Vanden Plas
« Christ.O »
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1 | Christ.0 05:34
 | 2 | Postcard to god 06:17
 | 3 | Wish you were here 09:14
 | 4 | Silently 08:31
 | 5 | Shadow I am 05:28
 | 6 | Fireroses dance 06:03
 | 7 | Somewhere alone in the dark 05:30
 | 8 | January sun 10:05
 | 9 | Lost in silence 04:19
 | 10 | Gethsemane 06:19 |
   Andy Kuntz - Vocals
Stephan Lill - Guitars
Torsten Reichert - Bass
Andreas Lill - Drums
Gьnter Werno - Keyboards |
 | 1. Christ 0
[Music: G. Werno / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
Here I stand alone, I'm a sacrifice
Like a fallen angel, die here without your love
Now I understand, let the sentenced dog I'm in
Swallow all the hate I can eat
...gave you my heart gave you my heart
I just gave you my heart and
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 Из всей дискографии Vanden Plas мне наиболее импонирует акустический альбом “AcCult” – именно на нем гитарист Штефану Лилль и клавишник Гюнтер Верно в полной мере раскрылись как мелодисты, а вокал Энди Кюнца звучит наиболее тепло и проникновенно. Неудивительно, что и на новом альбоме “Christ.0” мне больше всего пришлись по душе баллады “Somewhere Alone In The Dark” и “Lost In Silence”. Когда же Vanden Plas разгоняются до привычных в прог-метале скоростей, их композиции, безусловно, получаются профессиональными, техничными, сложными, но, увы, довольно стандартными. Безусловно, это стандарт высочайшего уровня, и с точки зрения техники придраться на “Christ.0” не к чему, но все-таки это стандарт, и все сыгранное на этом альбоме уже наверняка было слышано вами раньше как у других групп жанра, так и у самих Vanden Plas. Да, группа никогда раньше не работала с хором и оркестром, но кого сейчас этим можно удивить? Да, группа никогда раньше не выпускала концептуальных альбомов (“Christ.0” написан по мотивам книги Александра Дюма «Граф Монте-Кристо»), но рынок и так переполнен концептуальными альбомами. Вот кавером “Gethsemane” из знаменитейшей рок-оперы «Иисус Христос – Суперзвезда», да еще отлично сыгранным и потрясающе спетым, музыканты меня действительно удивили. Плюс две вышеупомянутые баллады хороши. А в целом – крепкий средний прог-металлический уровень. (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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Отлично сыгранный и по-настоящему глубокий альбом. "A look into the mind of a serial killer." Так начинается буклет, приложенный к компакту. Действительно, музыка альбома наполнена тревогой, какой-то неопределенной тоской и печалью. Вместе с тем музыка звучит уверенно и жестко, в полной мере создавая атмосферу мыслей человека, одержимого местью. Да, альбом "inspired by Edmond Dantes", как написано в буклете, и "Christ-0 is a terrifying and futile journey into the soul of an innocent man wronged beyond his ability to forgive." Концептуально и само название альбома - "Christ-0" объясняется как "No Christ. Godless". Что же музыка? Она превосходна, атмосферна и полностью попадает в концепцию данной работы. В чем-то Vanden Plas похожи на Ayreon, так же виртуозно оперируют ритмом, настроением и атмосферой музыки. При первом прослушивании может показаться, что вокал, который исполняется одним Энди Кюнтцем, однообразен и лишен оригинальности. Но хотел бы напомнить, что мы имеем дело с концептуальным переложением трагедии Дантеса, и вполне естественно, что отчаянный голос Энди сопровождает нас все 9 композиций. Отличный, но не гениальный диск, прекрасная концептуальная работа, которая определенно заслуживает своих 9 баллов. |
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Немецкая прог-металлическая команда. Шестой альбом. Концептуальный. По роману Дюма " Граф Монте-Кристо". Только действие перенесено в наше время. И герой более жесткий - по сути киллер.
Не понимаю одной вещи: Dream Theater или Fates Warning известны широко. Пользуются вполне заслуженной популярностью, а об этих немцах - ни гу-гу. При том что они, похоже, единственная прогрессивная группа, которая действительно прогрессирует, а не погрязла в технических мастурбациях и нарциссизме, как те же Театралы. Бюргеры записали просто блистательный альбом: не слишком тяжелый, не перегруженный 10-ти минутными импровизациями, но наполненный воздушными аранжировками, чудесными звуками рояля и великолепными вокалами - этот диск просто заслуживает того, чтобы вы его услышали...
От хорового вступления - мурашки по коже. Общая атмосфера: то ли саундтрек, то ли я прямо на Бродвее и смотрю дорогущую постановку. Мелодии гипнотизируют и обволакивают.
Кунтц - отличный вокалист, который "не косит" ни под Ля Бри (раз уж прог), ни под Киске (раз уж немцы). Чистый и мощный вокал: в его руках могучее оружие и пользуется он им как опытный фехтовальщик (простите за аллегорию). Fireroses Dance" - абсолютный шедевр, переплюнуть который дано будет очень не многим.
Вердикт - слушать, вникать и восхищаться. |
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Все-таки такие альбомы всегда и слушать и описывать приятно вне зависимости от того, что там напридумывали музыканты со времен предыдущих релизов. Нельзя сетовать, например, на то, что музыканты насочиняли кучу замечательной музыки, но не хватило техники для ее исполнения или финансов для достойной записи. Опять-таки не нужно делать скидки на неопытность и молодость музыкантов или прибавлять баллы только за то, что это группа-легенда, оказавшая какое-то там неоценимое влияние на пару сотен других групп, или наоборот снижать оценку за то, что описываемый диск недотянул до каких-то там прошлых шедевров. Здесь можно оценивать исключительно саму музыку.
А музыка мало того, что очень качественна, так еще и концептуальна. Альбом производит весьма целостное впечатление, иногда даже слишком, так как многие композиции просто сливаются, очень уж они похожи по структуре и настроению, от большинства так и веет каким-то пафосным трагизмом и внутренней неудовлетворенностью. Наверно поэтому из альбома ничто отдельно и не запомнилось. Одним из плюсов, по-моему мнению, нужно считать очень четкое и, я бы даже сказал, свежее звучание баса и саму игру басиста Торстена Рейхерта, особенно выделяющуюся в «Shadow I am». Именно шестой трек я бы назвал лучшим из всех, так как именно на нем музыканты проявили все, на что они способны. Из более негативных моментов я бы отметил некоторую слащавость звука и отсутствие некоего напряга, надрыва, может какой-то агрессивности, хотя наверно многие это за недостаток и не посчитают. |
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просмотров: 14150 |
Now I gather somebodies elses' lives
Till the day we'll meet again
You are the reason why my day of living
I gave you my soul away to the unforgiven
Sucide would save me from my thoughts
I'll try now to freeze on these walls here
My uncertain eternity
In broken words
Said from the other part of me
Give me your heart give me your soul
Can you give me your life then
I take it away break it in two and
Dancing in enemy elses' blood
Pouring down on me like rain
They are the reason for my day of living
I gave my soul away to the unforgiven
Ghost ship * dezember 11
2:00 am * my name x
You are my death part 1
The new edition is called my life part 2
You are the reason why my day of living
I know I know we'll meet again
On the fifth of seasons
I'm alive christ-0
See the light - christ-0 - I'm alive
2. Postcard To God
[Music: S. Lill / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
Surrounded by a cover like a shield for all the faith
Surrounded by this pine and never ending days
I'm living in a prison but I dare to die outside
That keeps my will alive
And we're sending out a message
And we're sending out a prayer
And the voices asking every night
Is there anybody there
Somebody knows, somebody knows
When I pray I can say
All my believing in just one word
When I pray then I may
Sending an unwritten postcard to god
And now you buy me roses
And some needless little things
You're singing me a song
In a tune that no none sings
I'm longing for these memories
They keep me warm and safe
You throw 'em in my grave
And I'm sending you a message
And I'm sending you a prayer
All the echoes whisper in my ear
Is there anybody there
Somebody knows, somebody knows
When I pray I can say
All my believing in just one word
When I pray then I may
Sending an unwritten postcard to god
When I pray I can say
All my believing in just one word
When I pray then I may
Sending an unwritten postcard to god
When I pray when I pray
When I pray when I pray
3. Wish You Where Here
[Music: G. Werno / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
I'm a wanderer and I wear the mask of mystery
From a prisoner waiting for the last request
When I got the will, then I got the chance;
He said: certain mistakes of my fiends
Make the wish fulfilled
Now - that - I - see - I - can - be - free
I - will - give - y o u - all my pain
And I wish you where here
I wish you fear - I wish you well
And that you're burning there
In hell instead of me
And I wish you where here I wish you amen
I cause your all-inclusive pain
All the walls inside try to speak with me
Beautify this spider's home
Help the fly to rest in peace
Then I read a plan - kind of bleeding tattoo
Out of words of a murderer
"like pearls of insane dew"
How can I see what he told me
I try to listen to his pain and I
Wish you where here
I wish you're near me I wish you well
And that you're turning this my hell into a fane
And I wish you where here
Now I cut out my brain
Before I'll try to understand - what you mean
And I follow all the traces
To your long forgotten places
In a ghost ship down the sea to holy island
Waits homicide for me... like on morphine
I see all the eyeshots he had
On his long requiem to the end
Why should I see what he wrote there for me
In his message I hear poor victims plea:
I wish you where here
I wish you well and that you're burning
Here in hell instead of me
And I wish you where here
So give me all your prayers
For the sins I have to pay
I work for I.C.P.O. (interpol)
And some details show me
Not the "plain type"
Not the "gain type" of serial assassin
He's not motivated by hedonism
Untypical - no gilles de rais,
No bathory, not jack, so I got the suspicion
He's a man with a clear sagacious mission
4. Silently
[Music: S. Lill / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
When I open up the door and I step into a floor
See me running down the way
To another place I'll stay
In this room there is a door
From another endless floor
So I walk it 'til the end
Am coming back where I began
Then I fall into a dream
Within a dream within a dream
Of the murder from "the silence of the lambs"
Silently deeply creep in my heart and soul
Silently deeply creep all my love has gone
In my private picture dome
After 1000 days alone
I am meeting depardieu
And he asked me here to stay
An ambiguous sequel in many ways
Concerning my own situation
The translation "de son nom"
Implies that all the gods are gone
And I'm falling into the scenes
Inside my movie gathering
Living timeless in a "casket irony" here
Silently 1, 2, 3 see the hours flow
Siently 39, 40 nights ago
Silently days and weeks slowly counting by
Not a second not the years
Reign our measured time
Silently deeply creep in my heart and soul
Silently deeply creep under skin and bones
Say why minutes take one life
But years run out of hands
Here I play "capture time" try to understand
Silently deeply creep in my heart and soul
Silently deeply creep all my love has gone
5. Shadow I Am
[Music: S. Lill / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
The book of mankind's brain
Was written for a thousand times
And must be isolated seen
Research can not slip inside individuality
Or under neuropsychics seals
Now every storm that I breathe
And every curse I pray
Can make me see the night
And stronger every day
Shadow I am, and I ever will, and I ever will
Shadow I am in a world, in a land of shades
That forever rains the night on me
When the crows falling down in the neighborhood
Left no mark on the surface of dark
Then every storm that I breathe and every curse I pray
Can let me be the night and stronger every day
Shadow I am, and I ever will, and I ever will be
Shadow I am in my world, in the land of shades
That forever rain sundown on me
Not more than a gun to rule the world
Not more than a license for the fabric of my shade
Climbing out of torches - I left without a mark
Shadow I am, there's a chain reaction released
By the rebound of will and mind
Shadow in my neural world
This chain reaction's magnetism
Let's transform ourselves in each and any kind
Here's my cognition research
What is intelligence?
Shadows are human and not unable to think
6. Fireroses Dance
[Music: G. Werno / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
One day, when the fires eat the lands
And the widows start to dance
Then it shows all the beauty
In just one day
Why is it ever too late and why, is it ever
Why is it ever too late and why, is it ever
Too late
See the beauty of the world
For a second just a glance
One day when the fire roses dance
One day when I am crying for this song
Now it's written to the end
I could save all their children
In just one day
Why is it ever too late
And why is it ever too late
See the beauty of the world
In a clear vermilion sky
One day feels like indian summer
Lose the beauty of the world
So in common with the dying
One day
When the flame of innocence
Lets the fire roses dance
Missa ignis, missa ultoris
Missa presteris et saltatus
See the beauty of the world
In a clear vermilion sky
One day, one day
Plant the trees to cut them down
Burn my city to the ground
Count seconds - steal the time
Waste your words to build a rhyme
For all holes in me to fill
I need the newborn lives to...
Pray my true amens
After fire roses dance
7. Somewhere Alone In The Dark
[Music: S. Lill / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
Talk to me, I am here to say farewell my son
Now talk to me, I'm your season running out
I offer my equations
For everything you stole#
And I claim now my expenses
I'm your private "vertigo"
You don't breathe anymore
When I walk out the door
Something older than love
Waiting right in the line of the storm
Somewhere alone in the dark
A phantom from the arc
Somewhere alone in the night
Is counting all broken lives
Talk to me, my face had left a scar
Inside your memory, now I see it in your eyes
Aren't you dying to forget me
Call me wizard of your oz
Since you raised my deus machina
I'm in a godless rush
You don't breathe anymore
When I walk out the door
Something older than love
Lays you down in the line of the storm
And after a long time in nowhere
Five thousand and nineteen days
You pay the account for my kingdom
The rent for a spider's home
For the love of my life
I return in the night from the eye of the storm
And I'm willing your life to transform
Somewhere alone in the dark
The ghosts of dumas acting alone in the night
His legend of taking lives
8. January Sun
[Music: G. Werno & A. Kuntz / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
Come little angel and sit by my side
I need someone to talk to
'cause I can't see the light
I look for a guardian "take my thousand sins away"
Are the last lines before he decides to pray again
Here is x... friday dec. 13, 7:25 babylonian time
My brain works faster than the day before
And when I shut one door I hear another open
All his trust, faith and belief has gone
After the minute they've prserved him from the dawn
And I wonder, and I wonder
How a place could leave his mind alone with me
An eerie mural makes me see
His sieve of broken memories
I'm coming near but not enough
Disclosing your illusion
Why is the world so afraid
Searching for a way to january sun, january sun
And why can the last december days
Not remember where to go... january sun
His nether world is more dimensional
And now I could inhale his frenzied wintertale
A brand new being rises out of black snow
This ship of dark decades
Can tell me where I go
To remember and I remember
When I close my eyes the angel says to me
Confess your sins and take my hand
I give you back your memory
The time has come to see a land
Of reverse allegory tales
And the end of a rainbow on your journey
To a place you meet yourself
And searching for a pharos glowing
Why in the world is it me
Searching for the way to january sun
X - 7:35 - now I'm zero
Here I something to believe in
On our way let us turn into the january sun
Hostimentum - dominatio
I am nothing but a sand grain
In a gear of the universe - equation of the tide
Amnestia - mors christ-0
Why, why is the gift to be free this new identity
Christ-0 - christ-0 - christ-0 - christ-0
Come little angel and sit by my side
I need someone to talk to
Now I can see the light
My life is a station
Where the darkness meets the day
Hear the last lines before I design to fade away
9. Lost In Silence
[Music: A. Kuntz / Lyrics: A. Kuntz]
Cold wind is leading my soul to the border
Nothing will dry all your tears
I built in their crying a city of water
Drown in my new hydrosphere
Oceans you cry, oceans you cry
Please can you cry me away
Patiently waiting to fade out my life
Something is calling my name and says
Hey come into the day where we're lost in silence
Hey come into the day and be lost in silence
How can I say to the sons of your children
Here in my last summary
What is the system of building a monster
In my case love was the key
Ashes I cry, oceans I dye
Leave on a withering day
Why don't you come here and stay for awhile
I hear the ferryman say
"Come sail away with me"
Come into the day where we're lost in silence
Hey come into the day and be lost in silence
Hey come into the day where we're lost in silence
Hey come into the day and be lost in silence
Silence, silence, silence
10. Gethsemane
[Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber / Lyrics: Timothy Miles Bindon Rice]
I only want to say
If there is a way
Take this cup away from me
For I don't want to taste its poison
Feel it burn me
I have changed
I'm not as sure, as when we started
Then, I was inspired
Now, I'm sad and tired
Listen, surely I've exceeded expectations
Tried for three years, seems like thirty
Could you ask as much from any other man?
But if I die
See the saga through and do the things you ask of me
Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me, nail me to their tree
I'd want to know, I'd want to know, My God
I'd want to know, I'd want to know, My God
Want to see, I'd want to see, My God
Want to see, I'd want to see, My God
Why I should die
Would I be more noticed than I ever was before?
Would the things I've said and done matter any more?
I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
Have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
Have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord
Have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord
If I die what will be my reward?
If I die what will be my reward?
Have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
Why should I die? Oh why should I die?
Can you show me now that I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain
Show me there's a reason for your wanting me to die
You're far to keen and where and how, but not so hot on why
Alright, I'll die
See how I die
Just watch me die
See how I die
Then I was inspired
Now, I'm sad and tired
After all, I've tried for three years, seems like ninety
Why then am I scared to finish what I started
What you started - I didn't start it
God, thy will is hard
But you hold every card
I will drink your cup of poison
Nail me to your cross and break me
Bleed me, beat me
Kill me
Take me, now
Before I change my mind