« Death Row »
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1 | Death Row 05:17
 | 2 | Sodom & Gomorra 06:28
 | 3 | The Beast Inside 05:57
 | 4 | Dead On! 04:52
 | 5 | Guns 'R' Us 04:41
 | 6 | Like a Loaded Gun 04:19
 | 7 | What Else 04:39
 | 8 | Stone Evil 05:23
 | 9 | Bad Habits Die Hard 04:41
 | 10 | Prejudice 04:14
 | 11 | Bad Religion 04:26
 | 12 | Generation Clash II 05:05
 | 13 | Writing on the Wall 04:25
 | 14 | Drifting Apart 03:03 instrumental
 | 15 | Pomp and Circumstance 03:44 instrumental |
   Udo Dirkschneider - vocals
Wolf Hoffman - guitars
Peter Baltes - bass
Stefan Kaufmann - drums
Music & words by Accept & Deaffy
exc. Drifting away (W. Hoffman/P. Baltes),
Pomp and circumstance (E. Elgar),
Sodom & Gomorra Incl. "Sabre Dance"
(Khachaturian - 1.24 min.)
Published by Breeze Music GMBH
Produced and recorded by Accept for Breeze Music GMBH at Roxx Studios
Engineered and mixed by Stefan Kaufmann
Mastered at Master Sound Hamburg
20bit SBM Mastering by Andy Stange
"Bad habits die hard" and "Prejudice" drums by Stefan Schwarzmann
We want to thank Stefan Kaufmann for his unconditional efforts
to make a great album, we thank him for being a part of ACCEPT
for so long and ... who knows where we will go from here...
1994 Breeze Music |
 | 1. Death Row
I'm dead meat - you took away my rights
To be a part of your society
A life-time in prison wouldn't justify
You wanna blow away a sucker - so I have to die
I'm still waiting for the final call
I wanna meet my maker - I'm ready to go
Kill me - kill me - kill me - please, kill  |
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 Воссоединившись в начале 90-х, АССЕРТ выпустили альбом «Objection Overruled», получивший восторженные отзывы. Диск совместил в себе классические приёмы группы и новое, по-настоящему свежее звучание. Совсем другая оценка ожидала следующий за ним релиз - «Death Row». Он не только неоднозначно был принят поклонниками, но и от самого маэстро Диркшнайдера получил клеймо «худшего альбома в дискографии».
«Death Row», действительно, сильно отличается от привычного материала немцев. Для традиционного хэви время тогда было не самое лучшее. Молодое поколение слушателей стали интересовать другие стили. АССЕРТ попытались модернизировать свою музыку. Отсюда и более тяжёлое звучание, и, местами, структурные упрощения, когда большими отрывками используется партия одной гитары (вместо привычных двух), и более значимая роль баса в общем музыкальном полотне. Своеобразна мелодика альбома. Вся работа гитариста Хоффманна - и композиторская, и исполнительская стала несколько иной. Изменились его соло. Новый подход можно было заметить уже на диске «Objection Overruled». Только с этим альбомом корректно проводить некоторые параллели. Но их немного. «Death Row» - всё же другой диск, с необычными гитарными пассажами и куда более мрачной атмосферой. Бессмысленно перечислять все отличия. Никаких самокопирований и слепых следований прежним стандартам здесь нет и в помине! Впрочем, вокал Удо Диркшнайдера по-прежнему узнаваем.
Все тексты альбома проникнуты остросоциальной тематикой. На заглавный трэк был снят клип, повествующий об ошибках правосудия, когда смертная казнь применяется к невиновному человеку. Глубокий смысл заложен и в балладе «Writing on the Wall», повествующей о последствиях всемирной экологической катастрофы.
Мне альбом очень понравился. Запоминающиеся моменты есть в каждой песне. (Хотя диск, действительно, трудно назвать хитовым) Удачно использован на «Sodom & Gomorra» известный фрагмент «Танца с саблями» (авт. Хачатурян). Вокал на «Stone Evil» частично синтезирован, а в музыку искусно вплетён восточный мотив. Впервые записана с голосом Удо оригинальная версия «Generation Clash» (песня сочинена ещё в 1986г.). Два последних инструментальных трэка, приятной атмосферой сводят на нет всю мрачность альбома.
Существует заблуждение, что после записи «Death Row» АССЕРТ во второй раз распались, до выпуска последнего лонгплея. На самом деле, тогда группа провела мировой тур (по следам которого впоследствии выпущен был двойной концертник) в поддержку альбома и взяла временный отпуск.
Вслед за маэстро Диркшнайдером, многие до сих пор осуждают отход группы от своего классического звучания, как на этом диске, так и на выпущенном после него релизе «Predator» (1996г.) (хотя музыкальные идеи с последних альбомов заметны даже на диске 1997г. сольного проекта U.D.O.). Но я не разделяю творчество АССЕРТ, а с удовольствием слушаю всю их дискографию, ставшую вместе с последними альбомами ещё более разнообразной. |
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Категорически не согласен с предыдущей рецензией: о каких стандартах идет речь? И, тем более, если говорить про Accept - ведь практически все их творчество до реюниона было более чем прямолинейно. Боевики - два притопа, 3 прихлопа, да неотличимые друг от друга баллады. И так из года в год. А вот в 90-х Accept решили наконец-то сменить курс - появилась по-настоящему металлическая мощь, иногда переходящая просто-таки в angry-металл, инструментальные вставки удлинились и усложнились. В той же "Beast inside" замечательное гитарное соло, едва ли не лучшее на альбоме. И что еще приятно удивило - вокал Удо. Годы отдыха определенно пошли Диркшнайдеру на пользу. В итоге - ни одной слабой песни. Heavy Metal какой он есть, каким он должен быть. |
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Десятый альбом немецких пионеров хэви металла. Забудьте, о каких-то интересных нестандартных ходах, мужики всё дотошно содрали, причём у самих же себя, можно эту бодягу назвать даже антихитовой, я уже не говорю, что единственными запоминающимися вещами будут два балладных инструментальных номера «Drifting Away» и «Pomp And Circumstance», при всё моём уважении даже более менее нормальная песенка «Bad Religion» напоминает своим ритмом ситуацию, в которой кому-то из музыкантов припекло, и он теперь спешит, не видя ничего перед глазами, то же самое, только в другой вариации можно применить к хмурой примитивной средне темповой песне «The Beast Inside». Как раз эти два трека относительно напоминают что-то живое и показывающее признаки жизни. В общем, работа хуже даже чем первый дебютный альбом «Accept» и «легендарный», но жутко нудный «Balls To The Wall», вот такие дела… Качество звука приличное, но совсем не такое, каким оно было на «Objection Overruled» или других дисках группы, теперь оно характеризуется несколько тонким и прилизанным саундом где-то в райне позднего творчества сольного проекта Диркшнайдера U.D.O. Я просто ужаснулся, когда услышал, какое убожество, представляет собой баллада «Writings On The Wall», раньше они славились совершенными по своему качеству медляками, а тут такая засада… Просто теряюсь в догадках кому такой диск может понравиться, ведь за довольно длинную историю команда наклепала много как плохих, так и отличных альбомов и повторяться снова и снова просто не имеет права, на этот раз затёртые до дыр хэви металлические клише и стандарты плохо послужили, что и привело банду к скорой кончине. ЗЫ: после записи данной работы группа уже второй раз распалась на почти три года, до выпуска последнего своего лонгплея. |
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просмотров: 62846 |
Give me a reason why you're gonna let me wait
Some kind of punishment before you terminate
You're taking my life for your peace of mind
So let's go - start the show
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
Let me die - let me go
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
Let me die - let me go - death row
I'm a dead man walking so get outta my face
Rather die like a man than rotting this way
I hate you and you hate me
You can come and kiss my dignity
You're taking my life for your peace of mind
So let's go - start the show
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
Let me die - let me go
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
I'm ready to go - death row - death row
Your justice is not mine
You punish a crime with another crime
If you need to kill me for your peace of mind
Then let's go - start the show
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
Let me die - let me go
Death row - I'm ready to go - death row
I'm ready to go - death row - death row
Death row - open up Œcause here I come
Death row - knock, knock, knocking
I'm no hero's son
Death row - there's no tears that you can sell
Death row - paid my ticket through the gates of hell
Death row - death row
Let me die - let me go
Death row - death row
2. Sodom & Gomorra
Ever since the stone-age
Man's been on the hunt
We were born to kill
Fighting for survival
All in self-defence
It was do or die
Now we're living in jungles
The concrete age
A maximum overdose of pleasure and pain
Self-inflicted - life corrupting
Antisocial - controversial - living in sin
Sodom and Gomorra
Let me tell you what I see
Sodom and Gomorra
Got not law and order
Ruled by anarchy
It's here to stay
Chaos in the classroom
Kids are killing kids
Getting outta hand
Mothers and fathers - the sickening ones
Raping the children
At the end of a gun
Self-inflicted - life corrupting
Antisocial - controversial - living in sin
Sodom and Gomorra
Let me tell you what I see
Sodom and Gomorra
We're in a burning hell for all eternity
Sodom and Gomorra
You mustn't look back
To Sodom and Gomorra
Don't you look back -
to the essence of evil
This universe of hatred
Aggression is the force
Heading for oblivion
We're on collision-course
Evolution's over
The devil has prevailed
Heaven screams for vengeance
This is judgement day
Self-inflicted - life corrupting
Antisocial - controversial - living in sin
Sodom and Gomorra
Let me tell you what I see
Sodom and Gomorra
Forever ruled by anarchy
Sodom and Gomorra
Forever damned to purgatory
Sodom and Gomorra
3. The Beast Inside
My mind is razor-sharp
And I'm wild-cat-mean
I'd like to shred your face
A danger to you
When I feel the urge
Deep down inside
I lose my human touch
I'm like a killing machine
I want to resist - but I can't hold it back
The beast is unleashed - it's got to attack
Again and again the force is too strong
It's breaching the chains
I've got the beast inside
Don't you trust in me
I've got the beast inside
Craving a victim - it's telling me to kill
I look through evil eyes
Prowling in the streets
In the dead of night
I'm a man on the hunt
I know my soul is under siege
Can't somebody stop me now
Œcause I'm losing control
I've got the beast inside
Don't you trust in me
I know it must have been
the beast inside
It's driving me to kill
It's gotta be the beast - the beast - the beast
The beast - the beast - the beast - deep down inside
But when the deed is done
And the pain is gone
I feel renewed within
Until the voices return
The beast - the beast - the beast
The beast - the beast - the beast
My mind is razor-sharp
And I'm wild-cat-mean
I'd like to shred your face
I've told you before
When I feel the urge
Deep down inside
I lose my human touch
I'm just a killing machine
I want to resist -
but I can't hold it back
The beast is unleashed -
it's got to attack
Again and again the force is too strong
It's breaching the chains
It's gotta be the beast inside
Never ever trust in me
I know there is a beast inside
Inside in all of us
I feel I've got the beast inside
I'm screaming for help from this monster within
The beast inside - take a look in
the mirror - it's staring at you
Even at you - the beast inside
4. Dead On!
Zooming through the universe - on collision course
A meteor from outta space - gonna smash the earth
Head down to the trenches - to watch the bloody war
Nothing's gonna stop - the metal dinosaurs
Runaway train lost control - a thousand tons of steel
Overheated engines - the screaming of the wheels
A fighter in a boxing ring - takes the final blow
Opponent's on the canvas - lost by t.k.o.
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
From Belfast to Jerusalem - it's the living hell
Tuzla to Afghanistan - fighting tooth and nail
Death is irreversible - no matter what we try
Life is not recyclable - we are born to die
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
He was a teen spirit idol - loaded up his veins
He couldn't stand the pressure - so he terminates his brains
A renegade Red Indian - they called Geronimo
Cracked the white man's head - like the raging buffalo
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
Dead on - in a head-on collision
Dead on - like the hammer and the nail
5. Guns Or' Us
How about a mega-store
Full of guns to start a war
We're selling toys for fatal games
We'll take the credit not the blame
When they shoot the neighbours
Shoot the daughters
Shoot the sisters
Shoot the mutha's
It's a billion dollar industry
All in the same name of liberty
Guns Or' us
Guns Or' us - big toys buy big toys at
Guns Or' us
Guns Or' us
Living out the fantasy
Buy a dozen - get one free
Radar-guided - laser speed
Devastation guaranteed
Then they shoot the neighbours
Shoot the daughters
Shoot the brothers
Shoot the dog
It's a billion dollar industry
A constitutional guarantee
Guns Or' us
Guns Or' us - big toys buy big toys at
Guns Or' us - get a free magazine with your M-16
Guns Or' us - it's a one-day-sale
Gunned down int he neighbourhood
In the same of brotherhood
Black or white ain't worth a dime
Cut Œem down in zero time
It's shoot to kill - they shoot to kill
It's a human thrill just to shoot to kill
Then they shoot the neighbours
Shoot the daughters
Shoot the sisters
Shoot the mutha's
It's a billion dollar industry
All in the name of liberty
Guns Or' us
Guns Or' us - a final mega-blow - out-sale at
Guns Or' us - get your armour - piercing son of a bitch at
Guns Or' us - we accept your cash or credit cards
6. Like A Loaded Gun
I'm victimized and tantalized
Brutalized and chained
They'll devastate - intoxicate
They're driving me insane - forever
They regulate - investigate
Complicate my life
Everyday insanity
There's nothing going right -
I mean forget it
I've been there before
Can't take it no more
That's why I'm like a loaded gun
A man with a mission
Like a loaded gun
I'm human ammunition
They mutilate and penetrate
They masturbate my brains
When all I need for sanity
Is love to ease my pain
I'm tortured, sick and tired
I'm that weapon to be fired
Overloaded - unexploded
Don't you make me cross the final line
I've been there before
I can't take it no more
That's why I'm like a loaded gun
I'm a man with a mission
Like a loaded gun
You can pull my trigger
Just like a loaded gun
On a social collision
See my eyes - I mesmerize
Read my lips - it's time to cut the crap
I've been there before
I can't take it no more
That's why I'm like a loaded gun
A man with a mission
Like a loaded gun
I'm human ammunition
Like a loaded gun
On a social collision
Like a loaded gun
I'm ready to explode -
like a loaded gun
7. What Else
Heroes - keep dying
Nations - dividing
Principles - they're gone
It's war
Wallstreet - buy in politics
Jesus - up for sale
Do anything - for money
I'm a whore
What else - what's in it for me
What else
What else - what's in it for me
What else
Deadlines - headlines
Make me - the biggest star
I don't need personality
Œcause it's war
I'm greedy - I'm deadly
Don't give a fuck anymore
Anything for money
I'm a whore
8. Stone Evil
They terrorize and
tyrannize democracies
Their narrow minds still nothing
learned from history
The seeds of hate acquired from
their ancestry
Spreading like a cancer in societies
They've got the poison inside
Rivers of pesticide
Skin-headed minions -
they're deaf, dumb and blind
Machind-like in body - robotic in mind
Stone evil - inherited sin
Stone evil - infected from within
They can't leave it -
they can't break the spell
Under orders to obey
It was meant to last a thousand years
It took the world into dismay
Stone evil - stone evil
If you're gonna throw the torch at us
Don't expect to not get burned
It's time to stand - and fight the right
This is the lesson we have learned
They're marching to a different beat and glorify
The darkest times when innocent were crucified
They paralize and sterilize the masses' minds
They desecrate man's dignity - desensitize
They've got the poison inside
Rivers of pesticide
Skin-headed minions - they're deaf, dumb and blind
Machine-like in body - robotic in mind - evil
Stone evil - inherited sin
Stone evil - infected from within
Stone evil - inherited sin
9. Bad Habits Die Hard
One step forward - two steps back
Living on the edge - it's as simple as that
I'm no Mr. Lucky - I've never been close
I'm higher than some - but I'm lower than most
Just when you thought that you'd got it made
The bitch draws blood again
You sow as you reap - the same mistakes
Buddy rings the bell - begin the same
Bad habits - bad habits die hard
Bad habits - bad habits die hard
I'm stuck in a rut - but I'm burning inside
I am what I am - just a low-down bum
Always end up in trouble - just trying to be good
But with tumbling dice - the sixes will come
Bad habits - bad habits die hard
I know I got a lot of bad habits - bad habits die hard
I bet you got Œem too
One step forward - two steps back
I get caught in the middle - nailed to the rack
Got a load of bad habits - corrupted within
I'm a freak of nature - full of vices and sins
Just when you thought that you'd got it made
The bitch draws blood again
You sow as you reap - the same mistakes
Buddy rings the bell - begin the game
Bad habits - bad habits die hard
Bad habits - bad habits die hard
I know I got a lot of bad habits - bad habits die hard
Everybody's got bad habits - bad habits die hard
10. Prejudice
We grow and fertilize the semen of hate
Ignoring our ignorance - daring our fate
Predictions were made - generations were lost
While the seed is growing day by day in front of us
We buried tolerance and our respect
Became a breeding ground for social dismay
Whatever happened to the love-generation
With black and white hand in hand side by side
So preacher don't you preach
Hey teacher don't you teach
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice - I ain't losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice - I ain't losing my faith
If we could manage just to get along
Instead of blaming each other for what's going wrong
Education is the secret - the future's in our hands
Burn the fields of hate and believe again
Teacher don't you teach
Preacher don't you preach
So teacher don't you teach me
Hey preacher don't you preach
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice - I ain't losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice - I ain't losing my faith
Prejudice - prejudice
Judging one another by the colour of skin
Carefully covering our feelings within
We solve our problems with a kick in the face
We're living in a world judged by colour and race
So preacher don't you preach
Hey teacher don't you teach me
11. Bad Religion
As long as I remember - I was left all by myself
When trouble crossed my way I stood alone
My old man hit the bottle - my mom was running scared
The old forgotten prayers turned to stone
I'm searching for identity - I don't show who I am
The past has cast a shadow over me
Like a bad religion - the only one I know
I never had no shelter - never had a place to go
A bad religion - my life is make-believe
Bad religion - I'm beggin' for relief
I tried to break the circle - to break the vicious spell
But the past is always heavy on my mind
I'm dancing with the devil - a dangerous romance
A daring way to leave it all behind
I'm searching for identity - I don't know who I am
The past has cast a shadow over me
Like a bad religion - the only one I know
I never had no shelter never had a place to go
A bad religion - my life is make-believe
Bad religion
I need someone to talk to - someone to understand
I need a friend to lend a helping hand
I'm gonna pull myself together - shed this battered skin
I'm ready for the challenge - this loser's out to win
Like a bad religion - the only one I know
I never had no shelter - never had a place to go
A bad religion - my life is make-believe
Bad religion - I'm beggin' for relief - bad religion
12. Generation Clash II
Warnings surround you
That life ain't long
Same old stories
You've heard Œem before
They tell you to listen
To be like they've been
You carry a burden
Whatever you do
They never approve of
The things that you do
In the heart of your home
But what do they do
To comfort you
At times when you don't feel alright
Generation Clash
Generation Clash - you got
the guts to go
Bitching forever
For wasting time
You better not worry
You're doing alright
They tell you to listen
To be like they've been
But what do they do
To comfort you
At times when you don't feel alright
Generation Clash
Generation Clash - you got
the guts to go
Generation Clash -
kiss those times goodbye
Generation Clash - you got
the guts to go
Generation Clash
Generation Clash - you got
the guts to go
Generation Clash -
kiss those times goodbye -
the times are gone for good
Generation Clash - you got
the guts to go
Generation Clash - oh it's the
generation Clash
Generation Clash - nothing ventured
nothing gained - so get alive
Generation Clash ...
13. The Writing On The Wall
A thousand years from now on
The flame of life's gone out
The earth - a frozen wasteland
No living trace - no sounds
The world did die in anguish
The ashes turned tu dust
Fire and ice - blackness of night
Man's evolution has lost
Don't tell me that we didn't know
And that we haven't been told
The final S.O.S. we all ignored
We've seen the writing on the wall
The writing on the wall
The science of the madman
Was getting out of control
For every creature comfort
There is a heavy toll
We turned on mother nature
Stabbed her deep in the back
We ripped out her lungs - poisoned her veins
Internal acid attack
Don't tell me that we didn't know
And that we've never been told
The final S.O.S. we all ignored
We've seen the writing on the wall
The writing on the wall
Seen the writing on the wall
I'm just painting a picture
Of how it could be
But time's running out - the lock's ticking down
You're not blind - can't you see
Don't tell me that we still don't know
And that we're not being told
The final S.O.S. we shouldn't ignore
Just read the writing on the wall
The writing on the wall
Read the writing on the wall
The writing on the wall
14. Drifting Apart
14. Drifting Apart
15. Pomp And Circumstance