Mekong Delta
« Dances of Death (And Other Walking Shadows) »
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1 | Dances of Death - Introduction 01:11
 | 2 | Dances of Death - Eruption 01:34
 | 3 | Dances of Death - Beyond the Gates 04:53
 | 4 | Dances of Death - Outburst 01:19
 | 5 | Dances of Death - Days of Betrayal 04:14
 | 6 | Dances of Death - Restless 00:53
 | 7 | Dances of Death - Sanctuary 03:01
 | 8 | Dances of Death - Finale 02:06
 | 9 | Transgressor 03:18
 | 10 | True Believers 05:25
 | 11 | Night on a Bare Mountain 10:24
 | | Total playing time: 38:18 |
   Doog Lee - vocals
Uwe Baltrush - guitars
Ralf Hubert - bass, acoustic guitars
Jorg Michael - drums |
All music by Ralf Hubert, except "Night On A Bare Mountain" by M. Mussorgski
All lyrics by Ralf Hubert & Doug Lee
Engineered & produced by Ralph Hubert |
 | 1. Dances Of Death
[Beyond The Gates]
Time - passing as the world changed it's face
Past - all that used to be not a trace
Now - all that was is gone can't you see
Always questions
What - happened to our world different no |
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 Один из лучших альбомов этой группы, не только один из самых техничных и ураганных альбомов во всем металле, но и один из интереснейших.
Он, правда, будет в музыкальном плане не столь экстравагантен, как предыдущий, но и не столь прост. Материал, как всегда, на высоте, настроение более чем угарное, особенно удалась первая песенка (??) на 19 минут, на протяжении которой, несмотря на ее габариты, просто не возможно зевнуть или отвлечься. Диск данный захватывает и пленяет внимание буквально на 100% и не оставляет равнодушным ни на одну секунду. Слушайте, те кто ещё не знает, о чем речь, и вы услышите настоящее мастерство, в котором игра от ума и сердца пропорциональна,как античная статуя.
Ну а напоследок прозвучали две обработки, и всё того же Мусоргского, чем так славится эта группа (одна из них является бонустрэком). Их исполнение более чем достойно того, чтобы занести занести их в анналы истории всего жанра обработок и переложений. Это настоящая металлическая версия русской классики, по-своему прочувствованная и понятая. Никакой Мальмстин со своими переложениями тут не нужен - после этого он покажется вам пародийно-жалким.
Жаль только, что альбомы этой группы сейчас доступны лишь на родных дисках, но в сети вы тоже без труда можете скачать материал. Но если вы это послушаете, то будете в восторге!
Неоспоримая классика Металла! |
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Альбом “Dances Of Death” служит своего рода водоразделом в творчестве Mekong Delta. Состав группы радикально сменился (в частности, на диске дебютирует новый вокалист Даг Ли из американской группы Siren), начала уходить в прошлое былая таинственность и анонимность, а музыка стала несколько доступнее, хотя не растеряла при этом ни капельки прогрессивности и навороченности. Достаточно сказать, что на 40-минутном альбоме всего четыре композиции, причем половину этого времени занимает эпический заглавный трек, в котором Mekong Delta демонстрируют весь спектр приемов, использующихся в техно-трэше. Затем следуют два коротких и хлетских трэш-боевика, а потом – пир для любителей классики: 10-минутная обработка классической пьесы Муссоргского «Ночь на лысой горе». Именно эта классическая композиция, на мой взгляд, удалась Ральфу Хьюберту и его коллегам лучше всего. В ней присутствует так необходимая в классике эпичность и монументальность, которых несколько не доставало в таких ярких, но очень коротких пьесах, как “The Hut Of Baba Yaga” или “El Colibri”, но музыка еще не производит впечатление огромно неподъемной каменной плиты, которую осилить в состоянии лишь узкий круг посвященных, как это получилось несколько лет спустя с «Картинками с выставки» все того же Муссоргского. Довершает картину апокалиптическая обложка авторства знаменитого Йоакима Лютке (Rage, Sopor Aeturnus), которая как нельзя лучше отражает музыкальное и текстовое содержание релиза. “Dances Of Death”, как это ни странно, не получил единогласного одобрения среди фэнов и критиков, многие упрекали группу в отходе от ритмического и мелодического беспредела, который, собственно говоря, и принес ей известность. Однако именно избегание крайностей и стремление к разумным компромиссам привлекают меня в этой работе. (Диск предоставлен компанией Mystic Empire) |
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просмотров: 29806 |
Why - answers can't be found tell me how
Now - dissolution is all I see
As I meandered this world I saw strange faces
I've seen some gastly bizarre phenomenon
Such desolation and pain I can't describe it
But always something was there that led me on
Never saw place like this
How can such a place exist
Brotherhood of happiness
Inviting me I can't resist
How can such a thing exist
Inviting me I can't resist
Brotherhood of happiness
Never saw place like this
Never saw a...
The priests gave us reason
Brought hope to our season
They gave us the will to servive
It's healthy and clean here
It's just like a dream here
Just thank the priests you're alive
I had a vision - then it was gone
Something there I just can't put my finger on
Crys - from the other side calling me
Lies - message from beyond curse the priests
Why - I don't understand
Share the feast
Dark - figures in the midst help denied
Death - tightening it's fist no reply
Rage - tell me what is this paradox
And as the people all dance in celebration
They seem so happy and so preoccupied
Somehow I don't understand this fascination
I think it all will be clear when I'm inside
Where did all these priests come from
What kind of men have you become
Serve and never question why
Worship Talons from the sky
What lies beyong the golden gate
A journey of uncertain fate
Serve and never question why
Serve and never question why
Question why
It's nicer that nice here
A real paradise here
It's really too good to believe
There's growing in knowing
And that's where I'm going
The gates are prepared to receive,
Receive - me
[Days Of Betrayal]
Gates far behind
Priests out of mind
Endless the night
Nocturnal flight
Eyes in the dark,
Wait for the spark
Waste everywhere...
Peril in sight
Pray for the light
Phantoms in black
Mutants attack
Bareskin and bone
Hunger the hone
No apathy
For what I see
The tunnel in the mountainside
Looks like a place to hide
Descending into darkness now
A chamber deep inside
Days of betrayal
Screen coming on
Ancient machines
What does it mean
Bio chip here
Message of fear
Shocking the view
Morbid and true
A chance to save the human race
Chaos we can avoid
A mighty power out of place
That has to be destroyed
Days of betrayal
The end of the begining of
What is but never really was
Now press on and go beyond
I could try a million times
And cry until the end of time,
But it won't change a thing
Don't believe all that you see
'Cause it can never be
Truth could be there in disguise
So never trust your eyes
Wandering aimless through time
Wondering what I will find
So many years on my own
No place I can call home
A dome upon the hill - stare
What can that building be - sound
I hear a melody - look
That's my philosophy - wait
The truth is for the brave -
And it's like a tidal wave now
Entities all dressed in white
No end in sight
Some giants, some little ones
Where are they from
Packed inside this mega - dome
Why have they come
Where are all these giants from
Why have they come
My eyes are playing tricks on me
These things I really can't believe
They've got thhe heads of human men
And the bodies of machines
Who are these anroid masterminds
And what will all this mean for me
Possessing knoledge so incredible
I know They speak the truth indeed
Can this be a fantasy
Mirage of what I want to see
A sanctuary can it really be
Just follow me - I've got the key
So follow me - You will see
Just follow me - I've got the key - So follow me
You will see - So follow me - I've got the key
You will agree - I guarantee - Sanctuary
Just follow me - And you will find
Safe inside - Out of sight - And out of mind
Each of us cell inside
All satisfied
A body of perfection
And we are one
Entities dressed in white
No end in sight
The plase I long to be Sanctuary
The giants paid a high price
For their artificial life
They guard the truths of all mankind you see
So intellect can thrive
Condemned to be the slaves of time they are
They can never touch or feel
Things are never what they seem to be
Eternity to them is real
2. Transgressor
Transgressor I am
The one
Force of the future
The new ways are stronger
(your) Weakness is (my) power
I'm the transgressor - Predecessor
Overstepper - Strong aggressor
Put your ways behind you
They only have confined you
They are the chains that bind you
Needn't I remind you
I am the tempter
Extravagant my ways
The worid is my
Freedom the dream of
The weak
Knowledge the scheme of
The meek
Boundaries of this world
Apes walking upright
Transgressor born to lead
I will satisfy your greed
Soon you'll understand
The power I command
Transgressor the one
The process has begun
Soon you'll understand
The power I command
Reality is gone
The new weys are strong
3. True Believers
You dirty bastard
I still hear your laughter
In my mind
You torturing demon
Your victoms are screaming
At your crimes
Like creatures in cages
We wait for the slaughter
To begin
So hungry and thirsty
We're all at your mercy
Not again
We won't bow before you
Instead we'll ignore your
You beat us and doubt us
You can live without us
Wounded and weak
But the truth I speak
And I know what it means
To be a true believer
Bodies piled high
Against a blood red sky
I'm not afraid to die
'Cause I'm a true believer
Late in the night
You sneak in out of sight
An incubus
White pieces of bodies
Lay putred and rotting
Around us
In a prison of doubt
But you can't figure out
How we indure
My minds extremes
have been ripped at the seams
But I know what it means
To be a true believer
Bodies piled high
Against a blood red sky
I'm not afraid to die
'Cause I'm a true believer
Living and pain become one in the same
You've got ice in your veins
I don't believe you
I don't believe parasites
In the pain of the day
Seems you can't get away
From your cold stare
As the evening begins
I find my only friend
Is a nightmare
Like creatures in cages
We wait for the slaughter
To begin
So hungry and thirsty
We're all at your mercy
Not again
Just faces with no names
It's always the same game
What will you do when
We come back to haunt you
When your minds extremes
Have been ripped at the seams
Then you'll know what it means
To be a true believer
Bodies piled high
Against a blood red sky
I'm not afraid to die
'Cause I'm a true believer
Living and pain become one in the same
You've got ice in your veins
4. Night On A Bare Mountain