго наращивают мощь металла, возможно даже с большим упорством, чем сами поклонники. |
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просмотров: 37122 |
Have we the time for the final romance?
We better find out
The name of the game
Chance of a future frozen and grim
Or of a quick death brought here on a whim
Why are we here does anyone know?
Why are we here at the terminal show?
The blind king has secrets dark and morose
He'd like it if we were like him
All the dark days spent in the maze
Have made a new man of him
All roads lead here, all roads are closed
Are we quite certain of all that we know?
Are we miscast or do we hold fast?
Have we the time for the final repast?
We better find out
The name of the game
Chance of a new world sunny and fine
Or of a burning a branded design
Why are we here? We don't even know
Why are we here at the terminal show?
The red queen is sleeping, lost in a dream
She wakes and she sleeps all alone
All of her fears are crowded in here
Laughing, they pick at her bones
All roads lead here, none lead away
Are we quire certain we're here anyway?
Have we been wise or are we despised?
Have we the time for our final demise?
We better find out
The name of the game
Chance of a lost world, rain and dismay
Pick up your belongings, we all have to pay
Why are the vultures circling above?
Why can't we fight for the right to our blood?
We are demented, everyone knows
Misrepresented, coming to blows
Why are we here? We don't even know
Why are we here at the terminal show?
The order is for murder
And we've been there before
The men in black are coming back
To serve the killing floor
No pity, no surrender
We take no prisoners
We spare no brave defender
No mercy, no quarter here
The killers will show you flame and sword
We are the killers enough to make your backbone shake
The killers enough to make your stupid faces quiver
And the killers long to take your life
The sun beats down like thunder
We ride to meet the foe
The clash of steal and leather
The only song we know
No pardon, no quarter
We own to no compassion
We glory in the slaughter
No mercy, we fetch your death
The killers, we are the ones foretold
We are the killers, we do not yearn for gold
We are the killers, we know the wrath of battle
We are killers and the killers will destroy your life
The devil rides to glory
We hasten by his side
A legendary story
Told by fireside
No quarter, let all hope fade
We glory the slaughter
Our badge the ace of spades
No mercy, we bring the sword
The killers, we murder you in battle
We are killers, we ride you down like cattle
We are killers, we fight our way to legend
We are killers and the killers love to see you die
Killers, we kill you 'til you die
We are the killers, we hold our banners high
We are the killers, we hang you out to die
We are the killers and all we bring death to life
In The Name Of Tragedy
Were you ever lost? Were you ever young?
Were you ever safe, little brother?
Do you see the sense of the evidence?
Are you still part of the struggle?
Did you bang your head? Did you go to bed?
Does it still feel pretty funky?
Lay back and dream in the death machine
Pity you still think like a monkey
Bring it up, bring it down 'til you hit the ground
Get a rude attitude, turn the world around
Shall we see? Shall we disagree?
Sing it all in the name of tragedy
Did you ever lie? Ever wonder why
Nobody believed you, honey?
What a pretty smile! Drive the people wild
Wonder who ran off with the money?
Do you ever change? Is it going to rain?
Will it bring you pennies from heaven?
Do you know the score? Are you waiting for?
Anxious for the new armageddon
Live it up, live it down 'til we hit the ground
Get a rude attitude from the world around
Shall we see? Shall we disagree?
Sing it all in the name of tragedy
Marbles in your mouth, what's it all about?
Do you know the name of the winner?
If I was to go, would you let it show?
Life is not a TV dinner
If you dream of me, will you ever see?
Do you want a piece of the action?
If I wasn't sure, would you do it more?
Help me to achieve an erection
Get it up, get it down 'til you hit the ground
Get a rude attitude, turn the world around
Shall we see? Shall we disagree?
All in the name of tragedy
Sing it loud, sing it out, make the people shout
Get it all, get it on, get it sorted out
Be a seer, be sincere, can you really see?
All in the name of tragedy
The night is mine, it burns so black
And there will be no morning light
The human race's foul disease
Will keep the morning from our sight
Why can't we say the secret word?
Respect for nothing, fire or flood
Expect no quarter, no reprieve
We writhe and grin in our own blood
No sun
Just clouds and poison rain
Raped and freezing
Victims of the dream again
Truly our days are darker now
We lie and cheat to our own selves
If we do this, I ask you how
Can we speak truth to someone else?
There is no way, no road at all
We are destroyed by our own plan
The air we breathe will kill us all
And no one's left to give a damn
No sun
Just clouds and poison rain
Raped and feezing
Victims of the dream again
Stay clean, be true
Do whatever you can do
Make it soon or we all die
Ten thousand years and all we got is suicide
If there be gods then tell me why
They make us kill and kill again
One hundred thousand thousand years
No mercy in the minds of men
What is the word that we should read?
What incantation should we say?
How can we ask for justice now
When all the world is blown away?
No sun
No hope the world is sun insane
Raped and freezing
Victims of the dream again
Stay clean, be true
Do whatever you can do
Make it soon or we all die
Ten thousand years and all we got is suicide
Life's A Bitch
I don't know who you are
I don't know your name
But if you want to live
You better learn the game
Don't know why you're here
Don't seen your face so far
If you don't want to fail
You better hide the scars
Make a poor man cry
The way you run your life
Make a poor man laugh
The way you run your wife
Time you hit the road
Better be on your way
Don't scream, don't shout
Three strikes and you'll be out
It's a shame, I know
No chance to see the show
Fear the man, kill the snitch
Just remember, life's a bitch
I don't know what you've got
I don't know your mom
But if you like your life
Then don't act dumb
I don't know where you go
And I sure don't care
If you don't want to starve
You better get your share
Make a grown man sick
The way you run your mouth
Make a grown man shake
The way you're running out
Time to hit the skids
Better be on your way
Don't shout, don't scream
Three strikes and they'll be mean
A shame, you're right
No chance to see the fight
Be a man, fix the glitch
Just remember, lIfe's a bitch
I don't know what you see
I don't know the score
But if you don't like blood
You better close the door
I don't know how you think
Don't wanna hear your tale
And if you talk too much
You're gonna land in jail
Make a tall man short
To see you act this way
Make a short man puke
The way you waste the day
Time to go to hell
Better be on your way
Don't moan, don't pout
Three strikes takes your ass out
Oh no! Bad news
No chance to shine your shoes
Fear the sky, eat the rich
Just remember, life's a bitch
Down On Me
Sometimes there's nothing to say
In the hard times
Do you know me?
Or are we all lost in the game?
You can be a thousand to one
Or you can die alone
There's no disgrace
When no one knows your name
Sometimes it hurts your heart
When you lose control
Do you see me?
Can I depend on you?
You can be a soldier of love
Or you can lose your soul
There's no time
To make sure it's all true
Give your blood and save me
Give your love and amaze me
I see you now
I know you see
Give a sucker an even break
Another emotion to fake
Down on me
Down on me
Sometimes it makes you laugh
In the darkness
Do you feel it?
Don't tell me no lies
You can be a god or a fool
It's your decision
Are you forbidden?
You can fight or die
Give your blood and save me
Give your love and amaze me
See it through
What can you be?
Give a sucker an even break
Another emotion to fake
Down on me
Down on me
Give your blood and save me
Give your love and amaze me
I see you now
And I know you see
Give a sucker an even break
Another emotion to fake
Down on me
Down on me
Give your hands to hold me
Give your arms to enfold me
Say the word
Set me free
Bring me in out from the storm
Keep me safe from scorn
Down on me
Down on me
In The Black
Listen, honey
Let me see you smile
Don't be look at me funny
You've got a better style
See me coming
Don't look the other way
Don't start running
You stole my heart away
Don't give me that run around
You know I treat you fine
You don't understand the way I feel
You got my heart rolling like a wheel
I'm in the black, I'm in the black
I'm in the black again
Can't go back, can't go back
Can't be who I was back then
It's only me, it's only me
It's only me outside your door
Let me be, let me be
I'm the one you're waiting for
Hear me talking
You hear what I say
I see you walking
Every time it makes my day
I got a notion
I might stay a while
If you fall in the ocean
I'll swim a hundred miles
Coming over to ask you out
Ah, honey, please, say yes
I don't like it when you stomp and pout
I don't like it when you run your mouth
I'm in the black, I'm in the black
I'm in the black again
Can't go back, can't go back
Can't be who I was back then
It's only me, it's only me
It's only me outside your door
Let me be, let me be
I'm the one you're waiting for
You're a vision
Make me shout out loud
I made my decision
Goodbye to the old crowd
Send you a message
I've gotta chance my arm
Scramble through the wreckage
To keep you safe from harm
I'm gonna be right around your house
I hope you're good to go
If you're not, it's going to hit me hard
I'm going to fold up like a house of cards
I'm in the black, I'm in the black
I'm in the black again
Can't go back, can't go back
Can't be who I was back then
It's only me, it's only me
It's only me outside your door
Let me be, let me be
I'm the one you're waiting for
Midnight, midnight
Midnight, beat the drum
Black night, black night
Black night, cut and run
Slaughter, slaughter
Slaughter, flee your bed
Quarter, no quarter
No quarter, don't lose your head
Fighting in the west
Fighting in the east
Fighting like a beast
You must stand and fight
Fight, fight
Fight, fight
Make it right
Fight, fight
Fighting, fighting
Fighting for your life
Riding, riding
Riding, endless nights
Laughing, laughing
Laughing to our death
Laughing, laughing
Laughing to our final breath
Fighting in the east
Fighting in the west
What a bloody mess!
You will stand and fight
Fight, fight
Fight, fight
Make it right
Fight, fight
Reaver, reaver
Reaver, riding fast
Believer, believer
Believer, loyal to the last
Faithful, faithful
Faithful to our creed
Soldier 'til it's over
'Til it's over, everything we need
Fighting to the last
Fighting to the death
Your last dying breath
You must stand and fight
Fight, fight
Fight, fight
Make it right
Fight, fight
Stand and fight
Stand and fight
Stand and fight
Make it right
Stand and fight
You must fight, fight
You motherfucker
Year Of The Wolf
In the year of the wolf
All the world smelled good
In the snow and the ice
All the rest was blood
In the time of the tribe
We took a thousand lives
When I ran with the wolves
And the hunting was good
See me now, I was another
Not like me when the wolves were brothers
See me now, you cannot know
The kind of food that make me grow
It was the wolf in me
Body and soul on fire
In the cold full moon
Blood red desire
It was the wolf in me
You know, it felt so true
The night I ran with the wolves
Tonight I come for you
In the year of the wolf
How could you ever know?
There in the forest
I had teeth to show
In a different time
When the world was mine
When I ran as a wolf
And the sun burned low
See me now, I was another
Mean and vicious, fast and clever
See me now, you would not dream
The food I ate, the food that screamed
It was the wolf in me
And all my soul was fire
By the cold dull moon
Blood red desire
It was the wolf in me
I howled the cold night through
The year I ran as a wolf
Tonight the food is you
In the year of the wolf
All the tribe ran mad
On the frozen lake
And I felt so glad
With tooth and claw
All your blood and more
When I ran with the wolves
And the hunt turned bad
See me now, this is not me
Not like the one I used to be
See me now, you would not guess
A different heart's raving in my chest
It was the wolf in me
When the world was cold
It was the life I lived
In the dark world below
It was the wolf in me
Crying and howling too
I was crying for the hunt
But I was hunting for you
Keys To The Kingdom
Death in the stars, rain on the wind
Came to the mission, couldn't get in
Came out of nowhere, guess I'll go back
All down to bad luck
Fire in the sky, nowhere to run
Came to the desert, burned by the sun
Came out of somewhere, I ain't never been back
All down to bad luck
King of frustration, vampire de luxe
Keys to the kingdom, God hates your guts
Out of the heavens a blessing might fall
But the keys to the kingdom mean nothing at all
Crippled by cold, blinded by fear
Looking for God but they said he ain't here
Came out of nowhere, can't stand to go back
All down to bad luck
Carved on a stone, the world's epitaph
Walked through the graveyard, just had to laugh
Came out of exile for a handful of dust
All down to bad luck
King aggrivation, vampire de luxe
Congratulations, God hates your guts
Bound for damnation, backs to the wall
And the keys to the kingdom mean nothing at all
High in the sky in letters of fire
The names of the saints, the thieves and the liars
Came to the funeral out of pure spite
All down to bad luck
The least we could do the harder we tried
The better we lived the sooner we died
Came to the goldmine, cold and alone
All down to bad luck
King of starvation, vampire de luxe
Keys to the kingdom, we hate your guts
In the asylum no one hears you call
And the keys to the kingdom mean nothing at all
Nothing at all
Smiling Like A Killer
I'm the one you never see in the dead of night
Peeking in your window, staying out of sight
Go to bed, lock the door, don't look in the mirror
What if I was right behind you? Smiling like a killer
I'm the knocking at your door when you're all alone
I'm the scratching zombie claw in your twilight zone
Cut your throat, catch your breath, blood run like a river
Last thing you see before your death, smiling like a killer
Killers in the house
Killers in the yard
Smile, smile, smile
Killers, they're so hard
Smiling at your kids
Smiling at your mom
Smiling at your pets
They know where you come from
They know where you come from
I'm the razor at your throat in your fever dreams
I'm the one to get your goat, nothing's what it seems
Freeze your smile, stop your heart, creep and crawl and slither
Come to you and make your mark, smiling like a killer
Killers in your room
Squirming in your chair
Smile, smile, smile
Killers, they're not fair
Smiling in the crowd
Smiling all alone
Smiling in your ear
Call you on the phone
Call you on the phone
I'm the creepy homeless guy hanging 'round your school
I'm the one to make you gone, low and base and cruel
In the evening we can dance, piggy in the middle
I will show you true romance, smiling like a killer
Killers in the mist
Killers in the fog
Smile, smile, smile
They might eat your dog
Smiling here and now
Smiling all the time
Smiling in your dreams
A smile just like mine
A smile just like mine
A smile just like mine
Whorehouse Blues
Well, we came up from the gutter
The wrong side of the tracks
Yeah, we came up from the gutter
Wrong side of the tracks
You know, the music brought us out, babe
And we ain't never been back
'Cause we went city to city
All around the world
Yes, we went city to city
All around the world
You know it never looked like enough, honey
Even after thirty years
'Cause we come blazing like a shooting star
We light you up real good
We come blazing like a shooting star
And we light you up real good
We're gonna hit you like a flash of lightning
Just like a bad boy would
You know, the only thing that's missing
Is a little mouth harp blues
You know, the only thing that's missing
Is a little mouth harp blues
And you know, life's full of suprises
You know we do that to
You know we ain't too good looking
But we are satisfied
No, we ain't never been good looking
But we are satisfied
We shoulda opened up a little whorehouse, honey
Get a little booty on the side