White Lion
« Mane Attraction »
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1 | Lights And Thunder 8:10
 | 2 | Broken Heart 4:09
 | 3 | Leave Me Alone 4:26
 | 4 | Love Don't Come Easy 4:11
 | 5 | You're all I Need 4:29
 | 6 | It's Over 5:19
 | 7 | Warsong 6:59
 | 8 | She's Got Everything 6:56
 | 9 | Till Death Do Us Part 5:33
 | 10 | Out with the Boys 4:35
 | 11 | Blue Monday 4:23
 | 12 | Farewell to You 4:22
 | | Total playing time: 63:45 |
   Mike Tramp - vocals
Vito Bratta - guitars
James Lomenzo - bass
Greg D'Angelo - drums |
Producer Richie Zito |
 | 1. Lights And Thunder
Let me take you to a place
Where everybody knows your face
There's no King and there's no Queen
And everything is like a dream
You can live in harmony
With those who were your enemy
You can do just what you want to
No one here will ever hurt you
There'll be lights 'n |
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 Средняя продолжительность первого периода жизни hair-metal группы от выпуска дебютного альбома до распада - 5-6 лет. Легенда стиля AOR - группа White Lion не исключение. Альбом "Mane Attraction" стал лебединой песней "Белых Львов" эпохи глэм-метал. Нет, он вовсе неплох. На "Mane Attraction" присутствуют и замечаетельные боевики, например, "Warsong" , и такие баллады как "Love Don't Come Easy" и "You're All I Need". Открывающая альбом композиция, семиминутная "Lights And Thunder", сделана в лучших традициях старого хард-рока. "Mane Attraction" - самый "тяжелый" альбом White Lion. Mike Tramp никогда не пел так агрессивно как на "Warsong", а Vito Bratta не играл таких мощных риффов. Так почему же альбом постигла печальная участь ? Ответ можно найти, посмотрев фильм "Покровские ворота". "Ваш смокинг публике надоел",- говорил один из его героев. То же самое можно сказать и о стиле группы White Lion: как ни пытайся разнообразить музыкальную палитру, из альбома в альбом получается все тот же AOR, который на "Fight To Survive" выглядел свежо, на "Pride" хитово, на "Big Game" зрело, а на "Mane Attraction", увы надоедливо. Помимо этого, на написание главного хита идей у музыкантов не хватило, и они не нашли ничего лучше, чем перепеть песню "Broken Heart" из дебютного альбома. Получилось, бесспорно, здорово, но не ново. Вот этот шаг и стал, по сути, роковым и предопределившим логический конец "Белых Львов". |
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"Mane Attraction" - как раз тот случай, когда моим пальцам лень нажимать на клавиши. Можно долго говорить и спорить о том, что любой коллектив должен не стоять на месте, а развиваться. Но даже в этом случае, к альбому "Mane Attraction" это малоприменимо. Не знаю, чем руководствовались музыканты во главе с Майком Трэмпом, когда решили перепеть и переиграть композицию "Broken Heart" с дебютного альбома "Fight to Survive" и поставить сей опус на новую пластинку 91-го года. Но у меня вариант один: закончили ребята пластинку, и думают, что бы ещё сделать, чтобы свято место пустым не было. И тут их взгляд падает на первый альбом. Слёзы ностальгии текут из глаз, а музыканты радостно перезаписывают то, что они когда-то умели делать. А именно, интересную и качественную музыку. Ситуация почти аналогичная группе Skid Row в 1995 году. И эмоции "Mane Attraction" вызывает примерно те же. Для кого писался этот альбом?! Конечно, и здесь есть светлые пятна, например: "Lights and Thunder", "Warsong" или "Farewell to You". Однако этот звук и сами эти песни настолько далеки от 80-х, насколько это вообще возможно для группы White Lion. Если вам интересен альтернативный хард'н'хэви, то вполне возможно, что эта работа придётся вам по душе. Те же, кто ценит ранний звук команды, скорее всего забросят "Mane Attraction" на самую дальную и пыльную полку. |
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Этот альбом последний и лучший за всю историю данной группы. На нем музыканты отошли от слащаво-глемерского звучания предыдущих альбомов и выдали на-гора мощнейший хард. Честно говоря, не ожидал от White Lion подобного шедевра. Да, да, именно шедевра, каких не много в данном стиле. Все песни 100% хиты. Ни одной слабинки на протяжении всего альбома, который просто пронизан мощью и грустью. Особо отмечу работу гитариста Vito Bratta, поразившего оригинальностью своих партий, чего за ним ранее не наблюдалось. Вокалист Mike Tramp после удаления миндалин стал петь пронзительно потрясающе. Иногда и операции идут на пользу.
По содержанию: Открывают пластинку четыре мощнейших боевика Lights and Thunder, Broken Heart, Leave Me Alone и Love Don't Come Easy. Ни дать, ни взять – хиты. You're All I Need – баллада, не похожая ни на что другое, слишком оригинальна по музыке и вокалу. It's Over грустный боевичок, за которым следует ураганная Warsong, в которой отличились все музыканты. Выше всяких похвал!!! She's Got Everything – опять в десятку! Till Death Do Us Part –еще одна прекраснейшая баллада, Out With the Boys –отличный боевичок, Blue Monday –блюзовая инструменталка – прелестно, Farewell to You – все, отличный финал. 10 из 10 – такой оценки заслуживает этот альбом. Очень уж он оригинален и неповторим для данного стиля. Жаль что последний в карьере White Lion. |
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Не побоюсь сказать, что группа White Lion на стыке 80-х - 90-х лучше всех в мире играла так называемый мелодичный хард-рок. Музыканты не выдавали "на гора" слащавые хиты, как Bon Jovi, или же скучные среднетемповые рок-н-роллы, сдобренные парой баллад, как Warrant, Winger и Ratt периода полураспада. Они писали замечательные композиции, которые действительно слушаются с удовольствием. Не много найдется групп, способных записывать альбомы без проходных песен, а White Lion это удавалось. Нет смысла описывать каждую композицию - все превосходного качества. И еще одна деталь - хотелось бы отметить отличную гитарную работу Vito Bratta. Почему-то пресса рассматривала его только как участника группы, а ведь Vito - замечательный гитарист и композитор. |
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просмотров: 13264 |
There'll be time to wonder
And there will be no crying
There'll be light 'n' thunder
There'll be time to wonder
And there will be no crying
There will be no lying
Yeah there will be no dying
There won't be a hell below
And there won't be no god to follow
No religion, no believing
No confession, no deceiving
I will take you up 'n' higher
Let you see that you believe it
There'll be lights 'n' thunder etc.
Would you like to live forever
Family and friends together
Come inside and see tomorrow
Where happiness replaces sorrow
You can live in harmony
With those who were your enemy
You can do just what you want to
No one here will ever hurt you
I will take you up 'n' higher
Let you find what you desire
Take you to the sky 'n' higher
Let you see that you believe it
There'll be lights 'n' thunder etc.
2. Broken Heart
Here I stand
All alone
Trying to fight the pain
From a broken heart
Why she left me
I don't know
It really doesn't matter anymore
I thought that love could last forever
But here I stand lost and all alone
There is life
Even after a broken heart
Broken heart
You can fight
The pain from a broken heart
Broken heart
Start a new day
But not alone
I'm gonna break away
From this broken heart
I'll meet a woman
I'm gonna take her home
I'll pick up the pieces
And start all over again
I know that life will be much better
I know the sun will shine again
There is life
Even after a broken heart
Broken heart
You can fight
The pain from a broken heart
Broken heart
I know that life will be much better
I know the sun will shine again
There is life
3. Leave Me Alone
I don't care if you don't like the way I look
Can't you see this ain't no Sunday School
I don't really care about your in 'n' outs
Can't you see I ain't nobody's fool
What is this, what is that
I don't care how you wear your hat
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Why don't you free me
And leave me alone
I don't care if you don't want me in your house
I just come 'n' go as I please
You can sing your song about when you were young
I can start a war when you want peace
Close the door, just ignore
But you won't tie me down no more
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Why don't you free me
And leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Why don't you free me
And leave me alone
I don't care if you don't like the way I walk
You don't stop and listen when I talk
I can see that you don't want to understand
Playing in a rock 'n' roll band
You object, you expect
But you don't give me no respect
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Why don't you free me
And leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Why don't you free me
And leave me alone
4. Love Don't Come Easy
There comes a time
When baby you 'n' me
We gotta work it out
Whatever it will be
It feels so right
But somewhere deep inside
You don't know how you feel
You don't know if it is real
Do you want it
Do you need it
'Cause love don't come easy
Do you want it
Do you need it
'Cause love don't come easy
There comes a time
When you wake up one day
Not knowing if our love
Will take us all the way
Then suddenly,
You feel you must decide
If we should carry on
With what we've just begun
You know that it ain't always easy
You know that it ain't always right
When love finds a place in your heart
Do you want it, etc.
You can walk out through this open door
Just like so many times before
If you don't find what you are looking for
You may be lost forevermore
You know that it ain't always easy
You know that it ain't always right
When love finds a place in your heart
There comes a time
When baby you should know
We are gonna make it
You gotta let it show
'Cause I can't wait
And find out in the end
That you will not be standing
Right here by my side
5. You're All I Need
I know that she's waiting
For me to say forever
I know that I sometimes
Just don't know how to tell her
I want to hold and kiss her
Give her my love
Make her believe
'Cause she doesn't know
She doesn't know
You're all I need beside me girl
You're all I need to turn my world
You're all I want inside my heart
You're all I need when we're apart
I know that she's always
There when I need her loving
I know that I've never
Told her how much I love her
I see her face before me
I look in her eyes
Wondering why
She doesn't know
She doesn't know
You're all I need beside me girl
You're all I need to turn my world
You're all I want inside my heart
You're all I need when we're apart
Say, say that you'll be there
Whenever I reach out
To feel your hand in mine
Stay, stay within my heart
Whenever I'm alone
I'll know that you are there
You're all I need beside me girl
You're all I need to turn my world
You're all I want inside my heart
You're all I need when we're apart
You're all I need, etc.
All that I need
Is for you to believe
All that I need
Is ³you
6. It's Over
There's a little note beside this empty bed
I hear the back door slam 'n' baby you're on your way
You know I cried a thousand times before you left
You say that this is it
But baby can't you wait
You take your love and go far away
But I'll be missing your everyday
'Cause it's over
And there's nothing I can do
Yeah it's over
But I'm still in love with you
Over, over, over
But I love you girl
And I want you back again
This house is lonely and cold without you here
I wish the pain inside my heart would disappear
I know that I was wrong to treat you like I did
But don't you think our love deserves a second chance
When all the love is gone from your heart
And everything we had falls apart
Then it's over
And there's nothing I can do
Yeah it's over
But I'm still in love with you
Over, over, over
But I love you girl
And I want you back again
Tears are falling from my eyes as I cry
I only wish that you were here
If only you had told me
If only I had known
Maybe you would still
Be sleeping in my arms
Won't you let me know
Won't you let it show
Now it's over. Etc.
7. War Song
I got the call one summer night
He said you're on tomorrow's flight
My mother cried my sister too
My father said I'm proud of you
I can't believe it's true
We're going after ³who²
And still I wish that I just knew
What are we fighting for
When the price we pay is endless war
What are we fighting for
When all we need is peace
Though I'm blind to what I see
They tell me there's an enemy
I know I gotta get outta here
Insanity is drawing near
Can't take it anymore
I've knocked on heaven's door
No I'm not dying for this war
What are we fighting for
When the price we pay is endless war
What are we fighting for
When all we need is peace
What are we fighting for
Can't we learn from what we've done before
What are we fighting for
When no one ever wins, in war
A young man returns from war
Where he didn't know
What he was fighting for
The streets remained the same
But people'd changed
The medals on his chest
Didn't mean a thing
A tear dropped from the corner of his eye
Did he come come
My grandpa died in Normandy
My brother is still in Vietnam
I know there's nothing good in war
I know 'cause I've been there before
So what am I gonna do
I know this war ain't through
And still I wish that I just knew
What are we fighting for
When the price we pay is endless war
What are we fighting for
When all we need is peace
What are we fighting for
Can't we learn form what we've done before
What are we fighting for
When no one ever wins, in war
8. She's Got Everything
I went to a party
With a friend of mine
Had a couple of beers
And a bottle of wine
There were plenty of women
Dancing everywhere
They were dressed to kill
And knew what to do
She was so outstanding
I just had to make her mine
She could read me like a letter
I had one thing on my mind
She's got everything and I want it
Every little thing she's got is fine
She's got everything and I want it
Every little thing she's got is mine
So we left the party
And went to her place
You could see excitement
Written on my face
So she took me upstairs
Laid me on her bed
When she god undressed
I just lost my head
There were twenty years of woman
There was more than I could eat
She was ready, ripe 'n' willing
I just knew she's taste so sweet
She's got everything, etc.
She was like a fire
She burned like a flame
She cried out my name
In her claim to fame
Then I saw her smiling
From her pretty eyes
She said little boy
We've got work to do
Put the log into the fire
And bullets in the gun
You'll get what you desire
'Cause the night has just begun
She's got everything etc.
9. Till Death Do Us Part
As we talk the golden mile
Down the pretty aisle
I know that you are mine
And there's nothing in this world
That I know that I won't do
To be near you everyday
Every hour every minute
Take my hand and let me lead the way
All through your life
I'll be by your side
Till death do us part
I'll be your friend
My love will never end
Till death do us part
When I wake up everyday
With you lying in my arms
I wonder if I'm dreaming
When I look into your eyes
I just can't believe it's true
That my heart belongs to you
Baby you can have it all
Take my hand and let me lead the way
All through your life
I'll be by your side
Till death do us part
I'll be your friend
My love will never end
Till death do us part
There'll be good times
And there'll be bad
But I will stand beside you woman
All the way
And through the years
As life goes on 'n' on
When snow will fall on winter nights
I'll keep you warm inside
Yeah baby I will
All through your life
I'll be by your side
Till death do us part
I'll be your friend
My love will never end
Till death do us part
10. Out With The Boys
I've been looking Johnny I've been looking for you
I know that you're out there doing what you shouldn't do
I've been calling Johnny I've been calling for you
The streets didn't answer me 'cause they know that you're through
I still recall the nigh when you almost took your life
And we all were staying up all night
To be right by your side
Yeah we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
Yeah we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
I was searching Johnny, I was searching through town
I heard that someone saw you lying around
I was running, Johnny I was running out of time
When I suddenly found you beat up and fallen apart
I thought about the days when we were young 'n' wild
When every girl out on the streets
Turned when we walked by
Yeah we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
Yeah we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
If I could make a wish I'd take you back in time
And we could be the way we were
When we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
When we were out with the boys
We were out to make some noise
11. Blue Monday
12. Farewell To You
Well it's time to say goodbye my friend
I'm glad you stayed until the end
I hope that you've enjoyed the time we spent
Though I know that I will be back again
I don't know just how soon my friend
Until we meet again just think of me
I'll think of you
It was easier to say hello
Than to say goodbye
Now the bus is leaving once again
I bid farewell to you
Oh oh yeah
I remember all the fun we had
And all the tears when times were bad
But you were there when we were down 'n' out
And I know that I will not forget
What was written and what was said
And who was there when we were not on top
Of the world
It was easier, etc.
Yes it's time to say auf Wiedersehn
Sayonata 'n' ciao my friend
You'll always have a place within my heart
And rock will come and rock will go
The scene will change and time will show
But still I hope that I'll be there for you
Be there for me
It was easier, etc.