 “Twitch”, второй альбом Ministry, так же как и первый, “With Sympathy”, не сникал симпатий на рынке. Сразу хочется сказать, что “Twitch” по звучанию никак не связан с “The Land of…”, “The Mind is a…”, и прочими классическими вещами Ministry (впрочем, один росточек будущих отклонений всё же заметен), в этом его единственное сходство с “With Sympathy”. В остальном это совершенно другая вещь. А на дворе 1986-ой год. После провала дебютника Йоргенсен совместно с Front 242 собрал весёленькую банду Revolting Cocks, они выпустили альбом, Эл набрался опыта, умения обращаться с оборудованием, и, наверняка, ещё много чего, после чего настало время для Министерства, которое к тому времени стало one-man-band.
Альбом слушается легко и непринуждённо, ничто не режет ухо, по завершении даже хочется повторить. «Twitch» в переводе значит «Судорога» или «Дёргаться», что полностью соответствует духу записи. 45 минут безразличного, холодного и мрачного EBM, обилие сэмплов из кинематографа, тяжёлые (для того времени) синтезаторы, живых гитар нет, вокал издевательски чистый и ровный. Лирика уже не о любви, как на дебютнике, а о ждущем нас холодном, равнодушном, технократическом обществе будущего. Все песни по 5-6 минут, только последняя «Where You At Now?/Crash and Burn/Twitch» выбивается из этой почти идеально ровной картины. И действительно, седьмой трек неплохо бы смотрелся и на “The Land of Rape and Honey”’88. Неожиданно быстрый, буквально кричащий, до шестой минуты он ещё как-то вписывается в рамки альбома, а далее появляется шизофрения, так свойственная последующим альбомам Эла. Как будто на заурядной дискотеке обнаруживается маньяк, умерщвляет пару-тройку подростков, начинает танцевать с мёртвыми телами, угощать их коктейлями и так далее. А мы, в лёгком недоумении, смотрим это кино. Впрочем, это только игра моего воображения. И, я думаю, можно считать этот двенадцатиминутный трек прологом к будущим альбомам Ministry, а точнее к “The Land of…”.
В общем-то, что-то подобное в то время играли и KMFDM, и Skinny Puppy, и Front 242, и неизвестно, кто кого копировал, и копировал ли вообще. Тем более интересно посмотреть, как спустя годы разошлись пути этих команд, каждая из которых выработает свой неповторимый стиль. “Twitch”’86 для Йоргенсена - несомненный прогресс, шаг вперёд, к независимому звучанию, вдаль от поп-музыки, пусть альбом и не уникален даже для своего времени, и уж тем более не «первопроходец», но это просто хорошая пластинка, которую приятно слушать. |
of anything you do!
1980's was run by
a person who's crazy -- like you! (and you)
the 1990's will be
unkindly, exactly like you! (and you)
just like you! (and you)
when one dictator
is the same as the leader -- just like you! (and you)
we work, we survive
just like you! (and you)
we work, we twitch
you! (and you)
just like you!
2. We Believe
standing round the table
spinning fables
and signing autographs
can't you hear them laugh
ha ha ha ha ha
in their secrecies
they plan their strategies
it's called hypocrisy
and we believe
they tell me everything
that i need to know
or i care to know
well i can visualize
the look in your eyes
the horror
as the plane goes down
and the siren sounds
we can't believe
we can't believe
in the east where the bear is dancing
in the west where the eagle flies
in the middle we stand our ground
the forces pull us down down down
tensions on both sides
we're paralyzed and victimized
we're terrified and petrified
demoralized and mortified
of genocide and suicide
and patricide and cyanide
we're pacified by every side
force-fed pride and then we die for them
we die for them
in the east where the bear is dancing
in the west where the eagle flies
in the middle we stand our ground
the forces pull us down down down
we believe
3. All Day
well i'm hiding my eyes from the morning sun
and i keep on working till the work is all done
but a voice in my head keeps ticking away
as the sweat's hosed down from yet another day
well he works hard
and he lives hard
and he breaks his back without nothing to gain
while the boss man sits around and drinks champagne
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one transition
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one decision
well i'm peeling the blisters off my working hand
is that what it takes to make you understand?
that it's something you read, not something you meant
to be slaving away without a shred of integrity
he worked hard
and he lived hard
and he broke his back without nothing to say
while the man in control was just laughing away
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one transition
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one decision
was it something you read?
was it something you meant?
was it something you said?
or was it heaven sent?
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one transition
all day (you work and you work and you work and)
in life, there's just one decision
4. The Angel
now is an angel there?
now is an angel there?
now is an angel there?
one left out
when they passed heaven about
what about me
sitting here in my purgatory
so left out
he's dead
i'm alive
he's spared
always an angel who cares
always an angel there
one like me
we try so hard
five like you
someone dead again
where's your angel now?
where's your angel now?
where's your morals now?
where's your morals?
always an angel there
where's your angel now?
always an angel who cares
always an angel there
where's your morals?
there's always an angel who cares
there's always an angel there
no more people staring
no more fatal dares
like a baby grabbing at
something that isn't there
but it is
but it is
always an angel there
always an angel who cares
always an angel there
always an angel who cares
5. Over The Shoulder
big size, small size
any size, round and round
we need, we take
burn it all to the ground
started over and learned to walk
we teach you how to talk
please try and understand
we're helping all mankind
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
we are serious
o, serious
dollar here, dollar there
dollars flying everywhere
we're only here to please
stop the killing, trust me
we'll only be a while
big while, big big smile
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
we have in our hands
every woman and every man
things are gonna go far
down a real big fast car
and what you see is what you get
keep 'em hungry, you bet
you need security
to keep you from the enemy
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
we use them a while then it's over the shoulder
6. My Possession
hanging and banging and cussing and bitching
and scratching and twitching at my demand
grabbing and poking and bruising and choking
i'm sprinkled i'm tinkled i'm losing my man
i found a new way
i found a better way
i found the only way
to cure frustration
i don't care what you say
about my moral ways
get on your knees and pray
cos you're slaves anyway
coming and going and moving and groaning
and hitting that kitten and making him yowl
wailing and flailing and trudging and flogging
and punching my doggie and making him howl
i found a new way
i found a better way
i found the only way
to cure frustration
i don't care what you say
about my moral ways
get on your knees and pray
cos you're slaves anyway
my possession, my possession, my possession, mine, all mine
kicking that butt now licking that butt
now kneel on that gut now the red light's on
pushing and shoving that bread in the oven
i'm paying them back for what they've done
i found a new way
i found a better way
i found the only way
to cure frustration
i don't care what you say
about my moral ways
get on your knees and pray
cos you're slaves anyway
my possession, my possession, my possession, mine, all mine
7. Isle Of Man
nice place
clean water
fresh air
blue skies
like pirates
we tried it
we took what we deserved
half million
years later
we'd used up
our reserves
we're crying
'what happened?'
we get what we deserve
we get what we deserve
we get instead the isle of man
the isle of man
i've wandered
through forests
with our garbage
can't clean it
i mean it
we get what we deserve
rainy mornings
dry evenings
it's growing
on my nerves
just gases
you fascists
you get what you deserve
you get what you deserve
you get instead the isle of man
the isle of man
i'm writing
this letter
so no one
will forget
some future
cave dweller
will find these notes an isle of man