« Persistence of Time »
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1 | Time – 6:55
 | 2 | Blood – 7:13
 | 3 | Keep It in the Family – 7:08
 | 4 | In My World – 6:25
 | 5 | Gridlock – 5:17
 | 6 | Intro to Reality – 3:23
 | 7 | Belly of the Beast – 4:47
 | 8 | Got the Time (Joe Jackson) – 2:44
 | 9 | H8 Red – 5:04
 | 10 | One Man Stands – 5:38
 | 11 | Discharge – 4:12
 | | * Bonus track on Japanese release only
 | | "Protest and Survive" (Discharge) – 2:22 |
   Joey Belladonna – Vocals
Scott Ian – Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar on "Got The Time", Harmony Guitar on "Intro To Reality"
Dan Spitz – Lead Guitar
Frank Bello – Bass
Charlie Benante – Drums, Harmony Guitar on "Intro To Reality" |
Anthrax – Producer, Liner Notes
Michael Barbiero – Mixing, EngineerArtwork
Mark Dodson – Producer, Engineer
Rick Downey – Lighting, Management
George Geranios – Sounds
Greg Goldman – Assistant Engineer
Bob Ludwig – Mastering
Steve Thompson – Mixing
Jon Zazula – Executive Producer, Management
Ed Korengo – Assistant Engineer
Marsha Zazula – Executive Producer, Management
Brian Schueble – Assistant Engineer
Don Brautigam – Artwork
Waring Abbott – Photography
Paul Crook –Lead Guitar Tech
Bill Pulaski – Band
Mike Tempesta – Rhythm Guitar Tech
Marie Bryant – Assistant Engineer
Art Ring – Management
Troy Boyer – Bass Tech
Maria Ferrero – Management
Walter Gemenhardt – Drum Tech
Basic tracks recorded at A&M Studios and Conway Studios, Hollywood, USA
Re-recording at Soundtrack Studios, New York City, USA
Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, New York City, USA
Mastered at Masterdisk, New York City, USA |
 | 1. Time
I got so much trouble on my mind
Paranoia time
I'm running out of life
Clockwise and the seconds tick away
Each line that cuts my face
Cut as each hand moves into place
Amped and wired
Bile black the thoughts that run my head
There's so much to be said
They're so mu |
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 Пиковый альбом группы. На стыке десятилетий Anthrax внезапно прекратили играть весёленький трэш и решили сделать своё творчество более серьёзным.
Изменилось всё. Песни стали ещё длиннее и сложнее, чем на предыдущем релизе. Из текстов исчез фирменный юмор «Язвенников», теперь в лирической начинке преобладают рассказы о времени. Саунд стал жёстче и чище. Безусловно, всё вышесказанное олицетворяет прогресс группы.
Естественно, вместе с музыкой и её составляющими прогрессировали и сами участники группы. Ребята продемонстрировали замечательную слаженность и техничность на «Persistence...». Снова хочется поблагодарить Дэни Спица за его потрясающую работу, - все соло на этом альбоме резки, неожиданны и мелодичны, уж точно, одни из лучших у Anthrax. Вокал Джои Белладонны стал менее агрессивным и сильно прибавил в мелодичности. Ритм-секция стала очень мощной - Скотт, Чарли и Фрэнк сыграли технично.
Альбом состоит из потрясающе разнообразного материала .Тут нам и три величественных композиции в лице «Time», «Blood» и «Keep It in the Family», и два беспроигрышных хита - «In My World» и «Got the Time», ну и, конечно же, парочка трэшевых боевиков - «Gridlock» и «Discharge». Также хотелось бы отметить мрачноватую «Intro to Reality», и «H8 Red» с «One Man Stands», содержащие в себе грустновато-психопатические риффы. Из общего ряда выпадает разве что «Belly of the Beast», да и та содержит привлекательный припев.
Вывод: потрясающий альбом, плотно закрепивший успех предыдущих дисков, альбом, благодаря которому группу причислили к списку лучших. |
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Группа Anthrax хоть и обладает звездным статусом, но ряд ее работ производит весьма неоднозначное впечатление. В том числе и альбом «Persistence оf Time». Разумеется, идейные вдохновители Anthrax, Ian Scott Rosenfeld и Charlie Benante, в те далекие годы заявляли, что группа вышла на качественно новый уровень, записала концептуальный альбом, в котором тексты песен несут огромную смысловую нагрузку и т. д. А что мы слышим на самом деле? Да, альбом концептуален, тема времени и человека в нем проходит красной линией. Да, остросоциален, семиминутная песня «Keep it in the Family» от однообразного ритма которой неудержимо клонит в сон, повествует об убийстве Юсуфа Хоскинса. Но в музыкальном плане «Persistence...» ничем не отличается от скучного «State оf Euphoria». Все тот же высокоскоростной, техничный и на редкость скучный трэш. Вокалист Белладонна со своей задачей справился, равно как и остальные участники группы. Но если знать об истинных удачах Anthrax, таких как альбом «Among the Living», то извините... Этот альбом по сравнению с ним приличный шаг назад. Полное отсутствие мелодий Ian и Benante заменили жесточайшими риффами и мощными барабанами. Получилось достаточно неинтересно. Зацепиться можно разве что за кавер-версию песни Джо Джексона «Got the Time». Впоследствии музыкантам удалось выбраться из мошерской ямы и вспомнить о былых удачах, но «Persistence оf Time» остался не слишком удачным экспериментом с излишним ужесточением звучания. |
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Считаю этот альбом одним из лучших в творчестве Anthrax. Слушается на одном дыхании. Проходных и невыразительных песен практически нет. Единственный момент, который, по моему субъективному мнению, вносит каплю дегтя в бочку меда, это то, что на протяжении всего альбома ударник Чарли Бенанте, практически во всех песнях стучит в первую долю, что придает альбому некоторый момент однообразности. Но этот минус с лихвой перекрывается кучей плюсов мелодичности и напористостью настоящего классического трэша. |
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Это пиковый альбом «старого» Anthrax’а. Самый сложный, самый интересный, самый качественный. И, в то же время, что совершенно ожидаемо, он оказался традиционно испорчен отвратным вокалом Белладонны. Что ж делать, если в истории тяжмета есть несколько вокалистов безбожно портящих, сводящих на нет всю остальную гениальную работу музыкантов. Вот так и здесь, великолепные, интересные и мощные риффы Скотта Яна и блестящая ритм-секция оказались начисто смазанными безобразным воющим воКалом Белладонны. Тем не менее, энергетика альбома невероятно сильна и, если попытаться абстрагироваться от мерзостного вокалирования, то можно получить массу больших и маленьких трэш-радостей. |
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просмотров: 50083 |
Walking corpses shambling through life
With nothing in their sight
Dance on their bones, step in and fight
Amped and wired
Life and death are fighting for my time
I can't seem to find the time
I want what's mine
Time through the clock just keeps talking
It just walks any damn place
It feels like walkin'
My mind keeps thinking
Clockwise as the seconds tick away
I make my move today
Time and life
Life and time
To have and hold
And sometimes find
It isn't mine, it isn't yours
Man to man I'll fight you for
Time and life
Life and time
One day I'll get what's mine
Through the persistence of time
Life and death as words they don't mean shit
It's what you do with it
And how you live with it
Raging like a bull inside a cage
Just give me a stage
Where this bull can rage
Paranoia's got no hold on me,
Time don't have nothing
To do with how high you can,
Time don't got nothing
To do with how high you can count
2. Blood
What do you do when something dies
A life together has ended, your living a lie
When did this act become reality?
Hello conscience, do I laugh or do I cry
Nothing's ever perfect
This is just a test
Imagine, imagine saying what can be said
Imagine, imagine each word a bullet 'til you're dead
Imagine, imagine killing something you love
Imagine, just think about living inside
Blood on your hands, blood in my eyes
Blood I can't keep, blood circumscribes
Blood on your hands turns into blood in my eyes
And with the blood I can't keep
Our lives, blood circumscribes
Brother on, brother on, brother on, brothers in blood
A wave of hatred comes like the flood
Brother on brother on,
Brothers in blood
Hate is so much easier to feel than love
Brother on brother on
Brothers in blood
Misery can be so attractive
When making yourself happy is the only alternative
At the expense of someone else's life
Do it for yourself, damn it, do what's right!
Imagine, think about living your life
Imagine, think about being stabbed with a dull knife
Imagine, think how sane you'll be when it's through
Imagine, think real hard then do what ya gotta do
3. Keep It In The Family
The public enemy's not the man who speaks his mind
The public enemy's the man that goes and acts blind
Searching for an answer that he'll never find
An action from reaction and you can't make a retraction
Once you've put your head out
And then you're blue in the face,
As you try to state your case
You can think with your dick but it can't shout
Yo, I try to understand what the hell is going on
I can't imagine how things ever got so far gone
You separatists, say you want your own state
I'll give them a state, a state of unconsciousness
Retribution, no solution, constitution
Discrimination, through the nation, raining hatred
I yell, when there's schism you must rebel
I yell, so you'll hear
I yell, I refuse to live, in, your hell
I am what you fear
I'm the truth, I don't keep it in the family
Live your life, take someone else
Keep it in the family
The real world's outside your door
You can't keep it in the family
You've got the longest way to fall
Keep it in the family
Don't even try to tell me what you think is right
When to you blacks are niggers and jews are kikes
And you expect to be taken seriously
But your actions, they're more than curiously
Juvenile, you emulate what you hate
And you don't even know why you feel this way
'Cause daddy hated this and mommy hated that
And your own ability to reason's like a tire gone flat
Yo, I try to understand what the hell is going on
I can't imagine how things ever got so far gone
You separatists, say you want your own state
I'll give them a state, a state of unconsciousness
Retribution, no solution, constitution
Discrimination, through the nation, raining hatred
Keep it in the family
The real world's outside your door
You can't keep it in the family
You've got the longest way to fall
When you keep it in the, when you keep it in the,
When you keep it in the family
Acting out of pure cold hatred
'Cause of what another's race is
Color of another's face is
Different, and your own frustrations
Taking on a violent nature
Full of hate, so full of hate
You'd kill a man is that your fate
Your street becomes a police state
Why the hell do you hate?!
Hate, hate!!!
I'm not gonna stand for it
Someone's gonna pay for it
I yell, we rebel
We're the truth and we won't keep it in the family
Live your life, take someone else
Keep it in the family
I'm the thing that you most fear
I don't keep it in the family
I am the truth you won't hear
Keep it in the family
You can't keep it in the family
You've got the longest way to fall
Keep it in the family
4. In My World
They're gonna put me in jail?
Man, I'm already in jail
Don't they know that my life
Is just one big cell
I'll bite the hand that feeds me
And I could give a damn if that hand needs me
Why can't you leave me alone?
A lie may fool someone else
But it tells you the truth
You're weak, just another clone
I just want my life
To do whatever I like
Yeah, it's a selfish need
To have no responsibility
So I'll say what I'm gonna say
'Cause I'm going to hell anyway
I'd rather be alone
In my world
I'm not afraid
I am not afraid
Nothing touches me I'm a walking razor blade
Face the face of fear
Face the face of death
Laugh when others tear
Hate when others laugh
In my world it's cold
My defense is like stone
No one gets inside, 'cause
In my world I'm home
In my world I loathe
And you'll always pay a toll
No one gets inside, 'cause
In my world I'm home
An adult at thirteen
My childhood was a dream
A full clout nightmare, a sight unseen
My greatest fear as a kid
One which I always kept hid
Was to come home from school
And find my mother dead
Face the face of fear
Face the face of death
Laugh when others tear
Hate when others laugh
In my world it's cold
My defense is like stone
No one gets inside, 'cause
In my world I'm home
In my world I loathe
And you'll always pay a toll
No one gets inside, 'cause
In my world I'm home
5. Gridlock
It's a long time, a long time comin'
You tell me how you think I should be
It's so easy
You tell me what people want from me
Well I'll just be myself
It's the only way I can be, but you don't see
You accuse, abuse integrity
You don't know one damn thing about me
Not one damn thing
Build me up and then you tear me down
Curse my name when I'm not around
You're so hard until the truth is found
What goes round always comes around
And it's a
Long time, long time
A long time comin'
A long time, long time
A long time comin', a vicious circle
In your face I'll come runnin'
Try and stop me
A long time, much too long
And I'm comin'
Try and stop me
I like to keep my friends around me close
But my enemies closer
Friends accept me for just who I am
Not someone I'm supposed to be
Or something they expect for free
Do you know me?
I live with myself, I know my place
Wipe that bullshit smile off your face
The show is over
You and me are gonna take a walk
I think it's time we had a little talk
I said, you and me are gonna take a walk
And we're gonna do more than walk and talk
Let me see how you think I should be
You think it's so easy?
Put yourself on trial everyday
Against a hung jury
You don't know a thing about me
You believe the hype you see
But in my heart God knows I'll be true
To what my life will bring
6. Intro To Reality
7. Belly Of The Beast
You walk this earth without a heart
You tear the innocent's souls apart
You shovel your conscience into the grave
You walk this earth without a heart
Your uniform couldn't be taken off
A tattoo burned into your flesh
Your mind, your voice
These are your instruments of death
How could you dare to be so bold
You only did as you were told
Marionettes dancing in time
To the apologetic lines
For all the monsters of our time
Who is evil, who is blind?
In the name of who you'll find,
A city of souls dying for peace
Welcome to the belly of the beast
One mind, one voice
Welcome to the belly of the beast
Who hears, your voice?
Millions, never, never again
Madness, never, never again
Martyrs, dead that can't die
Insanity, the normal state
The left hand a hammer, the right the stake
Driven so deep into the heart
It's killing love, it's killing faith
It's killing 'cause it's from the heart
What better way to demoralize
When your own children are your spies
The things you trust are not the same
Trust in grief, trust in death
Trust in hope is trust in pain
Who is evil, who is blind?
In the name of who you'll find,
You're not supposed to question faith
But how do you accept this fate?
Millions, you walk this earth without a heart
Madness, tear the innocent's souls apart
Martyrs, shovel your conscience into the grave
8. Got The Time
[Originally performed by Joe Jackson]
Wake up, got another day to get
Through now, got another man to see
Gotta call him on the telephone AY-O
Gotta find a piece of paper
Sit down, got another letter to write
Think hard, gotta get a letter just right
Little ringin' on the telephone oh no,
Gotta write another letter
No such thing as tomorrow
All we want, Two, three, go!
Time, got the time tick tick tickin' in my head
Time, got the time tick tick tickin' in my head
Time, got the time tick tick tickin' in my head
Tickin' in my head, tickin' in my head, tickin' in my head
If I, tell ya what I'm doing today
Will you, shut up and get out of my way
Someone ask me what the time is, I don't know
Only know I gotta know now
No time, tryin' ta get a watch repaired
No time, never got a thing to wear
Little ringin' on the telephone
Oh no, hear a ringin' in my head now
9. H8 Red
So I say to you
So you look at me
What do I have to do?
And you look at me
So I say to you
You just look at me
What the hell do you see?
Do I hate you?
No, I don't think so
Words don't describe what my feelings know
Do I hate you?
No, and I refuse to go
Down to your level just to feed my ego
Do I hate you?
Yes, I got it off my chest
I hate you for making me regress
Stop, stop, stop, stop
Looking at me
What do you see?
I don't see in black and white
I see things in wrong and right
Do I hate you?
Think, it takes a man to think
And to admit his ignorance
You can't just look at my face
You can't judge me by my race
We gotta,
Stop, stop, stop, stop
What do you see?
So I say to you
Just look at me
I say to you
Different and
All this hatred
All this hatred
And do I hate you?
I can't take it
All this hatred
You may not know this
We may be different
Different but equal
Different and free
You may not know this
We may be different
Different but equal
Different and free
All this hatred
All this hatred
And do I hate you?
I can't take it
Stop this hatred, Now!
Do I hate you? Do I hate you? Yes.
Do I hate you, and placate you? Ohh.
Do I hate you? Do I hate you? No!!!
No I'm not that arrogant
To not admit my ignorance
And do you think I really care
When you sit there and you stare
I can't help feel sorry for you
And maybe even pity too
My answer's no and this is true,
Do I hate you?!
All this hatred
All this hatred
I can't take it
All this hatred
You may not know this
We may be different
Different but equal
Different and free
10. One Man Stands
The enemy is dead
I can't believe what I said
The enemy is dead
Did it only exist in our head?
Sheltered from the evils of the world until the truth is seen
Sheltered from realities of life, your human rights are free
Freedom, taken for granted 'cause
we don't know what oppression means
Freedom, taken for granted by the leaders who would crush the dream
A crack, exposing human rights
Light against the granite sky
A crack, exposing human life
A fire burns
For the freedom, for the freedom, for the freedom
Never given but taken
For the freedom
Die for the reason
One man stands
Hard as he waits for freedom's hand
A unified voice for freedom of choice
One man stands for
Life, He'll give his
Would you give yours to fight for a cause
One man stands
And the wall, cracks, and the wall, cracks,
And the wall, cracks, and the walls come crumbling
Down with old ideals that could never work in modern times
Free choice, religious freedom, basic rights are on the bottom line
Down with all the icons of the past cold war and detente
The flock no longer fears the wolf, the flock is taking what it wants
One man stands for life - I never questioned
One life costs us all - they love their children
Everyman stands and fights - who is my enemy?
One man's rule will fall - one man stands
11. Discharge
I wait, I hate
Silence kills you like a loaded gun
My time, you waste
Resolution turn your back and run
Drunk with power
Your ivory tower
Never stood, never could
And around and around
You hit the ground
Reservation hellbound
Most people cry
When a person dies
You wanna know why?
Run it through,
Most people cry
Not when you die
You wanna know why?
Nobody cried
You lived a lie
You lived a lie!
Your life, what life?
What's the difference between you and death?
Overdose, comatose
You won't even leave a corpse that's fresh
Drunk with power
Go take a shower
I wish you would, I wish you could
And around and around
You hit the ground
Reservation hellbound
A surreal vision
Of a human being
Self inflicted crucifixion
Suicidal contradiction
Clusterfucked you load it up
Clusterfucked you self destruct
Get off my dick, it's sick
I refuse to feel sorry for you
I can't, believe
People put you on a pedestal
Drunk with power
Your ivory tower
Never stood, never could
And around and around
You hit the ground
Reservation hellbound
A surreal vision
Of a human being