 Как гласит слоган, взятый четвёркой "биологически опасных" ребят на вооружение на живых выступлениях - "Biohazard from Brooklyn, New York, IN YOUR FACE!". Собственно, сей девиз можно считать исчерпывающим объяснением того, о чём их дебютная работа (да и большинство последующих, в принципе) - это именно что ярость улиц, правда жизни прямиком с загаженных и поражённых всевозможными пороками улочек криминального Бруклина. Скорость и техничность исполнения (не дайте "провинциальному" происхождению парней себя обмануть - уровень владения инструментами тут очень даже приличный) ясно дают понять слушателю: жизнь - это не рассадник радуги и единорогов, и чтобы выжить в этой мясорубке, придётся соображать быстро, а действовать - ещё быстрее. Тебя ждёт настоящий ураган из потрясений и испытаний - предательство и воровство от тех, кого ты ещё вчера называл братьями ("Retribution"), произвол полиции и разборки между бандами ("Wrong Side Of The Tracks"), школа выживания на улицах, где смерть может ожидать за любым углом ("Survival Of The Fittest", "Justified Violence"), и много чего ещё... Но ведь всё, что не убивает тебя, делает сильнее, не так ли? Лирика максимально искренняя и "неподкупная" и передаёт всю грязь этого мира через наушники прямиком в мозг слушателя.
По музыкальной составляющей придраться не получится от слова "совсем" - четверо парней выдают настоящую лавину звука, натурально сносящую с ног своим напором и неподдельной злостью исполнения. Великолепная работа ритм-секции (прежде всего барабанные партии маэстро Шулера, который уже на первом альбоме доказывает свой статус одного из крутейших ударников своего жанра), острые, как бандитская заточка, гитарные риффы, великолепные "рок-н-ролльные" соло Бобби Хембела (и его же акустические вставки в некоторых треках, демонстрирующие неплохой багаж знаний классической музыки) и, конечно же, фирменный вокальный дуэт Эвана Сайнфелда и Билли Грациади - их вокальный контраст сразу же стал визитной карточкой коллектива.
Выделить какие-то сильные композиции вряд ли получится - на протяжении 13-ти убойнейших композиций вы услышите и оголтелые хардкорные номера с бешеными сбивками, и среднетемповые боевики (отдельный плюс за великолепный инструментал "Skinny Song"), и фортепианные "передышки" ("Scarred For Life"). Вокальные способности Эвана и Билли, конечно, не отличаются каким-то запредельным диапазоном октав или академичностью, но разве это всё здесь уместно? Голоса обоих музыкантов достаточно убедительно передают злобу и раздражение обычных уличных парней, насмотревшихся на всякое с ранних лет. Забавно и то, что Билли поёт преимущественно с надрывом, в основном выкрикивая свои фразы, в то время как Эван зачастую выдаёт более "спокойные" (временами даже напрашивается слово "мелодичные") партии, местами даже откровенно заигрывая с хип-хоп читкой, что также положительно сказывается на звучании пластинки, добавляя должного разнообразия и колорита.
Пожалуй, один из сильнейших альбомов не только Нью-Йоркской хардкор-сцены, но и жанра в целом. Наряду с "One Voice" Agnostic Front и "Just Look Around" Sick Of It All, дебютник "Биоугрозы" стал для меня одним из ярчайших представителей хардкора 90-х. Scarred For Life! |
Когда-то Biohazard и данный релиз в особенности стал для меня настоящим открытием.
В основе альбома лежит настоящая уличная ярость, свойственная, наверно, только бруклинцам (тусовки в грязных местах под мостами, наркотики, хулиганство и т.д.), неимоверная энергия и кач.
Риффы очень сбалансированы, в меру грязны и не глушат все остальное, вокальные партии перемешиваются на куплетах и припевах, в целом вокал не эмоционален, но иногда это меняется в зависимости от направленности текста (хотя на них я акцент никогда не делаю).
Это не музыка - это прорыв. Убойнейший альбом, убойнейшей группы. Десять баллов из десяти. |
You better change your foolish ways
This world does not need
Always finding new friends to betray
Payback now
Gonna get yours
what's coming to you
Gonna get yours,
It's the big payback now
See what you've done to me you fool,
I payback now
Backstabber, Payback now
I can't find reason to believe
any word you say is true
Always living surrounded by lies
unless it comes from deep within
Honesty's not for you
Your actions will end in your demise
Payback now
ChorusI entrusted you
and you stabbed me in the back
Trust is what you earn
Tell me that respect I lack
Reason to believe any other word to use
for what you've done to me
In the end you'll be the one to lose
In the end you'll be the one to lose
I entrusted you - wrong
And you stabbed me in the back
Trust is wat you earn - fool
Tell me that respect I lack
Reason to belive - lies
Any other word to use
for what you've done to me
In the end you'll be the one to lose
Gonna get yours
what's coming to you
Gonna get yours,
It's the big payback now
See what you've done to me you fool,
I payback now
Backstabber, Payback now
I can't find reason to believe
any word you say is true
Always living surrounded by lies
unless it comes from deep within
Honesty's not for you
Your actions will end in your demise
Payback now
I entrusted you
and you stabbed me in the back
Trust is what you earn
Tell me that respect I lack
Reason to believe any other word to use
for what you've done to me
In the end you'll be the one to lose
In the end you'll be the one to lose
I entrusted you - wrong
And you stabbed me in the back
Trust is wat you earn - fool
Tell me that respect I lack
Reason to belive - lies
Any other word to use
for what you've done to me
In the end you'll be the one to lose
2. Victory
Life, a losing battle
Existence I abhor
Lives, condemned by sins
of those who lived before
Distraught, depressed
World of confusion
Victory of death
The only solution
Every day is agony
My thoughts are so unclear
To face my harsh reality
There's no one I endear
3. Blue Blood
Born at the bottom
Struggle to find a way
You can feel the power
It's growing every day
Fight for a change,
Can't wait until tomorrow
Make a difference on this day
and al the rest will follow
Blue blood
Working class survives
Don't forget your libertyBlue Blood
Working class survived
That's how we came to beBlue blood
working class survives
Don't forget your liberty
Chains must be broken if ever to be free
Blue collar workers screaming "Liberty"
Respect, pride and honor
is what we want to see
Tall proud working class
from sea to shining sea
Seeds are sown, within own,
We shall not digress
Cries of justice can't be suppressed
Across the land the wheels are now in motion
Calloussed hands create a just commotion
It shouldn't be
a working class surpressed
We would rise above
with strength to contest
Our homeland will shine
to that I will attest
With blue collar pride
We'll show that America is the best
The fathers of this nation
laid the foundation
Working man's sweat
is what built this nation
Winds of change rearrange
when all is said and done
We will forge ahead
the battle will be won!
Working class will rise above,
standing tall and proud
Working class above - Blue blood
Working class will rise above
we will not forget
Working class above - Blue blood
Working class will rise above
standing tall and proud
Working class above - Blue Blood
4. Howard Beach
Total uproar, Media explodes
Inter-racial violence totally unloads
Those not from the streets speak naivetees
Urban youth repeat it's just reality
Howard Beach
Media raging, A battle of TV ratings
Jackass bureaucracy fuels
the fire of hating
Unfortunate happening of
a young man's death
Creating racial tension with every breath
Howard Beach
Media Bullshit
Next time you put on the TV screen
And the man is preaching
About shit he's never seen
Change the channel and ignore the fool
Get out in the streets
then you go to school
5. Wrong Side Of The Tracks
You're a fish out of water on the wrong side of the tracks
Gather up the boys to come and take your back
We stand all together against the opposed
We'll die for our brethren, that we have chose
On the wrong - side of the tracks
On the wrong - side of the tracks
Escalation, war in the streets
Catch one sucker and he gets beat
What you see is what you get
Soft motherfuckers will soon meet their end
On the wrong - side of the tracks
On the wrong - side of the tracks
And when you're in fuckin' Brooklyn
You best watch your back!
It took you damn long
To hear me sing this song
Cuz I'm the motherfucker from the wrong
Side of the tracks
Yo! Hey I'm from around the way
You'd better not stray on the wrong
Side of the tracks
Ducking from the 5-0
Didn't know where to go
Never should've stepped on the wrong
Side of the tracks
Hey! Yo cuz I'm good to go
I gotta get back from the wrong
Side of the tracks
Across the tracks
No one takes your back
Across the tracks
The boys in the gang
Want to see me hang
Well I had my bells rang on the wrong
Side of the tracks
Strapped, a broken pact
Caught in a trap on the wrong
Side of the tracks
Wrong or right, I had to fight
I ran for daylight to the right
Side of the tracks
A lesson to learn
When the tables are turned
YOu might get burned on the wrong
Side of the tracks
6. Justified Violence
Tough times ahead of me
Tough times behind
I fight for my life, I fight till I die
I fight to save my mind
It's justified violence
It burns from within
Sometimes a man must fight
It's not always a sin
It's not a sin!
Justified violence
Justified violence!
An innocent victim becomes the pun,
hat thriving fools in search of some fun
It's not fun to fight ten to one
Some won't accept it
that you won't conform
Like bees upon honey the animals swarm
Unjust acts come back to you, I warn
Those who don't fight fair,
you'd best beware
Fight to be yourself
Do unto others
as you'd have done to you
A beating was given in an unfair fight,
revenge is planned, a posse in the night
Street justice decides wrong from right
For the blood and the honor
the sucker will pay,
we will show them the meaning of prey
Today is judgement day
When you're latying face down
and you're part of the ground
What comes around goes around
Justified violence
When you're down in the streets
get back on your feet
Defending you're pride for justified violence
Justified violence [x3]
7. Skinny Song
8. Hold My Own
It looks like the system
tries to hold me down
But guess what? I ain't fucking around
You can't deny the pride
that I have shown
I grind hard and I must hold my own
Coming from the gutter
It's so hard to get ahead
Taking no one's bullshit
and working for my bread
The future don't look positive,
the rat race holds me down
What a struggle keeping
two feet on the ground
Someday I'll have my peace of mind
I'll keep fightin', one day I will find
A decent life where self-respect is shown
Until then I must hold my own
Always under pressure
I take things as they come
Always looking up,
look out for number one!
My views got you in check,
I never back down,
I pack a hard punch,
and I always stand my ground
I - will not back down
Holding my own, I stand my ground
You will not break me
My belief is my way can't you see?
Coming from the gutter
It's so hard to get ahead
Taking no one's bullshit
and working for my bread
The future don't look positive,
the rat race holds me down
What a struggle keeping
two feet on the ground
Never back down
9. Pain
Agony - Inside my head
Making me wish - wish that I was dead
For all the dues in life that I have paid
I've been caught
locked in a world of rage
I look inside myself,
I see a great big blank
I look around me
and there is no one to thank
I think about the crazy shit
that I have done
This game of life - can it be won?
Pain - feel my agony
as it turns into my rage
in life full of anguish
can't you see I live in
Hell - becomes misery
metamorphasizing hate
I contemplate my demise
can't you feel my pain?
Searching for a better way
In a world with it's eyes closed
Hold your head up high
10. Panic Attack
Which way to turn, is there any way out?
Inside my mind I scream and shout
Terrible anguish,
what's happening to me?
Somebody please set my soul free
Dug induced or maybe insane
What the fuck is wrong with my brain?
Only grows stronger, pain it grows bigger
Somebody please pull the damn trigger
Anxiety, the panic attack
Any way for me to get back
Heart is racing, mind is a blur
Cold sweat, palpitations occur
Discontent with life
Get this monkey of my back
Anxiety, the panic attack
Someone to talk or maybe a friend
Only draws nearer the ominous end
Heart racing faster, just might explode
It's all in my head, that's what I'm told
Consummate professional curing my ills,
Stop wasting my time
with those dumb little pills
Who can I cry to? I turn here and there
Tears on my pillow, I rip out my hair
Lost count of the girls
Still I'm not sane or content
with this world
Discontent with life
Discontent with life
11. Survival Of The Fittest
Only the strong survive
Living all these days for myself, not you
Mind your own business I do what I do
All of you who like to preach all day
Now hear what I have to say
The smell of leather makes me high
I feel good inside when you cry
nor remorse is felt when you sigh
because skin keeps me warm and dry
To wear my boots, I'll take a hide
To feed my face, I'll kill with pride
In this world of survival
Those with strength will have no rival
I'll smile as I drive down the street
sitting in my car with plush leather seats
survival of the fittest and that is the beat
and I eat all of the meat
Don't get me wrong
I come from the streets
I'll tell you now it's strong over weak
You slow - you blow
and you will meet your defeat
Now you will understand
You will understand now
12. There & Back
I've just returned from a long round trip
Many tales I have to tell
Now I don't get high
so you think I'm not hip
But I've seen the gates of Hell
How can a youth rise above all the shit
When surrounded
by such lousy influence?
He clutched the pipe, took his last hit
And nobody's heard from him since
In this world of confusion
Drugs were my solution
The pain was breaking my heart
I shut out my reality
Nearing my fatality
found myself falling apart
Miserable, horrible, life such an obstacle
Making my own matters worse
To end up dead in a dark alleyway
Or to ride in the back of a hearse
To die for a cause like pride or respect
Or honor would make you quite worthy
A pitiful waste to live in the sewer
And die before you reach thirty
Cop a bag as a crutch
copping out, lose so much
hangin' out, dippin' butts
Lost my mind smoking dust
There and back
Back in the days I was living a lie
Too cool to show my feelings
too cool to cry
Lost in a fog and unsure of my friends
With a one way ticket
headed straight for the end
As the flames burnt the rope
and my spirit cut loose
I found my self wrapped
in an emotional noose
I said to myself continue no longer
Today I face the world with a mind
that is stronger
Spent my time gettin' nice
I crapped out rolling dice
Look at me and my scars
Now I live pure and hard
There and back
13. Scarred For Life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Memory, for all eternity
There forever of how it used to be
Scarred for life, try to forget the past
And if you hold your head up high
The sweet pain won't last
I can't seem to rid
this memory from my head
it's gonna rip and dig into my brain
until I'm dead
The pain and anguish just won't go away
I'm frightened to believe in God
who I just might betray
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Stigmitazed, you will realize
That this fucked up world
sees through shaded eyes
Through my scars, every victim has cried
"Time will heal all of your wounds"
Who ever told me that died
I can't seem to rid
this memory from my head
Scarred for life
it's gonna rip and dig into my brain
until I'm dead
Scarred for life
The pain and anguish just won't go away
Scarred for life
I'm frightened to believe in God
who I just might betray
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life