« Psycho One Hundred »
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1 | Kill Them 00:50
 | 2 | Coffin on Coffin 03:16
 | 3 | Strength Through Power 01:44
 | 4 | Strength Through Pain 02:49
 | 5 | Warzone 01:35
 | 6 | Modo Grosso 02:36
 | 7 | Death to the Harmless 05:20
 | 8 | Fifteen Minutes 01:45
 | 9 | In Ebony 03:14
 | 10 | Strength Through Hate 03:21
 | 11 | Psycho One Hundred, Part 1 - Development 04:35
 | 12 | Psycho One Hundred, Part 2 - Morning 05:16
 | 13 | Psycho One Hundred, Part 3 - Ceremony 06:12
 | 14 | Psycho One Hundred, Part 4 - Evening 04:47
 | 15 | Bulldozer 02:49
 | | Total playing time 50:09 |
   Bor - guitars, vocals
Dennis Jak - guitars
Jamil Berud - bass
Noel Derek Rule van Eersel - drums
Guest musicians:
Claudia van de Aker - vocals (tracks 11-14)
Edwin "Blue Movie" Kelder - vocals (track 15)
 | 1. Kill Them
Shot in the head
Bullet in the eye
The motherfucker's dead
Blood meets seed
Testing the gut
Slicing the meat
Kill them
Kill the motherfuckers
Kill them
He's twisting and turning
Gorgeous he's struggling
Flesh is corrosive
You're huma |
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 Голландцы Nembrionic тоже хотят позабавиться со слушателями, не только рыча известные байки в формате death/gore/splatter, но и сыграв чего-нибудь затейливое/неформатное. Забавно, но их дэт-метал с обнимку с грайндкором в целом чересчур какой-то мирской и компромиссный, с хорошо артикулированными риффами, брейкдаунами, не отпугивающими обывателя остроугольными мелодиями и с неживотными формами организации материала: минимум хаоса, ясная структуризация музыкального пространства, с выдержанными паузами, с расставлением приоритетов между инструментами. Структура позволяет высказаться и басу, который необычайно читаем не только для грайнда, но и для среднего дэта. Пулеметный же драмминг с индустриально четко организованной подачей бочек и рабочего барабана обрадует ценителей точности и педантизма. Темпы в основном бодрые, вязкости не примечено, кроме думовых вкраплений в "Death to the Harmless" и мягких трэков в несвоем стиле, о которых ниже.
Ребята охочи до циклизации, в альбоме есть один цикл ("Psycho One Hundred"), а другой можно собрать по частям: " Strength Through... Power/ Pain/Hate". Похвальный почин в жанре (если берем в расчет грайндкор), тяготеющем к суматохе. О самом оформленном единстве, соответствующем заглавию релиза, стоит сказать особо – самобытное произведение в 20 минутах с мастерским нагнетением событий.
"Утро" и "Вечер" предстают перед нами как неожиданные воплощения легкого дума а-ля The Gathering '95 c вокалом некоей Клаудии ван де Акер, достигающих в этих трэках вершин соотечественницы Аннеке ван Гирсберген. "Развитие" и "Церемония" есть вещи, возникающие на стыке сепультуроподобного качового метала, раскочегаривающихся психотических криков, а также воздушного авангарда, вот прям вообще авангарда, порождающего сразу множество смыслов – через перкуссию и квакающую гитару. Здесь есть что послушать.
Заканчивается диск эксцентричных дэт-грайндеров реминисценцией нетленной "Ace of Spades" Motörhead. Помнится, сходно закончат свой шедевр 2005-го Avulsed, но то будет кавер, а голландцы, конечно, тоньше и креативнее. В итоге, увы, рецепты Nembrionic довольно быстро заучиваются и приедаются, а реверанс, сделанный в сторону авангарда, скученный только в пределах четверки трэков, не создает впечатления полноценного творческого вызова. |
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просмотров: 4895 |
Kill them
Kill the motherfuckers
Kill them
He's twisting and turning
Gorgeous he's struggling
Flesh is corrosive
You're human disposal
2. Coffin On Coffin
This could be the fortress of new hate
Based on lustration, based on hate
A lack of mind, a lack of sense
Unfold the flag, symbol of knowledge
The Antipriest of death, likes whales followed
Into what's gaseous, into their grave
if we must cleanse, so be it
Roused, plagues
Tribal instinct, need to kill
Altered in madness, the principle is pure
To survive is to eat
Weak are we, blinded we seek
Coffin on coffin, you'll be
Torn apart, no rest in pieces
Scrutiny for purity, the flesh is all the same
Bigger than life, closer to death
Reform now conform now
Mourn, for there will be no dawn
Inhale death's breath
3. Strength Trough Power
Do they shiver
Can they feel
Where show
Meets the unreal
How senseless is this thing before me
Who's stupid trauma's enjoy me
Treasured prey
As we obtain
A rancunous lust profaned
And here the audience joins me
Feeding them is holy
Take it, Feel it
I see life, I kill it
Touch it, I master it
Dead you'll be, no limit
You've nailed
Slowly impaled
To torture is to create
How senseless are you for me
The strength through hate is coming
I'm coming
4. Strength Through Pain
Gimme time gimme time
Time to achieve what is mine
Give me fate, give me hate
Give me cause to persuade
Gimme soul gimme rest
Give me strength to confess
Give me pain gimme pain
Restless blood flowing through my veins
And now the strength comes thru the pain
Give me blood unholy blood
This bleeding gives me cause
Give me sun the bright sun
It shines so hot unspoiled
And give me pain give me pain
To suffer is to gain
The pain the sweet pain
My body, I'm embraced
And now the strength comes through pain
Far too great far too great
Promises where much too great
5. Warzone
Take no gun and run away
If that will make you strong
But it makes you weaker
And proves that you're wrong
The mind's for you a tree
Where is the ground for it
You turn to me the other cheek
But I don't believe in that bullshit
Take it as a man
Take your final stand
Pain is a reward
Death a gift for the weak
Loyalty aborted
The bullet for the hypocrite
Try me if you can
But this takes more than just being a man
6. Modo Grosso
7. Death To The Harmless
You claimed to be a frustrated pig
True ally of the thought
Not the one we now should fear
Guard is from what's wrong
Oh, you treasure what's wellknown
Are we not to judge
Being here to feed the claims
It seems accepted that you must
Take it, do not dare to leave it
In circles feeding what's frustrated
No, they shall never get their rest
All of them not proven not to be
Harmless clean pure and sober
Trust love hope it's bright
Show, yes, show your meaning
This homemade god brings the light
Death to the harmless
For some truth you don't have the nerve
Death to the harmless
Are we not to judge
Antibehaviour is salvation
8. 15 Minutes
Mastering the unclean spirit
Reborn I am
Practice infanticide
I use insecticide
I a mastering all what's unclean
What needs to be done
Which was not foreseen
Condemned you all are
My fruit is your fault
Feeded by inferiority
And I need 15 minutes
Throw up
Choke in your mind
So come my child
To the father of light
And recall your deed
All to bleed
9. In Ebony
For it is kill or be killed
And this which makes me thrilled
The higher form
Yes it is in here
Just between this ears
In search for more
Philosophing why
The spider the fly
Hope i lost
A tragedy played
The actor failed
Premature final
It takes me away, like burning in fire
The powerful soul is mine
Blood in the sky
Released to die, in ebony light
And he who thinks he knows
The spirit's cancer grows
Observing the prey
Bring me to grief
As you believe
Therefore I lied
A joust to begin
And the javello spins
Aim at one goal
You're part of my holocaust
Caused in my ebony thoughts
I don't believe in your failure
Taste released Hatred's feast
Join me
Spoil me
Kill me
For it is kill or be killed
But blood needs to be spilled
All for me
And you thought you knew
I the opposite of fool
In ebony light!
10. Strength Through Hate
Strength thru power, strength thru hate
Strength thru evil, creates fate
Confronting mindless behaviour
I do battle and survive
The blood and sweat pumps in the life
Free me from the enslaver
See his kingdom
Built with hate
He shall free you from this weight
Don't deny your own failure
Pounding hard walking fast
Feel the grim heart in my chest
Definition of cruel
Judging the fool
It's my lord he who speaks
And he says who are you?
I awakened but so weak
Wake up fool
11. Psycho One Hundred: Development
One hundred times, I'll take you
One hundred times, I'll break you
One hundred times, I'll stab you
One hundred times, I'll smash you
One hundred times, I'll crush you
One hundred times, I'll hate you
One hundred times, I'll slice you
One hundred times, I'll kill you
12. Psycho One Hundred: Morning
Soon dawn. It brings the sun and whispers are no longer.
Her former life adapts the freezing cold
He breathes and touches her, a form of worshipping sadness.
Blood, sputum, seed are one, drawing scenes, so vile.
The heat of day climbs higher, the mist soon leaves her white flesh.
In remembrance, darkness, filled with screams of laughter.
His tense appearance relives a glorious past, so beloved.
A last kiss then, love, we sever.
Soon day, light diffuses it's finger through the window.
Hope, her eyes seem now a moment.
He enters, from earth abandoned, performing a play of the horrified.
In ecstasy his eyes, as fire, point at the ceiling.
Soon dawn, it brings the sun and whispers are no longer, her.
13. Psycho One Hundred: Ceremony
Absence of consciousness
It shows what's below
Richer than I knew
It makes man animal
It makes man animal
It makes man animal
It makes man animal
It makes live a war
14. Psycho One Hundred: Evening
Soon dawn. It brings the sun and whispers are no longer.
Her former life adapts the freezing cold
He breathes and touches her, a form of worshipping sadness.
Blood, sputum, seed are one, drawing scenes, so vile.
The heat of day climbs higher, the mist soon leaves her white flesh.
In remembrance, darkness, filled with screams of laughter.
His tense appearance relives a glorious past, so beloved.
A last kiss then, love, we sever.
Soon day, light diffuses it's finger through the window.
Hope, her eyes seem now a moment.
He enters, from earth abandoned, performing a play of the horrified.
In ecstasy his eyes, as fire, point at the ceiling.
Soon dawn, it brings the sun and whispers are no longer, her.
15. Bulldozer