The Crown
« Eternal Death (Re-release) »
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1 | Angels Die 04:48
 | 2 | Beautiful Evil Soul 04:05
 | 3 | In Bitterness And Sorrow 03:29
 | 4 | The Black Heart 08:32
 | 5 | World Within 05:28
 | 6 | The Serpent Garden 04:45
 | 7 | Kill (The Priest) 01:41
 | 8 | Misery Speaks 04:40
 | 9 | Hunger 04:45
 | 10 | Death Of God 10:08
 | | Total playing time: 52:28 |
   Johan Lindstrand - vocals
Marko Tervonen - guitars
Marcus Sunesson - guitars
Magnus Olsfelt - bass
Janne Saarenpaa - drums |
Produced by The Crown and Berno Paulsson
Engineer Berno Paulsson
Nocturnal assistant engineer Henrik Larson
Mastered by Goran Finnberg, Mastering Room
Cover painting by K. Wahlin
Bandphoto: K. Johansson, Live photo: C.A. |
 | 1. Angels Die
[Music: M. Tervonen. Lyrics: M. Olsfelt]
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
Oh I remember - Cold white heaven
Sacred holy silence
- "Fear God and His commandments"
We walked the silver grass - Alone among thousands
We walked through eachother
- "Don't cry when I walk in you"
Never |
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 Расхожее мнение, что второй альбом является лишь бледной копией дебюта и вовсю использует его находки и наработки, в ситуации с Crown Of Thorns подтвердилось процентов на 10. Эти самые проценты целиком и полностью воплотились в “Beautiful Evil Soul”, такой же прямолинейно-посредственной и однообразной death/black вещи, как и дебютный альбом “The Burning”. В остальном налицо существенный рост: песни прибавили в скорости, в них добавили значительную долю трэша, и, что самое главное, почти каждый трек содержит как минимум одно замечательное соло, акцентирующее на себе внимание и прекрасно запоминающееся. В результате материал прекрасно слушается, не вызывает никакой зевоты и отторжения, он энергичен и одновременно с этим сложен, местами даже эпичен, и все это без малейшего ущерба для восприятия. И вот, что интересно, музыканты The Crown, как рыбы в воде, стали себя прекрасно чувствовать как в длинных композициях (что “The Black Heart” на 8.32, что финальная “Death Of God” на 10.08 сбалансированы и интересны, наполнены множеством интересных ходов), так и в относительно коротких и ярких пятиминутных треках (открывашка “Angels Die” или “World Within”). И, пожалуй, впервые музыкантов можно поздравить с настоящим хитом – идущая шестой “The Serpent Within” с прекрасной мелодикой, отличным соло и хорошим драйвом мгновенно запоминается и легко может претендовать на право тягаться с лучшими вещами In Flames, Dark Tranquillity или Arch Enemy. Впечатляющая работа над ошибками позволила The Crown закрепиться среди шведских мелодик дэт банд далеко не на последнем месте. Альбом по настоящему хорош и может быть интересен любому любителю smdm, ведь “Eternal Death” мало в чем уступает произведшему фурор двумя годами позже “Deathrace King”, а в чем-то его даже превосходит. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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«Eternal Death» – альбом, записанный группой, тогда еще носившей название Сrown of Thorns, в 1997 году и переизданный спустя семь лет уже под вывеской The Crown. Вообще, альбомом, закрепившим позиции группы в инфернальной музыке, считается «Deathrace King», вышедший в 1999-м. Но, как мне кажется, при сопоставлении этих двух работ сразу становятся очевидны преимущества первого в эмоциональной насыщенности материала. Здесь можно вспомнить их земляков Мардук (сопоставление, быть может, немного неказистое, но так будет яснее), добившихся на альбоме «Nightwing» наилучшего баланса технической жесткости материала и живости его подачи, впоследствии уходя все больше в ужесточение звучания. Эту же тенденцию можно проследить и в творческом развитии The Crown c 99-года – музыка забронировалась агрессией и профессионально отделанным забоем. Данная же работа представляет собой тандем трэша и дета с ненавязчивым прикосновением блэка шведского закала, но решающее слово тут именно за мелодичностью, хотя и не вполне соответствующей традициям своего ареала распространения, поскольку у групп-ратоборцев «шведятины» вроде Dismember или Grave трудно отыскать что-либо подобное. Этот альбом не приемлет крайностей, которые принято именовать опошленными понятиями «брутальность» или «атмосфера», но зато здесь довольно мелодики – как энергичной и напористой, так и величественно-пафосной. При этом музыка не скатывается в клоаку слащавых попсовых рулад, а остается экстремальной в своей мрачности и пессимистичности. В общем звучании угадывается шведская работа, гитаристы нашинковывают головокружительный трэш-дэтовый риффинг, срываясь поочередно на яркие, молниеносные соло-партии. Басу отведена не такая почетная роль, поскольку гитарный саунд остается довольно резким и щетинистым, но зато ударные прописаны как нельзя более четко и костедробильно. Вокал – истошный, но в целом стандартный скриминг. Имеются и довольно продолжительные композиции, претендующие на эпичность – «Black Heart» и «Death of God». Мне лично первая представляется выигрышнее ввиду своей законченности и более пасмурного настроя, а в «Death of God» многовато не самых убедительных ходов и непонятных метаний, из-за которых продолжительность песни воспринимается как ненужная затянутость. Впрочем, на впечатлении от альбома это негативно не отзывается. Каждая песня тут – веское подтверждение композиторского и исполнительского таланта, а что-либо равного «In Bitterness and Sorrow», «Misery Speaks» или уже упомянутой «Black Heart» вряд ли встретишь у какой-нибудь группы среднего уровня. Тексты, написанные сравнительно простым и доступным слогом рассказывают о гнусности бога и безрадостности жизни. Получилось весьма приятно, не всегда тексты выходят настолько же удачно, как музыка. Не знаю, является ли этот альбом лучшим из всего созданного группой, но он с полным основанием заслуживает такого титула. Идеал – недостижим, но вплотную приблизиться к нему есть уже великое дело. |
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просмотров: 17193 |
You leper lord you
Liar - You cannot feel this pain I am
This will to break on
Through you - The rebel soul
It shall not rest until your chains are
Broken - Begone from me!
Your love was never nothing but a lie
Fallen from the sky - Alone cast into shadows
Father - You burned my wings
But I'm born again now baptised in
Fire - To take revenge
Released from your hands I am growing
Stronger - You watched me fall
Now watch me rise with pride and
Desire - To kill my god
Your love was never nothing but a lie
And the angels cry - Tears fall like rain
Knowing they must die - No god to hear their pain
As the heavens open above me - I feel its cold
My arms are spread wide open - Like wings in flight
I speak into the night - Words of poison and spell
My hate is driven across the sky - A blackened lightning that strikes up high
[Lead: M. Tervonen]
Father - You burned my wings
But I'm born again now baptised in
Fire - To take revenge
Released from your hands I am growing
Stronger - You watched me fall
Now watch me rise with pride and
Desire - To kill my god
Your love was never nothing but a lie
Angels die!
2. Beautiful Evil Soul
[Music & Lyrics: M. Olsfelt]
Thrown yourself agains it all in total self-destruction
You look so weak against his might - So small in the light
But you are stronger!
Your darkness standing proud and
True - devotion, dedication, concentration of the soul
Through cleasning... Light beyond knowledge
The end flows through your veins
High on blind destruction
The flowers of red are growing wild
And the mirror of my blood on the floor reflects
Your face - Not mine
Possess me! - Beautiful evil soul
I burn in your flame - Your beauty is my pain
Caress me! - Beautiful evil love
With your sweet kiss ofdeath
You crucify my world
Take me! - Burn my soul
For you - I give all my life
Destroy me!
And I can see her now
She is rising
Death is beautiful
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
She is beautiful
Spreading her black wings
She is suicide
And the mirror of my blood on the floor reflects
Her eyes - My death
Obsess me! - Beautiful evil soul
I burn in your flame - Your beauty is my pain
Undress me! - Beautiful evil love
With your sweet kiss of death
You crucify my world
You crucify my love - Beautiful evil world
Like a dream of perfect bliss - Too beautiful to last
3. In Bitterness And Sorrow
[Music: M. Tervonen. Lyrics: M. Olsfelt/M. Tervonen]
See my light it has gone away - My fire is dead but here I stay
Time is passing by though nothing heals its breath does tear my life
Endless pain throught my loveless heart
I feel my soul grow deadly cold
Still I breathe and and still I stay - Still I "live" day after day
Sorrow surounds me day and night
So tired of life but scared to die
Visions passing through my head - Words you once in silence said
Beyond the point of no return - I can't go back the bridge is burned
Still I breathe and still I stay - Still I "live" day after day
The shadows are breathing - Can't you hear?
The darkness feeding off your fear
Endless pain through my loveless heart
But still I breathe...
The shadows are bleeding - Can't you see?
My darkiness feeding off these years
Still I breathe and still I stay
Still I die day after day
Lights of darkness lead the way
Towards the breathing, awaiting end
Always there to erase it all - Always there to take us home
We are all just born to die - But never living we just survive
All will die no eternal life - But still you try...
To hide the truth in comfort lies
The christian dream has made you blind
My eyes can see - I don't believe
But still you pray day after day
My youth has passed away
Time is passing by though nothing heals its breath does tear my life
Will it ever pass away?
Life is passing by and there's nothing left for me but
Eternal Death
[Lead: M. Tervonen]
Why do I still go on? - Living this lie
I die because I do not - Die!
Broken beyond repair - Alone across the years
[Repeat chorus]
Will it ever pass away?
Life is passing by and there's nothing left for me but
Eternal Death!
4. The Black Heart
[Music & Lyrics M. Olsfelt]
Trapped - locked in life
Not for long - bound for death
My revenge
I don't belong here
Tear down - The blood clotted walls of reality
Break through - The lies of the living world
Burn your body - your disguise
Face eternity with open eyes
Can't you see that this is not real
Taste my wine, drink the darkness of my heart
Ohh Gift of life - pure disgust
I long to die
Singing to praise of Death
Pale worlds of emtiness
"Only black is true - only black is real"
Written in scars on my heart
Those words of truth - you will feel
That only black is true - that only black is real
This winter of my soul
Is turning my blood into ice
I am death - I kill life
I am here - hungry to kill the light
I kill
In this shape - in this disguise
Sent out - to bring an end to it all
Only death is true - only death is real
Here is nothing like life
Nothing even close
Yeah - Only death is true - there is only death in me
Nothing left but silence
Ashes, dust and darkness
Close my soul and scream out the darkness
Of my heart
Spewing forth - the hate for all things holy
[Lead: M. Tervonen]
In the night the voices cry
In my dreams I hear them call my name
Night after night
This ghostsong rings on and on...
No candles burn
No lights shines on this deep dark lake
And there is no hiding from this pain
We are of stone like statues cold
But did you see the cracks on my white chest
Just above the heart
Drained of life and blackened with dead love
To speak the names - invocation of evil
Satan - beast of me
Rise up! - from inside
Of the darkness
Of my heart
The dark disciple of death
And emptiness
I am death - I kill life
I am here - hungry to kill myself
I kill...
It feels so real - this blood is art
Riding high - against the walls of the room
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
"Only black is true - only black is real"
Written in scars on my heart
Those words of truth - you will feel
That only black is true - that only black is real
This winter of my soul
Is turning my life into hell.
In memory of Dead.
5. World Within
[Music: M. Sunesson. Lyrics: J. Lindstrand/M. Sunesson/M. Olsfelt]
The spiritual rape
Jehova's mind pollution
But nocturnal possession it breathes in me
It's true love
It feels like I'm alive
I search for joy
There shall never be another dawn
I have become the beast - The freedom of your soul
This God of "light" - I will crush in the night
My charm strikes upon you
Fulfill your fate - Go against your God
The night is here
It's breathing deep in you
Feel the rush!
You're in demon hands
Cleansed from the filth
A slave to the power of blood and death
Fight for pleasure and victory will come
Yeah - The "light" has raped your soul
Retribution through my world within
The militia of death
It starts to rise - Ready to explode
Kill "yourself" and come with me
I've got the cure
The power to eras your God
- Erase your God!
I have sterilized the cross
The violation of "his" dream
And I have darkified the souls of purity
This mercyful death - The neverending harmony
Your eyes glow so red
And slowly you accept what you have become
The hunger of evil - The instinct of our glory
this society of Christ brings out the Devil in us
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
Now you've ripped the angels above
Created your own world within
Spark of death
It starts to rise - Ready to explode
You killed "yourself" - You came with me
together we shall burn what's left of...
6. The Serpent Garden
[Music: M. Tervonen. Lyrics: M. Olsfelt/M. Tervonen]
A distant place - Where once we all lived like slaves
Stolen of our mind and thoughts we were left there naked - Living dead
Forbidden need - To taste the fruits of the knowledge tree
Serving on our knees we will as long as we're not breaking free
The Serpent temptates our souls:
- Free yourselves from the chains of God, Eat this my gift and be your own lords!
Release of what lies entombed:
The divine wisdom in all of us no longer a secret to ourselves
Every day is like the day the ungodly touched my soul to say:
- Defeat the Dog who's crushing all your needs!
Every day you see my pain and turn your other cheek away
The tears I shed - Will not to be unsaid!
Wonam and Man - Driven out from the sacred orchards
Just like Lucifer - The fallen one, was cast out of heaven high
The Serpent garden - Is the covenant between us
Together forever in an unholy war against the almighty tyrant of enslavement
The Serpent has saved our souls
Freed us from the hains of God and given us gifts for us to be our own lords
Punished by flood and plagues
Brought upon us in envy of God from what we have become now
Christian slaves want to erase their mind
Longing back to the "heaven" of mental hell
They praise the tyrant every night and day
They despise the Serpent, freedom of souls and us the unholy ones
Who are not born to follow any law but our will and desire
The Serpent - Glittering black
Bites a hole in my soul and creawls insie
Knowledge - Unleashed in me - Try to find the ungodly in you
God Dog! - Confront me now
And face the pain that I will spit on your light
Deathbound - Is what we are - I close my eyes now I dream of hell
The Serpent words are calling - It's blood still "poison" me
My Serpent words are calling And your paradise is falling - Down!
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
The Serpent temptates our souls:
- Free yourselves from the chains of God, eat this my gift and be your own lords!
Release of what lies entombed:
The divine wisdom in all of us no longer a secret to ourselves
Every day is like the day the ungodly touched my soul to say:
- Defeat the Dog who's crushing all your needs!
Every day you see my pain and turn your other cheek away
Of fire reborn in the Serpent garden
To be free from God's grasp.
7. Kill (The Priest)
[Music: M. Olsfelt/R. –sterberg. Lyrics: M. Olsfelt]
Ohh - It's Metal in the air
It flows through our hearts
And gives us strength
It's time to show christianity
That DEATH is reality!
That everything must die!
Ohh - Kill the priest
Kill the priest - Yeah!
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
Metal strikes - All mercy dies
Kill the priest and burn the church
The total destruction of your god
Crucify and rip him down!
Rip him from the cross!
Ohh - Kill the priest
Kill the priest - Yeah!
8. Misery Speaks
[Music: J. Lindstrand/M. Tervonen. Lyrics: J. Lindstrand]
Inside his mind
Into the demon world
From there he haunts their dreams
Look at his eyes - Look at his fear
Look at the tears that drip
And the bible that's burning now
The flames have searched and found
Look at your God - Pathetic and weak
Your father burns
I've seen a thousand "crimes"
But this is one of the "worst"
The demon's laughing now
The world is his - The world is pain
Oh so great
It will possess our bodies
Oh yeah - Satan's smiling now
The world is his - The world is lost
Behind the dark
He stands to watch the weak
And his fate destroys their hope
Look at the cross - Look at the fall
Feel the burning hate - From the conscious red
Insanity! - cause of alarm?
Look at the end - Misery speaks
hell is loose
I've seen a thousand "crimes"...
Seek and you will find - Messiah stabbed in the head
No one will ever miss him - They are all dead
[Lead: M. Tervonen - M. Sunesson]
And so you inject the black venom
Following the trail of future - Towards the bleeding face of Christ
And spit him goodbye
[Lead: M. Tervonen]
I've seen a thousand "crimes"
But this is one of the "worst"
You are laughing now
The dream is gone - You are reborn
oh so dark
Burning your own church
Yeah - Satan's smiling now
Without me - I'm nobody's prey
I am my own God.
9. Hunger
[Music: M. Tervonen. Lyrics: M. Olsfelt/M. Tervonen]
A starving restless soul - As fueled by years of wasted time
Dying to live like a burning flame - So come beloved
So desperate and filled with pain
In chaos nights I tried to die - Feeding my disease
A deadly need
When this hunger is pleased then I shall die
Living like this is the end - I want to feel it all
Shatter my world of glass - And cut open its prison walls
All logic now left behind - So come and take me away
Starvated soul - A hidden pain consumes my heart
As fueled by years of wasted time
Hiding my soul away
So touch me with your careful lips - And open the doors to insanity
A yearning growing wild and strong - The need to lose all control
Shatter my world of glass - And cut open its prison walls
All logic now left behind - So come and take me away
Now - The time has come to slay my fears
Of what I hold behind those tears
Don't know - Don't care what I will find
Behind these eyes the future lies / Nothing ever seems to satisfy
The feeling of loss is so great that the very life in me has drained
and starved to Death
I long for something else and I am prepared to take the steps
that will cost me more than you
To leave everything behind, burn down my past and rise above
everybody that I once have been
To join the hunger inside - Please be my guide on this
long and strange journey through my life
Shatter my world of glass - And cut open its prison walls
All logic now left behind - So come and take me away
Now - The time has come to slay my fears
Of what I hold behind those tears
Don't know - Don't care what I will find
Behind these eyes the future lies / Nothing ever seems to satisfy
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
[Repeat chorus]
I drift on... - Consumite Furore!
10. Death Of God
[Music & Lyrics: M. Olsfelt]
And down comes the rain...
God is dead - The sky cries tears of blood
Whipping down hard - The proof of his demise
This is the end - This is the Death of God
The Death divine - The destruction of your light
Our eyes are open to the dark
And all the beauty therein
Deliver us from Jesus
- Drowning you in guilt and sin
Crush the cross
Forget those empty prayers
Find your own truth - Behind the blinding lights
And beyond...
Cursed be thy name - Your kingdom of slaves
Blessed be those who rise up - Against God
The fallen angels - The burning souls
The spirits of fire and revolution
Rising up from below
With the pain that we are
Make all gods die - Death of God
Songs of Death shall kill the lies forever
Glorify - Death of God
Creation of destruction - Death of God
Day of tomorrow no lord shall survive
Breaking through the chains - Death of God
Be done!
Celebrate the fall - Death of God
Look deep inside - You will find - Death of God
Is now, is here, in you - Death of God
Come forth
Celebrate your soul - The Death of God
We are the children of wrath - Born from pain
Living in the shadows - Thrown by your light
We are the end - The bright short burning flames
The end of eternity - The destruction of false hope
Forever... - We are the Death of God
The thorns of truth that crown your forsaken son
To the sound of our young hearts
Beating so brave and proud
So we live in the end
Screaming out our souls against
The sky
War - Rise
Bring - Death
Come - Revolution
[Lead: M. Sunesson]
Rising - My soul from below
Under a flag of blood and night
Crashing - Against the pearly gates
Screaming as I burn
I am the end - I am the Death of God
The Death divine - The destruction of your lies
Passion to destroy - These bloodwritten lies
Your heaven is my hell - Don't want your mind-raped rest
The celebration of God's Death
The Glorification of our soul
Roaming free and unbound
Never to serve or kneel
Make all gods die - Death of God
Songs of Death shall kill the lies forever
Glorify - Death of God
Creation of destruction - Death of God
Day of tomorrow no lord shall survive
Breaking through the chains - Death of God
Be done!
Celebrate the fall - Death of God
Look deep inside - You will find - Death of God
Is now, is here, in you - Death of God
Come forth
Celebrate your soul - The Death of God
You are turning your face away
Look at me and face my hatred!
Can You see it now?
I am your enemy!
The cursed fruit of "Thy" womb
The vengeance of "your" creation
And You will never hurt me again
You will never fucking hurt me again!
You are empty