Marilyn Manson
« Lest We Forget: The Best of »
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01 | The Love Song
 | 02 | Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode cover)
 | 03 | mOBSCENE
 | 04 | The Fight Song
 | 05 | Tainted Love (Ed Cobb cover)
 | 06 | The Dope Show
 | 07 | This Is the New Shit
 | 08 | Disposable Teens
 | 09 | Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics cover)
 | 10 | Lunchbox
 | 11 | Tourniquet
 | 12 | Rock Is Dead
 | 13 | Get Your Gunn
 | 14 | The Nobodies
 | 15 | Long Hard Road Out of Hell
 | 16 | The Beautiful People
 | 17 | The Reflecting God
 | 18 | (s)AINT (International bonus track)
 | 19 | Irresponsible Hate Anthem (UK, Australia & Japan bonus track)
 | 20 | Coma White (Japan bonus track) |
   Marilyn Manson: vocals, lyrics (except tracks 2, 5, 9), keyboards and synthesizer (tracks 3, 7, 14, 18), cover, production
Tim Skold: guitars (tracks 2, 5), drum programming and bass (tracks 2, 3, 5, 7, 18), keyboards and synthesizer (tracks 2, 5, 7, 18), production
John 5: guitars (tracks 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 18)
Twiggy Ramirez: guitars (tracks 1, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20), bass (tracks 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20)
Daisy Berkowitz: guitars (tracks 9, 10, 11, 13, 19)
Zim Zum: guitars (tracks 12, 20)
Gidget Gein: bass and additional guitars (tracks 10, 13)
Madonna Wayne Gacy "Pogo": keyboards and synthesizer (tracks 5, 12, 19, 20)
Ginger Fish: drums (tracks 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20)
Sara Lee Lucas: drums (tracks 10, 13) |
 | "The Love Song"
The bullet:
"I've got a crush on a pretty pistol
should I tell her that I feel this way?
Father told us to be faithful
I've got a crush on a pretty pistol
should I tell her that I feel this way
I've got love songs in my head
that are killing us away" |
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 "Lest We Forget – The Best Of" - это сборник самых ярких вещей в карьере Мэнсона, выпущенных с 1994 по 2003. Единственным новым треком на диске является кавер на "Personal Jesus" - песню группы Depeche Mode. Также к новшествам можно отнести то, что песни "Tourniquet" и "The Beautiful People" были отредактированы, и звучат немного иначе, чем в оригинале.
Первоначально данный релиз задумывался Мэнсоном, как прощальный. В конце 2004, через месяц после релиза, стартовало турне Aganist All Gods в поддержку сборника, которое изначально задумывалось как сугубо американское, но потом было расширено на весь мир. Несмотря на то, что данный релиз представляет из себя просто сборник, "LWF" - это всё же отдельный период в карьере Мэнсона, в который он имел свой собственный образ - образ Черной Смерти. ММ детально изучал причины возникновения Чёрной Смерти и её влияние на искусство и общество. На концертах он одевался в костюмы, которые имели сходство с одеждой "чумных врачей", а также с с помощью люстры "освящал" сцену перед началом выступления, изображая манипуляции с кадилом.
Тур в поддержку сборника закончился 31 августа 2005 года, именно тогда должна была закончиться и карьера Мэнсона, как музыканта. В интервью того времени он заявлял, что потерял вдохновение и не видит смысла заниматься музыкой, планирует уйти в кинематограф, а также уделять больше времени написанию картин. Также подобным заявлениям способствовало то, что в конце этого года он женился на своей девушке - модели Дите фон Тиз, с которой был в отношениях с 2001. После заключения брака Мэнсон планировал жить более спокойной и размеренной жизнью, однако этого не произошло. 29 декабря 2006 года Дита подала на развод, что и подтолкнуло Великого и Ужасного на запись нового полноформатника - "Eat Me, Drink Me".
Подборка песен, в целом, вполне объективна и содержит действительно хиты, которые достигли успеха в чартах, полюбились многим людям, в том числе и тем, кто фанатами Мэнсона не является, большинство представленных треков также являются неотъемлемой частью концертов.
Только вот мне не очень понятно что тут делают "The Love Song", "Get Your Gunn" и "The Reflecting God". Ни в коем случае не говорю, что песни плохи - они отличные, но хороших песен у Мэнсона много, а тут всё же сборник именно хитов. На них эти 3 трека явно не тянут, их можно просто назвать удачными композициями. А вот "(s)AINT" и "Coma White", которые, почему-то, оказались лишь среди бонус-треков, явно превосходят их по популярности и куда сильнее любимы аудиторией, третьей же заменой вполне могла бы стать "Great Big White World", которая также очень любима многими и на концертах исполнялась постоянно.
Сразу хочу сказать, что я ни в коем случае не пытаюсь "собрать" этот сборник из своих предпочтений. Просто рассуждаю объективно, основываясь на успехе песен в целом.
В общем, вполне себе хороший сборник, хотя и не идеальный, по вышеописанной причине. Тем более, учитывая что "LWF" задумывался Мэнсоном как что-то, что подведет черту в его карьере и поставит жирную точку, можно было бы более ответственно подойти к выбору песен и "отполировать" диск до идеального состояния. А, в целом, хороший релиз. Особенно подходящий для прослушивания тем, кто не знаком с творчеством ММ, и желает это исправить. |
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просмотров: 13133 |
The Father:"do you love your guns?"
"the government?"
"do you love your guns?"
"the government?"
(fuck yeah)
The bullet:
"She tells me I'm a pretty bullet
I'm gonna be a star someday
Mother says that we should look away
She tells me I'm a pretty bullet
an Imitation Christ
I've got love songs in my head
that are killing us away"
The Father:
"do you love your guns?"
"the government?"
(fuck yeah)
"Personal Jesus"
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus...
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faith
"Ladies and Gentlemen"
We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom's not free and dumb
This Depression is great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltzing to scum and base and
Married to the pain
Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene, yeah.
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
GIRLS (In the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
The day that love opened our eyes
We watched the world end
We have "high" places but we have no friends
They told us sin's not good but we know it's great
War-time full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate
Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene, yeah.
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
GIRLS (In the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
"Ladies and gentlemen, be obscene! Be obscene!"
GIRLS (In the spirit of Oscar Wilde):
Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Bang bang bang bang bang
"The Fight Song"
Nothing suffocates you more than
the passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
your children breathe into survive
But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
I'm not a slave to a world
that doesn't give a shit
And when we were good
you just closed your eyes
So when we are bad
we'll scar your minds
fight, fight, fight, fight
You'll never grow up to be a big-rock-star-celebrated-victim-of-your-fame
They'll just cut our wrists like
cheap coupons and say that death
was on sale today
And when we were good
you just closed your eyes
So when we are bad
we'll scar your minds
But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
I'm not a slave to a world
that doesn't give a shit
the death of one is a tragedy
but the death of millions is just a statistic.
But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
I'm not a slave to a world
that doesn't give a shit
fight, fight, fight, fight
"Tainted Love"
Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain you drive in the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I'll give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love
Now I know I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
Need someone to hold you tight
And you'll think love is to pray
But I'm sorry I don't pray that way
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I'll give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love
Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I'll give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love
Tainted love
"The Dope Show"
The drugs they say
Make us feel so hollow
We love in vain
Narcissistic and so shallow
The cops and queers
To swim you have to swallow
Hate today
There's no love for tomorrow
We're all stars now in the dope show
There's lots of pretty, pretty ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind
We're all stars now in the dope show
They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another
The drugs they say
Are made in California
We love your face
We'd really like to sell you
The cops and queers
Make good-looking models
I hate today
Who will I wake up with tomorrow?
There's lots of pretty, pretty ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind
They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another
We're all stars now in the dope show
"This is the New Shit"
Everything's been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name
Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:
Everybody sing along.
Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:
Everybody sing,
Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
Tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.
Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.
Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:
Everybody sing along.
Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name,
Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
Tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.
Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.
And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.
And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.
Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:
Everybody sing.
Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
Tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.
Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.
Blah blah blah blah everybody sing along.
"Disposable Teens"
And I'm a black rainbow
And I'm an ape of god
I've got a face that's made for violence upon
and I'm a teen distortion
Survived abortion
A rebel from the waist down
I wanna thank you mom
I wanna thank you dad
for bringing this fucking world
to a bitter end
I never really hated the one true god,
but the god of the people I hated
You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You say you want a revolution man
and I say that you're full of shit
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable
you said you wanted evolution
the ape was a great big hit
you say you want a revolution, man
and I say that you're full of shit
The more that you fear us
the bigger we get
the more that you fear us
the bigger we get
and don't be surprised, don't be surprised
don't be surprised when we destroy all of it
you said you wanted evolution
the ape was a great big hit
you say you want a revolution man
and I say that you're full of shit
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable
"Sweet Dreams"
sweet dreams are made of these
who am i to disagree?
travel the world and the seven seas
everybody's looking for something
some of them want to use you
some of them want to get used by you
some of them want to abuse you
some of them want to be abused
sweet dreams are made of these
who am i to disagree?
travel the world and the seven seas
everybody's looking for something
some of them want to use you
some of them want to get used by you
some of them want to abuse you
some of them want to be abused
i wanna use you and abuse you
i wanna know what's inside you
hold your head up, movin' on
keep your head up, movin' on
sweet dreams are made of these
who am i to disagree?
travel the world and the seven seas
everybody's looking for something
some of them want to use you
some of them want to get used by you
some of them want to abuse you
some of them want to be abused
i'm gonna use you and abuse you
i'm gonna know what's inside
gonna use you and abuse you
i'm gonna know what's inside you
on we plow
the big bully try to stick his finger in my chest
try to tell me, tell me he's the best
but I don't really give a good goddamn cause
i got my lunchbox and I'm armed real well
i got my lunchbox and I'm armed real well
i got my lunchbox and I'm armed real well
i wanna grow up
i wanna be a big rock and roll star
i wanna grow up
i wanna be
so no one fucks with me
i got the pencils in my pocket, try to put me down
wanna go out, gotta get out
to the playground, gonna throw down at the playground
i wanna go out
next motherfucker gonna get my metal
next motherfucker gonna get my metal
next motherfucker gonna get my metal
next motherfucker gonna get my metal
pow pow pow, pow pow pow, pow pow pow, pow pow pow
i wanna grow up
i wanna be a big rock and roll star
i wanna grow up
i wanna be
so no one fucks with me
she's made of hair and bone and little teeth
and things I cannot speak
she comes on like a crippled plaything
spine is just a string
I wrapped our love in all this foil
silver-tight like spider legs
I never wanted it to ever spoil
but flies will always lay their eggs
Take your hatred out on me
make your victim my head
you never ever believed in me
I am your tourniquet
prosthetic synthesis with butterfly
sealed up with virgin stitch
if it hurts just tell me
preserve the innocence
I never wanted it to end like this,
but flies will lay their eggs
"Rock is Dead"
All simple monkeys with alien babies
Amphetamines for boys
Crucifixes for ladies
Sampled and soulless
Worldwide and real webbed
You sell all the living
For more safer dead
Anything to belong
Rock is deader than dead
Shock is all in your head
Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed
So fuck all your protests and
Put them to bed
God is in the TV
1,000 mothers are praying for it
We're so full of hope
And so full of shit
Build a new god
To medicate and to ape
Sell us ersatz
Dressed up and real fake
Anything to belong
Rock is deader than dead
Shock is all in your head
Your sex and your dope is all that we're fed
So fuck all your protests and
Put them to bed
God is in the TV
"Get Your Gunn"
goddamn your righteous hand
i eat innocent meat
the housewife i will beat
the prolife i will kill
what you won't do i will
i bash myself to sleep
what you sow i will reap
i scar myself you see
i wish i wasn't me
i am the little stick
you stir me into shit
i hate therefore i am
goddamn your righteous hand
goddamn, goddamn,
goddamn, goddamn
pseudo-morals work real well
on the talk shows for the weak
but your selective judgements
and goodguy badges
don't mean a fuck to me
i throw a little fit
i slit my teenage wrist
the most that I can learn
is in records that you burn
get your gunn, get your gunn,
get your gunn, get your gunn
pseudo-morals work real well
on the talk shows for the weak
but your selective judgements
and goodguy badges
don't mean a fuck to me
i am the vhs
record me with your fist
you want me to save the world
i'm just a little girl
pseudo-morals work real well
on the talk shows for the weak
but your selective judgements
and goodguy badges
don't mean a fuck to me
get your gunn, get your gunn,
get your gunn, get your gunn... get
"The Nobodies"
Today I am dirty
and I want to be pretty
Tomorrow, I know that I'm just dirt
We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are
Yesterday I was dirty
wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt
We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are
Some children died the other day
we fed machines and then we prayed
puked up and down in morbid faith
you should have seen the ratings that day...
"Long Hard Road Out of Hell"
I want to fly into your sun
Need faith to make me numb
Live like a teenage Christ
I'm a saint, got a date with suicide
Oh Mary, Mary
To be this young is oh so scary
Mary, Mary
To be this young I'm oh so scared
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
You never said forever, could ever hurt like this
You never said forever, could ever hurt like this
Spin my way out of hell
There's nothing left of this soul to sell
Live fast and die fast too
How many times to do this for you?
How many times to do this for you?
Mary, Mary
To be this young I'm oh so scared
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
You never said forever, could ever hurt like this
You never said forever, could ever hurt like this
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
Long hard road, out of hell
I wanna live, I wanna love
But it's a long hard road, out of hell
Sell my soul for anything, anything but you
Sell my soul for anything, anything but you
"The Beautiful People"
I don't want you and I don't need you
don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
the weak ones are there to justify the strong
the beautiful people, the beautiful people,
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
you can't see the forest for the trees,
and you can't smell
your own shit on your knees
hey you, what do you see?
something beautiful, something free?
hey you, are you trying to be mean?
if you live with apes, man, it's hard to be clean
there's no time to discriminate,
hate every motherfucker
that's in your way
the worms will live in every host
it's hard to pick which one they eat most
the horrible people, the horrible people
it's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
capitalism has made it this way,
old-fashioned fascism
will take it away
hey you, what do you see?
something beautiful, something free?
hey you, are you trying to be mean?
if you live with apes, man, it's hard to be clean
there's no time to discriminate,
hate every motherfucker
that's in your way
"The Reflecting God"
your world is an ashtray
we burn and coil like cigarettes
the more you cry your ashes turn to mud
its the nature of the leeches, the virgin's
feeling cheated
you've only spent a second of you're life
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and then it's true, there is a dream inside a
dream, I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
saw heaven and hell were lies
when I'm god everyone dies
scar/can you feel my power?
shoot here and the world gets smaller
scar/scar/can you feel my power
one shot and the world gets smaller
let's jump upon the sharp swords
and cut away our smiles
without the threat of death
there's no reason to live at all
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and then it's true,
there is a dream inside a dream,
I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
saw heaven and hell were lies
when I'm god everyone dies
scar/can you feel my power?
shoot here and the world gets smaller
scar/scar/can you feel my power
one shot and the world gets smaller
"Each thing i show you is a piece of my death"
shoot shoot shoot motherfucker
no salvation, no forgiveness
"this is beyond your experience"
I don't care if your world is ending today
I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted famous, so I drew you a heart
But now I'm not an artist I'm a fucking work of art
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I am a bonetop, a death's head
On a mopstick
You infected me, took diamonds
I took all your shit
Your "sell-by date" expired,
So you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and
Vivi-sex symbol
You wanted PERFEKT
You got your PERFEKT
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
"Irresponsible Hate Anthem"
I am so all-american, I'd sell you suicide
I am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyes
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the animal who will not be himself
fuck it
Hey victim, should I black your eyes again?
Hey victim,
you were the one who put the stick in my hand
I am the ism, my hate's a prism
let's just kill everyone and let your god sort them out
fuck it
everybody's someone else's nigger/I know you are so am I
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers/
I don't need to choose a side
I better, better, better, better not say this
better, better, better, better not tell
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the idiot who will not be himself
fuck it
everybody's someone else's nigger/I know you are so am I
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers/
I don't need to choose a side
"Coma White"
There's something cold and blank behind her smile
She's standing on an overpass
In her miracle mile
"You were from a perfect world
A world that threw me away today
Today to run away"
A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself
Her mouth was an empty cut
And she was waiting to fall
Just bleeding like a polaroid that
Lost all her dolls
"You were from a perfect world
A world that threw me away today
Today to run away"
A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb
A pill to make you anybody else
But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself