Guns N' Roses
« Use Your Illusion II »
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1 | "Civil War" (Axl Rose/Slash/Duff McKagan) – 7:36
 | 2 | "14 Years" (Axl Rose/Izzy Stradlin) – 4:17
 | 3 | "Yesterdays" (Axl Rose/West Arkeen/Brian James/Billy McCloud) – 3:13
 | 4 | "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" (Bob Dylan) – 5:36
 | 5 | "Get in the Ring" (Axl Rose/Slash/Duff McKagan) – 5:29
 | 6 | "Shotgun Blues" (Axl Rose) – 3:23
 | 7 | "Breakdown" (Axl Rose) – 6:58
 | 8 | "Pretty Tied Up (The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence)" (Izzy Stradlin) – 4:46
 | 9 | "Locomotive (Complicity)" (Axl Rose/Slash) – 8:42
 | 10 | "So Fine" (Duff McKagan) – 4:04
 | | 11."Estranged" (Axl Rose) – 9:23
 | 12 | "You Could Be Mine" (Axl Rose/Izzy Stradlin) – 5:48
 | | 13."Don't Cry (Alternate Lyrics)" (Axl Rose/Izzy Stradlin) – 4:40
 | 14 | "My World" (Axl Rose) – 1:23 |
   Axl Rose: vocals, piano, keyboards and drum machine on "My World", rhythm guitar on "Shotgun Blues"
Slash: guitar, acoustic guitar, banjo on "Breakdown"
Izzy Stradlin: guitar, backing vocals, lead vocals on "14 Years", sitar on "Pretty Tied Up"
Duff McKagan: bass, backing vocals, lead vocals on "So Fine", percussion on "Locomotive"
Steven Adler: drums on "Civil War"
Matt Sorum: drums, percussion, backing vocals
Dizzy Reed: piano, organ, backing vocals
Also featuring:
Howard Teman: piano on "So Fine"
Shannon Hoon: vocals on "Don't Cry"
Johann Langlie: sound effects on "My World"
The Waters: backing vocals on "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"[ |
 | 1. Civil War
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week
Which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men."*
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Loo |
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 А это вторая часть глобального хард-рок заговора под названием "Use Your Illusion". В отличие от своей забойной первой части, вторая порция коктейля Молотова от хулиганов Guns N’ Roses звучит более размеренно, чему способствует обилие среднетемповых композиций с развернутым использованием рояля. Здесь мы почти не услышим heavy metal (но и сопливого глэма вы не найдете). Тут ставка сделана на более блюзово ориентированный хард-роковый материал. Звук и сведение в точности такие же, как и на предшественнике, поэтому довольно сложно писать об альбомах по отдельности. Лично я воспринимаю их как единое целое.
Несмотря на колоссальный успех, выпавший в то время на долю группы, вы не услышите на "Use Your Illusion II" ни капли самолюбования. Мы слышим все ту же непринужденность исполнения, что и на первой части, дополненную своеобразной развернутостью повествования. Начинает альбом композиция-размышление с антивоенным текстом "Civil War", которая задает тон всему альбому. Нельзя обойти вниманием позитивную "Yesterdays", несущую легкость и осознание того, что СЕГОДНЯ уже ничего не значит то, что было ВЧЕРА. Присутствует на диске любопытная и почти неузнаваемая версия древней песни Боба Дилана "Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door". Так, легко и по разгвоздяйски непринужденно G N’R сделали эту песню СВОЕЙ классикой. Нагло и профессионально (рейдеры, одним словом). После развеселой "Shotgun Blues" идет интереснейший блок песен из "Breakdown", "Pretty Tied Up" и "Locomotive". Очень развернутые композиции с интересными переходами, органичными партиями рояля и разнообразными вокалами. Устать от прослушивания этих песен попросту невозможно. В каждой из них есть некая пружина, которая постепенно распрямляется по мере прослушивания. Обратите на них внимание.
Далее, после расслабленной и вальяжно-удовлетворенной "So Fine" идет длиннющий эпик на 10 минут "Estranged". Это что-то! Это не песня... Это эмоциональное, музыкальное полотно, содержащее изумительные аранжировки и богатейшую палитру звучания, с настроением рвущейся наружу печали. Песня об одиночестве, о том, когда в душе ты старше своего возраста и чувствуешь необъяснимую тоску, прислушиваясь к самому себе и не находя ответа. Песня содержит в себе одно из самых эмоциональных соло Слэша за всю его творческую карьеру. Все-таки, в то время вся группа явно была настроена на одну волну. И в данной композиции это особенно слышно. Очень жаль, что борьба тщеславий в дальнейшем сгубила группу. Далее идет потрясающий хит "You Could Be Mine", которая является, наверное, самой разухабистой песней второй части Иллюзий. Любопытно послушать хорошо всем известную "Don’t Cry" с мало кому известной альтернативной лирикой.
В общем, слушать не переслушать. Удивительно сбалансированное и глубоко эмоциональное продолжение первого "Use Your Illusion". По сей день обе части "Use Your Illusion" дают увесистого пинка под задницу большинству групп, играющих не только в подобном стиле, но и в металле в целом, независимо от его направления. Такому не научишься. Чтобы выпускать такие шедевры, помимо таланта и здоровой доли непосредственности нужно этим жить. Это необходимо прочувствовать и пропустить через себя. И знаете, что я ещё скажу? Вот это и есть то самое TRUE в самом широком смысле! Снимаю шляпу. |
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К записи второй части альбома «Use Your Illusion» группа Guns 'N' Roses подошла в несколько измененном составе. Добавился клавишник Dizzy Reed, а место Стивена Адлера за барабанной установкой занял Matt Sorum из The Cult. Как следствие, здесь не так много боевиков типа «Back Off Bitch» или «Garden of Eden», больше среднетемповых вещей, чаще используются клавишные и фортепьяно (как пример можно рассматривать «14 Years», отражающую концепцию второй части). Открывает альбом антивоенная полубаллада «Civil War» с пронзительным вокалом Эксла, под стать ей «Yestedays», неуловимо похожая на «Sweet Child of Mine». Мощная и нецензурная «Get in the Ring» отражает атмосферу концерта Guns 'N' Roses. Ее удачно продолжает один из быстрых номеров альбома «Shotgun Blues». Не обошлось и без кавер-версии. На сей раз жертвой группы пал Bob Dylan, точнее его «Knocking on Heaven's Door». Опять же, про вокал Эксла и гитарную работу можно говорить только в превосходной степени. Композиции альбома удачно перекликаются между собой, например, депрессивная и прекрасная «Estranded», своего рода индикатор душевного состояния Эксла Роуза, является своеобразным продолжением «So Fine». Главным же хитом альбома, если не считать балладу «Don't Cry» с альтернативной лирикой, является боевик «You Could Be Mine», дающий поистине электрический заряд энергии. Стоит отметить, что обе части «Use Your Illusion» так замечательно дополняют друг друга, что слушать их раздельно почти невозможно. Мы слышим «Back Off Bitch» - подразумеваем «Get in the Ring»! Это о неразделимости первой и второй частей альбома. |
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Вторая часть получилась более спокойной и умиротворенной, нежели первая. Уже одно наличие саундтрека к культовому фильму Терминатор-2 говорит о многом. Саунд соответствует тем же характеристикам, что и первая часть, они прекрасно дополняют друг друга, начало дерзкое и агрессивное, концовка спокойная и размеренная. По части красоты песен более мелодичный и вдумчивый материал. Если кто-то не слышал, непременно обзаведитись диском и просто ловите кайф от по-настоящему шикарной музыки. |
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просмотров: 48950 |
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before
My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars
D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
An I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
for their promised land
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
Look at the shoes you're filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more
My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
and government officials
for example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
as popular war advances.
Peace is closer"
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war
I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway
2. 14 Years
I try and feel the sunshine
You bring the rain
You try and hold me down
With your complaints
You cry and moan and complain
You whine an tear
Up to my neck in sorrow
The touch you bring
You don't just step inside to 14 years
So hard to keep my own head... that's what I say
You know... I've been the beggar...
I've played the thief
I was the dog... they all tried to beat
But it's been
14 years of silence
It's been
14 years of pain
It's been
14 years that are gone forever
And I'll never have again
Your stupid girlfriends tell you
That I'm to blame
Well-they're all used-up has-beens
Out of the game
This time I'll have the last word
You hear what I say
I tried to see it your way
It won't work today
You just don't step inside to 14 years
So hard to keep my own head...
that's what I say
You know... I've been the dealer...
hangin' on your street
I was the dog... they all tried to beat
But it's been
14 years of silence
It's been
14 years of pain
It's been
14 years that are gone forever
And I'll never have again
Bullshit and contemplation
Gossip's their trade
If they knew half the real truth
What would they say
Well I'm past the point of concern
It's time to play
These last 4 years of madness
Sure put me straight
Don't get back 14 years
In just one day
So hard to keep my own head
Just go away
You know... just like a hooker she said
Nothin's for free
Oh I tried to see it your way
I tried to see it your way
3. Yesterdays
Yesterday, there was so many things
I was never told
Now that I'm startin' to learn
I feel I'm growin' old
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me
Old pictures that I'll always see
Time just fades the pages
in my book of memories
Prayers in my pocket
And no hand in destiny
I'll keep on movin' along
with no time to plant my feet
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me
Old pictures that I'll always see
Some things could be better
if we'd all just let them be
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Got nothin' for me
Yesterday there were so many things
I was never shown
Suddenly this time I found
I'm on the streets and I'm all alone
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me
Old pictures that I'll always see
I ain't got time to reminisce old novelties
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
4. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
оригинал: Bob Dylan
Mama take this badge from me
I can't use it any more
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Mama put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them any more
That cold black cloud is comin' down
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
Kn-knockin' on heaven's door
"You just better start sniffin' your own
rank subjugation jack 'cause it's just you
against your tattered libido, the bank and
the mortician, forever man and it wouldn't
be luck if you could get out of life alive"
Kn-kn-knockin' on heaven's door
5. Get In The Ring
Why do you look at me when you hate me
Why should I look at you when you make me hate you too
I sense a smell of retribution in the air
I don't even understand why the fuck you even care
And I don't need your jealousy yeah
Why drag me down in your misery
And when you stare you don't think I feel it
But I'm gonna deal it back to you in spades
When I'm havin' fun ya know I can't conceal it
'Cause I know you'd never cut it in my game oh no
And when you're talkin' about a vasectomy yeah
I'll be writin' down your obituary
You got your bitches with
the silicone injections
Crystal meth and yeast infections
Bleached blond hair, collagen lip projections
Who are you to criticize my intentions
Got your subtle manipulative devices
Just like you I got my vices
I got a thought that would be nice
I'd like to crush your head tight in my vice
And that goes for all you punks in the press
That want to start shit by printin' lies
Instead of the things we said
That means you
Andy Secher at Hit Parader
Circus Magazine
Mick Wall at Kerrang
Bob Guccione Jr; at Spin
What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more
Pussy than you?
Fuck you
Suck my fuckin' dick
You be rippin' off the fuckin' kids
while they be payin' their hard earned
Money to read about the bands
they want to know about
Printin' lies startin' controversy
You wanta antagonize me
Antagonize me motherfucker
Get in the ring motherfucker
And I'll kick your bitchy little ass
I don't like you, I just hate you
I'm gonna kick your ass, oh yeah! oh yeah!
You may not like our integrity yeah
We built a world out of anarchy oh yeah
And in this corner weighing in at 850 pounds,
Guns N' Roses
Get in the ring
Yeah this song is dedicated to
all the guns n' fuckin' roses
Fans who stuck with us through all the
fucking shit
And so all those opposed...
6. Shotgun Blues
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't wait here forever
I got too much here to lose
An now you're blowin' smoke
I think you're one big joke
Me... I gotta lot ta learn
An I'm still waitin' for the heads to turn
You say I walk a line
Fuck they move it every time
You walk a mile in my shoes
And then you tell me 'bout singin' the blues
You get what you pay for
An freedom's real high priced
An while you're rippin' off children
Somebody's fuckin' your wife
It's never made a difference
It's only how you survive
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't wait here forever
I got too much here to lose
An now you ask me why
I said it's do or die
I'll stick it right in your face
And then I'll put you
in your motherfuckin' place
An you... you can suck my ass
An I think it's so low class
Me... I'm just so concerned
I'm still waitin' for your ass to burn
Ooooh you want a confrontation
I'll give you every fuckin' chance
With your verbal masturbation
Me... I just like to dance
How's that for provocation
I'm just makin' a stance
An I'm tired of the frustration
Of livin' inside of your lies
And I'm wired on indignation
I said somebody's got to die
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't wait here forever
I got too much here to lose
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
Listen motherfucker
you're about to pay your dues
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
If you're goin' up against me
Then you know you're gonna lose
I know
I know (there's ways – that we – can find)
I know
I know
You think anyone with and I.Q. over fifteen
Would believe your shit... fuckhead
Nothin' but a fuckin' pussy
7. Breakdown
We all come in from the cold
We come down from the wire
An everybody warms themselves
to a different fire
When sometimes we get burned
You'd think sometime we'd learn
The one you love is the one
that should take you higher
You ain't got no one
you better go back out and find her
Just like children hidin' in a closet
Can't tell what's goin' on outside
Sometimes we're so far off the beaten track
We'll get a taken for a ride
By a parlor trick or some words of wit
A hidden hand up a sleeve
To think that the one you love
could hurt you now
Is a little hard to believe
But everybody darlin' sometimes
bites the hand that feeds
When I look around
everybody always brings me down
Well is it them or me well I just can't see
But there ain't no peace to be found
But if some one really cared,
well they'd take the time to spare
A moment to try and understand
another one's despair
Remember in this game we call life
that no one said it's fair
Let me hear it now
Let me hear it now
Let me hear it now
Let me hear it now
Get down with yo' bad self
I've come to know the cold
I think of it as home
When there ain't enough of me to go around
I'd rather be left alone
But if I call you out of habit I'm out of love and
I gotta have it
Would you give it to me if I fit your needs
Like when we both knew we had it
But now the damage's done
and we're back out on the run
Funny how ev'rything was roses
when we held on to the guns
Just because you're winnin'
don't mean you're the lucky ones
Let me hear it now
Let me hear it now
"There goes the challenger being chased
by the blue blue meanies on wheels
The vicious traffic squad cars are after
our lone driver
The last American hero
The-the electric sintar
The demi-God,
the super driver of the Golden West!
Two nasty Nazi cars are close behind
the beautiful lone driver
The police cars are getting closer-closer...
Closer to our soul hero in his soul mobile,
yeah baby!
They about to strike, they gonna get him,
smash! rape!
The last beautiful free soul on this planet
But... it is written if the evil spirit arms
the tiger with claws
Brahman provided wings for the dove
Thus spake the super guru"
"Did you hear that"
8. Pretty Tied Up
I know this chick she lives down on Melrose
She ain't satisfied without some pain
Friday night is goin' up inside her... again
Well crack the whip
'Cause that bitch is just insane
I'm serious
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
She's pretty tied up an you can ride her
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
I can't tell you she's the right one
Oh no, oh no, oh no
Once there was this rock n' roll band
Rollin' on the streets
Time went by and it became a joke
We just needed more and more fulfilling –
Time went by and it all went up in smoke
But check it out
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
She's pretty tied up an you can ride her
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
I can't tell you she's the right one
Oh no, oh no, oh no
Once you made that money it costs more now
It might cost a lot more than you'd think
I just found a million dollars
that someone forgot
It's days like this that push me o'er the brinks
Cool and stressing
(pronounced: kool ranch dres'ing)
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
She's pretty tied up an you can ride her
She's pretty tied up hangin' upside down
I can't tell you she's the right one
Oh she's the right one... (etc.)
Gonna find a way to cure this loneliness
Yeah I'll find a way to cure the pain
If I said that you're my friend
And our love would never end
How long before I had your trust again
I opened up the doors when it was cold outside
Hopin' that you'd find your own way in
But how can I protect you
Or try not to neglect you
When you won't take the love I have to give
I bought me an illusion
An I put it on the wall
I let it fill my head with dreams
And I had to have them all
But oh the taste is never so sweet
As what you'd believe it is –
well I guess it never is
It's these prejudiced illusions
that pump the blood
To the heart of the biz
You know I never thought
that it could take so long
You know I never knew how to be strong
Yeah, I let you shape me
But it feels as though you raped me
'Cause you climbed inside my world
And in my songs
So now I've closed the door
to keep the cold outside
Seems somehow I've found the will to live
But how can I forget you
or try not to reject you
When we both know it takes time to forgive
Sweetness is a virtue
and you lost your virtue long ago
You know I'd like to hurt you
but my conscience always tells me no
You could sell your body on the street
to anyone whom you might meet
Who'd love to try and get inside
and bust your innocence open wide
'Cause my baby's got a locomotive
My baby's gone off the track
My baby's got a locomotive
Got ta peel the bitch off my back
I know it looks like I'm insane
Take a closer look I'm not to blame
Gonna have some fun with my frustrations
Gonna watch the big screen in my head
I'd rather take a detour
'cause this road ain't gettin' clearer
Your train of thought has cut me off again
Better tame that boy 'cause he's a wild one
Better tame that boy for he's a man
Sweetheart don't make me laugh
you's gettin' too big for your pants
And I's think maybe you should
cut out while you can
You can use your illusion –
Let it take you where it may
We live and learn
and then sometimes it's best to walk away
Me I'm just here hangin' on
It's my only place to stay at least
For now anyway
I've worked too hard for my illusions
Just to throw them all away
I'm taking time quiet consolation
In passing by this love that's passed away
I know it's never easy –
so why should you believe me
When I've always got so many things to say
Calling off the dogs a simple choice is made
'Cause playful hearts
can sometimes be enraged
You know I tried to wake you –
I mean how long could it take you
To open up your eyes and turn the page
Kindness is a treasure –
and it's one towards me you've seldom shown
So I'd say it for a good measure
To all the ones like you I've known
Ya know I'd like to shave your head
And all my friends could paint it red
'Cause love to me's a two way street
An all I really want is peace
But my baby's got a locomotive
My baby's gone off the track
My baby's got a locomotive
Got ta peel the bitch off my back
I know it looks like I'm insane
Take a closer look I'm not to blame
Affection is a blessing
Can you find it in your sordid heart
I tried to keep this thing ta-gether
But the tremor tore my pad apart
Yeah I know it's hard to face
When all we've worked for's gone to waste
But you're such a stupid woman
and I'm such a stupid man
But love like time's got its own plans
'Cause my baby's got a locomotive
My baby's gone off the track
My baby's got a locomotive
Got ta peel the bitch off my back
I know it looks like I'm insane
Take a closer look I'm not to blame
If love is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane
Love's so strange
9. So Fine
How could she look so fine
How could it be she might be mine
How could she be so cool
I've been taken for a fool so many times
It's a story of a man
who works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
as the story takes its turn
An leaves a broken man
How could she be so cool
How could she be so fine
I owe a favor to a friend
My friends they always come through for me,
It's a story of a man
who works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
as the story takes its turn
An leaves a broken man
If you could only live my life
You could see the difference you make to me
To me
I'd look right up at night
and all I'd see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I wanna reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
Yeah... I think you know where that comes from
Well I'd look right up at night
and all I'd see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I wanna reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
I think you know where that comes from
How could she look so good (so good)
How could she be so fine
How could she be so cool
How could it be she might be mine
10. Estranged
When you're talkin' to yourself
and nobody's home
You can fool yourself
You came in this world alone
So nobody ever told you baby
how it was gonna be
So what'll happen to you baby
Guess we'll have to wait and see
One, two
Old at heart but I'm only 28
And I'm much too young
to let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late
To find ourselves so far apart
I don't know how you're s'posed
to find me lately
An what more could you ask from me
How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me
Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
When no one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart but I mustn't hesitate
If I'm to find my own way out
Still talkin' to myself and nobody's home
So nobody ever told us baby
how it was gonna be
So what'll happen to us baby
Guess we'll have to wait and see
When I find all of the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
An now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground
And you don't talk so loud
an you don't walk so proud
Any more, and what for
Well I jumped into the river too many times
to make it home
I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone
If it doesn't show give it time
To read between the lines
'Cause I see the storm getting closer
And the waves they get so high
Seems everything we've ever known's here
Why must it drift away and die
I'll never find anyone to replace you
Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time
Oh this time
Without you
I knew the storm was getting closer
And all my friends said I was high
But everything we've ever known's here
I never wanted it to die
11. You Could Be Mine
I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit ta burn and I'll rip your heart in two
An I'll leave you lyin' on the bed
I'll be out the door before ya wake
It's nuthin' new ta you
'Cause I think *we've seen that movie too
'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine
Now holidays come and then they go
It's nothin' new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars I'm home again
'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine
You've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't ya give it a rest
Must you find
Another reason to cry
While you're breakin' down my back n'
I been rackin' out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the same
You can push it for more mileage
But your flaps r' wearin' thin
And I could sleep on it 'til mornin'
But this nightmare never ends
Don't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
An you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand
'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
An you haven't grown up yet
You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be
You should be
You could be mine
12. Don't Cry
If we could see tomorrow
What of your plans
No one can live in sorrow
Ask all your friends
Times that you took in stride
they're back in demand
I was the one who's washing
blood off your hands
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
I know the things you wanted
they're not what you have
With all the people talkin' it's drivin' you mad
If I was standing by you how would you feel
Knowing your love's decided
and all love is real
An don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
I thought I could live in your world
as years all went by
With all the voices I've heard
something has died
And when you're in need of someone
my heart won't deny you
So many seem so lonely
with no one left to cry to baby
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
there's a heaven above you baby
An don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry
13. My World
You wan'da step into my world
It's a sociopsychotic state of bliss
You've been delayed in the real world
How many times have you hit and missed?
Your cat-scan shows disfiguration
I wanna laugh myself to death
With a misfered synapse
with a bent configuration
I'll hold the line while you gasp for breath
You wanna talk to me
So talk to me
You wanna talk to me
You can't talk to me
You don't understand your sex
You ain't been mindfucked yet
Let's do it
Oh my distorted smile
Guess what I'm doing now