 «И стал я на песке морском и увидел выходящего из моря зверя с семью головами и десятью рогами; на рогах его было десять диадим, а на головах его имена богохульные…
И дивилась вся земля, следя за зверем; и поклонились дракону, который дал власть зверю.
И поклонились зверю, говоря: кто подобен зверю сему и кто может сразиться с ним?
И даны были ему уста, говорящие гордо и богохульно, и дана ему власть…
И отверз он уста свои для хулы на Бога, чтобы хулить имя Его и жилище его и живущих на небе.
И дано было ему вести войну со святыми и победить их; и дана была ему власть над всяким коленом и народом, и языком и племенем.
И поклонятся ему все живущие на земле, которых имена не написаны в книге жизни у Агнца, закланного от создания мира». – Откровение Иоанна Богослова, гл. 13, ст. 1, 3–8.
Группы, перед которыми благоговеешь и чьи студийные записи слушаешь с замиранием сердца, легкой дрожью в коленях и неожиданной сухостью в горле, неизбежно вызывают интерес и концертными альбомами (если таковые имеются). Причина проста и очевидна: хочется удостовериться, что коллектив такого уровня способен как минимум не хуже играть вживую, а заодно проникнуться ощущением новизны восприятия от «живого» выступления со всеми его специфическими особенностями. Когда же концертный альбом – не просто очередной релиз, а своего рода веха, подводящая итог определенного временнóго отрезка в истории коллектива, указанный интерес оправдан вдвойне. И «Десятилетие агрессии», подведшее первую юбилейную черту в карьере одного из самых неоднозначных, вызывающих и будоражащих общественное сознание трэш-составов планеты, не способно, я убежден, хоть кого-то оставить равнодушным: живая квинтэссенция ярости, мощи и бескомпромиссности калифорнийского «Убийцы» не оставляет ни единого шанса такого рода даже самым ярым скептикам.
В свое время одна моя знакомая, прослушав этот альбом, дала ему, несмотря на свою практически нулевую на тот момент вовлеченность в тяжелую музыку, поразительно точное определение – «едва контролируемое гениальное безумие на грани патологии». И безумие это тем притягательнее, что максимально органично объединяет в себе всё самое лучшее с крайне непохожих друг на друга первых пяти альбомов Slayer, на материале которых, собственно, в основном и зиждется популярность группы по сей день. “Decade…” безупречно выстроен в композиционном плане и практически идеально смикширован: звукоинженеры, честь им и хвала, под чутким руководством Рика Рубина и сопродюсеров в лице самой группы не стали из коммерческих соображений досконально «вылизывать» звук, а просто вывели группу на передний план, сохранив при этом неизбежные мелкие огрехи исполнения вживую.
Думаю те, кто хоть раз побывал на концерте Slayer (а таких из читающих рецензию, надеюсь, большинство), испытали при этом примерно то же, что и я – не столько даже восхищение профессионализмом музыкантов (а он на высшем уровне, достаточно обратить внимание хотя бы на игру Дейва Ломбардо), сколько своего рода изумленное облегчение оттого, что, пройдя сквозь пекло ТАКОГО беспредела, угара и «расколбаса», ты вообще остался жив. Понятно, что на трэш-концерты ходят не в последнюю очередь ради того, чтобы побеситься и, что называется, выпустить пар, но такого адского накала эмоций и выплескиваемой агрессивности не бывает на выступлениях ни одной другой трэш-металлической команды, ибо такова никого не оставляющая безучастным аура музыки и лирики Slayer – предельно «наэлектризованная» (я бы даже сказал «предгрозовая»), мрачная, болезненная, жестокая, кровавая и беспощадная, а местами, чего греха таить, и неприкрыто сатанинская. Всё это вы прочувствуете и при прослушивании альбома: атмосфера на площадках, где проходила запись (в числе которых знаменитый лондонский стадион «Уэмбли»), ощутимо напоминает бурлящий, готовый вот-вот взорваться гигантский человеческий котел. Заглянув же в буклет, вы получите тому наглядное визуальное подтверждение: на некоторых фото хорошо видно, что многие из полуобезумевшей толпы зрителей уже даже не до конца понимают происходящее вокруг и просто не в состоянии вести себя обычным адекватным образом.
Допускаю, что многие при прослушивании «Декады…» взглянут или уже взглянули на какие-то аспекты творчества Slayer и какие-то из их песен под немного другим углом, нежели ранее – я же всякий раз, слушая эту поистине эпохальную работу, впервые запечатлевшую классический состав группы в «живом» формате, лишь снова и снова убеждаюсь в том, что этим четырем всадникам Апокалипсиса для того, чтобы произвести на концертную аудиторию максимально выигрышное впечатление, достаточно просто с самоотдачей делать свое дело; большего от них лично мне не требуется. И как я любил у них больше всего среднетемповые вещи, содержащие, скажем так, постепенно разворачивающуюся мелодическую интригу и мощное композиционное построение (такие, как “South of Heaven”, “Seasons in the Abyss” или “Dead Skin Mask” (сей леденящий душу опус о переживаниях реального маньяка-некрофетишиста середины прошлого века Эда Гейна мне отчего-то особенно мил)), так я их до сих пор больше всего и люблю. При этом, естественно, нисколько не умаляя ценность и значимость более скоростных композиций, среди коих наипервейшие, на мой взгляд, жутковато-инфернальная “Hell Awaits”, «пулеметная» “War Ensemble” (перед которой, кстати, Том Арайя, обращаясь к публике в первых рядах, предусмотрительно просит ее поднимать на ноги падающих в толкотне и давке, чтобы никого не затоптать), “Raining Blood” (ммм… неизменно мурашки по коже), “Angel of Death” (моя, пожалуй, любимая песня Slayer; обреченность ведомых в Освенциме на убой передана предельно аутентично, и гитарная «связка» Кинг/Ханнеман нагнетает жутчайшую атмосферу владычества «ангела смерти» Йозефа Менгеле с первых же секунд), “Black Magic” и “Chemical Warfare”. Классика на то и классика, что, пусть и допуская талантливые кардинальные переосмысления, не испытывает в них безоговорочной необходимости, ибо совершенна и законченна изначально. |
Our legions killing all in sight
To get the one called Lord
The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
There's no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved
Crucify the so called Lord
He soon shall fall to me
Your souls are damned your God has fell
To slave for me eternally
Hell awaits...
The Reaper guard's the darkened Gates
That Satan calls his home
Demons feed the furnace where
The Dead are free to roam
Lonely children of the night
There's seven ways to go
Each leading to the burning hole
The Lucifer controls
Priests of Hades seek the sacred star
Satan sees the answer lies not far
Zombies screaming souls cry out to you
Satanic laws prevail your life is through
Pray to the moon... when it is round
Death with you shall then abound
What you seek... for can't be found
In sea or sky or underground
[Lead - Hanneman]
Now I have you deep inside my everlasting grasp
The seven bloody Gates of Hell
Is where you'll live your last
Warriors from Hell's Domain
Will bring you to your Death
The flames of Hades burning strong
Your soul shall never rest
The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
There's no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved
Sacrifice the lives of all I know they
Soon shall die
Their souls are damned to rot in Hell
and keep the fire growing deep inside
Hell awaits...
[Lead - King]
2. The Anti-Christ
[SLAYER - 1983 - "Show No Mercy"]
[Lyrics - Hanneman; Music - Hanneman, King]
Screams and nightmares
Of a life I want
Can't see living this lie no
A world I haunt
You've lost all control of my
Heart and soul
Satan holds my future
Watch it unfold
I am the Antichrist
It's what I was meant to be
Your God left me behind
And set my soul to be free
Watching disciples
Of the satanic rule
Pentagram of blood
Holds the jackal's truth
Searching for the answer
Christ hasn't come
Awaiting the final moment
The birth of Satan's son
From a life I live
Is what I give
Is what I love
The down fall,
Of the heavens above
I am the Antichrist
All love is lost
Insanity is what I am
Eternally my soul will rot (rot... rot)
3. War Ensemble
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman / Lyrics: Araya & Hanneman]
Propaganda death ensemble
Burial to be
Corpses rotting through the night
In blood laced misery
Scorched earth the policy
The reason for the siege
The pendulum it shaves the blade
The strafing air blood raid
Infiltration push reserves
Encircle the front lines
Supreme art of strategy
Playing on the minds
Bombard till submission
Take all to their graves
Indication of triumph
The number(s) that are dead
Sport the war, war support
The sport is war, total war
When victory's a massacre [sings "really massacre" 1st time,]
["really survival" 2nd]
The final swing is not a drill
It's how many people I can kill
[Solo: Hanneman]
Be dead fiend from above
When darkness falls
Descend onto my sights
Your fallen walls
Spearhead break through the lines
Flanked all around
Soldiers of attrition
Forward their ground
Regime prophetic age
Old in its time
Flowing veins run on through
Deep in the Rhine
Center of the web
All battles scored
What is our war crimes
(era forever more... war)
[Solo: King]
Propaganda war ensemble
Burial to be
Bones shining by the night
In blood laced misery
Campaign of elimination
Twisted psychology
When victory is to survive
And death is defeat
Sport the war, war support
The sport is (war,) total war
When victory's a massacre (doesn't sing this)
When victory is survival (or this!)
When this end is a slaughter
The final swing is not a drill
It's how many people I can kill
4. South Of Heaven
[SLAYER - 1988 - "South Of Heaven"]
[Lyrics: Araya; Music: Hanneman]
An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time.
Unsuspecting victims no warnings, no signs.
Judgment day the second coming arrives.
Before you see the light you must die.
Forgotten children, conform a new faith,
Avidity and lust controlled by hate.
[The] Never ending search for your shattered sanity,
Souls of Damnation in their own reality.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive habitat.
Bastard sons beget your cunting daughters,
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers.
Engreat souls condemned for [all] eternity,
Sustained by immoral observance a domineering deity.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive sabbath.
On and on, south of heaven [x 4]
The root of all evil is the heart of a black soul.
A force that has lived all eternity.
A never ending search for a truth never told.
The loss of all hope and your dignity.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive habitat.
On and on, south of heaven [x 4]
5. Raining Blood
[SLAYER - 1986 - "Reign In Blood"]
[Lyrics - Haneman, King, Music - Hanneman]
Trapped in purgatory
A lifeless object, alive
Awaiting reprisal
Death will be their acquisition
The sky is turning red
Return to power draws near
Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears
Abolish the rules made of stone
Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past
Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above
Awaiting the hour of reprisal
Your time slips away
Raining blood
From a lacerated sky
Bleeding its horror
Creating my structure
Now I shall reign in blood!
6. Altar Of Sacrifice
[SLAYER - 1986 - "Reign In Blood"]
[Lyrics - King, Music - Hanneman]
Waiting the hour destined to die
Here on the table of hell
A figure in white unknown by man
Approaching the altar of death
High priest awaiting dagger in hand
Spilling the pure virgin blood
Satan's slaughter, ceremonial death
Answer his every command
Death will come easy just close your eyes -
Dream of the friends you'll see
Heavenly failure losing again
Move on to a new form of life
Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead
(Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead)
Enter to the realm of Satan!
Blood turning black, the change has begun
Feeling the hatred of all damned in Hell
Flesh starts to burn, twist and deform
Eyes dripping blood realization of death
Transforming of five toes to two
Learn the sacred words of praise, hail Satan
A gift of powers disposed upon you
Use them when you feel the need
Master the forces and powers of Satan
Controlling the creature's instinct
Drawn to the castles that float in the sky
Learn to resist the temptation
Watching the angels sift through the heavens
Endlessly search(ing) for salvation
7. Jesus Saves
[SLAYER - 1986 - "Reign In Blood"]
[Lyrics - King, Music - Hanneman, King]
You go to the church, you kiss the cross
You will be saved at any cost
You have your own reality
You spend your life just kissing ass
A trait that's grown as time has passed
You think the world will end today
You praise the Lord, it's all you say
Jesus saves, listen to you pray
You think you'll see the pearly gates
When death takes you away
For all respect you cannot lust
In an invisible man you place your trust
Indirect dependency
Eternal attempt at amnesty
He will decide who lives and dies
Depopulate Satanas rise
You will be an accessory
Irreverence and blasphemy
Jesus saves, no need to pray
The gates of pearl have turned to gold
It seems you've lost your way
Jesus saves, no words of praise
No promised land to take you to
There is no other way
8. Dead Skin Mask
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman / Lyrics: Aray]
How I've waited for you to come
I've been here all alone
Now that you've arrived
Please stay a while
And I promise I won't keep you long
I'll keep you forever
Graze the skin with my finger tips
The brush of dead cold flesh pacifies [sings "appease"] the
Provoking images delicate features so smooth
A pleasant fragrance in the light of the moon
Dance with the dead in my dreams
Listen to their hallowed screams
The dead have taken my soul
Temptation's lost all control
Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes
Lose all mind control rationale declines
Empty eyes enslave the creations
Of placid faces and lifeless pageants
In the depths of a mind insane
Fantasy and reality are the same
Graze the skin with my finger tips
The brush of dead warm flesh pacifies the means
Incised members ornaments on my being
Adulating the skin before me
Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes
Lose all mind control rationale declines
Empty eyes enslave the creations
Of placid faces and lifeless pageants
Dance with the dead in my dreams (Hello? Hello Mr Gein?)
Listen to their hollowed screams (Mr Gein?)
The dead have taken my soul (Lemme out of here Mr Gein)
Temptation's lost all control (Mr Gein? I don't wanna play anymore Mr Gein)
(Dance with the dead in my dreams (Mr Gein, it's not any fun anymore,)
Listen to their hollowed screams (I don't want to play anymore Mr Gein)
The dead have taken my soul (Mr Gein? Lemme out of here Mr Gein)
Temptation's lost all control) (Lemme out, LEMMMMEEE OOUUUUUUTTT!!)
9. Seasons In The Abyss
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman / Lyrics: Araya]
Razors edge
Outlines the dead
Incisions in my head
Anticipation the stimulation
To kill the exhilaration
[part 1]
Close your eyes
Look deep in your soul
Step outside yourself
And let your mind go
Frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die
[part 2]
Close your eyes
And forget your name
Step outside yourself
And let your thoughts drain
As you go insane... (go) insane
[this verse has changed place with verse 3]
Inert flesh
A bloody tomb
A decorated splatter brightens the room
An execution a sadist ritual
Mad intervals of mind residuals
Close your eyes
Look deep in your soul
Step outside yourself
And let your mind go
Frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die
Close your eyes... and forget your name
Step outside yourself... and let your thoughts drain
As you go insane... (go) insane
[Solo: King, Hanneman]
[this verse has changed place with verse 2]
Innate seed
To watch you bleed
A demanding physical need
Desecrated, eviscerated
Times prostrated [sings "perpetuated"]
10. Mandatory Suicide
[SLAYER - 1988 - "South Of Heaven"]
[Lyrics:Araya; Music: Hanneman, King]
Murder at your every foot step.
A child's toy sudden death.
Sniper blazes you thru your knees
Falling down can you feel the heat,
Ambushed by the spray of lead
Count the bullet holes in your head.
Offspring sent out to cry,
Living mandatory suicide.
Suicide. [x 4]
Holes burn deep in your chest,
Raked by machine gun fire.
Screaming soul sent out to die,
Living mandatory suicide.
Suicide. [x 4]
Lying, dying, screaming in pain.
Begging, pleading, bullets drop like rain.
Mines explode, pain sheers through your brain,
Radical amputation, this is insane.
Fly swatter stakes drive through your chest.
Spikes impale you as you're forced off the crest.
Soldier of misfortune
Hunting with bated breath.
A vile smell, like tasting death.
Dead bodies, dying and wounded
Litter the city streets
Shattered glass, bits of clothing and human deceit.
Dying [in] terror,
Blood's cheap, it's everywhere.
Mandatory suicide, massacre on the front line.
11. Angel Of Death
[SLAYER - 1986 - "Reign In Blood"]
[Lyrics & Music - Hanneman]
Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The why that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
Forced in
Like cattle
You run
Stripped of
Your life's worth
Human mice, for the Angel of Death
Four hundred thousand more to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Sadistic, surgeon of demise
Sadist of the noblest blood
Destroying, without mercy
To benefit the Aryan race
Surgery, with no anesthesia
Fell the knife pierce you intensely
Inferior, no use to mankind
Strapped down screaming out to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death
Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh, drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold, cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
'Til you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The holocaust
Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare
Wings of pain, reach out for you
His face of death staring down,
Your blood running cold
Injecting cells, dying eyes
Feeding on the screams of
The mutants he's creating
Pathetic harmless victims
Left to die
Rancid Angel of Death
Flying free
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death
Angel of Death !!!
12. Hallowed Point
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman & King / Lyrics: Araya & Hanneman]
High velocity bullet at close range
Can damage the mind
Shattering the skull shredding the brain
Severing the spine
Bury a round of lead in the chest
It's quite an impression
Imagine the innards of your soul
The infliction
Instinctive regression
With intent to kill
No regard of human life
Or the blood spilled
[Solo: Hanneman]
Riddled convulsions
Confetti of flesh
Scattered helplessly
Losing your control of physical facilities
Release the slide to cleanse inside
Prepare to anoint
Snap the tongue in groove discharged
To make my hallowed point
The power of a gun
Used with conviction
Dispersed on excursions
Randomly kills its victims
My sweet revenge
Bitter in depression
The thrilling release
Of a hated deep persuasion
[Solo: King]
The power of a gun
Used with conviction
Diffused compulsions
Unending repercussions
Violent emotion
Screaming revolution
Spasm(at)ic convulsions
Death an empty gun
[Solo: Hanneman, King]
13. Blood Red
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman / Lyrics: Araya]
Peaceful confrontation meet war machine
Seizing all civil liberties
Honest ballotation among banshee
Spilling blood throughout [sings "on"] humanity
You cannot hide the face of death
Oppression ruled by bloodshed
No disguise can deface evil
The massacre of innocent people
Deviated lies fear blinding your eyes
Enforcing their truth through a gun
Aggressive discipline and barbaric control
Thousands of people cannot be wrong
You cannot hide the face of death
Oppression rules by bloodshed
No disguise can deface evil
That stains the primitive sickle
Blood Red
[Solo: Hanneman, King, Hanneman, King, Hanneman]
Growing opposition with words as ammunition
Expressions of life's liberties
Aggressive discipline and barbaric control
Spilling blood throughout humanity
You cannot hide the face of death
Oppression rules by bloodshed
No disguise can deface evil
That stains the primitive sickle
Blood Red
14. Die By The Sword
[SLAYER - 1983 - "Show No Mercy"]
[Lyrics - Hanneman; Music - Hanneman]
Live by the sword and help to contain
The helpless minds of you all
Die by my hand in pools of blood
Clutch yourself as you fall
Mindless tyranny, forgotten victims
Children slaughtered in vain
Raping the maids, in which they serve
Only the words of the Lord
Die by the sword
Die by the sword
Satan watches all of us
Smiles as some do his bidding
Try to escape the grasp of my hand
And your life will no longer exist
Hear our cry, save us from
The Hell in which we live
We turn our heads toward the sky
And listen for the steel
Die by the sword
Die by the sword
Watch as flowers decay
On (the) cryptic life that died
The wisdom of the wizards
Is only a neurtured lie
Black knights of Hell's domain
Walk upon the dead
Satanas sits upon
The blood on which he feeds
Die by the sword
Die by the sword
15. Black Magic
[SLAYER - 1983 - "Show No Mercy"]
[Lyrics - King; Music - Hanneman, King]
Black magic night
We've been struck down
Down in this Hell
Spells surround me day and night
Stricken by the force of evil light
The force of evil light
Under his spell
Blinding my eyes
Twisting my mind
Fight to resist the evil inside
Captive of a force of Satan's might
A force of Satan's might
Fighting the curse
Break it I must
Laughing in sorrow
Crying in lust
My strength slips away
Soon I must fall
Victim of fortune
My sources grow small
Life slips away
As demons come forth
Death takes my hand
And captures my soul
16. Captor Of Sin
[SLAYER - 1984 - "Haunting The Chapel"]
Halls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soul
Feel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your
Cast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feel
Satan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's seal
Hot winds of Hell
Burns, in my wake
Death is what you pray,
Behold, captor of sin
As fit of slaves, my manipulation, captive of my vice
Abandon God, thy helpless ones, to relieve you of your plight
Subversive action will not help, it will strengthen me
I see they're glad your every move, death your final plea
Hot winds of Hell
Burns, in my wake
Death is what you pray,
Behold, captor of sin
Your skin turns to never
I ignite your timid blood
You feel my lethal touch
As I grasp your will and soul
I'll take you down into the fire
Halls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soul
Feel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your
Cast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feel
Satan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's seal
Hot winds of Hell
Burns, in my wake
Death is what you pray,
Behold, captor of sin
17. Born Of Fire
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music. King, Hanneman / Lyrics: King]
Join in my quest to leave life overturned
Spanning the world wave of doom
Spewing out death with the evil I've churned
Awaken the dead from their tomb
Love turns to lust the sensations I've felt
Exploring the pleasures of sin
Making the bast of the cards I've been dealt
Adjusting the odds so I win
Unleash all my burning wrath
Potential killing machine
Take down all who block my path
Enjoying all that's obscene... born of fire
Prince of all darkness initiation
Ritually baptized in flames
Next to the throne my abomination
Spreads terror throughout the domain
Master the art that controls the impure
Inherit the infamous keys
Thousands of centuries I will endure
Tyrant of all prophecies
Some have called me Satan's son
A name I cannot deny
Wielding fury that's second to none
Far too vile to confine... born of fire
[Solo: Hanneman]
All things dead must rise again
When twilight's blanket falls
Splattered red you'll find my den
Blood dripping from the walls
Dreams born of desire
Shaped and forged within the fire
Twisted, warped, deranged I see
The world's corrupt insanity
[Solo: King]
Dreams possess nightmarish figures
Burning can't escape the embers
Lost are those who trust the Liar
Satan's son I'm born of fire
[Solo: King]
18. Postmortem
[SLAYER - 1986 - "Reign In Blood"]
[Lyrics & Music - Hanneman]
Funeral held for the depression of man
Holds the key to his own death
Entering a tomb of a corpse yet conceived
Tighten the tourniquet around your neck
Sifting away the debris of hated life
Cold touch of death begins to chill your spine
Seeking life beyond your perishment
Repeating words echoing through your mind
Chanting lines of blind witchery
To save yourself from extinction
Wanting to die is your reason to live
New life born from the oppressed
Taste your blood as it trickles through the air
Another casualty beyond the shadows you fall
Losing ground, the fate you feel it draws near
Fatality, reality, you await the final call
My sinful glare at nothing holds thoughts of death behind it
Skeletons in my mind commence tearing at my sanity
Vessels in my brain carry death until my birth
Come and die with me forever
Share insanity
Do you want to die!
The waves of blood are rushing near, pounding at the walls of
Turning off my sanity, reaching back into my mind
Non-rising body from the grave showing new reality
What I am, what I want, I'm only after death
19. Spirit In Black
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Music: Hanneman / Lyrics: King]
Welcome to my world
Involve yourself within my dream
Experience a life
Just like your mind thought not to be
Take a look through time
At past or present worlds to be
I rule this inferno
Enthroned for eternity
Coils of the serpent unwind
Buried beneath you will find
Deep in the halls of the damned
Spirit in black till the journey's [doesn't sing that] end
Spirits damned to rot
Amidst the brimstone fireballs
Eyes of the dead
Watching from their living walls [sings "hall"?]
Broken glass reflections
Show your flesh eaten away
Beyond the gates I'll take you
Where the blood forever rains
Coils of the serpent unwind
Buried beneath you will find
Deep in the halls of the damned
Spirit in black till the journey's [doesn't sing that] end
[Solo: Hanneman]
Afterlife confession
Tell me who you used to be
Looking on in wonder
As I show you it was me
Burning from within
You know one spark is all it takes
Hear the piercing cries of all
Who found that hell awaits
Living nightmare can't you see
You really have no choice
Faded memories haunt you
Listen closely to my voice
Feed me all your hatred
Empty all your thoughts to me
I can fill your emptiness
With immortality
[Solo: King]
Welcome to my world
Involve yourself within my dream
Experience a life
Just like your mind thought not to be
Take a look through time
At past or present worlds to be
I rule this inferno
Enthroned for eternity
20. Expendable Youth
[SLAYER - 1990 - "Seasons In The Abyss"]
[Lyrics: King / Music: Araya]
Gun down cold on a raw deal
Home turf my battlefield
In no one's way caught in a crossfire
Stray bullets can kill
Expendable youths
Fighting for possession
Having control... the [sings "a"] principle obsession
Rivalry and retribution
Death the only solution
Injured soul lies on the ground [sings "Injured soul on the hard ground"]
Head blown off face down
Lying in a pool of blood
An accidental death homicide
[Solo: Hanneman, King]
Struggling to survive
The [sings "This"] drug induced warfare
Having control... and [sings "or"] principle obsession
Expandable youth... fighting for possession
Violence is only a friend
[this is printed but he sings the ordinary chorus:]
Expendable youth
Fight for possession
To have control... your principle obsession
Rivalry and retribution
Death the only solution
21. Chemical Warfare
[SLAYER - 1984 - "Haunting The Chapel"]
Tragic minds are terrified
Life as if a grave
Silent death marks high and full
The wings of revelation
Haunting death from chemicals
Errant is as one
Annihilation must be swift
The soil with our destruction
Counts on the throne must be watching from Hell
Waiting no bastion of side
Soldiers defeated by death with the spell
Bodies lie dormant, no life
Rising, betook with the lands where they fell
Demons are ready to die
Laughing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare
I will miss your fucking peace, lined up in death row
Generals with their slaughtered beasts, diminished from this
Banished from the dying world, loath of Hell awaits
Dark, some more helpless pray to immortality
Counts on the throne must be watching from Hell
Waiting no bastion of side
Soldiers defeated with help from the spell
Bodies lie dormant, no life
Rising, these souls, from the lands where they fell
Demons are ready to die
Laughing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare
(Fuck it up)
Limbs you take
The torture just as truth entitled fights
Humans' amputations due
Men fall
Deadly give the reason to the need
Still the soul has left the corpse to Hell
Mummied by regions, lying in dusk, fall victim to this game
Bloodshed my corpse, reigning in lust, taking with all thee of
Fall stead thy spirit, farther they fall, soon they will join
us in Hell
See the blood burning, the gates are ablaze, Satan is eager to
Counts on the throne must be watching from Hell
Waiting no bastion of side
Soldiers defeated with help from the spell
Bodies lie dormant, no life
Rising, these souls, with the lands where they fell
Demons are ready to die
Laughing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare