Dying Fetus
« Killing on Adrenaline »
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1 | Killing On Adrenaline 05:40
 | 2 | Procreate The Malformed 07:07
 | 3 | Fornication Terrorists 05:29
 | 4 | We Are Your Enemy 03:45
 | 5 | Kill Your Mother / Rape Your Dog 01:16
 | 6 | Absolute Defiance 03:53
 | 7 | Judgement Day 01:51
 | 8 | Intentional Manslaughter 05:30
 | | Total playing time: 34:31 |
   John Gallagher - vocals, guitars
Jason Netherton - vocals, bass
Brian Latta - guitars
Kevin Talley - drums |
 | 1. Killing On Adrenaline
the face I'm beating with my fist is pulverized,
and turned to shit so all that's left when he is gone
is skin and blood and pulp and bone
this fucker thought that he could try and fuck with me,
no reason why, so now he got what he deserved
a coffin with his grave re |
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 Как-то так получилось, что, когда вспоминаешь о «Killing on Adrenaline», он всегда воспринимается дебютом Dying Fetus, хотя на самом деле таковым не является. Но, по крайней мере, качественный прорыв в музыкальном отношении произошел именно на нем, и им же группе было обеспечено место в металическом мэйнстриме. Собственный саунд группа отшлифовала сразу же. Музыка звучит очень приземленно: этому способствуют не совсем чистый саунд, рельефность звучания всех инструментов и в основном средние и медленные темпы. Тяжелые, будто бы буравящие землю риффы, ловко приобретают динамику и техничность исполнения когда это требуется. А вот отдельные непродолжительные мелодические выкладки звучат несколько натужно и не совсем удачно согласуются с повышенной ритмичностью музыки, да и зачем альбому-монолиту брутал-дэтового грува они, по большому счету, нужны? Необычайно сочный и наваристый звук выводит на лидирующие позиции статичный бас, часто открывающий путь сокрушительным риффовым проходам, и мобильные ударные. О мастерской долбежке всегда востребованного Kevin-а Talley необходимо сказать особо. Считается, что именно благодаря ему парни из DF, так сказать, воспрянули духом. Этому человеку некогда отдыхать, ибо у него на каждом шагу возникают новые идеи, и возблагодарим музыку Dying Fetus за то, что она раскрывает перед ним широкие возможности сладостного насилия над всей ударной утварью, выражающиеся в форме насыщенных бластбитов и результативном разбросе стремительных барабанных проходов в неторопливых слэмовых пассажах. Вокал являет собой еще одно подтверждение тому, как тесно связан брутал-дэт с хардкором. Не зря Джона Галлахера критикуют и за пагубную любовь к рэпу – предположим, его форсирующий все силы организма гроул намертво привязан к металу, но его же ожесточенный скрим своим напором подчас очень напоминает речитатив злобных обитателей Гарлема. Если на этом альбоме в лирике преобладает еще тема насилия как такового, не всегда связанного с каким-то конкретными общественными институтами, то, как только и на обложке будет изображено нечто остросоциальное, и в названии появится явный намек на «оппозицию», под музыку Dying Fetus можно будет с чистой совестью выходить на митинги. А музыка и так благоприятствует этому – в целом она хоть и злобная, но заводная, хоть и плотно-грувовая, но со своими пестрыми изюминками. Вот если бы этих самых изюминок было поболее, мой придирчивый вкус не помешал бы мне по-настоящему полюбить большинство песен с этого диска. А так, целиком запомнилась только одна песня, и это, конечно, “Kill Your Mother / Rape Your Dog”, очень показательная в контексте хардкорового бунта против всяческих проявлений шоу-бизнеса... |
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Dying Fetus – довольно известная американская команда, играющая в направлении death\grind, и, надо сказать, делающая свою работу довольно неплохо. Группа никогда не являлась законодателем мод в экстремальном стиле, она всегда шла в ногу со временем, используя то, что когда-то было кем-то открыто. Уметь сочетать в себе творчество и находки более знаменитых групп - это не такая уж легкая задача, поэтому команде нужно отдать должное.
С первой песни становится понятно, что ребята играют довольно плотно и очень мощно. Конечно, не дотягивают до техники других брутальных сородичей, но все же не так все просто. Присутствуют довольно сложные песенные композиции, в которых можно услышать отголоски разных групп (например, в первой песне отчетливо слышен проигрыш а-ля Obituary) исполненные в своем неподражаемом ритме и драйве. Интересен звук: гитары звучат очень плотно, вокал как бы накладывается на все остальные инструменты, барабаны довольно легкие (нет ударов, которые сотрясают мозги), но, тем не менее, они дробят ваш бренный хребет косточка за косточкой.
«Killing On Adrenaline» - вполне удачный, хорошо сыгранный альбом. |
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просмотров: 25308 |
where has all the common sense gone?
can't these fuckers leave the shit alone?
always trying to start some stupid shit
the obituary page is full of it
no death's on my conscience they challenged and they lost
no final resistance, fuck it its not my loss
gonna fuck it up fuckin bring it down
the mother fuckers dead
don't ask me why they had to die
I try to live my fucking life
they are the ones that fucked with me
they paid the price with agony
as the force from anger erupts out from deep inside of me
not a fucking chance to live just you bleeding
cause of death can not be found corpses layed out on the floor
hyper-violent chaos rush all-out fucking total war
your dead, adrenaline rush, unleashed
pain feed, you fucking bleed
I kill once so then I kill twice, revenge,
your death, the final ending, released
I will bring you fucking down
beating on the face of broken trust
all I want is a chance to fuck your life up
you had to turn your back on everything we did
and I won't stop until your dead now I take it back to 93
when the shit went down between you and me
just like a bitch you had yo run away
but revenge finally has paid
now I bring you back for all to see
in case another fucker wants to take a shot at me
and kill the mother fuckers before they try to run
no remorse when I am done
2. Procreate The Malformed
one more time, just one too many times,
is all it had to take, now they can't resist the world's too full,
its time to bring it back, and turn this shit around,
the last rebellion, we're gonna take, the rich and hang em up,
so fucking high, justified genocide, raised in green,
they swallow up our lives, a carnivore feast hard-core traumatized,
they promise but they never fucking give,
this world, tied down, gang raped, disgraced,
corporation nations start the game,
persist, exploit, rip-off, defame,
put one against the other till their dead, beat them,
face down, make them, eat shit,
burn the fucking global village down,
riot, the government's in flames, the corpses pile high,
on the white house lawn, dead, another million dead,
lets execute and kill, justified with force-fed freedom
walls of propaganda, a system built on lies,
crushing insurrection, the masses will uprise,
we procreate... our over-dominating force
is crushing all within its way, watch the world,
it burns, class war, now its our turn,
I just let their fucking shit it burns so high it wastes away,
now we have, the means, total war, we are redeemed,
armageddon calling, its time to fucking kill,
destroy the false world order, and crush the status quo,
the pressure, its leaving, I'm wasting their fucking lives
lawyers, and preachers, they're the first sacrificed,
pawns of, the system, perpetuate misery,
corrupted, they're creating a fucking de-mockery,
masses of the world all bow it, blind and full of shit,
UN, IMF, they're all the same, nations are enslaved,
if they just let it suffer, we got to turn them over,
this is the precendent for killing the nation-state,
a lack of total vision, its social amputation,
they're locked inside a world apart from reality.
3. Fornication Terrorists
soldiers of deception dark seeds among our race,
an absence of free will, is all we ever face,
overcome by chemicals of lust inside the brain
we don't need an answer, just someone to blame,
a plague of human weakness spreads across a dying race,
in search of human meat, just a little taste,
animals with no remorse who seek to penetrate,
no one ever cares, as long as they get laid,
looking at the world as it unfolds in front of me,
I could never think to give a fuck about a thing,
it just makes me sick to think that I could even be,
a part of this perverted earth we like to think is free,
blood-borne virus spreads cultivates the living dead,
patient-zero's gone, but the human rats will carry on,
drug-crazed high on sex fuck and fuck with no regrets,
god-damned mortal drive, to fuck with anything alive,
not-one will prevail the flesh is weak and always fails,
lust-filled carnal rage, inhuman sex for human slaves,
no-more love of faith just waves of systematic rape,
blind-to all disease, a whore is all they fucking need.
dead, he's dead, that mother fucker's dead,
don't let me see the fuckers face again, mad,
as fuck, these fuckers gotta die,
it's time to send them back to where they came
fuck, and fuck, spreadin' all there shit,
without a fucking thought inside their head,
kill, and kill, give it to them hard,
see how much they're fucking when their dead,
pornographic fuck-fest ride, A.I.D.S.-infested diatribes,
orgiastic atrophy all reduced to greed,
forced penetration, not one a willing slave?
pleasure seeking mongrels, a horror masquerade,
blind to all reason, they fuck their life away,
Sodom and Gomorrah, precursors of our world today,
our fucking world's deceased just like we televise the grief,
of a thousand mother fuckers blown away,
force fed, their lies, price paid, with their blood,
in our god we trust so we can entertain with lust
our fucking zombified nation does the rest
pastic prophets, air-brushed democracy,
we're all deaf and dumb because eat and breath the scum,
and let it infiltrate and penetrate our brain,
lost cause, no hope, fall back, we've lost the game...
paralyzed, unleashed, in heat, predators, infected,
diseased, avarice, blinding, her eyes, cash in hand,
empty, inside, generate, profits from pain,
mediated false impressions, human flesh, labeled for sale,
a witness for the "prostitution", fornicate,
triumph of shame, does nothing else fucking matter?
sickeness, weakness, porn is the new jesus,
fuck it, vomit, on the human race.
4. We Are Your Enemy
die rust, and rot away, this last war doesn't have a name
a cancer on this lifeless carcass called the world
not one left in peace, a policy of manditory greed
eats its way across this nation built on lies
post-modern slaves, we don't give a fuck so long as money made
buy, sell, believe, three words are just what you need
at birth we're hooked for life, soul-less selfish power-fight
last hope fades, chaos starts to... multiply
a paradox of fucking hate, and lies, is nothing real at all? sell the
dream, competition is a way, of life, are you for sale, or me?
pain for price, commodified we are the last
device, its all the fucking same
world devolved, emotions are they dying gasp
dissolved, its just a rotting faith...
blind we sleepwalk into history
victims of the first world sodom
the fire burns inside, we've left the past for dead,
let's spread the wealth among us and kill the rich instead,
their broken crosses falling, no longer on our knees
our revolution stroming, from sea to bloody sea
5. Kill Your Mother / Rape Your Dog
kill your mother and rape your dog!
fuck these corporations and their fucking record stores,
I don't want my fucking paycheck feeding money whores
these bastards flood the market with their fabricated shit,
and laugh as this pathetic fucking music gets them rich...
stay the fuck, right out of my life,
I don't need your, fucking advice,
you don't know what, our shit is all about,
so don't even try to figure it out,
fuck your spice girls and your fucking pearl jam,
its all a bunch a shit, I say, fuck it,
fuck your dave matthews and your fucking rem,
you god damned bitch, fucking clueless
6. Absolute Defiance
I feel the pressure, it boils in my veins
there will be no praying, for peace, no sacrifice
as I feel the burning, of hate, it's blinding me
I just live to, destroy, my mortal enemies
I just see the face that's, the target, in my mind
and with pleasure, carve it, and cut it
from your head, there - is - no - rea - son
its just a, laugh for me
cause you lost my patience, and with it
goes your life, your existence, a parody
there's no excuse I can believe
one time, is all it takes, to rip the flesh from off your face
die die die just fucking die die die just fucking die
with puppet strings, and faking lies
a hollow head, and empty eyes
take your breath, and let it go
the last one you'll ever know
die die die just fucking die die die just fucking die
habitual complacency conforms your life away
it does not take a lot of thought to follow and obey
the dead fucking traitor has no reason to complain
a lifeless bag of shit with no face and with no name
I just have no patience for the scum of the earth
why not kill these fuckers, make them die, make it hurt
worthless global breeders crawl like roaches on my back
a pestilence of hyper-active idiots on crack
I choose not to follow all the prophets preaching greed
to the close-minded corpses that consume beyond need
7. Judgement Day
8. Intentional Manslaughter
radiation plague, fallout rain laid earth waste,
year 2000 gone, how could we not have known sun starts to die,
nightfall wartorn landscape, on all others stand pure-bred fucking madman,
DNA is life, eugenic crop, humans god-like, created in a lab,
high-priced, perfect, flawless, fall to your knees,
your mind is fucking raped, the domination breed,
the perfect god damned race, spreading of the seed,
perpetual disease, lies are all the same, dead and common place,
spitting in the face of god, annihilation interface,
creation of a hell on earth, traces of your life erased,
machines are rolling over all the... remnants of our fucking lives
obliderated cities are the... monuments to genocide
welcome to the century of paradise and unity,
where bullets are the bible, and everyone's the enemy
eliminate the rest, one brood, from the best stock,
only to survive, initiates, reproduction,
you can't teach a corpse, how to fucking live
you can't know the hate, that drives the blood in them,
how can it hurt, when you can not feel
just close your eyes, a dream that's all too real,
let the dead fall in front of them,
carry out the sentence handed down,
all dead again, cause they never get far
and it's always on to them, cut down while they run,
terror eats the soul of every man,
cyber corpses need to kill to justify their plan,
human cattle fighting for a world they can't defend,
never-under-estimate, paralyzed hope in quick decline,
terminate the, masses for the goal is death divine,
execute without a care the war is lost in time,
fucking let them die, modern day ape is on the rise,
taking on the system that gave birth to test-tube life,
now they are the tumor on brain desensitized ,
they-are-the-off-spring and children god,
science is dead, from human flaws,
now - they - have - conquered and, slaughtered us all,
through ethnic laws, weed out the weak,
only their kind can live on, demons are inside of me,
disinformation leprosy, patriotic arrogance, eradicates intelligence,
soldiers are the children of the existential atom bomb,
products of a paranormal suicidal vision-quest,
subversive paranoia through a, televised holocaust
growth of insurrection causes massive unrelenting loss.