 Особо много говорить об этом альбоме нечего – это, в общем-то, альбом ремиксов и непригодившихся заготовок. Интерес представляет только для фэнов, дабы сравнивали с оригиналами и думали, чем могло дело кончится на The Fragile, будь маэстро Резнор в другом насроении… Ну, значит, приступим к собственно разбору полётов творческой мысли. „Slipping Away“ – это ремиксованная и укороченная форма „Into The Void”. "The Great Collapse" просто не вошла на альбом, и примечательна припевом, взятым из „The Wretched“. Сама же „The Wretched“ ремиксована известным электронщиком Кейтом Хиллебрандтом. Тоже забойно. Он же приложился и к "10 Miles High“, би-сайду с винилового издания The Fragile, просто поменяв левый и правый каналы. Разбавленная различными электронными имеханическими шумами, "The Frail“ получилась очень трогательной. Дэнни Лонер (работал среди прочего с Killing Joke Marilyn Manson) и коллектив Telefon Tel Aviv получили право надругаться над "Where Is Everybody?“, вышла опять-таки зачётная сумрачная электроника. "Metal", посвящённая слиянию человека и машины, является кавером на Гэри Ньюмэна. Поклонницы, домогающиеся своего кумира, видимо, являются для Резнора больной темой, поэтому на альбоме пердставленны целых три ремикса на "Starfuckers, Inc.”, которые, при том ещё и постепенно усложняются, доходя до откровенного извращения – так, второй ремикс Дэйва Огливи (Skinny Puppy), ещё вполне можно слушать, поминая недобрым словом тех же Skinny Puppy, а вот последний, выполенный известным электронщиком Чарли Клоузером, является уже конкретным нойзом и драм-энд-байсом... Повторюсь, электронный эксперимент, интересный, пожалуй, только упёртым фэнам Гвоздей. |
Myself keeps slipping away
Myself keeps slipping away
Myself keeps slipping away
Myself keeps slipping away
Myself keeps slipping away
Myself keeps slipping away
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save
Tried to save
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
Tried to save myself
2. The Great Collapse
Now you know
This is what it feels like
Now you know
This is what it feels like
This is what it feels like
Now you know
This is what it feels like
This is what it feels like
Now you know
This is what it feels like
This is what it feels like
3. The Wretched (Version)
4. Starfuckers Inc. (Version)
Starfuckers Inc.
Your so fucking beautiful
Starfuckers Inc.
Your so fucking beautiful
Starfuckers Inc.
Starfuckers Inc.
Starfuckers Inc.
Starfuckers Inc.
5. The Frail (Version)
6. Where Is Everybody? (Version)
Did you happen to catch
Or did you happen so fast
What you thought would always last
Has passed you by
Is everything speeding up
Or am I slowing down
Just spinning around
And I don't know why
All the pieces don't fit
Though I really don't give a shit
I never wanted to be like you
But for all I aspire
I am really a liar
And I'm running out of things I can do
I'd like to stay
But every day
Everything pushes me further away
If you could show
Help me to know
How it's supposed to be
Where did it go?
Pleading and
Needing and
Bleeding and
Breeding and
Where is everybody?
Trying and
Crying and
Where is everybody?
Well, okay, enough,
You've had your fun
But come on there has got to be someone
That hasn't yet become
So numb
And succumb
God damn I am so tired of pretending
Of wishing I was ending
When all I'm really doing is trying to hide
And keep it inside
And fill it with lies
Open my eyes?
Maybe I wish I could try
Pleading and
Needing and
Bleeding and
Breeding and
Where is everybody?
Trying and
Crying and
Where is everybody?
7. Metal
We're in the building where they make us grow
And I'm frightened by the liquid engineers
Like you
My Mallory heart is sure to fail
I could crawl around the floor just like I'm real
Like you
The sound of metal I want to be you
I could learn to be a man
Like you
Plug me in and turn me on
Oh everything is moving
I need my treatment it's tomorrow they send me
Singing "I am an American"
Do you?
Picture this if they could make the change
I'd love to pull the wires from the wall
Did you?
And who are you and how can I try?
Here inside I like metal
Don't you?
All I know is no one dies
I'm still confusing love with need
8. 10 Miles High (Version)
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
All the time,
I'm getting closer,
All the time,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
All the time,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I'm getting closer,
I tried to get so high,
I made it 10 miles high,
I'm gonna get so high,
I'm gonna get so high,
You'll never get inside,
I swore I'd never turn into you,
I'm going to all the time,
I made it 10 miles high,
If you're not truthfull I'm not a lie,
I swore to god I would never turn into you,
I'm getting closer,
All the time.
Tear it all down.