Molly Hatchet
« Kingdom of XII »
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1 | Heart of the USA
 | 2 | Cornbread Mafia
 | 3 | One Last Ride
 | 4 | Why Won't You Take Me Home
 | 5 | Turn My Back on Yesterday
 | 6 | Gypsy Trail
 | 7 | White Lightning
 | 8 | Tumbling Dice
 | 9 | Angel in Dixie
 | 10 | Kickstart to Freedom
 | 11 | Dreams of Life
 | 12 | Edge of Sundown (acoustic version) |
   Bobby Ingram – guitars, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, backing vocals
Bryan Bassett – guitars
John Galvin – keyboards, backing vocals
Andy McKinney – bass, backing vocals
Sean Shannon – drums, percussion
Additional musicians:
Russ Maxwell - guitars
Tim Donovan - keyboards
Charlie Daniels - fiddle
Rolf Köhler - backing vocals
EU - 22 August 2000
United States - 5 June 2001
Karo Studios, Brackel, Germany
Bobby Ingram - producer
Nikolo Kotzev - engineer, mixing, mastering
 | "Heart Of The U.S.A."
(Bobby Ingram, Phil McCormack)
Four decades ago a young man left Mississippi
To fight the war in Vietnam...
Did two tours and got shot received the medal of honor
When he got home he wasn't the same man
So when you get home tonight and give thanks to your maker
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 Выпустив два сильнейших альбома подряд после своего возвращения в 1996 году, Molly Hatchet доказали, что у них есть достаточный потенциал для дальнейшей работы, а также уверенность следовать избранным музыкальным курсом. Особый отклик творчество группы получило почему-то в Германии. Что удивительно, учитывая отнюдь не европейскую специфику музыки Molly Hatchet, настоянную на реалиях и музыкальных традициях американского юга. Подобное положение вещей музыкантов вполне устраивало, поэтому, имея на руках хороший контракт с немецким лейблом SPV, для записи следующего альбома южане вновь отправились в Karo Studios, где были записаны две предыдущие работы.
На “Kingdom of XII” «хэтчеты» решили несколько сбавить обороты и музыку отличает более расслабленная, вальяжная манера игры. На этом альбоме группа в большей степени приблизилась к традициям южного рока, чем на работах 90-х. Непритязательные прилипчивые мотивы, отдающие кабацким душком, доминируют в большинстве номеров. Тем не менее, несмотря на желание уйти от пафосности предыдущих альбомов, Molly Hatchet вновь попытались хотя бы частично использовать творческую формулу, столь удачно найденную на “Devil’s Canyon” и “Silent Reign of Heroes”. К сожалению, на упомянутых альбомах оригинальность этой формулы была уже исчерпана, и на “Kingdom of XII” такой подход стал выглядеть откровенным самокопированием, в музыке ощущается шаблонность и предсказуемость. В первую очередь это проявилось в построении альбома и структуре отдельных композиций – все как обычно: качевая открывашка "Heart of the USA", очередной развернутый эпик "One Last Ride", еще одна баллада "Turn My Back on Yesterday", целиком и полностью идентичная медлякам с предыдущих двух альбомов, парочка чисто металлических боевичков "White Lightning" и "Kickstart to Freedom", и напоследок акустический кавер на собственную программную песню – на этот раз была выбрана “Edge of Sundown” с сольного альбома Дэнни Джо Брауна – вокалиста оригинального состава Molly Hatchet. Должен признать, именно эта вещь получилась наиболее удачной в серии подобных композиций. Минимальные изменения коснулись и звука – все тот же плотный, мускулистый саунд, который мы уже слышали на альбомах 90-х. Даже замена барабанщика нисколько не отразилась на звучании.
Тем не менее, несмотря на упомянутый самоплагиат, писать классные песни группа отнюдь не разучилась и на альбоме присутствует ряд очень удачных композиций, которые смело можно записать в золотой фонд Hatchet. Чего стоит одна только "One Last Ride" – добротная вещь с традиционными гитарными запилами Бобби Ингрэма, пронизанная вестерн-колоритом и байкерской дорожной романтикой. Стоит отдельно выделить "Gypsy Trail" и "Angel in Dixie", исполненные в кантри-ключе. Не думайте, что это какая-то унылая жвачка в духе профильных радиостанций южных штатов. "Gypsy Trail" – ураганный, плясовый боевик с зажигательной скрипкой, а акустическая "Angel in Dixie", проникнутая светлой грустью, как своеобразный антипод, наоборот звучит умиротворенно и в чем-то даже ностальгично. Соответствующее настроение создают берущие за душу скрипичные партии на фоне неторопливой акустики и мягких переливов рояля. Несмотря на то, что перечисленные выше композиции позволяют с чистой совестью зачислить альбом в положительный актив группы, все же трудно не заметить вторичность представленного материала. Складывается впечатление, что понимая о необходимости развития, группа не была уверена в том, куда ей двигаться дальше. К счастью, уже на следующем альбоме Molly Hatchet уверенно выбрали дальнейший вектор развития, уйдя от шаблонов и заметно освежив свое звучание. |
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просмотров: 7319 |
Say a prayer for the ones who lost their lives
And the men left in the field of battle
Aheroes legend that needs to be told
To pass thru the ages for the young and the old
They fought for the truth and the will to survive
All American by birth and born with Southern Pride
So raise the blade in the Heart of the USA
Oh...oh...oh We're all part of the USA
Gimme them Stars and Bars for heritage not hate
Oh...oh...oh It's the Heart of the USA
A heroes legend that needs to be told
To pass thru the ages for the young and the old
They fought for the truth and the will to survive
All American by birth and born with Southern Pride
So raise the blade in the Heart of the USA
Oh...oh...oh We're all part of the USA
Gimme them Stars and Bars for heritage not hate
Oh...oh...oh Cause It's the Heart of the USA
So raise the blade in the Heart of the USA
Oh...oh...oh We're all part of the USA
Gimme them Stars and Bars in Jacksonville FLA
Oh...oh...oh Cause it's the Heart of the USA
Heart of the USA...Heart of the USA
"Cornbread Mafia"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Yea meet me in the alley...vargus rendevous
Call the boys, get some ribs and a mess of cold beer too...
Lord get the feet bag on back to mississippi
The boys are toten knives and guns
You dont want no part of me...
Baby, get my suite down the street
At the peabody hotel
I got a skirt..lord have mercy
She know how to do it so well...
Grab the crew come around at two
And carry me to rum boogie
Hear the tattos of the blues
The night hawks boogie woogie...
Cornbread mafia, memphis mojo man
I get you anything you need said I get it when I can
I dont get up till the sun goes down
Out there roamin the night...
Cornbread mafia dont you cross that line.
Cornbread mafia, memphis mojo man
I get you anything you need said I get it when I can
I dont get up till the sun goes down
Out there roamin the night...
Cornbread mafia dont you cross that line
Cornbread mafia, memphis mojo man
I get you anything you need said I get it when I can
I dont get up till the sun goes down
Wrong side of the tracks...
Cornbread mafia dont you cross my path
"One Last Ride"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Ridin that night and the the moon is high
Gotta hell hound on my trail
Got to cross the rio grande
And never let me out of that jail
Feel the cool desert air... whippin accross my face
Dont make a sound stay close to the ground
Got to leave without a trace
Like my daddy before me...
Said the son of the seventh son
I cant sit still when the night time comes
My spirit always on the run
Ive done wrong everyone I loved
And I live with broken hearts
The hell hounds on my trail
I watched one after another as they died
They took my heart and left me cold inside
Tonight I ride...one last ride
My past is close behind me...my pistol by my side
Gotta keep on ridin...times not on my side
Im a pistol totin gamblin man
Time for one last ride.
Just a simple country boy without a lick of sense
30.6 colt 45 rode a thousand of fence
When you ride with the devil, baby... you heed with the devils call
Cant sing with the angels when the hell youre bound to fall.
Town folks watched as he locked himself inside
The new this torchered man was bound to die
He took the lonliness to his grave
The poor boys soul could not be saved
The boy had finally taken his last ride.
Tonight I ride...one last ride
My past is close behind me...my pistol by my side
Gotta keep on ridin...times not on my side
Im a whiskey drinkin gamblin man
Time for one last ride... so I keep on ride..one last ride
My past is close behind me...my pistol by my side
Gotta keep on ridin...times not on my side
Im a pistol totin gamblin man
Time for one last ride
"Why Won't You Take Me Home"
(Ingram, McCormack, Andy McKinney)
Well.. Ive been beatin the bushes all week long
Cant seem to save a dollar
Apartments empty Im all alone
Wont you listen to a grown man hollar
The boss mans dead on my case
Keep your mind on the job and stay busy
My minds been on his secretary
Lord have mercy...make ya dizzy
Why wont you take me home...baby
Why wont you take me home
Just tell me get back to fishin
I aint gonna go for no bait and switchin
Why wont you take me home
Every man wants his secretary
The woman of his dreams
Monday through friday nine to five...shes all over me
We get to work and she starts flirtin
Loves to play her game
I saw her out on saturday night
She didnt seem to know my name.
Tuesday Im ready to scream
Wednesday Im a little less mean
Thursday Im ready for sin
Friday night let the games begin.
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home
Be stuck in the middle far too long
Hot diggity dog lets have some fun
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home
Just tell me get back to fishin
I aint gonna go for no bait and switchin
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home
Be stuck in the middle far too long
Hot diggity dog lets have some fun
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home
Why wont you take me home...
Why wont you take me home
Just tell me get back to fishin
I aint gonna go for no bait and switchin
Why wont you take me home...
"Turn My Back On Yesterday"
(Ingram, McCormack)
The blue ridge mountains were turning green
The last time I saw her face
Rose colored glasses cant hide the pain
Neither can your satin and lace
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow.
I tried to keep you warm at night
Through the lonely winter snow
Sayin your wrong is just not right
Thats why I have to go...
Our love just got lost along the way
Cant fine our selves eye to eye.
Or face to face...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow our love got lost along the way.
I know youd walk thru fire for me
You showed me in every way
Now its time to set you free
The words got in my way...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow...
I turned my back on yesterday
For a better tommorrow
Our love got lost along the way...
Lost along the way....
"Gypsy Trail"
(Ingram, McCormack, John Galvin)
Jackson tennessee is the only place to start
Close to charlies home and closser to his heart
Me Im a southern boy man I love to ride
Cause were all part of history
I volunteer with pride
Gets that fiddle...gets it blazin hot
Marshall tucker singin that carolina rock
Yea...hank was born to boogie
Him and the bama band
When this hatchet gets to swingin
Youll see who I am
Get on board that gypsy trail
Virginia beach to boise
Said boys we just cant fail
Got to get ridinthat gypsy trail
Steel horse ride thru the night
Hear the engines wail...ride that gypsy trail
Into the heartland rollin thru the night
North, south, east, west
Everything is kinda alright
Tell them folks at the gate let my friends in
Dim the lights, hear the crowd...let the show begin
Get on board that gypsy trail
Indy down to tupelo said the boys we just cant fail
Got to get ridinthat gypsy trail
Steel horse ride thru the night
Hear the engines wail...
Get on board that gypsy trail
Vegas down to new orleans
Said the boys we just cant fail
Got to get ridinthat gypsy trail
Steel horse ride thru the night
Hear the engines wail...ride that gypsy trail
Get on board that gypsy trail
Nashville down to west palm beach
Said the boys we just cant fail
Got to get ridinthat gypsy trail
Steel horse ride thru the night
Hear the engines wail...
Ride that gypsy...ride that gypsy...ride that gypsy trail
"White Lightning"
(Ingram, McCormack, Galvin)
Coming into town at the speed of light
This is franklin county you got that right
The law is on my trail...babe I gotta git
Around rafes turn foot down to the floor
400 horses gimme more...more...more
Gotta get back to hazzard you lnow I cant quit
White lightning... say it with a smile
Ill be half way home accross six counties
Before you can blink an eye
White lightning...say it with a smile
Ill be bumper to bumper passin on the right side
Feelin my machine man what a ride...
A hundred miles to go...almost there
Blue lights in my rear view mirror
Hell is at my back...my babys runnin strong
Road block ahead I had to gear down
Thru kelsys woods and eased my way around
Elvis on the radio singing my favorite song
When the weekend gets here baby
They come from near and far
Reverned with a twenty dollar bill
Holds a Bible and a mason jar
White lightning... say it with a smile
Ill be half way home accross six counties
Before you can blink an eye
White lightning...say it with a smile
Ill be bumper to bumper passin on the right side
Feelin my power man what a ride...white lightning!!!
Mama & aunt queenie get to cookin
Everything gets right...
Well all be at church on sunday
Right now its saturday night...
White lightning... say it with a smile
Ill be half way home accross six counties
Before you can blink an eye
White lightning...say it with a smile
Ill be bumper to bumper passin on the right side
Feelin my machine man what a ride...
White lightning... say it with a smile
Ill be half way home accross six counties
Before you can blink an eye
White lightning... say it with a smile
Ill be bumper to bumper passin on the right side
Feelin my tension man what a ride...
White lightning...yes
"Tumbling Dice"
(Mick Jagger, Keith Richards)
Women think I'm tasty, always tryin' to waste me
Make me burn the candle right down
But baby, baby, I don't need no jewels in my crown
It's all you women is low down gamblers
Cheatin' like I don't know how
But baby, baby, there's fever in the funk house now
This low down bitchin' got my poor feet a-itchin'
Don't you know the duece is still wild
Baby, I can't stay
You got to roll me and call me the tumblin' dice
Always in a hurry, never stop to worry
Don't see the time flashin' by
Honey, got no money
I'm all sixes, sevens and nines
Say now, baby, I'm the rank outsider
You can be my partner in crime
Baby, I can't stay
You got to roll me and Call me the tumblin' dice
Call me the tumblin' dice
Oh, my, my, my, I'm the lone crap shooter
Playin' the field every night
Baby, I can't stay
You got to roll me and call me the tumblin' dice
(You got to roll me)
Call me the tumblin' dice
(You got to roll me)
Call me the tumblin' dice
(You got to roll me)
"Angel In Dixie"
(Ingram, McCormack)
I saw an angel in dixie
In heaven the other night
No my way to new orleans
Cant get her off my mind
Theres many miles of highway
Between me and the county line
Thinkin about my angel of dixie
Tell me where is she tonight...
She was gone out of sight...
But shes on my mind...
Well, Ive searched the world over
She might be the one to share my life
Or honey just help me thru the night
We rolled into texas
I was feelin mighty good
When I saw this angel
Lookin like she surely could
Standin there with long blond hair
And the blue sky in her eyes
I cant remember the last time I forgot somethin
I forgot my own name that night
She was gone out of sight...
But shes on my mind...
Well, Ive searched the world high and low
And darlin Ive got to say
Still think about you every day
Man we had a big ole time
Everything was right
Search the crowd still missin
Lord my angel of the night
I turned to go and there she was
I daid darlin you made my day
She smiled and brought me to my knees
Said thanks and walked away...
She was gone out of sight...
But shes on my mind...
Well, Ive searched the world over
She might be the one to share my life
Or honey just help me thru the night...
Cause I have waited all my life
Yea I have waited all my life
For my angel in dixie
"Kickstart To Freedom"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Old biker dream rollin to the rally
In the wind with long legged sally
Smell rice burnin wont you step aside...yea
True americana is the only ride
I wanna live and ride free
Kickstart to freedom dont tread on me
If I die...i die free...kickstart to freedom
Dont tread on me
Black leather and chrome wheels
Loud and proud on hard cold steel
I wanna live and ride free...
Kickstart to freedom dont tread on me
If I die...let me be...kickstart to freedom
Dont tread on me...
Raisin hell all week down at daytona
See in sturgis in south dakota...
I wanna live and ride free
Kickstart to freedom dont tread on me
If I die...i die free...kickstart to freedom
Dont tread on me...
I wanna live and ride free
Kickstart to freedom dont tread on me
If I die...let me be...kickstart to freedom
Dont tread on me
"Dreams Of Life"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Mama had dreams.. but daddy had plans
I lived on mamas love
but learned from daddys hands
They gave me all the freedom to be who I am
Took me from boy to man...
I cherish the days when they were alive
Mama taught me respect and how to feel inside
Daddy was busy workin just tryin to make a dime
He said son you gotta live and learn to survive
I saw a falling star...fall down from the sky
Stars fall for all the loved ones go by
May the dreams of life be with you
Passed through the hands of time
I never dreamed those hands would be mine.
I was lucky to have her love...
I didnt have much time
I felt the love of my mamas heart
I just wanted to say goodbye...say goodbye
I saw a falling star...fall down from the sky
Stars fall for all the loved ones go by
May the dreams of life be with you
Passed through the hands of time
I never dreamed those hands would be mine
"Edge Of Sundown"
(Ingram, Galvin, Danny Joe Brown, Kenny McVay, David Bush)
On the edge of sundown, a man rode into town
His clothes were old and dirty like the guns he wore low down
And as he rode the people stared, tried to look on him
He's the man who'll take your life, take your life to boothill
Sleeps by day and rides by night
Like a mongrel always lookin for a fight
Got cold steel a bowie knife, just his way of life
He took no one, no not a sound, stares at the edge of town
Only time that he'll be found, is on the edge of sundown
Take you for your dollars babe, take you for your gold
Make your life so miserable, he's gonna leave you mean and cold
And then he'll head on out, to another town
The only time when he'll be found, is on the edge of sundown
Next time he'll be sundown.
Hes a killer and a robber and he'll make you grieve
Shoot you in the back or in your sleep
Got no name or identity
Livin in the wind, hes free