« Ultimo Mondo Cannibale »
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1 | Maggots 03:48
 | 2 | Dis-Organ-Ized 01:51
 | 3 | Intense Mortification 02:48
 | 4 | Revenge of The Scabby Man 02:44
 | 5 | Venereal Warts, Part 3 00:12
 | 6 | Bloody Pit of Horror 04:16
 | 7 | Dear Uncle Creepy... 01:32
 | 8 | Bitch Death Teenage Mucous Monster From Hell 04:21
 | 9 | Zombie 01:14
 | 10 | Jane Fonda Sucks, Part 2 00:45
 | 11 | Red Wigglers 03:51
 | 12 | Harbinger of Death 01:58
 | 13 | Unadulterated Brutality 04:13
 | 14 | Mortado 02:44
 | 15 | Heart of Illinois 00:58
 | 16 | My Lai 01:13 |
   Stevo - vocals, bass
Mark - guitars
Scott - guitars
Dan - drums
Guest musicians:
Bloody F. Mess - vocals
Brad Popejoy - vocals |
Recorded 13-14-16 january 1990 at Creative Studio, Bloomington, IL by Kurt Sheidenhelm.
Produced by Stevo and Dave Joost.
Art & Deisgn by Stevo and Jim"Cannibal" Reising.
©Splatter Productions, All songs deranged by IMPETIGO,
©1990 Lordgodcheez Tunes,
© 1990 Wild Rags Records. |
 | 2. Dis-Organ-Ized
Prone on the operating table
Deep incision sliced on inanimate flesh
I love my disgusting equipment
Needles, scalpels, and brain scoops to diagnose death
Succumb to my horrible experiment
Intestines & limbs agog in fiendish disarray
Mutating your natural composition
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 Мне не ведом ни один грайндокоровый альбом, который был бы лучше первого полноформатника этих культовых американских чудовищ! В нём великолепно решительно всё! Во-первых, интро к песням. Видимо заручившись поддержкой не самых высокобюджетных фильмов ужасов, IMPETIGO классно украсили их фрагментами альбом: достаточно послушать вступления к «Maggots», «Unadulterated Brutality», «Bitch Death Teenage Mucous Monster From Hell» (ох, и хорошо ж названьице!) – и всё становится понятно. Во-вторых, тексты. Настоятельно рекомендую прочитать их, ибо каждая строчка буквально кишит неподдельным мерзким чёрным юмором. Впору удивиться, откуда у мужиков бралась нездоровая фантазия, чтобы так забавно написать о кровавых ужасах, что происходят в их песнях. Особенно показателен в этом плане «The Revenge Of The Scabby Man». Ну и в-третьих, вокал – главный козырь альбома! Впервые услышав визг Stevo не засмеяться невозможно. Как потом окажется, он ещё не раз даст повод от души похохотать: если точнее, то в тех моментах, где вместо глубокого рыка, адского верещания или зверского ора, вокал превращается в какое-то бульканье, совсем не соответствующее тексту песни. Попробуйте проследить лирику параллельно “пению” –
получите массу хорошего настроения!
Многие считают недостатком звук на альбоме. Мол, слишком приглушённый. Мне так не кажется, а как раз наоборот: создаётся впечатление, что музыканты этого и хотели. А даже если и не так, то всё равно: какие могут быть обсуждения звука, когда там творится ТАКОЕ!
PS: За одну лишь песню «My Lai» я бы уже поставил IMPETIGO памятник! Мегашедевр.
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Забыли уже многие эту ушедшую в небытие группу. Я думаю всем знаком легендарный Death/Grind коллектив Mortician, чьей визитной карточкой стали вырезки из Horror фильмов. А вы знаете кто первый придумал это? Отнюдь не Mortician, да, это американский коллектив Impetigo, проживший всего лишь несколько лет, но определенно внесший свою лепту в развитие такого стиля музыки как grind core. «Ultimo Mondo Cannibale» - полноформатный дебютный альбом, который в своё время предназначался для развития в андерграунде сцены, но его красота не позволила остаться ему в подземелье никем не замеченный, в итоге этот альбом оказался в 96 строчке CMJ radio chart, что было для начинающей команды довольно неплохо. Итак с музыкальной точки зрения «Ultimo Mondo Cannibale» отнести к какому-то одному стилю музыки довольно сложновато, поскольку музыканты не останавливаются на чем-то одном, применены элементы разный стилей музыки, хотя в принципе всё же музыка чисто грайндовая. Такая же весёлая, заводная, истеричная, ломовая, угаристая, забойная и т.д. Вокалист хорош. Немного голос похож на вокал Napalm Death конца 80-ых, но вот только в Impetigo вариаций вокала гораздо больше. Здесь вам будут и рыгания, и смех, и крики, а так же истеричный голос, утробный, побулькивающий и ещё много всего. Всё же остальное сделано не менее разнообразно и не менее виртуозно. Есть и причудливые фишки – короткая песня в первой 9-ке композиций, которая длится 12 секунд, 7 из которых – тишина. Тексты пропитаны чернеем юмором, нет, здесь не будет рассуждений на политическую тематику, немного о другом споют нам ребята, в их мозгах мысли о разных монстрах из ада, убийствах и прочих вещах. Этот альбом имеет достаточно достоинств, которые все и не перечислишь, я это творение слушал на протяжении нескольких дней. Веселье, угар и ничего более. Любителям грайндкорового безумия посвящается. |
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просмотров: 17021 |
I'm the ghoul of the medical profession
Foetid corpses and carcasses line the basement wall
With glee I dismember cadavers
I affix the pancreas where stomach should be
Rejuvenate the rancid corpses
The innards glisten in their new anatomical display
I cackle with post-mortem delight
The walls reek of sin & the stench of horrendous decay...
3. Intense Mortification
Cold dark night, nerves are tense
Strange sounds out of nowhere, the fog is dense
You lay in your bed quaking with fright
Shadows in the hallway, something's not right...
Sounds in the kitchen, your nerves swell
There's a creature in the basement, a monster from hell
It slimes up the step, unholy rasping hiss
Who knows what it wants? Who knows what it is?
Horrified, your sanity ebbs
You struggle to survive
Mortified, you know you'll never
Leave this house alive
Foul smelling breath, it draws you near
You scream for mercy, no one can hear
Your terror is relished, it claws ooze with gore
Substained by your fear, it feeds on your horror!!!!
It's teeth retract from your skull
Feasting on your brains
Mortified, you'll know you'll never
Leave this house again....
4. The Revenge Of The Scabby Man
His nose is drippy, his hair are nappy,
His teeth are yellow, his skin is scabby
His ass is so smelly it'll clear out any moshing pit
His tongue is nasty, his dick is green,
His lips are chapped, his breath is obscene
You could squeeze his pus-filled, and pop it like an ugly zit!
He walks around town, you can smell his feet
Flies buzz around his head as he walks down your street,
The children run and hide to the safety of their daddy's arms
He comes to your door with his decayed grin
You wonder where the hell that mouth of his has been
Should you slam the door?
Or should you let him in?
You run and hide but you can't hide
The Scabby Man comes inside
He picks his nose and eats his snot
and then eats all your pot
He pukes on you, he kicks your dog
He's a fucking smelly hog
He farts alot, he rapes your wife
You cut a fart and he licks the knife...
You think it's over but it's not over yet!
The Scabby Man is leaking pus, he's fucking gross, you bet!
He jacks off and shoots in his cum on your two-month-old son!
the horror's not over much to your dismay
You're the Scabby Man victim, on this very day,
and he invited his friends to come over for the whole weekend!
5. Venereal Warts Part 3
6. Bloody Pit Of Horror
Stench of rot and filth prevails
You fight against the iron chains to not avail
Strung up in my chamber of torture and sin
Baked and sweating, let the beatings begin!
Warm up the tongs in the fireplace
Press the searing metal against your innocent face
Break out the whip, put you to the test
Pour molten hot oil on your quivering breasts...
By body count continues, you're just another bitch
When I'm finsished I'll dump you in the ditch
Strap your welted body to my wooden rack
If you're lucky you'll die of a heart attack
The horrible bed of nails could be too much for you
But if you don't like it, I've got a mask of spikes for you!
Vise grips crush your breasts in a screaming fir
I'll nail your fingers to the table, make you eat your own shit
...When I'm through you'll be begging for more,
and I'll rape your broken body in my Bloody Pit of Horror!!!!
7. Dear Uncle Creepy
Dear Uncle Creepy, it's been years
Morbid fantasy exterminates my childhood fears
Dear Uncle Creepy, how can it be?
Some of the crap that's out these days
is such a bore to me
Dear Uncle Creepy...
The shit they call "horror" in the comic store
Nobody's got that style anymore!
Pre-code classics provide the chills
This high-tech bullshit never will!
As far as movies are concerned,
There's a plenty out that should be burned
The horror's gone, big budget's here
Whatever happened to the meaning of FEAR????
Dear Uncle Creepy, it's a crying shame
The "terror" of the 90's is so fucking LAME!!
Whatever happened to the good ol' days
Has you and Cousin Eerie turning in your graves!
8. Bitch Death Teenage Mucous Monster From Hell
I was created to destroy you
You're time is near
When you least expect it,
Dying time is here!
I'll find you at a party
You're drinking your beer
I"ll crawl up behind you
and chew off your ear!!
You stare at me cause you're boyfriend's a goon!
You don't understand!
I'm in disguise, you can't recognize
The green slime on your hand
I thrive o kill you assholes
I want all of you fuckers dead!
When you go cruising for babes
I'll explose inside your head!
You say it's just a nightmare.
Some bad dreams you've had
But when you see me slaughtering your pals,
You'll go screaming for your dad!
You numbers will diminish
Hear my carnivorous squeals!
I'm disgusting, I'm cute, and I'm cuddly
Your doom is sealed!!!!!
9. Zombie
He walks among the living
He has not much to say
...but heed the sailors' warning
Watch out for ZOMBIE RAY!!!!!!!
Gut-munching cannibal
Child molesting freak
He'll rip your fuckin' throat out
So you can't even speak!!!!!!
10. Jane Fonda Sucks Part 2
11. Red Wigglers
Feverish rites of the culinary macabre
Consuming pork when not fully cooked
Teeming colonies of maggots swarm within
Contracted the deadly affliction overlooked
Botulism sets in as the sweat intensifies
Death in hours is sure and expected
Trichinosis diagnosed no cure is known
The agony of seafoog not thoroughly inspected
Debris-ridden vomit
Your insides jellify
Revulsion of intestines
The swift, horrible fate of the disease is asphyxiation,
A most terrible painful death from which there is no salvation
Intestinal worms burrow throughout your corpse
As the plague reveals its ultimate benediction
The slime, the rot, the bubbling bile
The red larvae of this curious infection
Cannibalized slop
Squishes and squirms
Red wigglers...
The cadillac of worms
12. Harbinger Of death
Who needs rocks to use? I've got water ballons
Pick a spot overhead and drop them on your fucking head!
Harbinger of death!!!
I'll start a car crash! With these rocks I'll smash
Car hoods and funny hats, drop a rock, see'em splat!!
Harbinger of death!!!
If I get busted I won't quit, cause I can't get enough of it
Dropping shit on people's heads, maybe you'll end up dead!
You think you're smart! Wait'll bust your head apart!
Demolishing and destroying and you can't do a fucking thing!!!
13. Unadultered Brutality
Innocent women, hacked to pieces
The killer smears and fondles
The Bloody Mess!!!!
I can't help but look...
I can't help but stare!!
Razor blades slicing, and jabbing, and ripping
Crimson intestinal eye-slashing death!
I can't help but look...
I can't help but stare!!
"...to satisfy my thirsty needs,
to tension out,
I've got to see the guilty bleed
my own path to glory...
Kidnap a bitch, a slave to my pain
a in her head
bruise her fuckin' brain...
and when she's unconcious
and blood begins to flow
my black heart laughs
and I really start to go...
Slice and stab and pound and chew
finger fucking the open wounds
of the deserving dog, the bitch,
my mouth in her guts
stretching elastic tissue
cumming with the stench,
licking her nostrils,
holding back my erection...
The rusty knife peeling back
layers of virgin cunt flesh
my fat greasy fingers
covered in shit, teethmarks of
hatred tatooed in death
I feel pure and holy..."
Sheer violence, vicious intent
Blood stained fingers ripping flesh bare!
I can't help but stare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. Mortado
Running through the jungle
Running not to die
Mortado and the Cannibals
Mortado crucified!
Skewered to a tree
Mondo torture hell
Mortado and the Cannibals
Mortado lived to tell...
Sticks and stones can break my bones
But natives cannot hurt me!
I lived through hell, I lived to tell
Because the Cannibals deserted me!
Through my hands and feet were driven
Cricifixion nails
And now you're paying to hear
My horrible cannibal tales!
15. Heart Of Illinois
Heart of Illinois, Heart of Illinois,
Heart of Illinois, Don't it make ya sick?
Heart of Illinois, Heart of Illinois,
Heart of Illinois, Shut up ya fucking' dick!
Ten fucking years I've lived in this town
There's never nothing happening going on
Except fairs, and baseball, and sidewalk sales,
and old people fucking with their lawns!
Farm Futures!
Soybeans and corn!
Parks and recreation!
Collecting doorknobs?!?
Pride of the Prairie, Pride of the Prairie,
Pride of the Prairie... Don't it make ya retch?
Pride of the Prairie, Pride of the Prairie,
Pride of the Prairie, Shut up ya fuckin' wrench!
Twenty fucking years Ive lived in this town
Nothing's never going on around here
Except unemployment, and gangs, and skating bands,
and college students slamming fucking beers!!!
16. My Lai
Lt. Calley is my man
Lt. Calley, Viet Nam
Lt. Calley kill some reds
Do it like your daddy said...
Lt. Calley and his friends
Bring your world to an end
Lt. Calley with his bombs
Lt. Calley killed your mom!!!