 Признаться, не часто диск какого-либо музыкального коллектива оставляет меня в полном замешательстве по поводу, собственно, моего отношения к нему. Но шведскому дуэту Carptree и их третьему студийному альбому "Man Made Machine" это удалось с блеском. После нескольких внимательных прослушиваний этого, несомненно, неординарного произведения, общая мысль и концепция работы для меня так и остались покрытыми завесой тайны. Хотя, зная характер музыки исполняемой Carptree, озарение может придти и через пару месяцев, и через пару лет. Сильно приукрашенный самыми разнообразными сэмлами и эпизодически возникающими тяжелыми гитарами, психоделичский арт рок царствует в умах создателей проекта - вокалиста Никласа Флинка и клавишника Карла Вестхолма. Причем, несмотря на довольно большое количество собственных идей и замыслов, эта парочка самым бессовестным образом заимствует различные элементы музыки как у современных сеятелей на полях "рок музыки для ума", так и у классиков жанра. Самое заметное сходство - конечно же, просто феноменальная схожесть стиля пения и "плачущих" интонаций в голосе Никласа с легендой арт рока, Фишем из великих Marillion. Кроме этого, на протяжении всего альбома у меня постоянно возникали различные смутные ассоциации, то с психоделичностью ранних Genesis, то с авангардизмом сегодняшних Pain Of Salvation или Porcupine Tree. В целом, "Man Made Machine" можно охарактеризовать, как набор довольно мрачных и тяжело поддающихся пониманию композиций в стилистике современного арт рока, украшенных весьма интересными и необычными сэмлами, клавишными зарисовками, мягким и вкрадчивым вокалом (явно рассчитанным на любителя), и сложнейшей, метафорической лирикой. Основная проблема - кроме отличного старта "Titans Clash Agressivly To Keep An Even Score", следующей далее позитивной песни "Sunshine Waters" и запоминающегося номера "Tilting The Scales", слушать с интересом и без легкой зевоты больше нечего. Остальные треки вполне могут отпугнуть потенциального слушателя своей слишком уж перенасыщенной идеями конструкцией. Так что в итоге, этот альбом получает от меня семь баллов. Очень рекомендую "Man Made Machine" любителям чего-нибудь поинтеллектуальнее - вы не будете разочарованы. (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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Никак не могу счесть этих замечательных шведов "плагиаторами". Я бы назвала их наследниками, консерваторами, реинтерпретаторами, модернизаторами, импровизаторами, заслуживающими внимания и уважения. Красивые мелодичные трагично-ироничные песни и музыка. Мастерски ловкое и аккуратное, чувственное исполнение, в сбалансированной качественной записи, в которой органично переплетаются электронные и живые инструменты.
Необычная неподражаемая атмосфера, пронизанная какими можно и нельзя дежавю (даже советские кинофильмы и мультфильмы глючатся), при этом всё очень гармонично и оригинально. С удовольствием послушала 3 альбома - "Superhero" (2003), "Man Made Machine" (2005) и "Insekt" (2007). Если взглянуть трезво, то есть прогресс и потенциал, но мне нравятся ВСЕ альбомы, и чем их больше, тем лучше. |
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просмотров: 9915 |
You have to discover your gift
And then you must find its limit
You have to work with what you've got
And put to use your skill and talent
Whips that lash deliberately to heal the wounds they tore
A burning rash invitingly promise to be more
You have to make the most of your life
And be all you can be
Titans clash aggressively to keep an even score
Waves that crash relentlessly and try to move the shore
They'd all like to know
To see just how far that he could go another day
Titans clash aggressively to keep an even score
Waves that crash relentlessly and try to move the shore
It's bird to ash and ash to bird
You have to take responsibility
But what kind of engineer
Puts the ability of excellence
Alongside with disinterest?
Who puts the capacity of greatness
Alongside with a matching fright?
Who puts an irresistible force
Inside of an immovable object?
Sunshine waters
Some are like snow
Bright white and momentarily
The sounds of the city
Some are a haven
Surprisingly filled with treacherous reefs
And some are like dew
Brand new
Some, they are airy like clouds in the sky
Some like the bittersweet drop in your eye
Right now
You are sunshine waters
A surface glittering
A mirror reflecting
Making everything look brighter
Some, they are airy like clouds in the sky
Some like the bittersweet drop in your eye
Right now
You are sunshine waters
Some are a pond
Down below in their murky deep
Some kind of beast
Is waiting to surface
Some are a dead calm sea
Motionless water all around
Surrounds you
With nothing to drink
A surface glittering
A mirror reflecting
Making everything look bright
Some, they are airy like clouds in the sky
Some like the bittersweet drop in your eye
Right now
You are sunshine waters
Like fountain heads on which you rely
Or wild babbling brooks that sometimes run dry
Right now
You are sunshine waters
The weakening sound
There is no point
No point in time
That's right for these things
No matter when or the amount
There is no time
Even if you knew a long time before
I hear what you say
I don't believe in you now
There is no place
No place to embrace this
No place to face this
Nowhere that's good, not for these things
There is no space
Then it might just as well happen right here
But still I hear what you say
I don't believe in you now
The weakening sound
Of your breath and your words
So clearly now, now, now
I don't believe in you now
I don't believe in you now
I don't believe in you now
I don't believe in you now
I do believe in you now, now, now
There's no way around
I have been through anger, denial and hope
I hear what you say
I don't believe in you now
Even the stars go into hiding
To flicker and die, die
Something slips through my fingers
And I can no longer do
I don't believe in you now
I do believe in you now
And I can no longer do
What I want to do for you
Tilting the scales
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
I used to be a funny kite
I used to make the glow
Inside the belly of the cloud
The skyline ablaze
Framed by the dots of the stars I set alight
From your point of view
I would be upside down
A puppet on a string
I would fly free and you would lead
It's just what we need
The tension between us is just what makes this work
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
A careless word to tip the scales
One word is just about enough
It was the mutuality
The closeness and the distance
Was the consistency of things
You held me down
And on the other hand I did hold you up
It was a surprise
The balance and the harmony
So easily destroyed
One word is just about enough
To tilt the scales
To mess it up
I saw it coming and I could not do a thing
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
Shot down, head first
This is all, I'm falling through the air
The man you just became
Suddenly you walk a different way
As if the tension's swept away
There is firmness to your step
And yet a softness to your stride
There is something in your change
As if nothing is no longer strange
There is something that stands out
An absolute absence of doubt
Here everything still looks the same
When the world around us show more than I know
And understand to the man you just became
If it was the object in your hand
Or the movement that you made
Or a sight or sound or smell
Who turned the key I cannot tell
But you obviously altered
And something is slipping me by
As if you see connections and details
Apparently escaping my eyes
Here everything still looks the same
When the world around us show more than I know
And understand to the man you just became
Man made machine
Even just an ember
Can burst into a flame
Even just an inkling
Could mean disaster down the line
Any kind of disturbance
Moved you like a landslide
You didn't like that
At any kind of sign
You would close that section off
At any kind of signal
You would shut that system down
You finally rewired
And you bypassed everything
Now look at the state you're in
Man made machine
Looks through your eyes
Man made machine
Sees trough your eyes
See what you did to yourself
Man made machine
I see your simulations
I see how you imitate
You excel in your mimicry
But your skill came much too late
I watched it all happen
I saw what you turned into
Now look at you
Man made machine
Looks through your eyes
Man made machine
Sees trough your eyes
See what you did to yourself
Man made machine
Burn to something new
One step unwanted
One that would remain as not chosen
If not
It was because it was beyond control
I need to revive
The things that I killed
Blanks in my soul
Needs to be filled
Tragedy is on my side
Back in business, back inside
Here I go
Deep and down again
Take me there, way up high
Make me
Into the fire
Were I'll burn into something new
One step much needed
That makes you afraid and reluctant
You look
For every other possibility
But where you must go?
Experience show
Things that you know
Are making you grow
Tragedy is on my side
Back in business, back inside
Here I go
Deep and down again
Take me there, way up high
Make me
Into the fire
Were I'll burn into something new
In the centre of an empty space
I once went around the moon
That's what she said
I never planned on getting back
That's what she said
And no one really cared
How they all prefer to keep
Supporting acts as only company
She had prepared this moment well
And what she said
Dramatically she paused
And left it hanging in the air
And since no one could relate
Or could connect
And in an easy way direct
Attention to themselves
Then no one really cared
How they all prefer to keep
Supporting acts as only company
How they all prefer to stay
In the centre of an empty space
The recipe
Time to make the perfect dish
The tables set, everything is in place
But was it vegetable or fish?
You search your memory for the faintest of trace
Laying out the cutlery
The utensils and scribbled notes
From early efforts up until now
And then one day
It slowly floats in view for you to behold
Yes, then one day
How everything just grew in search for fool's gold
Was it hot or was it cold?
So long ago, was it you? Was it true?
Bits and pieces in a mould
Put together to what you pursue
Looking for the perfect recipe
Looking for something but not the way it was at all
But how you recall
And then one day
You surprisingly behold how all the days flew
And then one day
You've looked for something old instead of something new
This is home
I’m coming out of stasis
Out of hypersleep
I’m coming to my senses and soon I’m wide-awake
The crackle of the speaker
Is heard across the room
The voice of our commander
Hello, hello
Ground control is calling
They want us to confirm
I feel a little dizzy
I disconnect support
Looking at the blue ball
I float across the bridge
My eyes are at the screen
This is home
There can be no place like this
Cant wait until we touchdown
It feels so good to be back again
They ask us “What is out there”
“Tell us what you’ve seen
Expectation is in their voices
And I know what they’ll like
Though weightless I feel heavy
As I have to say:
Everywhere is nowhere
Nowhere to go
There’s no reply but silence
It tells us all to well
We is no solution
There is none at all
We all thought that the other
Would do the others work
My eyes are at the screen
This is home
There can be no place like this
Cant wait until we touchdown
Far to long we’ve been away
And now were back and still astray
We can’t walk out without our
Silvery suits
We can’t breathe without our
Shiny tubes
There is no place like home….
This is home
There can be no place like this
Cant wait until we touchdown
Far to long we’ve been away
And now were back and still astray
This is home…
It feels so sad to be back again
It feels so sad to be back again
This is home
It feels so sad when you’re not there
There is something you should hear
One word is…
Tell you