Circus Maximus
« The 1st Chapter »
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1 | Sin
 | 2 | Alive
 | 3 | Glory Of The Empire
 | 4 | Biosfear
 | 5 | Silence From Angels Above
 | 6 | Why Am I Here
 | 7 | The Prophecy
 | 8 | The 1st Chapter
 | 9 | Haunted Dreams (bonus track Europe)
 | 10 | Imperial Destruction (bonus track USA)
 | | Total playing time: 63:23 |
   Eriksen, Michael - vocals
Haugen, Mats - guitars
Haugen, Truls - drums
Mollen, Glen Cato - bass
Storo, Espen - keyboards |
Europe/Russia : Frontiers Records
USA/Canada : Sensory Records
Recorded at: Lionheart Studios, Toproom Studios,
Noisegate Studios
Produced by: Circus Maximus
Mixed and mastered at: Jailhouse Studios
Mixed and mastered by: Tommy Hansen
Artwork by: Mattias Noren / Progart Media
Layout and logo by: Claus Jensen / Intromental
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 | 1. Sin
All my life I have been a drifter
Going down the paths that had no ending
With Satan on my shoulder, I was an angel of the underground
Nothing could ever stop me
You're losing all, losing all of control
In the end you will fall
Losing all, you're losing all
Your soul... will it ev |
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 В 2005 году, на небосклоне прогрессивной тяжелой музыки, зажглась сверхновая и весьма яркая звезда - Circus Maximus. Конечно, не услышать в их музыке влияние иных, уже состоявшихся, коллективов, типа Dream Theater и Threshold - довольно сложно, но, для дебюта, работа вышла отменная.
Весьма мощный, массивный, масштабный и эффектный альбом.
Коллектив выделяется (причем мгновенно) за счет двух моментов:
Во-первых, потрясающим вокалом Микаеля Эриксона, который вызывает ассоциации (самые лучшие) с Джеффом Тейтом или Тони Харнеллом. Человек умеет пользоваться ниспосланным свыше талантом, и, как певец не может не впечатлить.
Во-вторых, группа отличается отличными мелодиями. Что не всегда свойственно прогрессивным коллективам.
Именно от яркой мелодики и стоит отталкиваться, при прослушивании альбома. Не смотря на то, что в альбом входят весьма продолжительные по хронометражу песни, материал нисколько не утомляет. Он красив, мелодичен, и вы не потеряете нить композиции, которую многие группы растворяют в сложных аранжировках и техничных непотребствах.
"Alive", "Why Am I Here" и эпик "The 1st Chapter" - выше всяких похвал. А умопомрачительная баллада "Silence From Angels Above" поднимает материал альбома на более высокую планку, чем у иных их коллег по цеху. Отмечу и отличный инструментал "Biosfear".
Группе повезло, т.к. она с первым же альбомом попала в руки отличного продюсера и звукорежиисера Томми Хансена, а уж он точно знает, как сделать звучание альбома отличным.
Поклонникам Dream Theater рекомендован категорически. |
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Дебютный альбом норвежской прогрессив металической группы. Банда была основана в 2000 году и, выпустив пару демок, в 2003 принялась за запись полнометражного диска, чем и является «1st Chapter». В своём прогрессиве музыканты намешали много чего интересного, но в целом это, конечно же, правильный прог рок Дрим Театровского типа, с такими элементами как арт рок, хэви металл и даже треш-дэт металл, но вот последнего как раз меньше всего. Группа играет весьма современный вид прогрессива, обрамлённого иногда в обычные, а иногда даже в неоклассические клавишные аранжировки. Техничность и виртуозность музыкантов не вызывает сомнений, как и великолепное кристально чистое и проработанное до мелочей качество записи. Буклет диска, к сожалению, оформлен очень просто и выполнен весь в пустынно-песочном цвете. Недоумение вызывает странная обложка с изображением на ней жонглера на одноколёсном велосипеде, очевидно как раз и сбежавшего с этого сумасшедшего цирка. Вокалист Михаэль Эриксен обладает весьма приятным на слух голосом, хоть и не очень оригинальным, но зато сильным и ярким. И от себя я бы добавил, что Михаэль - более пауэрный вокалист, поскольку сравнения с Ронни Аткинсом (Pretty Maids) и Фабио Леоне (Rhapsody) так и напрашиваются при его прослушивании. Музыкальный материал в меру прогрессивен и в меру прост, конечно, это не относиться к заглавной девятнадцатиминутной композиции, где музыканты вволю оторвались, однако оставшись при этом интересными и не скучными. Будет место и минусу как это не грустно, в данном случае, это низкий процент хитовости и запоминаемости, что очень прискорбно, поскольку в последнее время все приличные прог рокеры стараются быть более яркими и цепляющими. Но так как альбом дебютный, не будем к ребятам очень строгими, тем более что здесь предостаточно отличных ударных номеров, например, таких как открывающая забойная песня «Sin», выполненная в лучших традициях энгри (!) прогрессив метала, следующий за ним теперь чисто прогрессивный метал «Alive», симпатичная баллада «Silence From Angels Above», ещё один удачный боевик «Why Am I Here» и мощный инструментальный трек «Biosfear». В целом, альбом «The 1st Chapter», хорошее пополнение в коллекцию каждого любителя современного прогрессив метала. Будем ждать второй части, первая же оправдала все ожидания и не подвела. |
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Дебютник Circus Maximus ознаменовал появление на прог-металлическом небосклоне еще одной звездочки – сходу записать такой сильный материал удается далеко не каждому, да и назвать коллектив банальным язык не повернется. Секрет норвежцев таится в удачно найденном балансе между прогрессивом в духе раннего Dream Theater и отсылающим к скандинавской школе мелодик-металлом, что выливается в оригинальные техничные номера с красивыми цепляющими мелодиями и привносящим в них изюминку ярким и звонким вокалом Микаэля Эриксена. Сочетание сложности музыки и легкости ее восприятия заставляет раз за разом возвращаться к прослушиванию этого альбома, разве что с 19-тиминутным заглавным треком ребята немного перемудрили. |
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просмотров: 13078 |
I am terrified
In the dark there's no light
She's at the end of the line but she wants to live (to live)
He tastes the fear in her eyes
At the end of this night she will be... gone
What you have taken away from me
Can never come back, I cry, all night
The memories I've been given, while the future you have taken
You left me but a picture in a frame (nothing will ever be the same)
Listen son, I'm the one, can't you see...
I was here all along
The choice you made can't be undone
Now the price you will pay
You'll be electrified
It's the end of your life
Cause tonight the stars will shine, but not for you (feel it)
Feel the power of light
You're at the end of the road
You're in my world now, my soul to keep
Eternity is a long way to go
In my world now, your soul is mine
You see there's no way out
For eternity
This is where you will be, “Please let me out of here!”
For eternity
I will keep you down here, “Is there no way out?”
“I can't get out, out of here! Is there anybody listening? To me...”
You can't get out, out of here
“I all alone in the dark...”
It's the end of the line, where you'll be...
2. Alive
I remember you told me once
What could be the answer to it all
The answer to my soul
I believed in love not magic,
need some time to figure out what to do with this
with my heart, that is
(I was so alone)
Why can't you see that I need some time alone?
Every moment my heart beats, I remember how it used to be.
Can you forgive how I used to be?
In a lull the stars remain through lonely nights.
(They keep shining)
I believed in love in the midnight sun we roll
Even if the stars remain unknown
That this won't last forever
(This won't last forever)
We will make it through the night.
When you feel alive, when there's nothing you can do.
When you can explain, "Is there a reason why I'm living?"
When you feel alive, when there's nothing you can do.
Now I'll keep on searching for the path that lies ahead, ahead.
Is the longest way to go...
I can see the sunshine up above
I can see the rainbow down below
Into the fire we burn.
I see it.
I can't deny it, feelings I have deep inside for you!
When you feel alive, when there's nothing you can do.
When you can explain, "Is there a reason why I'm living?"
When you feel alive, when there's nothing you can do,
We will struggle towards this together:
Together we will make it through alive...
3. Glory Of The Empire
The men stood tall on the battleground
With pride in their eyes
And with faith to guide them
Blood was spilled over the fields
They won, but for what cause?
What we do echoes in eternity
Now as brothers they unite
And as enemies they shall apart
For the glory of the Empire
Now I've been betrayed
But there is no one here to tell
I must walk towards the deadline
I must walk it alone... all alone
On my quest for a new horizon
I've been waiting for so long
In the time of a desperate fighter
Free me from the spell that I'm in
Through these eyes I have seen
With my soul I have been drowning
This journey must end
I must enter the scene once again
My name has been taken
My soul has been torn apart
What I have lived for has now been taken away from me
Sold for a penny, I was marked as gold
The arena opens up
...the salute of a thousand souls
I must struggle to win the crowd
Now the time has come
Will I win or fall?
Victory is on my mind
Could it ever be what I have found?
Now the gates are open wide
I must enter the arena
It will bring me one step closer to my revenge
On the quest for a new horizon
I've been waiting for so long
In the time of a desperate fighter
Free me from the spell that I'm in
Through these eyes I have seen
With my soul I have been drowning
This journey must end
I gazed into the night
...where you and I once used to watch the sun set,
And the moon rise
Now as the time pass by, when I can not breath at all
When you reach out your hand
Betray whispers in the wind
An era that never ends
My soul is in blister, but I feel no pain
I can now see what was taken away from me
Through the gates I walk, but I am not alone
I am One, now finally... finally I'm free
On my quest for a new horizon
I've been waiting for so long
In a time of a desperate fighter
Free me from the spell that I'm in
Through these eyes I have seen
With my soul I have been drowning
This journey must end
I have entered the scene again
For the glory of the Empire
That's been built by the hands of slaves
For the glory of the Empire
That's been built by the hands of slaves
To fulfill the master's will
4. Biosfear
5. Silence From Angels Above
I'm staring out the window
It's raining outside
The fall has caught up with me
I feel that I can't breath
I wish I couldn't see
I lived my life through someone else
Long ago I made a choice
That I thought would make a difference
And lead me back on track
Silence from angels above
Leaving us behind in a time when we are in need
Of someone to hold close to your heart
I am just another leaf falling down on the ground
I'm standing at a crossroad
I don't know what to do
I will not live to see another day
The time has come to face the end
This is a necessary thing
Cause I will hold your hand an say
Will you forgive me
Long ago I made a choice
That I thought would make a difference
And lead me back on track
6. Why Am I Here
Falling through the oceans of life... I sense the sorrow
I picture the pain from the stream of life that I'm in
Feel the fire burning through the sphere tonight
What is this thing that I see?
Someone wake me up from this nightmare!
If I only could get through the night
It would be a revelation
The understanding of nothing... seems so far away
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
I can feel there's no on here
I'm slowly fading into nothingness
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
I try to speak, but I can't find the words to say
It was only a dream. His body senses relief
He washes of the night from his face
Followed by a look in the mirror
Something doesn't feel right here
Who is this man I see?
Somehow he can't recognize himself
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
I can feel there's no one here
I'm slowly fading into nothingness
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
I try to speak, but I can't find the words to say
(the word to say... oh no)
Like a child he is scared by the absence of light
Abducted by himself. Crippled by the mind
The will must contrive the mind
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
I carry on...
Why am I here... down on this lonely road?
Down on this lonely road
I can feel there's no one here
I'm slowly fading into nothingness
Into nothingness I fade
Stop locking me in!
Why can't I get out of here?
I've been lost in the long forever
Lurking alone again
7. The Prophecy
When there's no love nor hate in this world
When we reach out our hand to someone
...but that someone is not there
I'm all alone in this forsaken world where time stands
...ooh so still
I remember but now it's time for peace
The world ain't no longer
Hello? Can anybody hear me?
It's in the hands of faith
You keep on walking that same dark road
Where there's no end to see
In these ruins you stand all alone
...while you dream about yesterday
There's no turning back once the tides have changed (tides have changed)
The world ain't no longer
It's in the hands of faith
I woke up in the middle of the night
Outside the rain was covered in red
Thunder and lightning covers the sky
I'm all alone in this forsaken place
What have I done to deserve a life like this
Am I the key? Have I unlocked the mystery to life?
Innocence is the secret to reveal the prophecy
A new beginning predicted by the pages in the sand
Innocence is the secret to reveal the prophecy
The soul survivor stands alone to end this misery
8. The 1st Chapter
The journey begins beyond the mountains far away
Where the sun always shine and the rainbow begins... the Grand Utopia
A young man in his pride
...his restless heart and soul leaving his loved ones behind
To explore the great unknown alone... all by himself
Mother... always watching over me
Now she must let me go
He feels the absence of well-being as he leaves his roots behind
Wandering night an day without any rest
Voices from inside that I can not understand
Calling me to go somewhere
The road he once knew change before his weary eyes
Sunlight is gone... now the darkness prevails
Suddenly the ground begins to shake
Tremble... now it's too late
Step into our endless darkness
You are now our soul to keep
Ooh no I'm falling into the burning skies
I thought it was over now, bur the chapter of my life has just begun
Resurrected to complete the task that's been brought on to me
I can now see the gates that bring me to eternity
I'm on my own now... here
I wandered through the sands for quite some time now... for days
Where I'm going, I don't know?
It's hard to breathe
The heat burns my skin
It feels like someone's watching over me
My faith is in their hands
Voices surround me... they show me the way
I've reached the point of no return
And the path that lies behind me I will never see again
From the day that I left home I had one thing on my mind
To find the hidden answer in the sand
Feels like someone's watching over me
My faith is in their hands
Voices surround me... they show me the way
A beast stands before me with a face of a fowl demon
If this challenge is won maybe my faith is sealed
The fight lasts for days
Evil will embrace the one who enters the gate
Judged to live in pain and forever suffer
...for eternity
Left the region of heavens to the underworld
...the bringer of life
Down in the shadows the secret it lies within
Deep in the oceans of sand
The beast lies before me
I have won, I've defeated the demon
The path before me it will now reveal the answer in the sand
...though my faith failed long ago I must still carry on
The secret lies right in front of me, and before my eyes
...the book that brought me to hell
Left the region of heavens to the underworld
...the bringer of life
Down in the shadows the secret it lies within
Deep in the oceans of sand
The journey ends back to paradise
Beyond the mountains far away
I've returned to where the sun always shine
...to my Grand Utopia
9. Haunted Dreams
[Bonus track]
10. Imperial Destruction
[Bonus track]
Times of woe
Uncertain future
Related talks
Events by past
Love to hate
Hate to love
Be a prey
Hunt or stay
False prophets ignored in ridicule
Treason by demons, we will fall
Skeptic minds will turn the tide
To imperial destruction
Don't let depression take control
Unmask your truly self
Ignore the rights and all the wrongs
embrace the light
In the heat of the night
you feel the walls cave in on you
Can you feel what I do
You can open the door
but you can not read what is on my mind
Just open your eyes and see the light
The sun appears
On the rise again
To overcome what has never been
You can feel you're on the edge
You can stop yourself, your fall
Why is there nobody to call?
I can see it through the open line
I can see it to the end this time
You know
It is all in my favor
Reach inside your crystal ball
Open your mind and then you fall
Don't let depression take control
Unmask your truly self
Ignore the rights and all the wrongs
Embrace the light
In the heat of the night
You feel the walls cave in on you
Can you feel what I do
You can open the door
But you can not read what is on my mind
Just open your eyes and see the light
Don't let depression take control
Unmask your truly self
Ignore the rights and all the wrongs
Embrace the light
In the heat of the night
You feel the walls cave in on you
Can you feel what I do
You can open the door
But you can not read what is on my mind
Can you feel, what I do
Can you turn your life around
Can you feel what I do
You can open the door
But you can not read what is on my mind
Just open your eyes and see the light