« The Upcoming Terror »
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1 | Forbidden Reality
 | 2 | Nemesis
 | 3 | Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)
 | 4 | The Last Man
 | 5 | Assassin
 | 6 | Holy Terror
 | 7 | Bullets
 | 8 | Speed Of Light |
   Robert Gonnella - Vocals
Markus Ludwig - Bass
Dinko Vekic - Guitars
Jürgen Scholz - Guitars
Psycho Danger - Drums |
 | Forbidden Reality
In the land of myth and tales the forbidden temple lies
Hard to reach, hard to find
Jungle surround that ancient place
Already the last priest is dead, no one alive
It is the secret of the old temple
Where no one stepped in for the hundred of years
Because of the fea |
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 Говоря о немецком трэше, сразу вспоминают тройку Destruction, Kreator, Sodom, забывая про легендарных Assassin, оставивших миру всего 2 альбома в то время, но КАКИХ.
В далёком 86 году мало задумывались о музыкальности и мелодичности, в то время в цене были скорость и злость. Выделялись из этого ряда, на мой взгляд, разве что Destruction со своим "Eternal Devastation".
Данный же альбом великолепно соединяет и злой дух того времени, и скорость, и мелодичность, находящуюся в бриджевых риффах и многочисленных соло. Стиль можно охарактеризовать как speed thrash. При этом, песни не похожи одна на другую, каждая оригинальна и сразу откладывается в голове, а красивейшие соло дополняют картину. Альбом слушается на одном дыхании, а после повторных прослушиваний открываются новые грани и всегда найдешь для себя что-нибудь новое.
Техника музыкантов также на высоте: гитаристы играют с огромной для того времени скоростью, ударные срываются чуть ли не в бластбиты, а соло-партии являются не простым прогоном гамм и отлично подчеркивают тему песни. В особенности по этой части хотелось бы выделить песни "The Last Man" и "Holy Terror", в которых они очень разнообразны. Впечатление от всего этого смазывает разве что качество записи (довольно грязное) и не очень ровное сведение.
В итоге этот альбом уделывет своих коллег по цеху и может на равных потягаться с американцами. Если бы не печальный казус с кражей инструментов и преждевременный распад группы, мы бы сейчас имели на пару-тройку больше отличных thrash-альбомов.
Рекомендую всем поклонникам жанра. |
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Очень интересный альбом. Скоростной трэш-спид с разнообразными интересными темами, кучей мелодичных соло. И голос с хрипотцой. Говоря про этот альбом, хочется подчеркнуть его атакующую динамичность, наверное, это его основное качество. А так, все как у всех в то время в Германии – fight for rights, holy terror, и др. Материал очень хорош, спору нет, западает в память. Возможно, звук мог бы быть почетче, ну да ладно, 1986 год как никак. Из вещей ничего выделять не хочется, все треки ровные. И все же обычно все хвалят инструменталку “Speed Of Light”. В общем, очень хороший альбом. |
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просмотров: 22107 |
It is the unknown hidden place
Near by the door, broken by storm
An unknown symbol is
It's dark with dust and turned in black
But it shining without light
No reasons for these odd events, is it not true?
We are the living masters of life
Who have to behave and have to be brave
So what we are save
We have fences all over the place
We can't tell truth, no clear thinking
Does the temple influence us all?
No true exist in front us all
Isn't that all possible
Try to think and understand about place
Of the temple
If it gets destroyed and burned down
We will live again
Already the last priest is dead, no one alive
It is the secret of the old temple
Nemesis hordes of hades are blasting over the earth
Saveness diapering frightening of the human
Death for the guilty one, no hope is given to them
No mercy as a result, Nemesis will punish them
Deathly breeze of wind plunging into the city
Unimaginable creatures arrived and spread
Out into their streets
Pain for the guilty one
Destruction is what they earn
After ruling a period of time, Nemesis punish the…
Cruel which killed thousands of innocent lifes
Death to these old kings which slayed our children
Execution has begun, the goddess decided to kill
Massacre creates a new world, blood has to be spoile
The horrors which are over exist not any longer
The humane race is saved, Nemesis disappearing
How long would freedom stay?
Will Nemesis save us again or was it just a dream
Our goddess will:
Stay a myth forever remembered
We need her help to ever survive
Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)
Death, swords and inhuman minds control our world
Marxists, nazies and communists steel freedom
From our lifes
Go wild you banging crowd
Destroy there rules of tyranny
What we will stay about life, when we are living free
Fight for, fight for right
Fight for, fight for fight for freedom now
Fight for, fight for right
Fight to stop the tyranny
The masses of people are on the road
And starting riot and strikes
Spending all of their energy to kill
The kings of our world
The Last Man
In a day of 1999 it had to happen
The result of man's stupidity became real
Death smell is everywhere
In their nicely worked out war plan
Through the sky come rockets down there people are scored
Everybody does try to save his own everywhere in town
On the run the people turn to animals
Love and hate does not exist here more
No more hope
Which led to the world's last breath
Fire does control our world till the end
Go fight stand up if you are not scared
Tell them the people are dead
The merciless radioactivity spread real fast
Burning skin makes the pain a torture, everybody gets blind
Can`t feel hot and cold no more, it is so strange
Listen to the people helpless screams, it is too late
Moving forward slowly and together we are strong
We will tell them what we are thinking
About their bloody war
And we stop the war and there will be no hate
And we will together rule the world peacefully
He comes through the night
And is going to be ready to fight
His sword will kill every time it is going for his will
The death has taken you can see his anger in his face
The hate and the fate mixed up because it is far too late
Go assassin, fight assassin
Kill assassin, the life assassin
The blood which flows brainless killing for that life will go
Metal in your vein is giving them the deadly pain
The bloody useless war will make sense
And thinking really shot
The kill is his will and that's what always has been his drill
Go fight kill assassin
Go fight kill assassin
Go fight kill assassin
Go fight kill assassin
Take a look in his face you'll see power
And glory and real hate
The eyes which cries make you feel so cold
Like freezing ice
The real makes you feel like iron, gold
And silver steel
Lists of priests can't come help
Because he is the beast
Bullets do represent the war
Bullets are not game
Bullets are made just to kill
To overcoming enemies
Shooting, killing and smashing
That is the bullets idea
You won`t have another chance
To love your life secondly
Bullets are killing for no meaning
Bullets will bring the death
Bullets are killing for no meaning
Bullets will bring the death
Bullets are made by human hand
Bullets are not alive
Bullets are thrashing through the place
Destructing the rest of our world
Bullets are to kill, bullets do destruct
Bullets you will see, bullets, bullets
Bullets are will, bullets the countdown
Bullets you will see, bullets