« Perceptive Deception »
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1 | Rhizome 03:54
 | 2 | Abolition Of Impediment 03:20
 | 3 | Reason Rejected 05:04
 | 4 | Condensed Conditions 02:47
 | 5 | Masses Conformed 04:05
 | 6 | Unfolding Disposition 03:45
 | 7 | Generative Patterns 02:55
 | 8 | Critical Emulation 03:39
 | 9 | Opposite Extremities 02:32
 | | Total playing time: 32:01 |
   Robbe Kok - vocals
Daniel "Daan" van der Broek - guitars
Gerben van der Bij - guitars
Nils Berndsen - bass
Robbe Vrijenhoek - drums |
 | 1. Rhizome
Representative thinking is a way of arranging matter.
It is based upon reason which abstracts reality.
It only captivates universality.
Difference won't be abstracted.
This abstraction from reality represents an incomplete one.
Reason pretends to represent a true abstraction f |
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 Невероятно логичный и последовательный альбом – по-моему, до сих пор единственный у этой группы. Оно и немудрено, ведь над созданиями подобного рода можно и нужно думать не один год. Продуманный до последнего риффа и тончайшей барабанной сбивки брутал-дэт способен по-настоящему увлечь. Вокалист бесподобен в своих звероподобных, нечленораздельных вокальных перформансах, смахивающих на серьезные и глубокие лекции. Данный артикуляционный феномен совершается при содействии статичной долбежки бас-бочек, кромсающей мозг слушателя, и мощнейшего и плотного гитарного покрова. Но наступает момент, когда риффы и ударные становятся самоценны и, следовательно, свободны от строго заданных схем. В сотый раз повторюсь: интересное размазывание риффов по пластинке делает вполне неощутимым отсутствие соло. Да и зачем они здесь нужны, когда вокалист и так еле-еле укладывается со своим текстом в отведенное время! Но есть все же и инструментальные партии, заключающие в себе много уверенности, мощи и, не побоюсь этого слова, ума. Лучшие песни из этого мясного рулета выделять нецелесообразно, но это означает лишь то, что он аппетитен от начала до конца.
Строжайшие рекомендации. Не так уж много на этой планете талантливых продолжателей дела Suffocation, тем более из такой свободной страны, как Голландия. Настоятельно рекомендую почитать тексты этой группы: там сплошная философия и психология со всей присущей им терминологией, а не кровь и кишки (хотя, может, я их просто не заметил), что не может не радовать. |
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просмотров: 6719 |
It's a way of arranging matter, only based upon recognition.
Representative thinking is based upon existing matter.
It fails in the creation of concepts because new matter is neglected.
Creation has to evolve from necessity.
It's always on the crossing border of existing and non-existing matter.
Creation will be based upon imagination.
Rhizome - multiple entries of equal importance.
It's not equal to profession or learning.
Rhizome - enables one to connect the obvious with the non-obvious.
One will avoid obviousness.
2. Abolition Of Impediment
Stagnation is a result of too much controlled environments.
Crises are diguised, it will lead to mental passivity.
Illusion of differences is generated by this phenomenon.
Creativy is surpressed by the self-satisfaction of masses.
Creativity can unfold from imagination.
Stirred by confrontation with any kind of experience.
The confrontation between dominant structures.
And unsupressed intelligence occur at the edges of society.
Crises can be measured in the dynamic state of confrontation.
It enhances creativity, stagnation won't occur.
3. Reason Rejected
The basis for stagnation is the urge to objectivity, due to traditional reason.
It seperates reality in object and subject.
Quality and intuition is rejected, only reason is the guidance.
But in the state of stagnation, only quality will prevail.
Knowledge according to reason is rearranged matter.
It's only the memory of being, without the spirit of living.
Reality isn't static, but dynamic because of quality and intuition.
Which are the spirit of living, it will restrain one from being stuck.
Matter has to be objective in order to e discussible.
The object of discussion needs to be a tangible one.
To every subject involved, so it has to refer to a tangible object.
4. Condensed Conditions
Condensed conditions lead to controlled behaviour.
It's a way of thinking, focussed on an inaccessible target.
It should only be a guidance, not a higher achievement.
Because the only accomplishment, will be the fullfilment of the goal.
Eventually this behaviour leads to distraction.
This will disguise other relevant targets.
To be objective is a primary priority.
In order to determinate.
The importance of matter involved.
Condensed conditions, a fixed objective can lead to convenience.
Criticism will be obsolete.
5. Masses Conformed
The fixation on an image-based way of living.
Within the authoritarian society.
Is a perfect breeding-ground for the masses.
Which are initiator for this phenomenon.
This interaction between the masses and society.
Generates a flow of unwritten rules and values.
It enhances man's natural drive to form clusters.
And to compete with others within the framework of these structures.
The pact between the masses and society.
Morphs personalities into artificial one's.
Our own rules and values will be overruled.
By the one's generated by this dominant pact.
6. Unfolding Disposition
Evolution is a result of the capability of beings.
To adjust themselves to an ever changing environment.
The need to survive is one of the basic drivers.
It leads to man's drive to compete.
This phenomenon enhances man's drive to unfold oneself.
And to become an individual within the authoritarian society.
The unfolding of oneself is to unfold one's personality.
This will prevent itself to morph into an artificial one.
One need to expand as many borders as possible.
To let one's personality grow according to one's own rules and values.
7. Generative Patterns
Stigmatization can occur
When complex matter
Is processed as a while with intuition.
Functioning as its guidance.
In order to avoid this phenomenon matter must be dividing in layers.
Individually processed, coincidence defines the outcome.
Generative patterns, machines based upon coincidence.
They need to be seen more conceptual then phsyical.
The basic layers are specified, combinations and interactions generated.
These systems trigger new concepts in which the outcome can't be predicted.
8. Critical Emulation
Criticism is a result of man's natural drive to compete with others.
It has to be objective in order to be discussible.
So it has to refer to a tangible object.
It has to be based upon one's own rules and values.
But man cannot free itself from the authoritarian structures.
It's in man's nature to react according to and against these structures.
One has to free oneself from these structures in order to become really objective.
9. Opposite Extremities
Matter can be divided in opposite extremes.
These opposites permit multiple internal possibilities.
Criticizing matter, from one point of view, can lead to mental restrictions.
Restricted conceptions will occur.
Thinking from extremes, debilitates objectiveness.
Synopsis on matter involved will then be incomplete.
The area between extremes opens up multiple possibilities.
It enhances objectiveness in criticizing matter involved.
Because it's based upon differentiated ways of thinking.