« DevilDriver »
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1 | Nothing's Wrong?
 | 2 | I Could Care Less
 | 3 | Die (And Die Now)
 | 4 | I Dreamed I Died
 | 5 | Cry for Me Sky (Eulogy of the Scorned)
 | 6 | The Mountain
 | 7 | Knee Deep
 | 8 | What Does It Take (To Be a Man)
 | 9 | Swinging the Dead
 | 10 | Revelation Machine
 | 11 | Meet the Wretched
 | 12 | Devil's Son
 | | Total playing time: 41:11 |
   Dez Fafara – Vocals
Mike Spreitzer - Guitar
Jeff Kendrick - Guitar
Jon Miller - Bass
John Boecklin - Drums |
 | 1. Nothing's Wrong?
- There's nothing wrong - With what you do and what you say - There's nothing wrong - Pure will will get you through - - Why
can't you see you're in my way? - Your ways are killing you - - Do what thou wilt - Shall be the whole of the law - Do what thou
wilt - All they und |
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 Первый альбом. Популярность дэткора в последнее время переходит все рамки. Появляется огромное количество групп, играющих в этом стиле, но очень немногие команды могут предложить что-то действительно интересное. Одной из таких способных формаций и является Devildriver. Предложенный ими материал представляет собой облегчённую версию дэта, но не лишённую брутальности и драйва, кои здесь имеются в громадных порциях. Немалую роль в этом играет фронтмен команды Дез Фафара (ex-Coal Chamber), чей запоминающийся вокал, который варьируется от просто грубого голоса до скрима и гроула (весьма впечатляющего), добавляет в музыку группы немалую дозу агрессии. На восприятие альбома влияет звук, удачно сочетающий в себе драйв и мягкость одновременно. Что касается песен, то тут есть маленький минус – если слушать треки поодиночке, то совсем даже ничего получается, но если прослушать весь альбом подряд, то ближе к середине будет мучить лёгкое ощущение однообразности, но, к счастью, не настолько сильное, чтобы испортить прослушивание композиций. Наиболее яркими моментами на альбоме я назову боевики “Die”, “The Mountain”, “Devil’s Son” и, разумеется, главный хит диска – “I Could Care Less”, запоминающийся с первого раза и обладающий мрачным клипом. Вывод: очень современный метал, действительно тяжёлый. Думаю, эта работа понравится любителям новомодных направлений в тяжёлой музыке, а также людям, желающим услышать дэт с другой стороны. |
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Что получится, если очень хочется играть дэт-метал, но мастермайнд проекта имеет релевантный опыт только в "нюхе"? Правильно, первый альбом DevilDriver, куда как более простой и незамысловатый, но в то же время более харизматичный, нежели последующие работы: в наивном желании соорудить самый экстремальный альбом за свою карьеру Дез в компании ноунеймов подкупает своей искренностью, в то время, как аккурат после "The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand" группа скатилась в какую-то нудную (pardon my French) суходрочку, методично клепая раз в 2-3 года утомительно-однообразные альбомы на стыке грува и мелодэта, прекрасно вписывающиеся в трендовый мелодик-металкор, исправно хаваемые той же аудиторией, что потребляет продукцию Trivium и Killswitch Engage, и патологически не запоминающиеся вообще ничем.
Жанрово альбом соотносится преимущественно с грув-метал (и никаких соло - старик Грацианыч одобряет); какие-то околодэтовые потуги прослеживаются в "Nothing's Wrong" (основной рифф и унаследованное от трэша двухбочечное стаккато в высоком темпе), "Die (And Die Now)" (куда даже насыпали бластбитов)... может быть, ещё не шибко популярные в груве ритмические паттерны, использованные во вступлениях и далее по ходу развития "The Mountain" и "Swinging The Dead", и также в "Meet The Wretched" есть презанятный фрагмент на третьей минуте, когда гитары зарядили интригующий рифф и вроде бы ритм-секция обязана была как следует разогнаться и полноценно дать резвого дэта, но почему-то не стала; безусловно, DevilDriver также активно эксплуатирует характерные скорее для дэта темы смерти и оккультизма в лирике и названиях песен. Но в остальном это напичканный озверином "Dark Days" предыдущей группы Деза, в котором регулятор агрессии выкрутили до предела путём замещения типичных "мазафакерских" риффов и запоминающихся мотивчиков (причём не до конца - "I Could Care Less", например) более традиционными "дж-дж-дж" со вкраплениями несложных, зато нарочито мрачных мелодий; ну и ритмика поразнообразнее даже в рамках отдельно взятых вещей. Упрощённый и смягчённый грув-метал, по сути, превращается в nu metal уровня "злее среднего" - так вот, альбом "DevilDriver" показывает, что в обратную сторону это тоже работает (и никакой дэткор, которым затэгован альбом в базе данных, тут не ночевал даже близко).
Что занятно, ещё не успевший как-то эволюционировать со времён Coal Chamber подход Деза к сочинению лирики (и, соответственно, последующему его воплощению в виде вокальных партий) оказывается вполне уместен: навязчиво повторяемые исступленные кричалки-заклинания в припевах не раздражают и притом исправно выполняют возложенную на них функцию ear-worms, причём гораздо лучше, чем качающие риффы - всё же, к примеру, злющий протяжный скрим "Revelation machiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" врезается в память гораздо лучше, чем аккомпанирующая ему гитарная партия.
Да, вот такое странное восприятие у автора рецензии: дебют DevilDriver, опасно граничащий с квадратной тупизной в своей наивной простоте - единственная работа во всей дискографии группы, о которой вообще захотелось что-либо написать: если на последующем релизе группа, заметно поднатаскавшись в формальном усложнении музыки, ещё смогла в несколько запоминающихся песен, то, начиная с 2007 года, все их полноформатники стали носить какой-то одноразовый характер (а смысл переслушивать альбом, если на нём вообще ничего не цепануло?) - и похвалить особо не за что, и образцово-показательно поглумиться не над чем (разве что подивиться средним баллам), при всей их жёсткости и техничности. И вот "DevilDriver", пусть и через периодически вызываемый у слушателя одобрительный гогот, таки возвышается поверх этой череды альбомов "гордым утёсом в океане вяло плещущихся фекалий" (© известный бывший старший оперуполномоченный). |
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просмотров: 21975 |
killing me - Killing me - Killing you - - So go fuck yourself anyway - Keep this hunger - - There's nothing wrong - With how I
live my life today - There's nothing wrong - So go fuck yourself anyway - - Why can't you see you're in my way?
2. I Could Care Less
- Every time you speak my name - My image it just burns away - Every time you speak my name - My image it just burns away - -
Gimme that - - I could care less than for your grandiosity - I had to skin the cat for curiosity - I could care less than for
your sickening, pompous ways - Every time you speak my name my image burns away - - I could care less - - Don't you know our
lives are on trial now - And if we lose we're going straight to Hell - - Gimme that - - You must excuse me I'm just really not
myself - Woke up today inside, inside of someone else - I could care less than for your sickening, pompous ways - Every time you
speak my name my image burns away - - I could care less - - Don't you know our lives are on trial now - And if we lose we're
going straight to Hell - Straight to Hell - - I could care less - Straight to Hell
3. Die (And Die Now)
- Blood is my life - Blood is the road - Every time I have to write another hate song - This is the last great hate song - -
Scorned is this life - Scarred is my soul - Every time I have to write another hate song - This is the last great hate song - -
Let's get it out, let's get it straight - I wish you were dead - - Don't mistake kindness for weakness - Front and center for
another ass-kicking - Don't mistake
survival for forgiveness - Front and center for another ass-whooping - I am the dog that forever bites back - Forever on attack,
watching my back - I am the dog that forever bites back - Forever on attack, watching my back - - Die and die now - I wish you
were dead - - Feast on life - The beast, the road - Every time I have to write another hate song - This is the last great hate
song - - Let's get it out, let's get it straight - I wish you were dead - - Don't mistake mercy for forgiveness - Front and
center for another life lesson - Don't forgive, damn sure don't forget - Damn sure won't forget - I am the dog that forever bites back - Forever on
attack, watching my back - I am the dog that forever bites back - Forever on attack, watching my back - - Die and die now - I
wish you were dead - Die... - - Curses from my life - Curses from my soul - This is the last great hate song - This is the last
great hate song - - Damn sure won't forget...die - Damn sure won't forget...die - Damn sure won't forget...die - Damn sure won't
4. I Dreamed I Died
Destroy all
Destroy all or nothing
I dreamed I died, ended up at the gates of Heaven
Greeted by a man Saint Someone, said how's the ride son?
It's been alright, at times a little rough, why am I here?
You did alright, lived a little dark and that's alright
'Cause we made the darkside and the rightside is to have no fear, no fear
My whole life flashed in front of me
I saw everything that I was and what I had done
Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun
Yes, a little fun
And then I heard "Damn boy, you done good,
Did the every little thing that you could."
And then I heard "Damn boy, you done good - Damn good!"
When you hear the call, bury them all
Destroy all or nothing
When I hear the call, I will bury them all
I will destroy all or nothing
When the sky opened up and the clouds parted clear
There wasn't any doubt to why I was here
And I knew I'd done a good job, the best job that I could do
So now it was time to move on, to get on, to get back
To the question of why I was here and what I had learned, no fear
My whole life flashed in front of me
I saw everything that I was and what I had done
Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun
Yes, a little fun
And then I heard "Damn boy you done good,
Did every little thing that you could."
And then I heard "Damn boy you done good - Damn good!"
When you hear the call, bury them all
Destroy all or nothing
When I hear the call, I will bury them all
I will destroy all or nothing
My whole life
My whole life (flashed)
My whole life flashed in front of my eyes
(My whole life) flashed (My whole life) in front of my eyes
Goddamn, wake up, bad dream
Goddamn, wake up, bad dream, bad dream
When you hear the call, bury them all
Destroy all or nothing
When I hear the call, I will bury them all
I will destroy all or nothing
5. Cry For Me Sky (Eulogy Of The Scorned)
- Right! - Let's move, move! - - In this life I've known nothing but seeds you've sown - I've walked the highways and I've
combed the side roads - It's been a joy of highs, oh the pain of lows - I met the Devil at the heart of the crossroads - I share
a soul with a hunting hound - My blood's a red river that flows through every town - No - Have you ever felt like I have? - - Cry
for me sky - Cry for me, scorned, scorned - - Live this life insane, nothing but pouring rain - I'm an outlaw, it's amazing I'm
sane - Born and dressed in black, my soul is fighting back - Fueling Hell and raising cain, cain, cain - No - Have you ever felt
like I have? - - Cry for me sky - - Right - Get the fuck up, get up... - - When I'm a ghost and gone, I'll be remembered strong -
By all I've met, by friends and family - When I'm lowered down, six feet in the ground - There won't be a sound except for crows
wailing - - Cry for me sky
6. The Mountain
- Storm coming in me, bad weather just makes me breathe - Watch as the sky turns grey, life ebbs and flows away - Wait, before I
go, I'll make them all eat crow - Play the hand life deals, everything my way, now kneel - I'm a tree, roots firm in dirt, I've
had my share of hurt - Move fast 'cause the time is short, 'cause the time is short - - Don't ask me to lose 'cause I'm born now
to win - And I'm building this mountain from outside within - All you outsiders, you haters and liars - Your time is just
counting so come meet the mountain - - Storm, strength coming on strong, rain wash away life's wrongs - Willing straight from the
start, strike fear into their heart - Sometimes you wish you'd never been born but then here comes the storm - And just as the
sky turns black, the voices say attack - Move fast 'cause the time is short, 'cause the time is short - Move fast 'cause the time
is short, 'cause the time is short - - Don't ask me to lose 'cause I'm born now to win - And I'm building this mountain from outside
within - - All you outsiders, you haters and liars - Your time is just counting so come meet the mountain - - Come meet the mountain
- - Falling, life - Life ebbs and flows away - Don't ask me to lose 'cause I'm born now to win - And I'm building this mountain from
outside within - All you haters and liars just come meet the mountain
7. Knee Deep
- What do I have to do...for this? - - I love this, please push me harder - I just keep getting meaner - I'm growing from the pain
- How about you! Shit - - Life, it's hard, it makes me stronger - A warrior seeking victory - I'll push it 'til the end, push it
'til the end - Push it 'til the end, shit the end, shit the end - - Knee deep in the shit - All together in the pit - All forever
in the shit for this - - Pirate, poet, fucking killer - It's all what you've made me - What has life made you - Made you, shit -
- Life, chalk it up to desire - Of which I've had my fill - I just keep pushing forward, keep pushing forward still - Keep
pushing forward still, shit, still, shit, still - - Knee deep in the shit - All together in the pit - All forever in the shit for
this - - So if you feel the need, bring it, bring it - And if you just want to spit it out, bring it, bring it - And if you just
see your way clear then, bring it, bring it - - Knee deep in the shit - All together in the pit - All forever in the shit for
this - - Knee deep in the shit - For this - Knee deep in the shit - For this
8. What Does It Take (To Be A Man)
- On a day-to-day there's no way most men make it through - I got to tell you now - Family tied to me, I'm doing just what I got
to do - I got to tell you now - All a man's got is his word and to keep himself free - Do with your life what you will, stay away
from my family - Born blue collar been working since I was thirteen - My father was up at five and broke his back to keep us
clean - My mother sweated and slaved and suffered for the family - So when you push me don't think that I won't shove - I got to
tell you now - - What does it take to be a man, what does it take!?! - - On a day-to-day there's no way most men make it through
- I got to tell you now - Family tied to me, I'm doing just what I got to do - I got to tell you now - When I was a young man I
was told to take a stand - And damn it boy, you better stick to a plan - So on a day-to-day you better walk a man's path - Learn
how to walk a man's mile, get that game face smile - Don't put up with people who get in your way - And when you push don't think
that I won't shove - I got to tell you now - - What does it take to be a man, what does it take!?! - - Work!!! - - What does it
take to be a man, what does it take!?!
9. Swinging The Dead
Swinging the dead - - Get it up, pick it up, chilling thrilling sounds of the rock 'n roll haunted - It's the graveyard sound
with the monster thrash for the demon haunted - Get it up, dig 'em up, chilling thrilling sounds of the rock 'n roll haunted -
It's the graveyard sound, it's the graveyard sound for the evil-hearted - Ride if you like, ride if you like - - Swinging the
dead, swinging the dead - Deathride - - Go - - Pick it up, fuck it up, this swinging sound it's got them moving - It's the
graveyard sound, it's the evil sound, this demon's got heart - Pick it up, fuck it up, this swinging sound it's got them moving -
You scream for blood, you scream for flesh, just keep the bodies - Moving - - Swinging the dead, swinging the dead - Deathride -
- Go and swing it!! - - Get it, up pick it up, chilling thrilling sounds of the rock 'n roll haunted - It's the graveyard sound
with the monster thrash for the demon haunted - Pick it up, fuck it up, this swinging sound it's got them moving - You scream for
blood, you scream for flesh, keep the bodies moving - Ride if you like, ride if you like, deathride - - Swinging the dead, swinging
the dead - Deathride
10. Revelation Machine
- Don't you worry about their kind - They'll be gone long after time - We'll be here, yes we'll be fine, we'll be fine - All the
treasure that they sought - Has led them, bled them, just fear not - All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were not -
When they think your scene - All they think, the green - Don't you know just what I mean, just what I mean - All the treasure
that they sought - Has led them, bled them, just fear not - All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were not - Revelation
machine --- move - Revelation machine --- get up and move - - We are bringing what is raw - We are bringing tooth and claw - Oh
your show, yes that I saw, yes that I saw - But after two times it got old - Yes the story it got cold - After two times it got
old, bought and sold - Join me now in saying fuck - Join me now in saying you - Join me know in saying fuck you, fuck you - All
the treasure that they sought - Has led them, bled them, just fear not - All their souls, their souls were bought, ours were
not - - Revelation machine --- move - Revelation machine --- get up and move - Revelation, revelation, revelation, revelation
- Come, here, with, me, now, it's, the trip, it's so good - Come here with me now - Come here with me now - - Revelation,
revelation, revelation - Revelation machine --- move - Revelation machine --- get up and move - Revelation, revelation, revelation,
11. Meet The Wretched
Meet the wretched - It's calling, calling - - So, you're bored and you're sitting - Your soul is fitting - Let's go to town and
meet the wretched - I hear, they say, night time is calling - The sky is falling - Let's go to town and meet the wretched - Every
time we go to town we're taking what they're giving - Let's go downtown and take a drink, we're taking shit from no one - - To
fight to win to gain ground, gain ground - To kick up dust and gain ground, gain ground - To fight to win to gain ground, gain
ground - Come and meet the - Come and meet the wretched tonight - - So you're bored, of home you tire - Then let's conspire -
Let's go downtown and meet the wretched - See, I told you, it's what we desire - All Hell fire - Let's go downtown and meet the
wretched - Every time we go to town we're taking what they're giving - Let's go downtown and take a drink, we're taking shit from
no one - - To fight to win to gain ground, gain ground - To kick up dust and gain ground, gain ground - To fight to win to gain
ground, gain ground - Come and meet the - Come and meet the wretched tonight - - Sell our souls for a good time tonight - We're
here to drink, we're here to fight - We'll set our wicked nature free - We'll fuck the moon and mourn the stars tonight - Mourn
the stars tonight - We'll get so high we'll commune with the beast - We'll go so big there'll be nothing left of us - For the
mourning - - Go and meet the wretched - Go and meet the wretched - Wretched, wretched - - It's in the air, we may die tonight
- I'm living my life fast and free - It's in the air, we may die tonight - So tonight it's fast as fuck - - Go and meet the
wretched - Go and meet the wretched - Wretched, wretched - - Fast --- as fuck - The wretched
12. Devil's Son
- Fire - - I am the one, I am the one that you need - I am the one, I am the one that you need - I am the one, I am the one - -
The Devil's son has just begun - To shine, to shine - - I am the one to do the deed, I am - I am the one to do the deed - I am
the one to do the deed - I am the one - - I am the one, I am the one that you need - I am the one, I am the one Two - I am the
one, I am the one - I am the one - - The Devil's son has just begun - To shine, to shine, to shine - - What's left unsaid - Yeah
things come around - This is the one this is - - This is the one this is - - The Devil's son has just begun - To shine, to shine,
to shine - - Fire