« Illusions »
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1 | Into the... 00:37 instrumental
 | 2 | Illusions 04:54
 | 3 | Riding Alone 04:46
 | 4 | Dance of Souls 04:36
 | 5 | Infinity 04:54
 | 6 | Keltia 04:39
 | 7 | Fantasy of Reality 04:42
 | 8 | No More Tears 05:02
 | 9 | By My Own Sight 04:05
 | 10 | One Reason to Live 04:54
 | 11 | Lullaby 04:54
 | 12 | Somewhere in the Past 03:59
 | 13 | Touch the Sky 04:00
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   Nacho Ruiz – vocals
Carmen Castano – vocals
Jose A. Garrido – guitars
Alberto Aviles – guitars
Javi Diez – keyboards
Rosalva Alonso – keyboards
Luis M. Hernandez – bass
Nacho Arriaga – drums |
 | 2. Illusions
I am a lonely man
That lives in a strange labyrinth
I don't know how I can scape
I am a living statue laying in a bed
Only my mind wants to abandom this jail
I am a tired woman
Full of constant pain because her loved
Wants to see her dead
I am the the boy that lost his eyes
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 Второй студийник малоизвестной испанской группы Arwen сразу привлек мое внимание. Несмотря на слухи что сия команда (опять!) играет симфо пауэр, изначально я был очень заинтересован в "Illusions". В первую очередь меня несказанно удивил состав - признаться восемь (!!!) человек в подобных группах я не видел никогда! Помимо стандартной ритм секции и двух гитаристов, в Arwen числятся два вокалиста (мужчина и женщина), и аж два клавишника (как ни странно, тоже мужчина и женщина). Кроме того, на первый взгляд мне показалось, что сей диск - не что иное, как очередная метал опера, с кучей хоров, клавишных и конечно, вменяемым сюжетом про что нибудь сказочно-фэнтезийное. В общем, испытывая приятное нетерпение, я с удовольствием сел за прослушивание "Illusions". И с первой же песни впал в тихий ужас, который отпутстил сознание только через пару минут после последнего аккорда завершающей песни. Представьте себе, но в сочинении всех песен тем или иным образом учавствовал весь творческий коллектив, да и еще и парочка сторонних авторов для вкуса. Вы представляете, насколько у этих людей разные музыкальные предпочтения? Поэтому стиль и саунд Arwen хорошо описывается одним простым словом - КАША. Жесткие гитарные риффы в духе Brainstorm, такой же жесткий мужской вокал и иногда просыпающийся приятный женский (но с ужасным акцентом) поют строчки на самые различные темы написанные на ужасном английском, а на фоне всего этого безобразия еще и клавишные всех мастей и видов постоянно издают высокохудожественные трели. В общем, я был от такого гибрида чего-то-с-чем-то в ужасе. Хорошо, что у меня в привычке водится слушать диск как минимум два раза. И Вы знаете - на второй раз, когда я уже был подготовлен к такой жуткой эклектике, мне многое даже понравилось! Например, приятный шлягер "Riding Alone", о горькой судьбе несчастных индейцев, настоящий пауэр хит "No More Tears", про злобных террористов, или красивейшая баллада "Lullaby". Но все-таки слишком музыка Arwen перенасыщена лишними элементами, чтобы быть достойной высокой оценки. Ребятам надо просто определится на кого они хотят походить - на немцев или на итальянцев, а не метаться между двумя лагерями. Ну а единственной великолепной испанской группой как была, так и осталась Mago De Oz. Искренне жаль. (Диск предоставлен компанией "CD Maximum") |
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После прослушивания данного альбома у меня четко сформировалось мнение о нем: просто шедевр. Понимаю, звучит, может быть, слишком громко, но «Illusions» заслуживает столь высокой оценки, и во многом благодаря великолепному музыкальному материалу и подаче: фантастика! В альбоме содержится несколько категорий песен: жесткие номера, задушевные баллады и какие-то таинственные, загадочные композиции. К последним можно отнести «Illusions», «Dance of Souls», «Fantasy or Reality». Музыка этих песен прямо-таки дышит непостижимой энергией. Стоит отметить, что, невзирая на термин «прогрессив», здесь, к счастью, нет псевдо-ориентальных ходов, как, например, у Kamelot или Nevermore.
Несмотря на сложность музыкального материала, его хочется переслушивать еще и еще: ТАКОГО пауэр-метала, пожалуй, больше ни у кого не услышишь. |
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просмотров: 9541 |
I only want to remain
Talking with solitude and to never return
I need to feel, I can breathe
And my sad heart is free again
This world isn't for me
So I search other place wherever I can dream
Outside reality with my own fantasy
We are shadows of the great filth
That the hungry made victims of his evil game
We are soldiers of fortune far away from home
Marching near the fear to a wrong war
We are helpless angels slaves of
Pleasure that let their own bodies
In hands of the devil
We're the children of poverty
And elders of agony
3. Riding Alone
Shadows darken my head
I can't remember well
Yesterday I was a quiet woman!
Why did I hace to see it?
Why must I live while while my people have been
cruelly killed?
Danmed white men that said to be our friends
Have betrayed our race!
They took from me all! I hate them! I want...
Revenge, revenge invades my soul!
Riding alone, without a course...
Drum soud is in me
And it will go on!
Riding alone, I wish...
That the spirit of wind would protect me
With his warm cloak
We revere the earth and we've been vanquished by
Other men that only want to posses her
We are worthy of respect and we've been betrayed like
In a cowardly way!
There are too many Indians dead
Too much blood sheds in vane!
They took from me all!
I hate them! I want...
Revenge, revenge invades my soul!
Freedom! freedom is all my soul long for!
Flying with my horse, I'm not alone
Every sunset reminds me my home
Only a thing I know, I'm free!
Neither greed nor violence
Can take away my brother's souls!
4. Dance Of Souls
Beyond those cold mountains an old mansion lies
It was a silent witness of terrible crimes
Blood paints the walls with gloomy lines
Screams are drowned in the deep blackness
They were harmless young ladies
"Now we are lonely souls"
Lost ghosts, traped by a cruel and sudden death
That wander by the forgotten halls
Victims of his fearsome madness
They dance between the shadows
"Without memories in an eternal life..."
They can rest, at last
Mirrors and windows hide the terrifying truth
Rapes and tortures stained their last dying days
Blood paints the walls with gloomy lines
Screams are drowned in the deep blackness
In the night, young girls whisper their songs
Traped by a cruel and sudden death
And wander by the forgotten halls
Victims of his fearsome madness
They dance between the shadows
Without memories in an eternal life
They can rest, at last
5. Infinity
Only void, only silence
A point of bright light
Was lost in deep darkness
Energy, strong forces
United for the beginning of existence
Then a miracle came out
Millions of stars, thousands of planets
In harmony were painted
The space for coming life
If we are alone in the universe
How much space is wasted
I want to see far beyond all we know
I need to understand, find the answers
Why can we reach real truth'
Where's the key to survive?
To this incessant doubt?
Deep black holes, rings of fire
Great neboulouses, distant galaxies
Oceans of different colours
Lands of tomorrow shine at night
Divine forms through sky line
Misterious signs that time can't erase
Will the infinity be there in the future days?
6. Keltia
I walk under the touch
Of the frozen snow
Wind whispers new words
The forests are sad
Trees die young
Leaves change their colours and fall
Why don't birds sing again?
Why doesn't grass sing with the wind
And the sun hides while the moon dies?
Dark clouds covering light of the sky
There is something stronger
More powerfull than me
He was made to create and destroy by his hand
He hates all around him 'cause of his greed
I will search for him, through the woods
Of glass and steel, and tell him:
Far away of conscience of your minds
There's a hidden place inside of your hearts
Take care of his gift 'cause your children
Will never know how this lost place was, they'll cry
And never, never, never they will see
The beauty was around them
7. Fantasy Or Reality
Long ago I wanted to know
Why may dreams come come?
Are they the reflections of our own lives?
Strange blend of my imagination
And my confused thoughts
Through the valleys of knowledge
By the long ways of wisdom
In the middle of the void
Alone with your own silence
With your inner voice
Which is the power of mind?
Where's its force?
Can we have it?
What dark secrets does it hide?
Fantasy or reality?
Where is its force?
You will know it someday!
Is it worth to have lived
To find out after all
That the best hours
Are those which we slept'?
8. No More Tears
For those people who believe they can decide who lives
Who is wrong and who must die for his sins
For those people who pretend (Taking justice by)
To install their laws (Their own hands)
For those who never talk, never say nothing
And use their reasons to strike
They can't take their pain
(And use it to do) to decide which men
(Deserve to die) using all my fallen tears
I send this message
Screaming with the suffering of the dead
(No more tears) It's time to say
(No more pain) Time to begin again
(No more dead) There must be some other way
To live in peace some day
(Then your heart) will beat again
(And all men) full of true love will say
(Look at us) if you want to save the world
Renounce to hate and war
They have changed the world we know
Now it's going to crash
Becouse of hate, our world has now become a terrifying
place like hell
Earth will die forever
(Sky turns black) Seas of blood wherever
(You put your eyes) Life will nevee be the same
It's in your hands
9. By My Own Sight
You would surrender
If I talked to you about hell (Sometimes it's life)
There are no guilty but a dirty trick
When you're a survivor
There's no place where you can hide
(You'll never try again)
You walked away like the moon's shadow
With a little light, shiny light
Made with your own nightmares
Your Shangri-la is (already) near
And it's a good place to rest
You would surrender
If you could see all the world (By my own sight)
Care your wounds to begin again...
When you're a survivor
There's no place where you can hide
(You'll never try again)
You walked away like the moon's shadow
With a little light, shiny light
Made with your own nightmares
Your Shangri-la is (already) near
And it's a good place to rest
10. One Reason To Live
I wake up and my day is very dark
The sadness of my soul
The pain in my brain destroy my way
And my life...
Vanishes, escapes, slips, is lost without love
I would need support!
I will try it only one more time
I can't see as everything is consumed by cold tears!
Why don't you come, take my hand
And we will walk together by this darkness
Give me only strenght to see
The reason to live and carry on with hope!
See in your eyes
Try to search in your heart
I only see war
Blood and hate around the earth
Also it has...
Passion, godness, pleasure
Caresses in this world
You now have support!
I will try to feed my illusion
You don't see as everything is consumed by cold tears!
11. Lullaby
Don't you cry, I'm right here with you
Feel the darkness running away from here
Don't you cry, I will stay with you
Nightmare, demons... all end now
So close your eyes and you will travel
To a magic world
Where peace reigns forever
Today the stars will guide your dreams and
Protect all the things above you
Tonight an angel will come to give you a kiss
Only for you
Sweet dreaming now, my little piece of love
Here we go, don't look at behind
Hold my hand and we will fly away
Here you have a thousand of adventures to live
Just choose one every night
Don't remember (the) darkness and sorrow
Come here now, back to light
12. Somewhere In The Past
Where am I? Don't know how
Could I have arrived
In this age at this place
I was sent to another strange dimension!
Someone has entrused me a mission
Taking me off to the past
So many questions
Without answers in our minds
We need the keys to resolve
What science hasn't found
Mysteries of history
Of humanity, through all the time
They will be revealed to obtain wisdom
To understand our future days
I can see:
Everything that it is unknown
And all I've ever dreamed
Memories were forgotten in a hidden world
Civilitations that did their reigns
Lost places never seen
13. Touch The Sky
While the life (is in my) voice, in our hands
We're sure the effort's worht it
Time never goes by
We're dreaming awake
Flying so far, to touch the sky!
I look behind
A song rising in our lives
A journey we started long ago
And we'll keep it forever in our minds
Learning to fly
With the wings we all have inside
Trying to find new roads to walk ahead
And oceans to sail!
So many illusions have come our way
Since long time ago 'till days of today!
Awake day and hight
In a long hard fight to survive
Supporting with courage our place
'Cause we are not alone in the strife
Keeping alive
This spirit of sacrifice
For something that seemed to be mislaid!
But not for all of us!
So the song (of my heart) remains alive
Pushing me higher
I feel it, running through my veins
Grow inside me!
While the life...
Why don't you believe
If it's in front of your eyes?
Why can't we continue fighting for it?
Follow me, together we will reach the same
The way, the top of the hill!