« Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions »
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1 | Hate
 | 2 | Rain
 | 3 | Master Slave
 | 4 | Childhood's End
 | 5 | I Will Be There
 | 7 | In My Head
 | 8 | It Never Goes Away
 | 9 | Seduction Of The Innocent
 | 10 | I Confess
 | 11 | In The Mirror
 | 12 | I Walk Alone |
   Paul Stanley - lead vocals, guitars
Bruce Kulick - guitars, lead vocals on track 12
Gene Simmons - lead vocals, bass
Eric Singer - drums |
Produced by Toby Wright and Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley
Recorded at Music Grinder Studios, Hollywood, CA, November 1995 - February 1996
Engineered and Mixed by Toby Wright, assisted by David Bryant
Mastered by Steve Marcussen
Photography by William Hames |
 | HATE - Gene Simmons, Scott Van Zen, Bruce Kulick
Ladies and gentlemen...
From Boise, Idaho...
Direct from the Paramount Theatre...
12 year old, little Billy Corgan (Last word is backwards masked) |
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 Мда...Я весьма живо представляю себе, сколько нервных срывов случилось бы в рядах поклонников Kiss, если бы этот альбом вышел как обычный, новый студийник группы. А так - "Carnival Of Souls" сначала распространялся из-под полы всеми пиратами мира, а через пару лет Пол с Джином великодушно разрешили полуофициально продавать сию поделку. Многие сейчас зададутся вопросом - а что же из себя представляет этот загадочный "Carnival Of Souls"? А это, друзья, тот самый новый студийный альбом группы, абсолютно полностью записанный, сведенный и отшлифованный еще в 1995 году. Сначала его выпуск отложили по причине выхода акустического диска "MTV Unplugged", а потом случилось то, что случилось - старые чувства взыграли вновь, в Kiss вернулись Питер и Эйс для мирового тура по планете, и выпуск нового альбома опять был перенесен. Ну а в 1997 году ситуация и вовсе переросла в скандал - старым друзьям так понравилось играть вместе, что они решили в таком составе и оставаться. Эрик Сингер и Брюс Кулик все это время терпеливо ожидавшие, когда же их коллеги закончат "ностальгировать", были просто выставлены за дверь. Соответственно, на идее выпуска этого многострадального альбома был окончательно поставлен крест. Но (какая неожиданность!) доблестные пираты каким то непостижимым способом достали мастер пленки "Carnival Of Souls" и тут же начали их активно распространять по всему свету. И все поклонники получили уникальную возможность услышать, в каком направлении двигались бы Kiss, не случись реюниона. То что музыканты записали на этом диске менее всего ассоциируется с привычным звучанием и образом группы, здесь не найти ни хард рока, ни глэма, ни вообще хоть чего нибудь позитивного. Сей альбом - это мрачный, депрессивный, чертовски ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ гранж рок! Ни одной песни про любовь - зато много песен про ненависть, философию и экологические проблемы. А знаете что самое интересное? Все это отлично слушается! Будь то жутковатый номер "Jungle", ураганный боевик "Master & Slave" или вообще, баллада, спетая Брюсом Куликом (!) "I Walk Alone" - это пусть и КРАЙНЕ неожиданный, но все-таки чертовски неплохой материал от Kiss. Рекомендуется в обязательном порядке всем поклонникам коллектива, ЭТО надо услышать. Только сразу возьмите в аптеке успокоительное - на всякий случай. |
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1994 год. Курт Кобейн как раз выпалил в себя из ружья, но цепная реакция гранжа, порождённая Nirvana, ещё не затухает. Многие группы, уже состоявшиеся на рок-поприще, решили оседлать эту волну. Не стали исключением и теперь уже бывшие разрисованные скоморохи от рок-н-ролла, KISS. Но самое интересное, что про записанный уже к началу 1996 года гранж-металлический альбом они просто... забыли. Дело было в том, что грянул реюнион "классического состава", и созданный предыдущими музыкантами альбом стал никому не нужен. Его спасли пираты: после того, как кто-то увёл мастер-ленты и растиражировал в огромном количестве диски с "Carnival of Souls", группа выпустила-таки эту запись в конце 1997 года под названием "Carnival of Souls: The final sessions". Впрочем, при отсутствии раскрутки альбом, как говорят в Америке, "tanked". :)
Есть кое-что, что роднит "Карнавал" с нелюбимым массами, но обожаемым мною "Music from The Elder" - это стопроцентная нетипичность для группы. Одно это отвратит от него тех, кто ждёт трёхминутных песенок про девочек, сиськи и рок-н-ролл. Но на альбоме присутствует несколько безусловных жемчужин. Итак, поехали?
Альбом начинается с какафонии какого-то сатанинского радио, переходящей в низкий гитарный рифф и вопль "Haaaaate! Is what I am..." Да, это очень далеко от обычной тематики KISS. Песня, которая так и называется - "Hate" - продолжается энергичным тяжеляком с низко настроенными гитарами. Сразу напрашивается и вторая ассоциация для звучания группы: ранние Black Sabbath. Вторая песня "Rain" безусловно напоминает "Саббат", а к третьему треку "Master & Slave" сходство становится полным. "Master & Slave" - очень динамичная и, я бы даже сказал, цепляющая песня. Хотя голос Пола Стэнли в ней совсем напоминает Оззи Осборна, отвращения это почему-то не вызывает. Отличная песня, первая из упомянутых в начале жемчужин. Блистает и Джин Симмонс со своей бас-гитарой. В середине - приятный спокойный кусочек с брякающей непримоченной гитарой, но звучит он недолго. Ещё один прикол - проигрыш после соло со словами: "Wake up and start to...", а там, где должно быть слово "scream", звучит жуткий вопль. :)
Четвёртая песня "Childhood's End" запоминается меньше; в основном - той же брякающей гитарой с "реднековским" вокалом Симмонса в начале. Дальше - опять среднетемповый тяжеляк, а в конце оживляется бас. За ней - второй шедевр, проникновенная полуакустическая "I Will Be There". Что же она мне напомнила?.. А! Bathory, "Father to Son" с альбома "Hammerheart"! Действительно, Пол Стэнли посвятил "I Will Be There" своему сыну. В общем, однозначно must listen. Третий очень удачный трек на альбоме - драйвовая, хотя и слегка затянутая (почти семь минут) "Jungle" (единственный сингл, выпущенный с альбома, и вопреки всему, поднявшийся в чартах до 8 места!) Следом - чисто гранжевая как по музыке, так и по лирике "In my head". "Cardboard boxes filled with hate - in my head..." - такой текст мог выйти из-под пера Кобейна и Гроля. Песня начинается с однообразных гитарных пассажей, и в целом довольно скучна. Столь же тягучие и медленные "It Never Goes Away" и "Seduction of the Innocent" (последняя, впрочем, в припеве немного оживляется) несколько вгоняют в сон; десятая песня "I Confess" поначалу тоже звучит зловеще и медленно, но в припеве снова появляется некий драйв. Неплохо звучит и предпоследняя "In the Mirror". А в конце - последняя жемчужина: красивая полу-баллада "I Walk Alone", в которой партию ведущего вокала в первый и последний раз за историю группы исполняет соло-гитарист Брюс Кулик (вообще, его вклада на этом альбоме очень много). Голос у него, может, и не такой характерный и выразительный, как у Пола Стэнли, но довольно приятный. Тем более что поёт Кулик довольно тихо, без попыток брать какие-то сверхвысокие ноты. Достойное завершение альбома.
Резюме: это никак не альбом KISS! Совершенно не тот жанр, не та тематика... но при этом слушается чертовски приятно. Если вы не против того, что КИСС зазвучали (пусть и на один альбом) как смесь Black Sabbath с Nirvana, то это альбом для вас. Если вам интересны необычные, но добротные эксперименты, то это тоже альбом для вас. Если же вы - ортодоксальный поклонник KISS 70-х, то этот альбом вам, скорее всего, не понравится. Да, ещё под конец альбом становится скучноват - сказывается его длительность в час и 11 секунд, и на него прокрались не менее чем три "филлера". Кроме того, темп многих песен слишком уж одинаков (хотя в меньшей мере, чем, например, на сольнике Тони Айомми "Fused"). Но... мне альбом нравится куда больше, чем ранние пластинки KISS - собрания тех самых трёхминутных песенок... |
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просмотров: 32943 |
Hate is what I am
Cuz underneath this heart
There beats the heart of man
You'll wear your frown
When you're lyin' 6 feet underground
Don'tcha think it's odd
Man was created in the image of God...
All you martyrs and saviours
Go through the same door
Listen all you butchers, saints and sinners
We've all been here before
Yes, Hate is what I am
Cuz underneath this heart
There beats the heart of man
So you're lookin' for a saviour
But I'm here to tell ya
You gotta save yourself
Lead a lamb to slaughter
All you ever did was follow orders
All you martyrs and saviours
Go through the same door
Listen all you butchers, saints and sinners
We've all been here before
All you martyrs and saviours
Go through the same door
Hey listen all you butchers, saints and sinners
We've all been here before
Yes, Hate is what I am
Cuz underneath this heart
There beats the heart of man
RAIN - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
Tell me what you want me to be
I can't stand myself anymore
Tell me what you want me to see
I can't find my way off the floor
Treat me like a hurricane
I think it's gonna rain, yeah
I think it's gonna rain
Rain down on me
Tell me what you want me to hear
Whisper words inside of my head
Thunder like a gun in my ear
Clouds are burstin' over my bed
Wash me like a hurricane
I think it's gonna rain, yeah
I think it's gonna rain
I think it's gonna rain down down down
I think it's gonna rain
Open your eyes
You can't deny
It's just a fantasy, yeah
Some things will end, some will begin
Some things will never be
Rain down on me
Tell me what you want me to know
Tell me what you're dyin' to say
Throw your feelings up in the air
Let the pieces fall where they may
Open your eyes
You can't deny
It's just a fantasy, yeah
Some things will end, some will begin
Some things will never be
I think it's gonna rain
I think it's gonna rain
I think it's gonna rain, yeah
I think it's gonna rain
Rain down on me
Rain down on me
Rain down on me
MASTER & SLAVE - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
Life, a movie in my head
A page of lines we've read
The words remain unsaid
Time, a race you never win
Look back at where we've been
And throw the towel in
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line
Tell Me
I just wanna take my turn
Now before I crash and burn
[Verse] Hope, a candle burning bright
A temporary light
'Till we return tonight
Love, the mighty drug we crave
The master and the slave
Will rule us to our grave
[Chorus] Everytime I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line
Tell Me
I just want a place to rest,
Count to four and catch my breath
One, Two, Three, Four...
I don't know what to feel
Don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
I don't know where to go
Don't know who to be
Don't know who to know
Life is never what it seems
It shakes you from your dreams
Wake up and start to...
Everytime I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line
Tell Me
I just want a place to rest
Stop and let me catch my breath
Everytime I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line
Tell Me
Forget all that I've been told
I just wanna lose control
Everytime I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line
Tell Me
I just wanna take my turn
Now before I crash and burn
CHILDHOOD'S END - Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer, Bruce Kulick
I lived a life of illusion and you had your kicks
So what, there's nothing left to do
And you and your obsessions and your crucifix
As if what I thought mattered much to you
And you were always my friend from Childhood's End
It was forever and ever
Did you understand?
It's Childhood's End
But never, the dream is over
Sunday morning in the New York Times
I read you died last night
It said you were smilin' when you blew your mind
And the note you left behind said:
You were always my friend from Childhood's End
Seems like forever and ever
Yeah, you won't have to have to pretend
It's near the end
You won't ever be a rock and roller
(Yeah) you were always my friend from Childhood's End
But never, the dream is over
You were just like me
I was just like you
For eternity I'll think of you
And you were always my friend from Childhood's End
It was forever and ever
Did you understand
It's Childhood's End
But never, the dream is over
(Repeat choruses, overlapping, fade out)
You've got something about you,
You've got something I need...")
Yeah, you were always my friend from Childhood's End
For eternity I'll think of you
Yeah, you were just like me, I was just like you
For eternity I'll always be thinking of you
I WILL BE THERE - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
Each and every day
People turn away
Change the things they feel
Change the things they say
We can never know
Where our lives will lead
Wherever you go
Whenever you need
I will be there
Wanna be there
I will hear you when you call
Give you anything at all
I will be there
Like a father to his son
You are just a child
All is yet to be
Growing all the while
Knowing when you leave
I will be there
Wanna be there
Only blood will run so deep
Seal the promise I will keep
I will be there
Like a father to his son
I can swear to only one
Time moves quickly as the years go by
All these moments slip away
When I'm gone and life will carry on
You will know someway
I will be there
I will be there
I will be there
Wanna be there
Only blood will run so deep
Seal the promise I will keep
I will be there
Like a father to his son
I must swear to only one
JUNGLE - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
Here I go
Down below
The sun is goin' down
A jungle comes alive
The beast is waking up
To take another life
I can't sleep
In too deep
The man with nothing left
Without a place to hide
Will take a final breath
And tumble in the night
Someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone
Someone's fallen prey
Some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill
Livin' day to day
Whoooaaaaaoooohhhh, the jungle
Mothers mourn
Fathers groan
The child takes a hit
And then he starts to cry
A mother never hears
Her baby's last goodbye
Someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone
Someone's fallen prey
Some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill
Livin' day to day
Whoooaaaaaoooohhhh, the jungle
The sun is coming up
A city comes alive
The lamb will never see
A jungle in the sky
Someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone
Someone's falling prey
Some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill
Livin' day to day
Someone dies alone
Someone's safe at home
All is flesh and bone
Whoooaaaaaoooohhhh, In the jungle
IN MY HEAD - Gene Simmons, Scott Van Zen, Jamie St. James
I'm obnoxious and no one's home
In my head
In my head
Cardboard boxes filled with hate
In my head
They're in my head
Nest of termites, glowin' red
In my head
They're in my head
Look behind the mask
Try to find peace of mind
And you'll find
Just look behind the man
And lead me by the hand
Faded smiles behind dark shades
In my head
In my head
Plastic icons, glowin' red
In my head
They're in my head
I experiment with myself
In my head
In my head
Look behind the glass
Try to find peace of mind
And you'll find
Just look behind the man
And lead me
Look behind the mask
Try to find peace of mind
And you'll find
Just look behind the man
And lead me
Look behind the man
Look behind the glass
Look behind the mask
IT NEVER GOES AWAY - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
Want it
You can have it
Come and take it
I don't need it
Power and possessions
Never quiet your obsessions
Outside, we search for something
Inside, we still have nothing
People deep in trouble
Bet their money on the double
Outside, they search for something
Inside, they still have nothing
It never ends
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
And even if I could
And even if I would
It never goes away
Heartless rich and greedy
Watch the churches rape the needy
While we pray for salvation
Preachers yield to temptation
It never ends
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
And even if I could
And even if I would
It never goes away
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
And even if I could
And even if I would
It never goes away
Blinded believers and doomsday deceivers
Are driving you out of your head
Look in the mirror, the answer is clearer
Though your sanity hangs by a thread
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
And even I could
And even I would
It never goes away
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say And even if I could
And even if I would
It never goes away
SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT - Gene Simmons, Scott Van Zen
He always wears his bible belt
The collar under his head
It's like a noose around his neck
His sandaled feet don't touch the ground
Ears don't hear a sound
Seduction of the innocent
Everybody thinks there's always a reason
Need a reason to cry
You kiss the hand of the man for all seasons
And don't know why
Say friend, if you had to do it all over again
Would you pull the trigger aimed at his brain?
The padre looks well fed
Remember what the good book said
And the vultures circle overhead
Whatever gets you through the night
Can't seem to clear your mind
Seduction of the innocent
Everybody thinks there's always a reason
Need a reason to cry
You kiss the hand of a man for all seasons
And don't know why
Say friend, if you had to do it all over again
Would you pull the trigger aimed at his brain?
[Guitar Solo]
Everybody thinks there's always a reason
Need a reason to cry
You kiss the hand of the man for all seasons
And don't know why
Say friend, if you had to do it all over again
Would you pull the trigger aimed at his brain?
I CONFESS - Gene Simmons, Ken Tamplin
When I look into the mirror
Just can't believe, what do I see
There's no wakin' from this nightmare
And you're lost in your reality
So you tell me all your secrets
And you tell me that you're innocent
There's something in your eyes I can see
And my face keeps looking back at me
You Confess
You can't help yourself
Can't sleep at night, you can't go on
You're possessed, you can't fool yourself
You're the crime and you can't go on
Another day, another sorrow
No today and no tomorrow
Try and wash away the shame
And you smile in your picture frame
You had a charmed life, but you fell from grace
And you're long gone without a trace
You're all alone and wonder why
And you laugh when you wanna cry
You Confess
You can't help yourself
Can't sleep at night, you can't go on
You're possessed, you can't fool yourself
You're the crime and you can't go on
You Confess
You can't help yourself
Can't sleep at night, you can't go on
You're possessed, you can't fool yourself
You're the crime and it can't go on
You can't go on
God never spoke to me, well not just yet
So let that be my last will and testament
[Guitar Solo]
So cut your straight lines on the mirror
And dip your hands in holy water
Try and wash away the shame
'Cause all you've got is your father's name
You Confess
You can't help yourself
Can't sleep at night, you can't go on
You're possessed, you can't fool yourself
You're the crime and it can't go on
You Confess
You can't help yourself
Can't sleep at night, you can't go on
You're possessed, you can't fool yourself
You're the crime and it can't go on
IN THE MIRROR - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Curt Cuomo
You, were in the right
Until you're left, stuck in the middle
I, still wonder why
You gave it all, for such a little
Tell me you're only
Scared to be lonely
On and on
Livin' on credit
Want it, you get it
Right or wrong
You oughtta take a look in the mirror
Every line's gettin' clearer
See the face you can't deny
You, appear to me
Appear to be, lost in confusion
I, don't wanna live
Only to die, in your illusion
Dial information
Station to station
On and on
Lie to your lover
Make him your cover
Blindfold on
You oughtta take a look in the mirror
Every line's gettin' clearer
See the face you can't deny
Take a look in the mirror
All your fear gettin' nearer
Nothin' left to get you by
Only a matter of time
Leavin' illusion behind
Tick Tock
You, won't realize
'Till all the eyes, are truly open
You, can't hide away
Throw what you may, when all is broken
Go on and take a look in the mirror
All your fear gettin' nearer
Nothin' left to get you buy
You oughtta take a look in the mirror
Every line's gettin' clearer
See the face you can't deny
I WALK ALONE - Gene Simmons, Bruce Kulick
I know deep inside of me
there's a place but its not plain to see
Where I belong, where no on else can be
Searching for myself again
Here I'm all alone and when
I Close my eyes -- no one else can see
I Walk Alone, can't you see
I don't belong, let me be
Everything I dreamed of being -- is me
And I got myself to lean on,
I've got both my feet on the ground
And you don't know me,
I don't know me
I can't see you,
you can't see me
close my eyes and leave the world behind
So I got no heart, got no home
Got no somewhere I belong
I don't worry, everything's just fine
I Walk Alone, can't you see
I don№t belong, let me be
Everything I dreamed of being
and I don't belong, can't you see
I Walk Alone, let me be
Everything I dreamed of being -- is me
And I got myself to lean on,
I've got both my feet on the ground
[Solo 1]
So I got no heart and I got no home
And I got no somewhere I belong
I don't worry -- everything's just...
[Solo 2]
And I got myself to lean on,
got both my feet on the ground
And I got myself to lean on,
got both my feet on the ground
And I look deep inside of me
There's a place but it's not plain to see
where I belong where no one else can be
And I'm searching for myself again
And here I'm all alone and when
I close my eyes and no on else can see
[Solo 3]