Grand Belial's Key
« Mocking the Philanthropist »
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1 | Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper 06:04
 | 2 | Shemhamforash 03:04
 | 3 | Reflections of the Coffin Lid 03:55
 | 4 | The Slums of Jerusalem 06:47
 | 5 | Castrate the Redeemer 08:02
 | 6 | Sumerian Fairytale 06:10
 | 7 | At the Blessed Grotto 02:26 instrumental
 | 8 | Savouring the Virgin's Pessary 05:01
 | 9 | In Rapture by the Fenrir Moon 02:26
 | 10 | Demonarchy 05:00
 | 11 | The Centaur 01:19 instrumental
 | 12 | Conspicuous Imagery Adorns the Nunnery 05:01
 | 13 | The Seventh Enochian Key 04:14
 | 14 | The Holocaust Trumpeter 06:23
 | | Total playing time 01:05:52 |
   The Black Lourde of Crucifixion - vocals, drums
Gelal Necrosodomy - guitars, bass
Der Stürmer - bass
Lilith - keyboards
Recorded at Crucifier Studio, Pennsylvania, on December 24-25, 1996. |
 | 1. Foul Parody Of The Lord's Supper
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: The Black Lourde of Crucifixion]
Myth once told of an earth born King;
A theurgic bind of spirit and flesh
And so it is parable to those with strength;
The galant psalms and pageantry are lost in space!
Foul Parody of the Lord's |
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 Чудесно, что некоторые "вовлеченные" экстремальные составы понимают избранный ими и практикуемый жанр не примитивно, а во всем многообразии исторических оттенков и возможностей. Отличает ли их одержимость экзотическим художественным предметом (Deceased) или политическая радикальность (Arghoslent, Grand Belial's Key), дэт или блэк в видении таких групп больше и шире принятых стандартов, они не стряхивают с себя хэви-, трэш- и даже дум-элементы, не могут обойтись ни без забойной вакханальной мелодики, ни без эпических увертюр, для чего не брезгают даже вызывающими улыбку клавишами дамы, создающими чрезмерно уж претенциозный антураж.
Дебют GBK простирается более чем на час, но каждый номер осмыслен, индивидуализирован, заряжен пламенным риффингом или олдскульными мелодическими щедротами, ламповыми соляками, композиционно насыщен и хорошо отрефлексирован в классической парадигме звучания. Часто во второй половине возникают лирические этюды с размашистым солированием, этот уют на самом деле достигается и теплыми, мягкими тремоло-мотивами, и традиционными повествовательными интонациями риффов в куплетах. Демиургом группы является не только гитарист, но и скримящий барабанщик, который не только вкладывается в атмосферную инфернальщину вокально, но и в барабанных делах блюдет принципы органической свободы и разнообразия, умея удивить нахрапистыми спорадическими сбивками.
Альбом безусловно драйвовый, в меру разбитной, но одновременно и вводящий в гипноз смазанным приблэкованным риффингом и в чем-то старомодно усмиряющий пыл и вводящий в классическую летаргию медленными пассажами. Интересный эффект от ортодоксального, но оригинального творчества. И в "Mocking The Philantrophist" утягивает, благо нырять есть во что, музыканты ткут обширное полотно, и в этом помогают завлекающие чарующие клавишные интерлюдии с тяготением к органному монументализму, знаете ли, тоже не пустой звук, а важная смычка классического романического текста. Подкупают и давят слезу также схожие с Arghoslent проникновенные соло-излияния, как, например, в церемониальной "The Seventh Enochian Key". Удивительно и недешевое развитие и продолжение черной эстетики через классический металический романтизм, я имею в виду эти камерные костровые наигрыши или же почти стадионные запилы. Хиты тут есть, песни, с мелодиями, превосходно запоминающимися, которые тянет переслушивать вновь и вновь. Таковы, например, исполненные авантюризма "Foul Parody Of The Lord's Supper", "Savouring The Virgin's Pessary" и "Conspicuous Amagery Adorns The Numery".
Концептуально альбомы группы идут не в хронологическом порядке, от наиболее позднего состояния к первоосновам иудо-христианства, и в них музыканты лезут вон из себя в попытках не сатиры, но цинизма и сарказма по отношению к мишени. И реальность такова, что никакая группа в экстремальной нише не провоцирует столько внимания со стороны придурков и просто тупизма, как GBK: тут всегда больше спекуляций на предмет строгости расовой позиции музыкантов, сколько самобытности и качества их эмоциональной музыки. За патриархальность и душу нараспашку во влияниях хочется поставить не ниже... |
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просмотров: 4907 |
Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper
At the table bread was broken
Crimson contract proffer swill
Gather friends and good disciples
To witness figment tales...
No rewards with natural treasures
But with sickly suffering;
And our Kingdom doth be paradise
void of pleasantries!
Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper
Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper
Myth again told of that earth born pig!
Barking abjuration whilst hammered to the wood
And so if stays parable to hearts with strength
As we sleep in bold comfort in our hell on earth!
"As the cock crows thrice I'll be denied,
forsworn by one of you.
And for the sake of prophecy,
summoned to my lot."
By blood... Resurrection?
By body... Redemption?
By God... Domination?
By Pilate... Crucifixion!
"As the cock crows thrice I'll be denied,
forsworn by one of you.
And for the sake of prophecy,
summoned to my lot."
By blood... Resurrection?
By body... Redemption?
By God... Domination?
By Pilate... Crucifixion!
2. Shemhamforash
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: Satanic Hordes, The Black Lourde of Crucifixion]
In the name of Satan I am bourne,
Bestow infernal powers unto me...
Ne'er the light my eyes to bear,
Grant me the joys of darkest sin...
Almighty ruler of the night,
Provide me with the gift of sweet revenge...
I kiss the throne, caress the musky hooves;
Heed the whines of deadly blasphemy...
In the name of Satan I am bourne,
Bestow infernal powers unto me...
Blessed are those of the left-hand path,
Cursed be the bastard Nazarene...
So it is done'
3. Reflections Of The Coffin Lid
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: Gelal]
Crouched in front of the weeping virgin
Trembling child absorbs the ghastly air
Accustomed to divine subordination
Thoughts of suicide race endlessly
Reflections of the Coffin Lid
Subconscious images foresee the haunted day
The urine of goats feed the nightmare
Insects roam the surface of my body
This polluted art becomes an obsession
Reflections of the Coffin Lid
Crouched in front of the weeping virgin
Trembling child absorbs the ghastly air
Accustomed to divine subordination
Thoughts of suicide race endlessly
4. The Slums Of Jerusalem
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: The Black Lourde of Crucifixion, Gelal]
Ashes... Ashes... We all fall down,
In ruins lies the Yahweh's Crown...
In Flames!
Unto the winds my hecatomb
A seed to be sown;
The scrap memories of Jerusalem
A reverie of shallow pith
Insipid wretched law;
Mindless relics poison the Judaist corpse heads!
Into this breeze a foulest smell
Rotting pride and greed;
A garbage pile in splendrous disease
With God above, Satan below
No mortals live in the battlezone!
Destroyed by might from the devil's whip
The feign didst die by death's ill grip!
Hebrew prayers burned in fires high
A savage fate gleemed in Old Nick's eye!
Wicked goats pissed to groom the blaze
Fuel to a fire in which Hell was praised!
The urine of goats flood the slums of Jerusalem
Ashes... Ashes... All gods fall down,
In urine bathes their holy crowns!
Destroyed by might from the devil's whip
The feign didst die by death's ill grip
Hebrew prayers burned in fires high
A savage fate gleemed in Old Nick's eye!
Wicked goats pissed to groom the blaze
Fuel to a fire in which Hell was praised
Daughter Jerusalem is fallen!
I am one with her destruction...
In burning forever!!
Ashes... Ashes... All gods fall down
In urine bathes their holy crowns!
On thy knees pious ones; Kiss on my vile hind
Beg for the sword of vicious the pain will be!
On thy feel pious one; Suckle my vile horns
Beg for the pain or vicious the sword will be!
Daughter Jerusalem is fallen!
1 am one with her destruction...
In burning forever!!
The Lord's supper has been mocked
His birth is no longer celebrated
Eunuchs feast on the bestial flesh
Drink his wine and pillage the nunery
The urine of goats flood the slums of Jerusalem!
The branch no longer bears its fruits
Nor flourishes its fable upon mankind
Children masticate the sacred vulva
And cast fire across the holy garlands!
5. Castrate The Redeemer
[Music: Gelal, Lilith / Lyrics: Gelal]
Magnificent sight of the nigrescent horizon
Of stars that weep the death of their creator
With blood I stain my soul which lives encased
Within the enclaves of his fiery domain
Castrate the Redeemer
The apostles torture the nearing messiah
A celestial orgy of traitor angels
Devours the heavenly sworn entities
The seventh mystery has been unlocked
Castrate the Redeemer
Grand Belial sent me his soldiers as
The strongest angels of the feeble one
Tried to halt the sickest of onslaughts
Tears flood the wingless slaves of the King
Lucifer taught me the life of those times
When I stitched the scars of my pact with God
I then savoured the Virgin Mary's pessary
As I watched the birthing of the false prophet
6. Sumerian Fairytale
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: Satanic Hordes, The Black Lourde of Crucifixion]
Beckon the burning sands of the universe
The ancient ones ruled before time itself
Commanding the winds, fire, waters and earth
Until they were challenged by the god Marduk
Blessed Tiamat release this bind
Thou mustn't prevent a kingdom in Hell!
Lower magicians, gather fast thy might!
Hordes of Azazel and Azagthoth
Stir the sick waters of the bay of souls
Invoke the darkness and spirit mayhem!
Lourdes of the underworld
Raise furious upheaval
Attack the prince of the heavens
And cast his corpse into black abyss!
Father mictian admit our sons
Into this precious land
For they gave us life and gave us food
And so a throne comes from our doom
Reap some magick: Call forth the ghouls!
7. At The Blessed Grotto
[Music: Lilith]
8. Savouring The Virgin's Pessary
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: Gelal]
On earth the slut was fouled by the Demonarch
Punishment for pursuing her phallic joys
Under the glory of the Hebrew saviour
For eternal holyness and the gay love of God
Savouring the Virgin's Pessary
Within the carved symbols of despair
The sacred name of Jesus is vilified
All saintly battles have ended in defeat
Helltroops inflict agonizing wounds
The hymen skin has been chewed and torn
Black worms feast on her sacredness
Her life obtained from the heavenly skies
Her death obtained from the burning lake
Savouring the Virgin's Pessary
Lamentable slaughter of monastic beggars
For the years I lived persecuted
Condemned to worship the patriarch
9. In Rapture By The Fenrir Moon
[Music: Demonic / Lyrics: Lord Fag Pussyferian]
The moon ignites the thyestean flame
Tempestuous winds call out my name
Red orphic rays shine unto me
It's the threshold of lycanthropy
The wanton cravings and salacious desire
Kindle my seething promethean fire
The tethered wolf has been unleashed
To hunt and kill voraciously
Diana, fake me into thy womb
To thine lunar radiance I swoon
My lustfulness forever blooms
In rapture by the fenrir moon
With mordacious fangs and feral claws
I exercise the primordial laws
My lupine cock is fixed to rise
And fuck the marrow of life
Pious lambs know not Satanic truth
Sweetest the tongue, sharpest the tooth
The dawn ascends and I evade
Rack into the woods from whence I came
Diana, take me into thy womb
To thine lunar radiance I swoon
My lustfulness forever blooms
In rapture by the fenrir moon
10. Demonarchy
[Music: Gelal/Lyrics: Gelal]
The gatekeepers amputate their arms in torment
Abandoned by the painful shackles of heaven
Their maternal bodies devoured gruesomely
Father of the unconceivable lifts his shield
His name was unknown to me
Until I entered the arcane
Depths of the Demonarchy
Summoning Jehova's Casket
There exists secrecy among the troops
Waiting to besiege the fountain of life
Like torches of a forgotten Kristallnacht
Storming through the city of Nazareth
His name was unknown to me
Until I entered the arcane
Depths of the Demonarchy
Summoning Jehova's Casket
11. The Centaur
[Music: Lilith, Gelal]
12. Conspicuous Imagery Adorns The Nunery
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: Gelal]
Strips of flesh form a path to the cemetery
Old trees look menacing arching above
Bastard feet have since traveled these horrid grounds
A flock of mourners will kneel in his honour
The churchyard holds a most suspicious past
Guests were readily overcome with odd symptoms
In a number of days they'd he consumed by fevers
And graves were dug during the stillness of the night
The Nazarene now crawls to Bethanv
To feed his lying mouth and lepers
Delicate paintings hang beside the once saviour
Lately a certain howling can be heard
The contour of Christ appears to shiver violently
And hordes ride freely into the vineyards
Conspicuous imagery adorns the nunery
Secrets of the Key are rooted beneath the garden
When dogs pass above it they foam at the mouth
And blind nuns play with their own feces
The Nazarene now crawls to Bethany
To feed his lying mouth and lepers
13. The Seventh Enochian Key
[Music: Gelal, Lilith / Lyrics: La Vey]
Ra-asa isalamanu para-di-zoda oe-cari-mi
aao iala-pire-gahe qui-inn.
Enai butamonu od inoasa m pa-ra-diala.
Casaremeji ujeare cahirelanu,
od zodonace lucifatianu,
caresa ta vavalezodirenu tol-hami.
Soba lonudohe od nuame cahisa ta
da o desa vo-ma-dea od
pi-beliare itahila rita od miame ca-ni-quola rita!
Zodacare! Zodameranu! lecanmi quo-a
dahe od i-mica-ol-zododa aaiome.
Bajirele papenore idalugama elonusahi-od
umapelifa vau-ge-ji bijil-iad.
The east is a house of harlots singing praises among the flames
of the first glory wherin the Dark Lord hath opened his mouth;
and they are become as living dwellings
in whom the strength of man rejoiceth;
and they are appareled with ornaments
of brightness, such as work wonders on all creatures.
Whose kingdoms and continuance are as the third and fourth,
strong towers and places of comfort,
the seats of pleasure and continuance.
O ye servants of pleasure, move!
Sing praises unto the earth and
be mighty amongst us.
For that to this remembrance is given power,
and our strength
waxeth strong in our comforter.
14. The Holocaust Trumpeter
[Music: Gelal / Lyrics: The Black Lourde of Crucifixion, Gelal]
Forth from deadly Apocalypse...
Rips the crier
Galloping fast on a steed that reeks rabid of blood.
Forth from daemon throne
Blowing funeral wind throughout the worlds of time
Blasting morbid exequies!
Forth from all that is unholy
Whistling the reap of Satanic fury
Purest Ambassador of Armageddon!
At the blessed grotto
The Holocaust Trumpeter appeals our power!
Pestilent nightmare visitation
Envenom the Christ Child's crib
Passionate plague, a profanation
Commanded from beyond to kill!
Ghastly seduction through famine
Rape the nuns at the scalding convent.
Set to flame a blaze of war
And conquer the cowardice of God!
At the blessed grotto
The Holocaust Trumpeter appeals our power!
Immersed in a cloud of smoke
Rising from a pile of burning bibles
Words of a holy fable turn rapidly into debris!
The refuge of the spineless
Adorned with diseased art
Burned and free of the Christian chains!
Cast down thy tender look
Upon the flock of God
Touch the cicatrix of the piercing blade!
At the blessed grotto
The Holocaust Trumpeter appeals our power!
Religious malady cured
Which once forced me to kneel
At the blessed grotto the sheep
begin to shriek.
At the blessed grotto
The Holocaust Trumpeter appeals our power!