 Действительно, где бы они были без Slayer? Может быть, их не было бы вообще как Sacred Reich. А между тем, SR служат примером того, что настоящая жизнь на трэш-сцене кипела и в стороне от Лос-Анджелеса и Нью-Йорка. Да и банда, если честно, странноватая: никто тогда не верил, что такая разношерстная компания может выдать на гора что-либо стоящее... Но вот, пожалте: скростной, бескомпромисный запил, сырые, дикие риффы, агрессиные гитарные соло. От (приятных) ассоциаций со знаменитым “Reign In Blood” (1986) от Slaуer топором не отмахаешься. Лично мне “Ignorance” нравится больше, ибо лучше слушается и не уличаем в детсадовском дьяволопоклонничестве. Тематически SR, в отличие от мэтров, очень политичны: война, гонка вооружений, нацисткая Германия, поддержка США террористических группировок в Латинской Америке, отупляющая система образования, воинственный атеизм... В моих глазах — явный плюс. К тому же, в бонусах — шикарно сыгранные, но не отличающиеся особой оригинальностью каверы на Black Sabbath, MDC и Judas Priest.
Но у материала есть один трабл: SR не хватает той броскости и ярости, с которыми до сих пор играют Slayer, т.е. “Ignorance” слушается так, будто парни тяжёлые ботинки всё же надели, но пнуть ими слушателя в задницу-таки забыли. Возможно, на следующим альбоме они добрались бы и до этого пункта программы, если бы им не вздумалось развиватсья в несколько другом направлении, а это уже другая история. Пока же на повестке дня нехилый полноформатный дебют, записанный под мудрым руководством Брайена Слэджела и Билла Метойера, и наверняка заставивший Слееров пару раз неуютно поёжиться. |
Так в Штатах в 87-ом году играли только Slayer. И этим все сказано, мощнейший трэш без тени ребячества, все сурово, серьезно, ни намека на какое бы то ни было веселье. Диск очень хорошо записан, песни проносятся, как единый монолит, дробя и сокрушая сознание. Плотный саунд и нацеленность группы на техничность делают свое дело! |
Automatic weapons in hand
You say you're what the police want
Why must you kill them to secure their vote
Death squad escort them to the polls
Puppet regime with you at the head
You've rid them of a communist threat
Your brand of "democracy" is now in control
And all of your people lie dead
Taken by force
Controlled by fear
Death squad police of the right
Must stamp out subversion
Dissention, unrest
Those who oppose will meet death
"Democracy" at any cost
The methods of freedom unclear
Right-wing radicals, abusing control
The choice will be democracy of death
Victim of Demise
Rotting corpse
Slowly rotting away
Fatally diseased
A victim of rancid decay
Death from inside
The fuge growing shorter his life
Darkness takes over
Pathetic victim of demise
Decomposing internal organs
Virus killing, mental disorder
Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter
Slowly losing his life
Agonizing, dying pain
From his body lifeblood is drained
Prolonged suffering driving inside
Victim of demise
Mutant genes
Confusing the code DNA
Cancerous onslaught
An end to the suffering you pray
A lesion, a polyp, a cyst
Functional torture
Entrails mangle and twist
Decomposing internal organs
Virus killing, mental disorder
Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter
Slowly losing his life
Agonizing, dying pain
From his body lifeblood is drained
Prolonged suffering driving inside
Victim of demise
Rotting corpse
Slowly rotting away
Fatally diseased
A victim of rancid decay
Death from inside
The fuge growing shorter his life
Darkness takes over
Pathetic victim of demise
Decomposing internal organs
Virus killing, mental disorder
Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter
Slowly losing his life
Agonizing, dying pain
From his body lifeblood is drained
Prolonged suffering driving inside
Victim of demise
Evil minds bend on destruction
Ignoring the pleas of their race
The final chapter in humanic abduction
All signs of society erased
People asking fewer questions
Letting politicians do their thinking
Not questioning nuclear judgement
As warheads enter our space
Our atmosphere clouded with poison
We're killing ourselves to live
Filling the world with hate and dissention
We'll have only our lives to give
What we do now is the key to the future
We'll only have ourselves to blame
For arming the world with the tools of destruction
Our ignorance means death
Warring on opposite nations
Starvation amongst impoverished nations
Outlook bleak for the world residue
Ignorance of mankind
Clouding the world with residue
Of man's toxic industry
Slowly killing nameless victims
Whose ignorance leaves them dead
Our atmosphere clouded with poison
We're killing ourselves to live
Filling the world with hate and dissention
We'll have only our lives to give
What we do now is the key to the future
We'll only have ourselves to blame
For arming the world with the tools of destruction
Our ignorance means death
We're crowded with anger inventions of danger
From man's diabolical mind
Humanities dying no use in trying
It's only a matter of time
How long will it be before there's no air to breathe
And our water is polluted water
Ignorance runs rampant noone is caring
Suicide of the human race
No Believers
What is this lie there is no truth
There is no God there is no proof
They say there is a higher beeing
He was crucified, torn and bleeding
The Bible is a lie
I defy the lying priest
God doesn't control my life
I choose me own destiny
Religion is for the weak
Your soul will die forever
Get up off your knees
There's no God in heaven
What is God, imagination
A symbol of lies and frustration
Your saviour Jesus was lost
When he was nailed to the cross
The Bible is a lie
I defy the lying priest
God doesn't control my life
I choose me own destiny
Religion is for the weak
Your soul will die forever
Get up off your knees
There's no God in heaven
Screaming prophets
Screaming prophets control your mind
Fake messiah
Fake messiah bathed in lies
Devour Christians
Devour Christians see the light
Do not question
Do not question God is right
Millions of Christians accept in their heart
Their saviour is Jesus have faith in the cross
There is no truth to the holy cross
But millions follow millions are lost
The Bible is a lie
I defy the lying priest
God doesn't control my life
I choose me own destiny
Religion is for the weak
Your soul will die forever
Get up off your knees
There's no God in heaven
Violent Solutions
Lurking in the shadows
Hidden from the light
Admist the degredation
His thirst for blood arise
The quest for carnal pleasures
The growing need for flesh
Senseless brutal beatings
Phsycotic lust is fed
Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds
Innocent victims killed by death
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood
Fleeting screams you have succumb
Up from wretched alleys
Strewn with shards of glass
Burning eyes of hatred
All sign of life be gone
Mission maim, destruction
Mauled and scarred to death
Return to darkened alleys
To rise and kill again
Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds
Innocent victims killed by death
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood
Fleeting screams you have succumb
Cast into poverty
To live amongst the dead
Skid row life of hoplessness
Fuels hatred of mankind
Release of cruel emotions
Takes from homicide
No answer to his question
Violent solutions abide
Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds
Innocent victims killed by death
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood
Fleeting screams you have succumb
Rest in Peace
Afraid to close your eyes
Too scared of what you'll see
The nightmares, blood, the horror
but it's just a dream
You know it's not for real
It's only in your head
Now lying down to sleep
Why do you feel so close to death
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
Awakened by your screams
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
No longer rest in peace
Is he real or fantasy
He infiltrates your brain
He knows your darkest fears
You know it's driving you insane
Attacking when you least expect
In the dead of the night
A grotesque sight of rotting flesh
Awakened by your cries
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
Awakened by your screams
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
No longer rest in peace
You hear his voice, you try to run
He sees your every step
He's right behind and with his knife
He 'll R.I.P. you to your death
He comes for you, you cannot hide
He wields his bloody knife
It R.I.P.s your skin, slashes your face
Tonight he ends your life
Lying in your own cold sweat
It's just a dream of death
He's not for real you're still alive
What are the bloodstains on your bed
Remove the sheets to reveal
A body torn and scarred
Confused and scared a dream come true
His laughter from the dark
Your worst nightmare realized
He's made of bones and flesh
Not haunts you in your sleep
He's real as is your death
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
Awakened by your screams
Terror in the night
Not as real as it seems
He's come to take your life
No longer rest in peace
Sacred Reich
Striking fear in the hearts of men
The war machine will leave you dead
Rockets launching, lightning up the sky
The end is near, it's your time to die
Lightning war hititng fast and hard
No time to act the world caught off guard
The Fuhrer's troops invade the land
To spread his teachings the master plan
Blitzkrieg, lightning war
Hitler to kill them all
Pure bred Arayan man
Sacred Reich's master plan
His Nazi army to control the world
Exterminate those who stand in his way
Evil butchers know just what to do
Killing millions of Russians and Jews
Can this madman be stopped
Is there hope for world peace
We must kill Hitler
To stop this Nazi disease
Blitzkrieg, lightning war
Hitler to kill them all
Pure bred Arayan man
Sacred Reich's master plan
Goering's Luftwaffe turned to ash
Stormtroopers fall in defeat
The end of the Final Solution
The Third Reich falls to it's knees
His dream undone
Hitler is dead
The beloved Fuhrer
Put a bullet in his head
Blitzkrieg, lightning war
Hitler to kill them all
Pure bred Arayan man
Sacred Reich's master plan
Administrative Decisions
Comformity training center
Seas of mindless brain dead kids
Wandering lost forever
What an education is
Don't speak out, don't make waves
You get an education free
Just play along with our games
This system just ain't right for me
Faculty not ready to accept our needs
Schools geared to what parents want to see
Knowledge comes second to doing what you're told
We deny you exist we have an image to uphold
Obedient little classes
In this fascist little high school world
Encouraging apathy
Get involved and you'll get burned
Student council chosen
To meet the wishes, student needs
Principal with veto power
Sees these wishes meet defeat
Faculty not ready to accept our needs
Schools geared to what parents want to see
Knowledge comes second to doing what you're told
We deny you exist we have an image to uphold
Graduate or be cast out
You can't fit in there is no doubt
Just go get your GED
'Cause high school ain't right for me
What a shame you almost passed
Sorry though you could not be last
You have no chance to succeed
Fuck you all, just watch and see
Faculty not ready to accept our needs
Schools geared to what parents want to see
Knowledge comes second to doing what you're told
We deny you exist we have an image to uphold