 Странно что до сих пор нет рецензии на этот гениальный дебютный альбом. На дворе стоит 1988 год, Каннибалы вот-вот запишут своё первое демо... А тут уже такое... С заглавного трека становится ясно, что ребята шутить не намерены. Иссушающие риффы, сумасшедшие барабанные партии, бас, так и грозящийся разорвать всё на клочья, плотной стеной звука нагоняет и без того с лишком хватающую атмосферу.
Вокал тоже очень интересен, на большинстве треках звучит жесточайший гроулинг, но в некототрых песнях встречается и рычаще-чистый вокал. Соло воистину можно назвать зубодробительными, такой энергетики и напора нынче уже не услышишь. Большой интерес вызывают гитары, первая настроена очень низко под создание ритма, вторая же напоминает звук раскалённого от вращения металлического диска со всей силы впивающегося в сталь. В общем, абсолютный мастхэв для всех ценителей жанра. |
Armies falling to our wrath
Warriors of power marching to fight
Destruction, killing, all that's in sight
Raise the shield or be cast into death
Take a final look, your final breath
Innocent victims of war
No turning back, in battle there is no law
Awaiting the slaughter, time stands still
Thoughts fade away, so does your will
Enemy close in, blood on their minds
You won't die once, die a thousand times
Soldiers of hatred, killing corps of war
Bodies litter the field, what was it for?
Stench of death, no victory for this night
Plead for mercy, you have no right
2. Challenge For Power
Final challenge laid down
Decision on victory is death
Ultimate forces rise
Building weapons of strength
Wheels of war again roll
Strategic tactics are planned
Military minds take control
Ownership of the domain
Taste to conquer grows strong
Ruler of all that remains
Agony for conquest prolongs
Call for the power to rise
Battle of strength within strives
Total authority demands
Ruling territorial lands
Fighting for total command this night
Successor to take up control
Aggression overthrows fear
Your downfall slowly unfolds
Burning quest for power
Possess minds as they fight
Domination and destruction
Reign in glory of might
Challenge for power ends
Battle cry for victory (sound) no more
Ultimate forces have grown
Rising from the slaughter of war
Rulers of the seven nights rise
The future of mankind unfolds
Hail the dawning of a new age
The master race shall now take control
3. Forgotten Existence
Storms calm neon skies
Still chilling winds roam the nulear wastes
Haunting the conscience of a forgotten existence
Civilisation's mistake
Peace at last takes it's grip on the land
For a moment time stands still
Existing in the debris of bygone wars
Hope breeds an incentive not to kill
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Resurrect mankind sacrificed to power
From ruins to the birth of a new reality
Rising from the ashes of past destruction
Civilisations, new existence
Lost in a void without future or past
Shattered mind in the presence of pain
Domineering desolation
Controlling the solitary plains
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Darkest fears dwell in man's mind
Insight to depths of what will be
Reclaimation from the paths of destruction
From ruins to the birth of a new reality
Construction from destruction
Bringing back life to mankind
Rebuilding an existence sacrificed for power
A future with hope to find
Existence declines, extinction mankind
A lifetime of time slips away
Existence - Declines
Extinction (of) Mankind
Lifetime - Of time
Now slips - Away
4. Denial Of Destiny
Denial of your destiny
Your future - Your fate - I control
Denounce your past existence
Your life means nothing to you now
Enslaved by the power of fear
The torture - The pain - I unleash
Suffering at the hands of command
Mercy for you is out of reach
Brainwashed, past lost
Now taught only to obey
Mind scan, thought ban
All that exists is all that I say
The future you see
Is my enforced reality
Command me obey
Your mind now belongs to me
The executioner of all recollection
To eliminate the memories you hold
5. Blind To Defeat
Led to the slaughter, your life in their hands
Destroying maiming at will
Spread all around, deep in the group
Trenches for corpses to fill
Advance to attack - Forward to death no retreat
Onward they charge - Running blind to defeat
Battlefield graveyard bodies pile high
Laid to rest where they fall
Merciless war which they had fought
They showed no mercy at all
Advance to attack - Forward to death no retreat
Onward they charge - Running blind to defeat
Another assault - Counter attack
Half the battalions gone
Numbers decreased masses deceased
The mindless killing goes on
Advance to attack - Forward to death no retreat
Onward they charge - Running blind to defeat
6. Concession Of Pain
No justice found
Beneath the blackened clouds of war
Attack in the darkness
No peace before the dawn
Killer instinct, sadistic tendency
Aggression breeding hatred, kill all enemies
Powersurge eliminates remorse for mankind
Hopelessness, domination freezes in the mind
Dormant hatre lies in state
Hands of death await your fate
Concession of pain, taste for power
Life awaits its final hour
Locked in conscience, strange mess of thoughts
Privilege of pain, gained the power sought
Mass enforcement, total control
Captives of command, fallen to our hold
Dark torment of the fear inside
Domination takes away your pride
Dormant hatred lies in state
Hands of death await your fate
Concession of pain, taste for power
Life awaits its final hour
No justice found
Beneath the blackened clouds of war
Attack in the darkness
No peace before the dawn
7. Attack In The Aftermath
All is lost, survival is all that remains
Dying at will, there is no pain
Memories of hate run deep in my mind
Body's numb, no feelings toward mankind
Ruins fall, the war zone lies in decay
Wounded crawl, dying, lying they pray
Fallen dead row on row line the path
Streams of blood run thick in the aftermath
Fighting for life
Defending yourself from the night
The strong shall survive
Weak shall fall to their plight
Fight to the death or surrender to their wrath
Attacking in might, attack in the aftermath
8. Psychological Warfare
Psychological warfare
Still bear the scars from a past war ceased
Neurological nightmare
Torture suffered holds the mind from peace
Can't face reality unrestrained mentality
Hiding from the darkness of your insanity
Driven to soul despairs
Madness in your mind tears
No escape from this mental insanity
Captive life, held in past
Deranged memories still burning in your brain
Thoughts of pain, darkest dreams
Self-inflicted torture, eating at your mind
Punishment, no pain release
Captive to the darkness of this psychotic insanity
Tearing in deep mind
Madness dwells with pain
Destruction of your life
Renders you insane
9. Nuclear Annihilation
Holocaust, nuclear Annihilation
Final blow, life eradication
Night turns to day, a blinding flash
Total deafness from the blast
No warning, no time
Split second, no chance of escape
Confusion of mind
Panic sets in, uncontrollable state
Crimson clouds melt the skies
Acid rain, slaying storm
Massacre lifeforms destruction born
Total possession of the atmosphere
Oxygen capacity
Extiction is drawing near
Hide from the air nobody breathes
Eyes see pain, body bleeds
Poisonous gas, chokes your breath
Active fallout, burning flesh
Gasping for air, suffering you lay
Slow suffocation
Torment as time slips away
Survival craves in the minds that live
Hunger to take, no more to give
Living dead, parasites feed
Contaminations, mutations breed
Disease takes it's toll
Wiping out thousands each day
Infection controls
Pray for death as the living decay
Toxic chemicals, pollution stays
Terminal madnss seeks it's prey
Life takes life, mass genocide
Desolate void opens wide
Mass suicides
Ending it all tho ease the pain
Fear rots inside
Suffering now drives you insane